Masterlist of Characters

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Character Played By Group
Faceclaim list (APPLY)
Minthe (Underworld Nymph) (APPLY)
Plot Resources (APPLY)
Aether (God of Light) (APPLY) Demigods
Baphomet (Deity of Good and Evil) (APPLY) Demigods
Deimos (God of Terror) (APPLY) Demigods
Hemera (Goddess of the Day) (APPLY) Demigods
Hermes (Messenger of the Gods) (APPLY) Demigods
Iris (Messenger of the Gods) (APPLY) Demigods
Koros (God of Extravagant Joy) (APPLY) Demigods
Megaera (Fury) xEvanescencex Demigods
Moros (God of Doom) (APPLY) Demigods
Morpheus (God of Dreams) (APPLY) Demigods
Phobos (God of Fear) (APPLY) Demigods
Selene (Goddess of the Moon) (APPLY) Demigods
Thalassa (Goddess of Fish) (APPLY) Demigods
Triton (Messenger of the Sea) (APPLY) Demigods
Zagreus (Prince of the Underworld) -deaththekid Demigods
Aphrodite (Goddess of Love) xEvanescencex Goddesses
Artemis (Goddess of Wildlife/Hunt) (APPLY) Goddesses
Athena (Goddess of Wisdom) (APPLY) Goddesses
Demeter (Goddess of Harvest) (APPLY) Goddesses
Hebe (Goddess of Youth) xEvanescencex Goddesses
Hera (Goddess of Marriage) xEvanescencex Goddesses
Hestia (Goddess of Family/Architecture) (APPLY) Goddesses
Ilithyia (Goddess of Childbirth) (APPLY) Goddesses
Persephone (Queen of the Underworld) xEvanescencex Goddesses
Apollo (God of Art and Music) (APPLY) Gods
Ares (God of War) (APPLY) Gods
Dionysus (God of the Wine/Pleasure) (APPLY) Gods
Hades (God of the Underworld) (APPLY) Gods
Hephaestus (God of Fire/Craft) -deaththekid Gods
Poseidon (God of the Sea) (APPLY) Gods
Zeus (God of the Sky) -deaththekid Gods
Arachne (Goddess of Spiders) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Discordia (Goddess of Strife) xEvanescencex Minor Gods/Godesses
Eris (Goddess of Chaos) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Hecate (Goddess of Witchcraft/Magic) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Hypnos (God of Sleep) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Nemesis (Goddess of Retribution) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Nike (Goddess of Victory) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Nyx (Goddess of the Night) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Thanatos (God of Death) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Tyche (Goddess of Fate/Chance) (APPLY) Minor Gods/Godesses
Achilles (Mortal) (APPLY) Mortals
Orpheus (Mortal) (APPLY) Mortals
Calliope (Epic Poetry) (APPLY) Muses
Clio (History) (APPLY) Muses
Erato (Love Poetry) (APPLY) Muses
Euterpe (Music) (APPLY) Muses
Melpomene (Tragedy) (APPLY) Muses
Polymnia (Hymns) (APPLY) Muses
Terpsichore (Dance) (APPLY) Muses
Thalia (Comedy) (APPLY) Muses
Urania (Astronomy) (APPLY) Muses
Eir (Goddess of Medical Skills) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Freya (Spirit of Victory) xEvanescencex Norse Goddesses
Frigg (Goddess of Marraige and Fertility) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Hel (Goddess of the Underworld) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Idunn (Goddess of Youth) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Nott (Goddess of the Night) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Ran (Goddess of the Sea) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Sif (Goddess of Beauty) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Skadi (Goddess of Winter) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Sol (Goddess of the Sun) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Thyr (Leader of the Valkyrie) (APPLY) Norse Goddesses
Heimdallr (The Vigilant) (APPLY) Norse Gods
Ivar Lothbrok (Ivar the Fearless) (APPLY) Norse Gods
Loki (The Trickster God) -deaththekid Norse Gods
Odin (All father) (APPLY) Norse Gods
Ratatoskr (The Sly Messenger) (APPLY) Norse Gods
Thor (God of Thunder) (APPLY) Norse Gods
Tyr (The Lawgiver) (APPLY) Norse Gods
Hyperion (God of Watchfulness) (APPLY) Titan/Titaness
Theia (Goddess of Sight) (APPLY) Titan/Titaness
Themis (Goddess of Law) (APPLY) Titan/Titaness