est 2/20/21
R-1: favorite the rp issa must before applying, feel free to upvote if you wanna but its not mandatory。
R-2: comment the stage name of wanted character + group *(ex: lucas of nct), reservations last 24hours and only extended if needed otherwise the chara will be deleted once expired。
R-3: for the love of good stuff no ooc drama, 2 strike rule, if it happens once try to squish it or tell the admin, if it happens again the one responsible will be kicked. i wanna make this a great run.. possibly a lengthy one so no bad vibes!
R-4: character limit is now reduced to 3 characters per person. Extra charas when inactive will receive one warning before being deactivated if gone inactive. make sure to post a new blog advertising the rp for each request you make (feel free to delete the last blog you made before the new recent one you made if you dont want a bunch of blogs about this rp in your stuff but make sure the blog is new and not buried before requesting for another chara) and you can only be one idol from each group。
R-5: inactivity sign shows up after 10 days and you will get one warning & 24hours to respond before being kicked, you will get 2 inactive warnings but if you go inactive a 3rd time you will be kicked without warning. so do say if you need a hiatus before your last strike and do NOT join just to hog a chara, if you post once every 5 or more days you will receive one hogging warning if it happens again you’ll be kicked for hogging the chara. If youll do this then dont bother joining buddy。
R-6: theres no dating ban, love at first sight and make memories no judges over here, move-in couples are allowed, mpreg allowed i dont really care。
R-7: when leaving be sure to pm head admin, no leave comments or they'll be deleted, pw - 'thnk fr th mmrs',
R-8: this is a semi-nonau roleplay so that things such as mpreg is looked at as normal , and for you guys to have a reason to plot and roleplay w/ one another and not just treat this place as a chat room. however you are still the idols or if you want you could make them fall off and get a regular job- your choices! and have fun creating memories!
its always fun to be apart of some amazing moments, to look back on and remember how great those times were, to possibly laugh or cry from the memories and wish you were in that moment again- and THATS what CMBYN is here for! our goal is to be a lasting memory, one that when our run ends we can look back and remember the good times, the unique peeps and all the above! sOO WE GONNA NEED SOME GOOD STUFF ON AISLE 15 PEEPS ITS SHOW TIME!。
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