Kwangju, Bussan and Seoul, for years now these
prosperous kingdoms have been at each others borders, trading,sharing celebrations and figting like all nations do.We are now in the fourth generation in the great Dominos' of Korea, come and join them... if you think you are worthy.
Are you of Kwangju perhaps, of the war town where ladies sit in wait of their husbands, royals nibble at peaches in their glorious gardens or the poor toil away in toxic coal mines.
Perhaps, you are of Bussan; the harvest nation. Markets, traders, fisherman and farmers. If it weren't for Bussan all the other kingdom's would starve you know. The people of Bussan are hardy, blunt and traditional...but hell they bring in a good harvest.
Or maybe, just maybe you are of Seoul. No one knows much about this mysterious kingdom, the pathway through the wall is guarded by dangerous maze, but if you are granted passage, you shall see Seoul is the kingdom or furthered technology. WIth cobblestones and luxury items, vistors are their for one of two things, to meet the splendor of the Dominos and parade down the streets with their parasols, or two slip down a backalley and slip a pleasure house mistress a silver.
So tell me, child. To what kingdom does your allegiance lie?
open | accepting applications for all kingdoms
prosperous kingdoms have been at each others borders, trading,sharing celebrations and figting like all nations do.We are now in the fourth generation in the great Dominos' of Korea, come and join them... if you think you are worthy.
Are you of Kwangju perhaps, of the war town where ladies sit in wait of their husbands, royals nibble at peaches in their glorious gardens or the poor toil away in toxic coal mines.
Perhaps, you are of Bussan; the harvest nation. Markets, traders, fisherman and farmers. If it weren't for Bussan all the other kingdom's would starve you know. The people of Bussan are hardy, blunt and traditional...but hell they bring in a good harvest.
Or maybe, just maybe you are of Seoul. No one knows much about this mysterious kingdom, the pathway through the wall is guarded by dangerous maze, but if you are granted passage, you shall see Seoul is the kingdom or furthered technology. WIth cobblestones and luxury items, vistors are their for one of two things, to meet the splendor of the Dominos and parade down the streets with their parasols, or two slip down a backalley and slip a pleasure house mistress a silver.
So tell me, child. To what kingdom does your allegiance lie?
open | accepting applications for all kingdoms
Credit to Visual Dreams Layout Gallery
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