




jobs available: 
+ cashier
+ shelf stocker



α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung smiled and nodded in confirmation once he agreed. But remembered that she turned red as a tomato no matter how little or much she drank. She considered inviting him out some other time, but figured if the hectic nature of her life hadn't scared him off yet, nothing like that would. "The driver will stay with Namseok or if he can't I can have my beta there in 15 minutes." Namseok stirred when his name was mentioned. Soojung decided to call up the beta figuring that Namseok would enjoy a visit with his 'uncle'. "I'm going out with a friend can you meet the driver at my house in about 15 minutes." Soojung questioned the person on the phone. Instantly the man launched into an interrogation as if he was speaking to his teenage sister rather than the lead alpha. But eventually he agreed and Soojung sent Namseok home.

"Sorry about that, my beta was very protective of my husband and then me and then Namseok." Soojung said thinking fondly of how mature and head strong the once impressionable beta had become. Soojung was embarrassed that she was discussing her late husband, which she had learned was a first date no. She then realized this wasn't even a date, or was it. They hadn't discussed it. But Soojung figured it was a friendly meeting. Besides the butcher could be in a serious relationship and Soojung had enough awkward relationship talk for the evening. They arrived at the front of the bar. It was quiet and seemed almost closed save for the LED sign that scrolled with the date and drink specials. "We're here." Soojung said opening the door.

There were a few patrons some lulling on the verge of unconsciousness other speaking animatedly. Soojung tried to search Yoongi's face for any indication he was uncomfortable but the dim lighting made it difficult. She hoped he would be okay or at least be bold enough to tell her that he didn't like it. Soojung didn't know why she came here, it was the first place she visited after her mourning period ended. She wandered in one day and forgot for a moment that she was a teenage mother.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Banks were corrupt these days if they were acting like this. Though it was he who caused a spectacle with his bad behavior... Whatever. Plus he did arrive with a bag of stolen money which belonged to the lead alpha of all people. He was a lowly butcher, a peasant in comparison, it was no wonder the bank employees suspected him of high crime. No matter the ghastly allegations, Yoongi had to let out a half smile and small wave when pointed out by Namseok. Who couldn't smile at the kid, huh? The male alpha was still being kept out of the loop here, but he didn't really mind. It was Soojung's business, and maybe Namseok's, not Yoongi's. He just waited until they were done and he was clear to go. Yoongi was definitely ready to go, that was for sure. He needed a nice day in the fields after all this trouble. Spending time alone in the quiet is what relaxed Yoongi and unwinded him from a tough day. Unfortunately, most of these quiet time sessions were berated by an array of annoying wolves that seriously needed to shut the up-- but now he was getting frustrated in thought of such bothersome people.

Yoongi's head snapped up when spoken to, giving a small smile and shake of the head. "Well, they would have tackled me down and cuffed me if I tried to leave." Maybe it was an over exaggeration, but whatever. He'd had enough of this day in time. The male noticed Namseok sleeping the day away and rather than thinking it was cute or anything, he was envious. Such a lucky kid... They can sleep whenever they want. Oh, Yoongi. He walked out with hands in his pockets and focus settling on Soojung. Drinks? That sounded just about right about now to be honest. Yoongi was tightly wound up from the day after all. "Sure, why not? But won't he be alone at home?" Yoongi could pull apart that something was wrong with the maid and that she was now gone, though he didn't know all the juicy details that he cared little about. "But if you're free, may as well." The alpha finally flashed out a genuine smile before turning his attention to a car arriving before them.
β Baek Ye Rin 10 years ago
@ω Byun Baekhyun YeRin puffed her cheeks out looking at the fruits at the shelf, biting her lips. She sighed as she took three peaches and put them inside the basket, yerin kept walking, she was thinking about what to eat today, or what she would cook.

Even though YeRin was a intimidating person since she was a beta, she was a hell of a cooker, and she had that soft spot for one person. Her friend was the one that made her want to pinch his cheeks at his puppy like face, but also give him a shoulder when he needed it.

Yerin really wanted to cook a well done plate for him, maybe watch a movie, something to make him smile. That was her mission, making him smile until his mouth ripped... Well not really.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung didn't think the staff would behave rudely to Yoongi. He after all was trying to help with the incident but his remark once she came suggested otherwise. The bank was for those with notable wealth. But it wasn't exclusive to them, anyone was welcome in the establishment. But she guessed it was an unspoken rule that you /had/ to be wealthy to come inside. One of the bank tellers approached Soojung and offered to take Namseok so she could handle business. But Soojung looked at her with a glare and replied "He stays with me." Her tone commanding and short. The woman immediately bowed and backed away. Soojung was protective of her son but with what had just occurred she held him extra close. The boy pushed away from her and pointed at Yoongi excitedly. "He's here!" The boy exclaimed. "Yes he's here." Soojung whispered returning her attention to the bank owner.

Soojung learned that there had been large sums of money withdrawn on days most often in the morning. After watching surveillance video, Soojung confirmed it was the maid who had taken the funds. But she couldn't figure out why. She never went on vacation and never bought anything expensive. Not even a car so she could travel around more easily. She wondered where all the money had went. Soojung asked to see the dates the transactions had taken place. They seemed like random dates until she reached one last year, the date her boyfriend broke up with her. She kept looking and a year earlier when a great she had been dating said that she had found someone else. She went through the entire list of transactions and realized that the woman was paying people to stay away from her. She wondered why the maid had been so invested in keeping her isolated.

The meeting finished with Soojung insisting that she wouldn't press charges. Soojung would have to settle this dispute herself. The maid was hiding something and Soojung was going to get to the bottom of it. Soojung realized Namseok had fallen asleep at some point carefully she stood up and rocked him. "Thanks for staying." She whispered to Yoongi. Soojung had called her driver and saw him waiting outside in the parking lot. "Do you want to get drinks? I can send Namseok home with the driver." The boy stirred at the mention of his name before nuzzling closer to Soojung.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Yoongi figured that Namseok would need Soojung right now, especially since it seemed like the woman figured out exactly what was going on. The male simply nodded, taking the instructions from the leader before she'd left. He didn't really know what was going on either way, so he headed down to the bank with some rush. After explaining the situation to the bank teller, who then brought out the manager, they could tell Yoongi was still just as confused as ever. The poor guy barely knew what to say when they accused him of stealing the money and feeling guilty so he came to drop it back off. Of course, the guy was always one to lose his temper when idiots didn't listen up the first time and jumped to fast conclusions with little real evidence. His furious behavior definitely shut them up long enough for them to listen. Jesus, people these days...

Time after time, the manager told Yoongi they couldn't do anything without the one and only Jung Soojung here. Else this could all be a hoax Yoongi was trying to pull, especially since he himself was a rather low class man when it came to income. "Whatever. She'll be here." Hopefully. The butcher plopped down in a chair, sulking it up a little while the bank employees kept a watchful eye on him. The wolf had already yelled at them, violence wasn't too far from coming out especially since one worker particularly got on Yoongi's nerves. That one would be getting her head bit off just from the butcher's bark if she spoke up to him again. It wasn't too long until the woman of the hour showed up.

Yoongi shot daggers at these unhelpful workers who were so kind to the alpha. He was still a person, wasn't he?! "Oh, look who decided to be cooperative now." The wolf sneered towards those workers before taking a little breath and turning his attention to Soojung. "Well, I'm glad I could help here. Still sort of hazy on the whole situation, but glad it's all taken care of." Yoongi definitely wasn't the most helpful guy, but it was nice to do something for someone.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung was surprised when Yoongi grabbed her hand she turned around to face him tilting her head in question. Soojung's eyes widened when he talked about the money, her initial reaction was that he was somehow a part of the scheme and she pulled her hand out of his grasp. But the more she thought about she realized that he was probably as confused as she was about the ordeal. When he passed her the bag of money Soojung opened it and quickly realized that it was the exact amount that had been missing from her account. Whoever had taken the money had seen her the day before with Yoongi and must have been very close to her to be able to have access to her bank account. Only one person came to mind, the maid. That evidence partnered with the fact that Namseok had seen the woman come in early in the morning. She panicked wondering if something bad had happened to her son.

"Yoongi, I have to get Namseok right now. Can you take the money to the bank and tell them what you told me. And that it's related to the missing funds from the Jung account." Before the other could reply Soojung was racing off toward her home. She heaved when she reached the path to her home before busting into the house startling the maid and Namseok. "Namseok go to your room and don't come out until I come for you." The boy nodded before climbing off of the sofa and hurrying into his room. "Did you need to speak with me Alpha?" The maid asked calmly. Before the woman could react Soojung was slamming her against the wall. "Just tell me why? I give you everything you want, a home, bonuses and vacations. Why would you steal from me?" The woman's eyes widened in panic, terrified that she would die at the hands of the alpha. "My son forced me too! He said that he was going to marry you and I had to keep everyone away from you until he did or he would kill me!" Soojung was skeptical of her words. "Get out of my house now, give me your key and get out don't pack any clothing just leave!" Soojung said before stepping back and watching the woman with close eyes. A few moments later the woman was gone apologizing thoroughly.

Soojung knocked on her son's door the boy hopping of the bed oblivious to what had occurred. "Namseok we're going out now." She said steering him out into the entry way. "Where's auntie?" He asked innocently. "Auntie is going to live with her boyfriend." She spoke calmly despite her blood boiling. "See I told you." He said following his mother toward her car. She drove toward the bank helping Namseok out of the vehicle sighing when she spotted Yoongi pleased he had followed her instructions. "Miss Jung we're so glad we can clear up this matter with you." The bank manager spoke. Soojung took a seat still holding Namseok in her arms.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Yoongi didn't think it was too weird to ask about Soojung's kid. He thought single moms usually brought their kids everywhere, but then again, this one had maids. Still, the butcher wasn't really the type to trust others, so he wouldn't want such a young boy hanging around with help that you have to pay to stay. "Okay, the one nearby is pretty good for keeping me awake in the morning, so I'm sure it'll taste good now too." Yoongi had morning shifts most of the time, so it was no surprise that his lazy needed coffee to work all day. But this bag... What should he even say? Would Soojung know what to do? Probably not... She'd be just as confused as him.

While Soojung took her phone call, Yoongi was wracking his brain about the situation at hand. Especially since she seemed to be talking about a bank issue, which involved money, thus connecting back to this brown bag of money. The butcher hadn't correlated Soojung's bank mishap to this particular bag of money yet. Nonetheless, when the lead alpha began moving along her way, the male wolf didn't know what to do. He /had/ to tell her about this now. "Um, wait." Automatically, he'd grabbed onto the woman's hand, not thinking about any of the other words she'd spoke. "Uh..." What did he want to say... "I don't know if this bank thing has to do with what I want to say, but I'm pretty sure someone's trying to mess with you or something. I got this call last night... They said to stay away from you, and they'd give me money. I just woke up and thought they were just ing around, so I asked for a thousand and hung up. Then I find this bag of it in the morning!" He was holding out said bag to her in total confusion. "I don't get why it happened or what it meant, but I figured that you should know about it." He decided to end there, unsure about what more to say other than what he'd already done.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung was surprised when Yoongi asked about Nameseok. Usually people were relieved that she had left they boy at home. Soojung wondered if the male was just trying to be a strong male figure for her rambunctious son. Either way it didn't matter to her, Soojung could use a role model for him and some company. "His name's Namseok, and I didn't bring him because I came straight from work." Soojung didn't know why she lied, maybe because it sounded like a better excuse than. 'I left him at home so I could I be alone with you.' "Wherever you'd like is fine." Soojung said turning to walk toward the exit. Soojung didn't really go out for coffee often and coffee shops in the area closed and opened up frequently. Soojung didn't know what her intentions were with the butcher. He was nice and honest, but she had been manipulated by many supposedly nice and honest people. She decided that friendship would be her goal, and if something else sparked between them she would be open to it.

Soojung's phone began ringing and she wondered if it was the school inquiring about Namseok's absence. She was surprised to learn it was an accountant from her bank. "Hello Miss Jung, you have been selected to take our customer satisfaction survey regarding your visit to the bank today at 5:39 AM." Soojung listened to the woman growing more and more confused as she spoke. "I haven't visited the bank today, you must be mistaken." Soojung replied. "At 5:39 AM you made a withdrawal of one thousand." The woman added her tone less cheerful. "I haven't visited the bank in two weeks." Soojung said. "Miss Jung would you please stop by the bank preferably today. There are some discrepancies in your account." The voice on the line was different now, a man spoke in a stern tone. Soojung agreed to the meeting before hanging up.

"I'm sorry, I'll have to take a rain check on that offer of coffee. Having some problems with my bank." Soojung was apologetic and hoped that Yoongi would be willing to reschedule. Soojung wasn't too concerned with the missing money it was a comparably small sum to her large fortune and probably just a electronic mistake made by the bank system. "Give me your number, if it's not to late after I get everything sorted out. I'll take you out for a drink?" Soojung didn't know if the man liked alcohol, she herself had only tasted the bitter liquid a few times. But figured it would be a nice chance to chat and get to know each other. "At least you got out of work a little early." Soojung said smiling, trying to lighten the mood and find a bright side to the situation. "Bye Yoongi." Soojung said waving slightly before turning away to walk in the direction of the bank.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung After a day with watchful eyes beside him, Yoongi was just about ready to crash. Well, at least for a break or two. He was almost done, however with the boss putting him on lock down for the whole day, he couldn't have a good time at all. Every little jest with the customers was carefully examined by the manager, dissected as if he were a dangerous microbe, not some butcher. Make one mistake and this is what you get... "Okay, let's finish up the last order for the day." A customer had paid for a rather large order today, so Yoongi was up to his elbows in meat. God, he probably smelled like it all too, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that meats like pork, chicken, and beef all on one person doesn't smell horrid. Or like a sweaty pig, one of the two, but was there really a difference? Thank God the day was coming to an end... A hot shower would soon be coming his way.

Ah, mayday mayday, another customer was approaching from the sound of those footsteps coming this way. The butchery was in an area of the supermarket were other vendors worked to sell free samples or special offer items, so there wasn't any merchandise other than the meats out right now; it was already past afternoon after all. Yoongi was sent into a few blinks and blank stares once he realized just who was here. Wait, didn't this one have maids and-- Oh, she came for coffee now?! It felt strange since the supermarket most definitely didn't fit such a regal looking woman. "Ah, give me a few minutes, yeah? We're still closing up shop." The money. What was he going to do about that... While he thought of a viable solution, the manager and him finished wrapping up and storing away all those fresh cuts. "You can head out. I'll finish clean up." Whoa, really? "Thanks, boss. It's not polite to keep a lady waiting, right?" The manager was literally glaring at him now. "Since when have you ever been polite to anyone?" Yoongi just laughed and nodded smugly while hanging his apron.

The young wolf picked up his paper bag after washing his hands well at the back sink. At least his hands could smell nice like clean soap... Whatever. The alpha would just have to deal with the smell of meat. Wolves should like it anyway? Like a nice perfume that appetized them or something. After fixing up his appearance just a bit so he wouldn't disappoint the lady who'd waited nearly fifteen minutes for him, Yoongi came out to her. "Sorry for the wait." How to bring up this money thing... The butcher began searching around a little, letting his eyes look around on the floor and around the aisles. "Where's the--" Without a moment to spare, the butchery snapped his body towards the meat display, blinking since he didn't find what he had been expected. After clearing his throat and turning back to the alpha somewhat, he started again, "Where's the kid? And any preference on coffee place? There's one right near outside otherwise." Yoongi was beginning to walk, clutching onto the bag by his side to make sure it didn't fall open on the floor. The male definitely wasn't one of those showstopping gentlemen, like ever, but he'd at least treat the alpha well enough. He felt like this was a flirty coffee date, but at the same time he thought this woman was just being nice or no... No, he definitely thought it was a date, he just didn't believe that some high up and mighty alpha who had maids and mansions would be wanting to go on a date with him of all people.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung was never really distracted while on the job. She was focused and alert most of the time maintaining a friendly but leader like image. But today she was lost in daydreams, and many people noticed. Even though she was one of the youngest people at the shelter she ran the place, so besides a few of her co workers suggesting she head home early to get a good rest. No one really about her being obviously distracted. Soojung realized that it would useless for her to spend the rest of her day balancing pencil on her nose at her desk and looking around confused when someone called her name. She decided to leave early and pick Namseok up from school. Maybe they could get ice cream before she left him at home with the maid.

Soojung saw quite a few children shuffling out of the building.She tried to identify Namseok among them but it didn't seem possible until she spotted a young boy running full speed toward the vehicle. Soojung pushed open the rear door and the boy leaped inside landing on his mother with a 'oompf'. Soojung laughed and hugged her son before telling the driver to head to the nearest ice cream place. "Are grandmother and grandfather here?" Namseok asked his initial happiness faltering, neither of them enjoyed the improtu visits, Namseok's father's parents paid to them."No, just wanted to see you." She said ruffling his hair. The boy accepted the response and waited until they arrived at the ice cream shop. Namseok had plenty of stories to tell about the day, even if he had only spent half of it away from Soojung. When they arrived back at the estate. Soojung just waved from the vehicle not bothering to get out just sending Namseok in.

Soojung sat in the vehicle for a few moments after she arrived at the shop. Just trying to get her thoughts and speech in order. Reminding herself 'he already said yes' She climbed out of the car and walked into the supermarket. Her heels and the fact that she was the lead alpha drawing attention to her. She had never been to the supermarket and found herself having to look up at signs to find the butcher station. Once she arrived she spotted Yoongi and walked over, offering him a smile."I'm here to cash in on that promise of coffee." The manager who was watching him work (perhaps after the issue with Namseok) looked between the two of them in disbelief.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Yawn after yaw came out of Yoongi on his way to work. Waking up was definitely the hardest part of life for this butcher. Cutting up meat was nothing in comparison to leaving the comfort of a warm bed each and every morning. Yoongi had plum forgot about that weird phone joke until he made it halfway to work. Hmm, should he seriously go check? It was on his way to the supermarket, so it doesn't really matter to him. The sleepy worker stopped by the fourth tree on whatever street he'd mentioned. Oh, there was something there... Some bag, and it was brown after all. He may as well open it up, right? Oh God. Money. Piles of money! He immediately dropped the bag with a girly flail of his hands as if he were a rich teen girl and that bag wasn't brand named. No, no, that couldn't have really been... He picked it back up, gulping to see that this was a serious prank-- Ah, it was a serious thing. God damn it... The butcher scrunched the bag up and carried at his side without fear. What was he even supposed to do?! If that lead alpha ever came by, he'd have to mention this. here was some fishy business going on for sure. The butcher wasn't going to keep the money. It's not like a twenty dollar bill you randomly find on the ground; this was serous cash and he didn't even know the supplier! It might be stolen, or fake, or-- God, calm down, Yoongi!

He went off to work, placing the bag in his employee locker for now before sighing since the thought occurred to him that if it really was stolen or something, he would be blamed. They'd have to believe his story though. He didn't know a ing thing about this minus the fact that some weirdo over the phone didn't know how to joke around. After a good amount of time, Yoongi was just about done with his shift. He wanted to pick up some crackers from the snacks aisle tonight -those sorts of snacks made him happy- but he should probably be worrying about that bag of money... Hopefully he saw Soojung sometime. Then he could talk about some of this stuff with her.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi The maid headed out of the house at the first sign of daylight. The butcher was surprisingly willing to accept the bribe. The maid considered herself doing a Soojung a favor, helping her avoid a man that was only after money. Ironic, since she herself was only after money as well. She made her way to the bank casually withdrawing the money from Soojung's account even smiling and wishing the bank teller a good day as if she wasn't stealing from her employer. Sometimes the maid felt guilty for her crimes, but she was in too deep and knew that she had to go through with her scheme or face death. Her son was supposed to arrive in a few weeks time, she had been running this plot for nearly two years. She told herself she could do it for a few more weeks. When she made it to the tree she stuffed the currency in the bag and put it behind the tree. Taking a deep sigh of relief that she had gotten away with it once again.

When she returned to the house Namseok was awake and seated at the kitchen counter leaning on his wrist half asleep. She let out a little yelp when she realized someone knew she was gone, but relaxed when she knew it was just the child. He didn't mention the fact that she had gone and simply asked for breakfast, too which the woman complied. Soojung woke up a little while later and joined them, her plate already prepared. "I'm going to see that man today Namseok. Should I tell him you said hi?" The boy nodded eagerly smiling before taking another bite of his pancakes. They spent the rest of the meal laughing and talking, followed by dressing, before the driver arrived to take them to their schedules. Once inside the vehicle and away from the maid Namseok ushered for his mother to come closer. Soojung leaned in to listen. "I think auntie has a boyfriend." Soojung was surprised and looked at her son skeptically wondering how he came to that conclusion about the maid. "She came into the house early this morning, when you had a boyfriend you came into the house early in the morning too." Soojung's eyes went wide when her son mentioned those few incidences. "Maybe she was just getting something to cook for breakfast. Either way Namseok, don't mind other's matters." She said as the car stopped at the school. Soojung gave her son a kiss goodbye before the chauffeur opened the door and the boy climbed out happily. Soojung headed to her own business her mind going bacak frequently to her impending coffee date.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung "Mhm, bye." After heading out from the lead alpha's estate, Yoongi got home for the rest of his day. He wondered if the alpha really was asking him for a date, essentially. He wasn't going to look into it very much; a nap sounded a lot better than going round with weird assumptions about the head alpha. And so, he was just waking up from this wonderful nap when a cell phone ring integrated itself into one of his dreams. In dreamland, the ringer sounded more like a car alarm, one that matched an ambulance and was coming straight towards him. He snapped up in bed, freaked out and around the sheets for his phone. Well, at least that woke him right away. Yoongi didn't recognize the number once he'd found the source of all this trouble. Originally, he assumed it was his boss, but this number was definitely not... "Hello?" Yoongi's eyebrows only continued to raise during this one-sided conversation. "Oh yeah? How about a thousand in a brown paper bag outside and placed at the fourth tree on Maple Avenue?" It's not like Yoongi was taking this seriously at all. This was more of a stupid joke to him. "I don't make promises though." Since this was all just a joke, Yoongi assumed that the lead alpha would be just fine. "Tomorrow at sunrise I expect it to be there." He hung up immediately after with a sigh, pressing his face back into his pillow. It's not like this was seriously going to happen. But just in case, the butcher stopped by said tree before planning to head towards work right after.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung walked him to the door despite the maid being present and willing to do so. "Goodbye." She said offering him a final smile. She planned to show up at the supermarket around closing one day to get the coffee. She had been told that her tone was too cold and formal on the phone so she figured it would be better to meet him in person. She was thinking about their conversation and looking forward to the coffee and feeling like a normal nineteen year old instead of a widowed mother. She was pulled out her daydream when her son came into the room complaining about being hungry. He hadn't eaten since yesterday's incident. Soojung called to the maid to fix him some soup, and sat with the boy on the couch watching television. "Mommy, is that man your friend?" Her son asked tilting his head in curiosity. "Not yet." She said smiling at her son. /But maybe soon./ She thought. Krystal wanted to pretend that it was the butcher's attractive appearance, or his cool demeanor that caused her to be drawn to him. But truthfully it was the fact that he was aware she had a child. That fact scared off most people her age, quickly. She had just recently returned to dating after spending 2 years mourning. And she realized that no wolf wanted to be responsible for someone else's kid. Some omegas she dated tried to adapt but even they couldn't form a connection with Namseok. She figured that if Yoongi said yes to coffee he at least wasn't too weird with the idea of her being a mother. She once again had to credit something good happening, to her son.

Namseok and Soojung were asleep when the maid decided to make her call. She had clenched her jaw tight in a smile when Soojung invited the butcher out to coffee, all the while thinking that the man was going to ruin everything. The woman had an alpha son that was supposed to come and sweep Soojung off her feet and hopefully into a marriage that would benefit them both. The reason Soojung couldn't get close to anyone was because the maid paid them off with Soojung's money. She called the male disguising her voice. "I understand you met with the lead alpha today. How much money would it take for you to never see her again?"
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Oh wow, the lead alpha was smiling. From the was the maid said Yoongi should be grateful for her kindness, he assumed the woman would be cruel and still punish him over 'hurting' her child. When said brat came into the room, Yoongi smirked very obviously at the kid. Look who decided to show up! The butcher watched the little go back between mother and son, mentally chuckling when he whimpered under her growl. It was the average scene he imagined of a mommy wolf scolding her pup. Yoongi definitely wasn't that super nice guy who was going to say /it's okay./ Kids had to learn sometime, right? After the two went back and forth a little, Yoongi smiled in the end. "Yeah, apology accepted." The butcher raised his eyebrows a little with a laugh when asked to play. "Next time, kid. We'll make a play date." He shot the boy a grin before he was sent off; it's not like he'd hold a grudge against someone who was still learning. Once it was just the two elder's together, Yoongi nodded his head at the sound of payments being made. "Thank you for that." Yet the invitation to coffee caught this alpha off guard. Was she asking him out...? Was there no husband? Or was this just a friendly drink of coffee? No, then she would have just shared some coffee over this conversation. Yoongi couldn't quite tell if there was anything behind this offer, but he didn't see any reason to reject. If it was friendly, he didn't mind getting to know the head alpha. And if this was a more flirtatious coffee, he didn't mind since he wasn't seeing anyone. This lady didn't quite annoy him in any way, yet. "Sure, any time's fine." They lived in the same region, so it wouldn't be all too hard to find each other for their coffee. "Well, if we're done now," The male stood up with his hands in his pockets before speaking again, "I'm sure you're a busy woman. Even got the little boy to keep track of." Yoongi was at least somewhat trying to stay polite in appearance. He didn't really smile all that much, so this was a challenge to send out all these little smiles to the alpha and her maid. Though it was easier around the kid; he was young and innocent.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. The man was being very frank and honest with her and she appreciated it. She felt friendly towards him, because he spoke to her without reveling in her position or lying for his own sake. She was about to start discussing the payment for the meat and talking to the store owner when she heard her son entering the room. He noticed that it was the man from yesterday and gasped obviously not pleased that he was going to be caught in his lie. "Namseok come here." Soojung spoke sternly, and the boy whimpered before filing into the room and taking a seat next to his mother. "Mommy, he's bad." The boy said pointing at the butcher. Soojung just rolled her eyes and hummed in response. "If he's bad, then you're bad too." Namseok reached out and hit his mother on the verge of a tantrum. "No mommy no!" She turned to her son completely serious. "Then why did you lie. That's something bad people do." Namseok was quiet for a few minutes, thinking about his mother's words. "Sorry?" He asked looking at his mother. "Yes you apologize, but not to me. To him." She said pointing at the butcher once more. "Sorry." He said pouting for effect. A few moments later he smiled. "Do you want to play?" He asked the butcher completely over the previous events. Soojung was shocked, but just laughed. "He and mommy are talking right now. But you may go." She said patting the boys shoulder. He climbed off of the couch and went back to his room. "I've already discussed things with your manager and I'll have the payment for the meat sent to the owner." Soojung took a deep breath before making one final request. "Do you want to have coffee with me sometime?" Soojung could understand if he said no. Her son was a major downside to engaging with her. But she figured she had nothing to lose by asking.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung It's not that Yoongi was nervous, there was just something sitting strangely in his stomach. He wasn't easily intimidated by just words, and even violence wasn't something that scared him since he was quite rash himself. It was that snotty brat's fault anyway... The young butcher sighed while waiting for the door to open, and once it did, he was nodding as a hello to the familiar maid. Time for the yelling? Maybe the beating. He didn't know what to expect from the lead alpha since he'd never gotten in trouble with her personally. Well, there's a first for everything.

Unexpectedly, the alpha was dressed assually. He thought she'd be wearing some super evil looking he-doesn't-even-know. She did have a dangerous scent to her though, yet it was a little faltering somewhere. Yoongi plopped his bottom down in the chair he was directed to, crossing over one of his legs comfortably while leaning an elbow on the arm rest. He was going to get right to the point with this story. "Your maid came in asked for two pork cutlets along with sliced beef. I got started on that and she started looking for what I thought was her kid. Then I see said kid throwing his chewed meat into the display. I grabbed him up since I thought I should get him away from there before he got any more meat in his mouth. Guess he still had some in there and swallowed it after I told him to spit it out. Maid took him and I told her to take care of his stomach. Hmm, she told me to come here and he said he was the lead alpha's boy. That's pretty much it." It's not that Yoongi was being rude or full of snark or anything, it was just integrated into his personality. And he was really being direct right now and simply stating the facts with no bias or purposeful attitude to accompany his words.

The thought of this alpha tapping into the surveillance tapes at work didn't come to mind at all, but it's not like Yoongi lied. He just told it how it was and that should be good enough. He wasn't going to glorify himself into not having done anything wrong, and he certainly wasn't going to grovel for anyone.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Soojung spent the night and morning caring for her son who had fallen ill after eating the raw meat. She knew he could be a trouble maker especially for strangers and the staff. It was mostly their fault for treating him like a prince instead of a child. He grew up without boundaries or strictness from anyone other than his mother. Soojung was angry more at the maid than at the butcher. But she needed to make sure it was an accident and that the butcher hadn't hit the child like her son had told her he did.

After staying up half the night caring for a sick child Soojung was in no mood to dress fancily. Along with her aura, she used her appearance to threaten and intimidate people. But she figured the butcher wouldn't need much intimidation, so she slipped into a tee shirt and jeans. A knock came at the door and Soojung signaled for her aid to open it. A few moments later the man led a young looking alpha into her living room. "Sit." She said gesturing toward the chair opposite hers. "Tell me what happened yesterday at the supermarket."

Soojung watched him closely, waiting for any rude gesture or sign of annoyance with her. She was showing him kindness, offering him something in exchange for nothing. And she was not going to tolerate impatience and hostility. She requested he explain the prior days events to her as a test. She knew exactly what had happened, already having previewed the surveillance tapes. But she wanted to see if he would upfront and honest even if it wasn't in his best interest.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Just from the way this maid spoke to what must have been a leader alpha... It made Yoongi nervous for once, though he was only gritting his teeth because it angered him all in the same moment. This brat was the one who caused all issues, not Yoongi. How badly he wanted to tell that lead alpha to teach her kid how the world worked. Mommy's not always gonna be there to take care of things, especially since those directions the maid gave him made it seem like Yoongi would be killed at gunshot the second he stepped onto their property. He took the instructions with a loud sigh downheartedly. After getting to know that this was even more unfortunately the lead alpha controlling his region, Yoongi nodded with a tiny small that was burdened more than anything. There was no way he'd ever want to apologize for something like this, but as long as the mother was paying for the meat... "Alright. I'll see you then. Make sure to take care of his stomach for the next few days. He might get food poisoning." '/Immense/ kindness for someone who has harmed the /cherished son./' Tch. What a load of... Yoongi was polite enough to the maid who only seemed to be wanting to help him. "Thank you... Have a good day." The butcher quickly finished up her order first before sending her off with a little smile. And then that stupid kid was-- Ugh! He had to crunch a fist up not the flip the kid off, though he was immature and stuck his tongue out in return until those people were out of his view.

The next day came quickly, and Yoongi was a little nervous about gong to find this alpha. After finishing his morning shift, the male went off to the lead alpha's house and ringing the doorbell with a small knock. He was ready for this, no matter what happened. Knowing Yoongi, he'd probably offend the alpha and get his limbs cut off and eyes gouged out.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi The woman made a call and spoke animatedly into the phone apologizing repeatedly and begging even more times. "Please Alpha." She pleaded, in a desperate tone, before turning her attention to the young butcher. "He's handsome, alpha, looks around 20... are you sure?" She asked looking the man skeptically. She sighed before hanging up. Namseok now calmly holding her hand and looking a little nauseous. "Alpha says you have to apologize tomorrow at 1pm, she'll pay for the display of meat and make sure you keep your job. But you must come to her home personally and you must come alone." The woman's words were serious and pointed. Truthfully the instructions sounded like some sort of plot to murder him. But the maid gave him a kind smile hoping to reassure him that she meant well. Namseok was now whimpering and tugging at the hem of the maids skirt begging to be lifted up. She hoisted the boy up and swayed him gently. "I hope you'll go. Alpha has shown you immense kindness, for someone who has harmed the cherished son." The maid starting walking toward the store exit. Namseok making sure to stick out his tongue at the butcher over her shoulder.

(I think skipping to the meeting would be okay, if you want.)
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Alpha?! Yoongi just about dropped the kid automatically at that word. If the kid seriously did have an alpha mother, the lower alpha right here would probably get killed over it. Whatever, he could go apologize, what was more important was the kid's stomach. This boy, Namseok, didn't look like he had much of a tough gut, so he'd probably be puking with food poisoning in no time. "Hey, spit it up. You'll get sick otherwise." Yoongi even held out his own hand as if the kid could just spit it out now that it'd been swallowed down. "He ate the meat. He'll get sick if he doesn't throw it up soon." This lady didn't seem to be the mother, else she'd probably be charging at the butcher already. Yoongi was already taking out all the meat anywhere near the opened up containers being displayed. He'd have to throw every one out... While the maid was questioning Namseok, the butcher was simply taking out all the now tainted trays, especially when he saw one with wet meat the kid must have spit out before.
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi Namseok saw all of the fresh meat, he knew it was what his meals looked like before the maid prepared them. He figured it would be okay to eat it raw. He sneaked over to a display of fine beef. He took a bite of the meat, at first spitting it out in disgusts but his wolf side soon turned it into something he found delicious. Of course his sharp incisors hadn't come in yet meaning he couldn't actually eat the meat, instead he gnawed on it before tossing it back on the pile. Happily oblivious to the maids cries or the butcher approaching him. He felt himself being lifted up and looked around confused when he saw the butcher, Namseok swallowed the meat scared that he had done something wrong. "Put me down! My mommy alpha! You can't touch me!" He said shouting and drawing plenty of attention to the two of them. Including the maid who rushed over and and grabbed the child holding him close. "Namseok, what are you doing back here?" She asked checking the child over for any injuries.
α Min Yoongi 10 years ago
@α Jung Soo Jung Yoongi was cutting up some pre-ordered meat for a phone in customer when a woman came to the counter. Of course, he'd put her order ahead of the one he was already working on. Two cutlets and sliced beef, not hard at all. He got started on that, glancing up a few times when he heard the woman calling out for what must have been her child. At first he ignored the noise, but then the panic struck in her tone. Yoongi was looking around a little, soon snapping both eyes to a little cretin opening up the glass display of precut meats. "Hey, get away from that!" The yell came out automatically while Yoongi scooped up the kid and held him at an arms distance. The kid probably got his grimy little hands all over the now contaminated meat he'd have to throw out. No one wants meat touched by some dirty fingers. The longer Yoongi inspected the kid, the longer his grimace came out. Wait... The kid was chewing on something. "No, no, no, spit it out!" Yoongi could get fired for this kind of thing /and/ some kid could end up in the hospital over eating raw meat...
α Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) 10 years ago
@α Min Yoongi The maid had told Namseok to behave several times. He was especially rowdy today and caused quite the commotion wherever they went. She understood that grocery shopping and mail delivery could be very boring for a 3 year old. But even she found his behavior excessive. She just sighed and gripped his hand more tightly to keep him from running off in the supermarket before she started walking toward the butcher's section. The displays looked fresh and the maid found herself wanting to shift right then and have a taste. But she merely cleared and smiled at the worker who approached her. "I'll take 2 pork cutlets, and sliced beef as well." She said passing over the money to the cashier, panicking when she realized that she had both hands free and Namseok was no where to be found. "Namseok? Namseok!" she called repeatedly.


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pxssionfruit 5 years ago
this was featured...
jwhong [A] 5 years ago
Do check the announcements page! This roleplay /is/ reopened with applications accepted through AFF and tumblr. Links will be provided below.

The revamped RP is still a 3rd POV, semi/lit multi para with an ABO theme. This time with a university setting!

All ualities are welcome
All combinations of dynamics (alpha x omega, beta x omega, omega x omega, alpha x beta, and so on) are encouraged
All Asian faceclaims are available
As this is an 18+ RP, is welcome, but is not the basis of the entire RP
KUSHPANDA182 5 years ago
So... I just got an invite on my wall...
Is this open??
[comment deleted by owner]
flanteisse 10 years ago
Im sorry, jinri left
-BabyElf_Fan 10 years ago
Sorry but mark is leaving
a9c3430aa9ef480adf6c 10 years ago
Bambam will be leaving
potatofam 10 years ago
Please add Serine Ellen lee, aka kasper
-wannabe 10 years ago
Taehyung is leaving.
chicagorainbow 10 years ago
Can you please add Kahi to the masterlist?
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