
Junhyung wish for his slaves to be filled up, more roleplayers, ands someone to with him... maybe have a baby. 

Ren wish for someone to buy him, someone to love him and only him, more roleplayers and friends. 

Jun wish for some U-kiss hyungs~

S-Himchan 10 years ago
I wish Minsoo could not forget about me...
S-Luhan 10 years ago
I wish for a master...that cares for me...
[post deleted by owner]
S-Lay 10 years ago
I want a master
K- Junhyung [A] 10 years ago
-will update these soon
M-Junsu 10 years ago
wish for DB5k hyungs…and someone to own him ~
PS-Suga 10 years ago
The rest of BTS.
K-Minsoo 10 years ago
The rest of Teen Top.


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prfction 10 years ago
zelo left :(
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Since the new rp is up and I'm now a part of it, Kris is leaving
Niamyah 10 years ago
V is leaving, I'm Sorry, i didn't even get to write one post. Right when i joined stuff came up.
sujushineelover27 10 years ago
i forgot this applied as onew
kaidyo8812 10 years ago
applied as D.O
UKELELESareCOOL 10 years ago
Mark is leavening, mianhae;;
HaSemYu 10 years ago
Applied as Henry Lau :3
megaverse 10 years ago
Junho left
TheExoticSky 10 years ago
Sorry but D.O, Key and Jinyoung left
Soul_mus1c 10 years ago
Can I reserve taemin?
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