@Daddy Seungjun /blinks a few times and tilts my head to the side/
Er... Change your mind so quickly?
/laughs lightly but nods my head gently/
Sure sounds like a plan.. Should we go?
@Baby Jimin *Smiles to you and looks at the buildings around here*
How about we eat at a cafe first?
*Tilts head to you*
*Chuckles lightly as I change my mind easily*
@Daddy Seungjun /blinks a few times and let's out a soft laugh/
Okay then~
/pulls away from the kiss blushing softly before humming/
Oh? Where are we going?
@Baby Jimin I know... But I want to be able to spoil you too. *Smiles softly and kisses you back lightly*
I want to take you to one of my favorite places!
@Daddy Seungjun /blinks softly and hums/
I don't mind if it's not fancy.. Just being with you makes me happy
/smiles softly and leans up to press a kiss to your lips quickly/
@Daddy Seungjun /blinks a few times suddenly hearing voice and opens my eyes looking up at you grinning/
/kisses your cheek grinning/
Did you get out of work early?
@Baby Jimin *Gets off of work and decides to stop by the park for a moment*
*Spots a kid laying on the grass, smiling lightly not noticing it's you at first*
*Gets closer and then just grins*
Jiminnie! *Eye smiles happily and goes to sit by you*
@Daddy Seungjun /sits on a bench and smiles brightly looking around a bit/
Ohh~ it's nice out today
/eye smiles/
wonder what daddy is doing today...
/mumbles before getting up and moving to lay on the grass and staring up at the sky/
@Baby Jungkook *makes sure that you're holding onto the leash tightly as i stand up*
*takes your hand and intertwines our fingers*
*kisses your lips*
Ok, let's go home now.
*walks us home and looks around at everything*
Baby, look at that sunset.
it's so pretty.
*walks us up the front stairs and opens the door for you*
*nods and smiles, sweetly pecking your cheek*
Alright, sweetie.
*throws the frisbee a few more times*
Would you like to be the one to give her another treat before we put her back on the leash and head home?
*nods lightly, yawning a bit because of the long day*
Yes, hyung. I'm getting tired so I would like to go home soon. Let's throw the frisbee a couple more times first.
@Baby Jungkook *gently flicks my tongue against your bottom lip*
*cups your cheek and rests my head against yours when you lay on my shoulder*
Do you want to go home soon, baby?
(almost at 50!! then we could move back to the walls if you'd like and they can do...things)
@Baby Jungkook *chuckles softly and softly nips at your lips*
And i love your kisses, Kookie.
*smiles and cups your cheek*
Well, then i plan on making up for all of the kisses you haven't recieved that you deserve.
*holds you close and throws the fribsee again*
@Daddy Suga *hums and kisses you back*
I like your kisses, Suga.
Although I don't have anything to compare them to since you're my first and only kiss.
I think your kisses are the best kisses.
*smiles and watches Nikki chase the frisbee*