

under the reign of dominos YONGHWA.
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Bussan is the busiest of all the kingdom and perhaps, the most valuable. With lands full of fertile soil and the ocean lapping at their border, Bussan is the productive nation where everything comes at a price.
Hagglers can be heard yelling there wares from every direction as one approaches the city centre, a bustling market taking up most of the town as the people tend to live at more outskirted farms. Fruits, vegetables, meats and delicacies -- all the kingdoms rely on Bussan for their food supply, and if Bussan were to cut it's trading ties. Both Kwangju and Seoul would struggle to feed their people. Bussan is also the nation of foreign wares, with a busy dock, silks, gems and stones from across the ocean are in heavy stock.
Despite being a majoritely farming nation with the rough accent to prove it, Bussan is also the must religious and customary kingdom. Set on tradition of who should marry whom, what a female should do in their spare time and how the mealtime prayer to the gods are passed. Bussan is very strict in it's culture, but in saying that -- it is also very simple to comprehend, and the people are compassionate to members of other kingdoms who may not know the tradition. The females in Bussan are very constricted, and usually married off and trained to serve their husband; they are however usually dressed in rough velvet dresses with long, draping sleeves and billowing sashes. Their hair is often littered with foreign ornaments amongst the long strands.
The Bussan palace (although currently abandoned by the absence of a dominos) is a wonder to behold. With high, often roofless ceiling and trails from the ocean leading through rooms and into pools and fountains. The palace is spacious and airy. Many of the nobels used to visit purely to have a soak in their luscious baths.
Bussan is currently ruled by Kwangju, having been invaded by their late Dominos many years ago now. The Bussan people have not suffered but a rebellious group are causing a lot of trouble, and many a citizen want their home to become a solo nation again; not the jewels of another king's heartless invasion. Currently, tensions are rising.
Bussan people tend to be; Blunt and straight forward, hardworking and very passionate to what they believe in. Generally, they are not afraid to speak their mind.

Password #4 is 'Blue'




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JCH21753 9 years ago
Would it be possible for an admin to add another room to Seoul?
I and Lu's RPer would like to start plotting and stuff for LuChul's backstories.
Might keep this place a little more alive? ;;
JCH21753 9 years ago
Yeah, Kiseop's leaving.
I don't think he's very useful here.
Cool and intriguing... but not useful.

Heechul's staying for sure.
sprezzatura 9 years ago
because you accept international idols..
can you add selena gomez?
chasing 9 years ago
Do we accept international characters?
Taozis_wifey 10 years ago
Could you add Kyungsoo to the masterlist plz
chicagorainbow 10 years ago
Ha Min left
chasing 10 years ago
Hey guys! I'm back!
chicagorainbow 10 years ago
Could you please add Yu Ha Min to the masterlist?
114bdfb25ab093a168b0 10 years ago
Orz I had to leave.
sorry guys. I lost my will to do 3rd
life is been taking its toll & I've to prepare
for my finals, repeating a year is enough already.
kuchan 10 years ago
May you please add Jin Mei Xin?
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