Seoul Park

Take a long walk along the pathways looking at nature's greenery 


Lay 12 years ago
"Yeah, you're right. I think I've been to the ramen shop before," Lay remarks. "There are also a bunch of very... off the wall coffee shops in the market, and I haven't been to any. Let's go!"
Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
"Oooh the one in the market!" Chanyeol nodded enthusiastically, "Well whatever you guys want. If you want coffee, Lay I'm sure we can ask the ramen guys for some!"
Baekhyun 12 years ago
"Actually, I was leaning more towards ramen." Baekhyun states, doubling his pace to keep up with Chanyeol's freakishly long legs. "I know a great stand in the town market we could go to- it's open till midnight."
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Lay 12 years ago
"Well, I'm pretty Starbucks biased... I hear there's one in the town square." he says. Since he was fairly new to Korea (if you excluded the short amount of time he'd spent going to high school as an exchange student), and namely Seoul, he hoped that this way, he could meet more people here and obtain a good reputation. He also wanted to get to know the way around the foreign city.
"Any objections, Baekhyun?"
Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
Chanyeol claps his hands together like an excited child. "So where do you guys want to go? You pick a place, my treat!" Chanyeol is already striding ahead of the two shorter men, quickening his pace as he gets more and more excited.
Baekhyun 12 years ago
"Coffee? I wouldn't mind a cup." Baekhyun felt slightly bewildered, but figured it would be a good idea to get a feel of the city. Especially if he was planning on sticking around.
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Lay 12 years ago
"Great," Lay sighs with relief and rubs his temples. "I was just going to suggest that! I could use some caffeine... are you in, Baekhyun?"
Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
"Hi Lay and Baekhyun! I live on that street near here by that train station kinda." Chanyeol had never been great with directions. He just wandered and hoped for the best most of the time. The second question was weird but Chanyeol didn't question it for a second. "And I like all the colours! Hey, in apology for bumping into you guys let me treat you to coffee!" Chanyeol suggested hopefully thinking that these two could be cool friends.
Baekhyun 12 years ago
Baekhyun looked at Lay in disbelief; of all the questions to ask? And then it occurred to Baekhyun that even back in high school, Lay had always been a strange one, when his limited Korean was restricted to "What's your name? My name is Lay. I like unicorns."
Baekhyun 12 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 1
Lay 12 years ago
"It's nice to meet you!" Lay says, trying to seem cheerful. "What's your favourite colour?" he asks. Though the question is rather unusual, he knows that it will keep the conversation going.
Baekhyun 12 years ago
Baekhyun attempts to form conversation with the new stranger; there was no point in making unnecessary enemies from his experience. This new guy seemed friendly enough, albeit a little oblivious, clumsy and twitchy. "I'm Baekhyun. And this here is Lay." He gestures to his friend.
Baekhyun 12 years ago
"Are you from around here, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun inquires.
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Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
Chanyeol looked nervously at the eyeliner man. He was pretty but dangerous looking. I like it, Chanyeol thought to himself. "Yeah, uh. Sorry. I know, I'm awkward." he grins, "So. I'm Chanyeol. What's your names?"
Lay 12 years ago
"It's okay, don't worry." Lay reassures him. "It's not like we're going to eat you!"
He glances at Baekhyun, and then he hesitates.
"Um... at least I wont..." he shrugs.
Baekhyun 12 years ago
Baekhyun rubs his forehead which is throbbing painfully, and honestly contemplating whether or not to hit the other man back. He may not be able to win in a hand to hand combat with the tall stranger, but it wasn't like he didn't have weapons on him. Instead though, he decided against it. "No problem," he says with a forced smile.
Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
Chanyeol panics and says with an unintentional eye twitch, "Ah, should I recognize you?! Because I don't I'm sorry! I have a bad memory I don't remember faces!" He runs a hand throigh his frizzy hair as he takes a step closer to the man who questioned him and looks at his face seriously trying to recognize him.
Lay 12 years ago
"No problem," Lay says with a smile. "It happens to the best of us, I guess." The boy seemed nervous.
"I suppose we can reminisce in a bit," he tells Baekhyun with a shrug. Then, he turns towards the stranger and decides to include him in their conversation.
"You didn't happen to go to our high school too, did you?" he asks jokingly, in an effort to make light of the situation.
Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
"Oh my god I'm sorry!" Chanyeol shouted and quickly tried to bow but ended up knocking his head against the smaller man with eyeliner's forehead. "AGH I'M SORRY!" he apologized to them both again. Damn it, he thought, why am I so awkward!?
Baekhyun 12 years ago
"Er- hello." Baekhyun says awkwardly. What else do you say to a six foot guy who has just barrelled into you and your old buddy from high school as the two of you were trying to catch up?
Lay 12 years ago
As Lay was trying to talk to Baekhyun, he felt someone bump into him. He backed away, nervously as he examined the tall, lanky boy who had just walked into him. Nonetheless, he smiles and greets the stranger politely, trying to be a good natured person.
Baekhyun 12 years ago
... sending Baekhyun stumbling backwards and wondering wildly what the hell had just knocked him over. Once he straightened up though, he found himself face-to-face er, face-to-chest more like, with a giant, monster of a man, with wildly frizzy hair and two round eyes- one of which was twitching. He kind of resembled a rabid squirrel in Baekhyun's opinion.
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Chanyeol [Hiatus] 12 years ago
Chanyeol loved parks and had decided earlier that he was going to waste his day walking around aimlessly. As he walked he carelessly looked up at the sky and didn't notice the two boys in front of him until he had already smacked into them.


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BeyondAllReason 12 years ago
Excuse me, but is this roleplay still active? I would love to join but it seems like all the members are inactive.
PrettyNavyblue 12 years ago
Will you please add D-Unit to the list?
kessjxng 12 years ago
please add t-ara.
qrownie 12 years ago
please add spica to the masterlist
TurtleHolic 12 years ago
Is it weird that i luv stalkin CL and Suho in their scenes -___- OMG UNNIES u guys r awesome at srsly if u guys eer write a ff together PLZ NOTIFY MEEEE sorry i dont roleplay much..(at all) lol
catchingdreams 12 years ago
I applied as Lay
InTheDark 12 years ago
Applied as Baekhyun. :D
PaperMache 12 years ago
I applied as Chanyeol. :)
Zerylle 12 years ago
I applied as Tiffany
fawnatheart 12 years ago
Nevermind my application
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