✴Question Board

Do you have questions you want to ask about this RP? Feel free to comment and ask what you want to know and the admins will try to answer them to the best of their abilities.

Q: Can dolls die?
A: Dolls can't really die, but in a way they can die as well. They die by being neglected for a long time by their master/owner. So to speak their spirit will be lost forever and the doll with go back to it's lifeless form, before a spirit had entered.

Q: How many dolls can a master/owner own?
A: One master can only own one doll for now. It's either an elemental doll or a spirit doll. This may only be temporary, but as of now, only one doll per master.

Q: If a master gets their key stolen by someone else and winds up their doll, can the master steal back their key and and regain possession of the doll?
A: Yes, they can. However this will only work for elemental dolls. These dolls will obey whoever has their key and had winded them up, so if you take your key back and wind your doll up again, then the doll will be under your ownership again.

Q: Can elemental dolls be 'alive' when they don't have a master?
A: Technically no, but feel free to plot around with other 'masters' to bring you to life. You don't have to always start from the shop, but it's just an option for most people who doesn't really know where to start. Though, your conscious/spirit allows you to hear the people outside around you, but you need a key to activate you.

Q: Can dolls talk to each other?
A: Of course they can! Dolls don't have to just converse with their master. They can venture around and make friends with other dolls as well. So feel free to visit the shop to help around and make friends!

Q: How does a master own a doll? Do they go to the workshop and be like, I want to own 'name' doll? Or do the role players organize it outside?
A: Not exactly. Spirit dolls and elemental dolls don't have a price on their head or are they for sale. A master comes, you would have to plot for this, and you will probably be attracted to one of the dolls that work there. That will be for Spirit dolls. For elemental dolls, you are asleep in a coffin like case with a special key around your neck or in your hands and depending on how you got there, you will have to either have a master come looking for you as you call out to them.

Q: How do we know whose straight or gay? Are they going to hint it on their profiles...?
A: Well it really depends on the roleplayer to choose the orientation for their character. It's not a mandatory requirement to have it stated on their profile, but you would probably have to ask that person about it or maybe they had already put their ual preferences on their profile.

Q: When either doll wakes up, do they remember their past and how they died?
A: Yes, they do remember their past, but the way they died can sometimes be a bit blurry.

Q: Can masters be in a relationship with their doll?
A: Yes, masters can have a relationship with their doll. Not all dolls are emotionless, they have feelings too.

Q: How do elemental dolls get their weapons and do they get to choose what they have?
A: Elemental dolls can summon out their weapon since they have the special powers of Shamrock in them that the spirit dolls lack. Yes, you can pick what kind of weapon, but you can only have one weapon. Please do not make it so that it's unbeatable. That would be counted as godmodding, so be reasonable.


( More will be added later! So, feel free to ask any questions regarding rules and such to the rp here~ ^^ )

Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 11 years ago
@L.Joe (Elemental Doll) You're welcome~ :3
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 11 years ago
Okay just was curious. Thank you
Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 11 years ago
@L.Joe (Elemental Doll) Yes, they remember their previous master's if, but they must obey to their master's command.
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 11 years ago
When elemental dolls, or dolls period are activated by another person, do they remember their previous master?
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Lmao true
Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 12 years ago
@Kyuhyun (Master) LOL and if they couldn't then the whole point of this rp would be gone XD
Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 12 years ago
@L.Joe (Elemental Doll) Good. v.v
Kyuhyun (Master) [A] 12 years ago
OMG if masters cannot be in a relationship with their dolls, Kyuhyun would just go jump off a cliff OTL
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 12 years ago
@L.Joe (Elemental Doll) Well double swords is okay as long as you don't go randomly into killer mode with them XD
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Damn so no double swords -sad face-
Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 12 years ago
@L.Joe (Elemental Doll) Sure they can XD lol ouo

(( Oh haha! Okay! x3 ))
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Im a BIT scared to ask this but, the curiosity is killing me. Can masters be in a relationship with their doll?

(I asked this cuz me saw KyuHae ._.)
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Question: When either doll wakes uo, do they remember their past and how they died?
L.Joe (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Holy where to start...yikes
Donghae (Kyu's Doll) [A] 12 years ago
@Luhan (Elemental Doll) XD Actually, it's good to ask questions! :) So don't worry yourself about them ^^ I'll put the answers to them up on the board ASAP. ^^

So... now go to the OOC room and chat. :)

Just to answer one of the Q's Just organize it with the whoever you want to rp with that you want them to be your master. As long as both sides agree, the master can activate you in the store. There is no price on your head or anything XD
Your spirit will sort or draw the attention of your 'destined' master to you.
Luhan (Elemental Doll) 12 years ago
Loads of questions! Sorry I'm fussy about details ^^"

1. Can elemental dolls be 'alive' when they don't have a master?
2. Can dolls talk to each other?
3. How does a master own a doll? Do they go to the workshop and be like, I want to own 'name' doll? Or do the role players organize it outside?
4. How do we know whose straight or gay? Are they going to it it on their profiles...?


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RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
l.joe is leaving .-.
9a9095eec05ba68325b4 11 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm deactivating because barely anyones on anymore.
x--arikari 11 years ago
Mianhae, Yejin is leaving.
shogun 11 years ago
Name: Seo Yuna of AOA
Age: 19
Doll or Master: Master
Bio: Yuna used to live a normal and peaceful life. She was the third oldest out of five siblings. She had two older brothers and two younger sisters. Unfortunately, there were some obstacles that cannot be avoided. She witnessed many deaths: oldest brother, youngest sister, mother, grandfather, great aunt, etc. Seven years ago, a huge plague struck at her hometown. The female was only twelve years old at the time. A severe illness spread to the citizens, and several of her relatives caught it.

Her father, older brother, younger sister, and herself miraculously survived the plague. However, she blamed herself for their deaths. Her spirits were dampened. To supposedly cheer her up, her family moved to another city and her father married another woman. She tried to convince herself to be grateful for another mother, but her personality was too much for her to handle. Her stepmother made follow her numerous, idiotic rules. It still didn't change how she felt towards the plague. In fact, it worsened her problems.

In the present, Yuna was a whole lot pleased with her life. At last, she was away from that horrible woman. Yet, Yuna still regretted not helping the family after all these seven years.

Password: Raspberry Cheesecake
oppaschingu [A] 11 years ago
I wanna help make this rp alive ono.
can I be iu and co admin? ..
Sailor_Starlight 11 years ago
Minzy will be leaving sorry!!
derp_squad 11 years ago
Hyoyeon will be leaving~ I'm sorry, really. But this RP isn't as active anymore so I have to leave. Thanks though~!
maknae_twomoons 11 years ago
I'm sorry but suzy will leave this roleplay.... I'm not quite active here anymore D:
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
my hiatus just might start today
Sailor_Starlight 11 years ago
Name: Gong Minji of 2Ne1
Age: teenager
Doll or Master: elemental
Bio: Minzy has no meaning in life. Well at least she thinks so. She doesn't know why she is here and where she came from. It's why she been roaming around. She wants what humans have. She wants to smile and love someone but she doesn't kno how. All she knows is how to fight and protect. Is that all for her?
Password: raspberry cheesecake
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