~Confession Room~
Anon confessions go here
no mean or rude confessions allowed
Gold is VIP's Comments, Blue is BAE's Comments
1: I was hurt hurt nobody even noticed me. (╥╯﹏╰╥) - Aww sweetie~ I'm sorry, if you need someone to talk to you can come talk to me~
2: Secrefly praying that the fans will come rolling in sometime soon, s i g s. #definitelynotGunseok. - I hope so too~ we have 1 fanboy so far
3: Sometimes I want to drop everything and leave home. - oh why is that sweetie? If you want you can always come talk to me or VIP. BAE's right you can always come talk to me.
4: Why don't you talk to me anymore? I miss you. - Who doesn't talk to you anymore sweetie? If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me or VIP.
5: Is itbad that i want Sleek.J and Killa J to get together so i can call them SleeKilla or KillaSleek. - Well no not at all lol but you should say something in the shipping room so others can ship it too.
6: I want to support all of you as a fan but you guys are mucho ;-; LOVE YA ALL <3 - Awwww so sweet <3