`o1: Yoona is nice girl but she is creepy sometimes ;; #admire
o2: You're all bootiful people ♥️ - shannon o u o
o3: sehun's glasses are hot. --- so not sehun. /killed;
o4: my brother doesnt like you, sehun- #totallynotminseok
o5: Sehun is like the school hearthrob, dnt you think?
o6: i love wendy unnie ! /shower her with my love/
o7: yea i want her.
o8: i'm nice, talk to me. /sobs. - beautiful creature <3
o9: ahyoung is so cute <3
10: i don't want to give sehun up without doing anything. sehun-ssi.
( then tell me who you are - hun. )
11: who loves me? no one < 3
12: eyes j hope & eunji aww u guys go post at the couple list room already. ;)
13: I'm sad that jackson is a senior
14: oh. se. hun.
15: Kind of shipping m and g <3
16: when you want to talk to bae but bae dont wanna talk to you. hell, bae doesnt even know bae is bae. orz
17: sehn but not sehun -> < 3
18: that girl. that girl. that girl that girl that girl. hey girl. hey girl. hey girl hey girl hey girl. would you be mine?
19: sehn but not sehun <<<<<3
20: o u o byunbaekhyun
21: why must gayoung be a sophomore-
22: bAEKHYUNNNN, HAVE A CHEESE NIGHT WITH ME- #totallynotminseok #coughs