




SUHO 9 years ago
Anyways we should go to the cafe sometime Yoona you know without all of the others so we can talk about stuff and catch up a bit :). Good to see you again!
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA Yeah I know what that feels like *thinks of Luhan and Kris*
YOONA 9 years ago
@SUHO [Great, and I didn't change recipient to your name, my bad]

She adds in with a longing smile, "They are all well the last time I saw them, but I haven't seen them for a while now, I miss them."
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA Yea the rest *frowns and goes to the music room*
YOONA 9 years ago
[forgive me for my slow replies, it's a nightmare replying through phone, haha]

Reality check, just the reminder she needs! Yoona widens her eyes as she remembers what she was up to before running into Suho, "I'm looking for the administrative office, need to register for my classes and get my timetable." She bobs her head up and down as to confirm her own statement, "I've better run before the staff at the office leaves for lunch break."
Before turning to leave, she flashes Suho a bright smile, "I'm really glad to have run into you today. perhaps we should meet up with the rest someday. I'll see you around!"
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA How are the girls though? They are all well?
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA Oh hum... Kris and Luhan as you may know are ya know... Not here and neither is Kai.. :(. But I have been good
YOONA 9 years ago
@SUHO She lets out a giggle, "I'm glad to find at least one old friend here, in this new place." She slowly nods, "It's been a long time, I wonder how are the others. I've been well, though rather reluctant to be transferred to a new school in my senior year, haha. How have you been?" She softly smiles as she waits for his reply.
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA *sings Call Me Baby while talking to you* So what are you looking for?
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA Yah I do i just got here Chanyeol and Chen told me about it but ya know I obviously miss my other friends. So how are you?

YOONA 9 years ago
@SUHO Yoona gasps in surprise as she hears someone called out her name. She turns around and sees a familiar face. She cries out in joy, 'Suho! I never knew you come to school here.'

[Haha, I assume that we knew each other before this since you know my name?]
SUHO 9 years ago
@YOONA hi Yoona :)
YOONA 9 years ago
Yoona wanders into the main building of her new school. She looks around, anxiously biting her lower lip as she searches for the administrative office.
SUHO 9 years ago
*looks for my classes* ugh this school...
KIM YOOJUNG 9 years ago
@MOON GAYOUNG Yoojung just finished her laboratory activity for her class. She wasn't in her best mood, she had to try doing the activity thrice for it to be perfect. While Yoojung was on her way to her next class when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and found a rather familiar girl, who is already an arm length away from her. "Eh? Gayoung ssi? Why?" She blinked and stared at the girl. No one calls her out of nowhere because of nothing, not when she's not in the mood to talk to someone.
MOON GAYOUNG 9 years ago
@KIM YOOJUNG As Gayoung stuffed her books inside her locker, she was happily munching on a red velvet cupcake topped with cream cheese and some sprinkles. "Why do our books have to be so heavy?" She muutered to herself as she heaved a sigh, shaking her head as another book fell to the floor. Picking it up, she placed it neatly on the row of books just beside the notebooks that she had lined up inside. She locked the compartment, turning the knob of the locker before humming to herself with the cupcake still on her hand. "Oh," she suddenly skidded to a halt as a girl she was very familiar with just walked passed her. "Jungyoo! Ah, Soojung?" She said, trying to run after the girl as she tried to recall her name. "Ah! Yoojung - ssi?" She said as she panted, her fingers reaching the shoulder of the girl as she gently tapped, catching her breath.
JIN 9 years ago
@MOON GAYOUNG *shrugs*
well I just found out what class I'm in so that's cover...
MOON GAYOUNG 9 years ago
@JIN aha, okay then! i shall be your helper from now on? or perhaps tour guide? aha! (/gives you a grin as we shake hands, withdrawing my hand afterwards with the simper still on my lips.) oh, you're a sunbae then! (/politely bows, giving you a sheepish smile.) so, where's sunbae going? i'll try to help you go there -- but since i'm new as well, there're not a lot of places i know. < #
JIN 9 years ago
@MOON GAYOUNG *smiles*
That would be nice!
*shakes your hand willingly*
Kim Seokjin but call me Jin!
I'm a junior~
We sure can!
MOON GAYOUNG 9 years ago
@JIN oh, where do you need to go then? i might be able to help you. (/bobs my head in a nod, a smile on my lips as i realize that i need to introduce myself, dipping my head into a bow.) um, and i'm moon gayoung, a sophomore! (/holds out my hand in a handshake.) it's such a pleasure to meet you, and i hope we become friends!
JIN 9 years ago
@MOON GAYOUNG *blinks as I look at you before smiling a little*
Neh I am a bit...
MOON GAYOUNG 9 years ago
@JIN (/taps your shoulder from behind after closing my locker, books in hand.) hello! you seem lost, do you need any help? (/gives you a polite and warm grin.)
JIN 9 years ago
*purse my lips as I walk around cluelessly wondering where my class is*
Why is this school so big...
CHEN 9 years ago
@• SEHUN Jongdae couldn't help but bursts out laughing, causing all the other students to turn but quickly apologizes to them and quiet down a bit before turning to Sehun. "Biggest jerk? Well only if they break school rules! It's their own fault anyway." He shook his head and stifled a chuckle.
• SEHUN 9 years ago
@CHEN "intuitions eh?" sehun laughs lightly as he nods at a few
girls who greeted him. "well, haven't you heard from the
other guys? i am the school's biggest jerk of an official.
a poker faced monster who ruins the guys' image for confiscating
their earrings." he laughs lightly as he remembered the rumors
he heard last year and by the start of classes today.
CHEN 9 years ago
@• SEHUN "Nice to meet you, Sehun-ssi!",Jongdae smiled and took note of his name. Nodding in agreement, he replied, "yeah and I hope soon though.." He then chuckled again and smile brightly, nodding again. "I have taken it, thank you! Also.. I do see why everyone respects you too, you're really nice, even though we just met but my intuitions tell me so!" Yup, Jongdae usually does sound like a country bumpkin in some ways.
• SEHUN 9 years ago
@CHEN sehun laughed lightly at the enthusiasm of the other boy.
"that awkwardness will definitely disappear once you get
lots of friends." he says in a more peaceful tone. he then
introduced himself. "if ever you still dont know who i am.
i'm oh sehun. from 3-A." he says. "have you taken your locker
number already?" he asks politely.
CHEN 9 years ago
@• SEHUN Jongdae blinked some more when the boy who just having poker face the whole time chuckled, causing himself to relax and chuckle sheepishly as well, scratching his head. "Ahhh, well sorry about mine too. I must be too awkward and end up being suspicious looking too. I don't break school rules though, promise!" He held out his hand, the corners of his lips curving upwards. "Though you already knew my name.. Jongdae!" He greets, his voice returning to his normal higher pitched one.
• SEHUN 9 years ago
@CHEN sehun stared hard into jongdae's eyes contemplating whether
the boy was saying the truth or not. with a final sigh,
he put his hands on the younger boy's shoulder and said,
"fine. i'll let you go." he then emitted a chuckle as he
realized how weird he mustve acted. "sorry bout the
suspiciousness though. it comes with my work nature."
he then joked to lighten up the atmosphere between the
CHEN 9 years ago
@• SEHUN Jongdae froze up even more, his palm even started to sweat a little due to his nervousness. He had noticed the latter's gaze on his hair just about a moment ago- which got him thinking if his recently permed hair has gotten him into trouble. But other than that, Jongdae was never one to break any school rules, he would never dare to. Shaking his head and frowning slightly, he replied the male in front of him though not meeting eyes with the other pair of intimidating ones, "I didn't break any school rules though.. I-If it's about my hair.. it was kind of expensive to get it done so.." He blinked some after, not quite sure if the student council member would let him off with it.


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hunnybunny [A] 8 years ago
yura left. sorry
Yukiko 9 years ago
miranda left, sorry
MiMi18PoP 9 years ago
Tao will be leaving. Thanks for having me
halcyooonic 9 years ago
Yoojung left. sorry.
OptimusPrime 9 years ago
Jonghwa left.
ImGoddess 9 years ago
Sorry, Yoona left.
Thanks for having me with you guys, it was great! I wish you all the best!
chankyu 9 years ago
Jin is leaving mianhaeyo~
jongseok 9 years ago
tiffany left. sorry.
drizzly 9 years ago
irene left
so sorry
thelittlemermaid 9 years ago
Shannon left im sorry
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