Beta Taozi's Den

Home to Beta Tao and members

Rooms: Bedrooms, Living room, Backyard

Alpha: Ren, Zivi (cub)       Beta: Taozi, Ying (cub)      Omega: Zelo, Yang (cub) 


B-Taozi [A] 7 years ago
O-Lee Chi 9 years ago
* hurries down stairs happily *
* blinks around and stops *
* furrows my brows looking around *
* purse my lips *
* walks around and goes outside *
* frowns softly fiddking with me fingers*
* sighs shakily sitting down *
A-Leo 9 years ago
(just saving myself from inactivity :))
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@O-Zelo Okaaayyy
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@B-Taozi (I'm I poke you to remind you that it's your turn *pokes*)
A-Leo 9 years ago
@A-Ren (Sorry I forgot to remind you! :X I've just been so busy the past few days)
A-Leo 9 years ago
@A-Ren (*pokepoke* Your turn :))
A-Leo 9 years ago
@O-Zelo Leo watched the scene, it was something he wished that he saw when he was at home back before everything went down, it was actually really nice to see a family unit, broken or not treat each other with that kind of respect. He was willing to give Ren a chance which was better than what he initially was going to plan to, which was a start, he didn't need to interfere with them getting to know each other a bit, it was going to have to be done eventually anyway. Which is how they ended up together in the same room alone, him and Taozi, he was expecting all kinds of scowling and berating. "I'll make him happy." he said rather out of the blue. "I'm happy for the first time in a long time because of Zelo." he added.
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@A-Leo (Sorry~...I got busy, but it's your turn now)
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@B-Taozi Slowly wiping his eyes clear, the omega sniffled and looked around for the aforementioned alpha and frowned slightly, "Deh...I can do that." With a slight pout, he sniffed out the wayward alpha and sighed when he smelled him in the kitchen. Turning back to his son, he smiled slightly and placed a small kiss on his forehead, "Be nice to Leo...I'll be back." Hoping out of the beta's lap, Zelo walked to the kitchen with a slight bounce in his step, tapping on Ren's shoulder to get his attention.
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@A-Ren Taozi finished stroking his mothers hair after he pulled away from him. He really wanted nothing more than everyone around him to be happy. An if it meant trying to warm up to leo he would ... Try to say the least. Looking over to his side he looked around for the alpha and saw him get up. "Umma... I would like for you to get to know Ren as well. I'll give Leo a chance if you give Ren a chance as well.." He looked to his mother than back at his sulky alpha. He was still angry at him for being gone for long periods of time. But even though they were apart he could still sense the insecure and disappointing feelings he was expressing.

Leo was no threat to the family, he was merely a alpha who wanted to be accepted into it. Just as Ren wanted to be. A soft sigh passed the betas lips before looking over to his mother. Wondering if he wanted help packing his bags and carrying them to Leos home. Taozi really wasn't going to carry anything simply teleport them to the alphas den. That way he would know where it was located if he needed his mother at anytime.
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@O-Zelo Taozi cooed softly when he saw tears starting to fall from his mothers eyes. "No crying umma... No more tears alright..." The beta wiped the others eyes as he leaped into his lap. Chuckling at the behavior his mother was displaying, it was something warming. "Your welcome umma, I just want and wish you both happiness that's all." Taozi nuzzled the other softy and d his hair before Zelo pulled away. Looking over at the other alpha he nodded. Not quite ready to call anyone father. "I don't know what a father is supposed to do... Or actually act, but if you treat my mother wel, and my kids, and my family then maybe one day I will." The beta turned his attention back over to his mother and pointed to Rem. "Now, I want you to get acquainted with Ren umma. He would like to be apart of our broken little family. It would mean a lot if you give him a chance just like im giving Leo a chance as well."
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@A-Ren (Your turn~)
A-Leo 9 years ago
@O-Zelo (OHMIGOD SO CUTE! (sorry for this less than stellar 4am post :X)

Leo watched on, he was still kind of nervous, he wasn't good with family units. And just seeing those two being so close and everything made him remember that his family wasn't like that. That was literally the fastest he ever moved that he saw. He laughed softly, it was the first time that he had a feeling of somewhat happiness, he got the blessing of Zelo's son. The tension in the room had kind of disappated. He was glad to say the least. "I'm not that kind of person, and I really don't want to be called father, when you're ready though...I really do care for your umma, and in time I hope that you'll let me into your life a little more too, even if it's just smidges." he said
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@A-Leo (*salutes* Yes sir)
A-Leo 9 years ago
@O-Zelo (Give me a few minutes and I'll have a reply up, the joys of work!)
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@O-Zelo Dawwwwwww! *gonna huggle the heck outta my umma <33 ))))
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@A-Leo (boop..your turn)
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@B-Taozi Zelo slowly looked up at the younger wolf and his nervousness seemed to melt away, his eyes tearing up in relief. He smiled brightly and almost ran around the coffee table, his thin arms wrapping around the beta's neck in a hug, "Thank you baby." He was basically in the beta's lap as he nodded slowly, "I know Taozi...I never expected you to call him father...unless you wanted to. I just...don't want to lose either of you." The omega briefly nuzzled against the other's neck before pulling away.
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@O-Zelo "Umma.... " He started softly before biting his lips. "I approve of your mate... I guess, but i just cant accept him as a father just yet. I dont even know him very clearly." He looked at the two in front of him and sighed again. Lightly scratching his head. "i cant even give him a necklace to protect him from my powers umma... They only work if im close to that person or feel a connection. And With Leo...." Looks at the alpha then back at you. "I'll work on something..."
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@A-Ren Taozi let a soft growl escape his lips when the other was still on edge. He truly disliked that since the tension was already to thick as it is. He looked at the other when he pulled him closer by the waist. Shaking his head at the action. Leo clearly wanted his mother and not the beta. Running his fingers though his hair, he turned back to the two in front of him. Eyeing his mother and watching his reactions to everything. He didnt know what to do in these types of situations. Besides get rid of someone but he couldnt do that. He wanted the omega to be happy and it was clear to him. That the omega still wanted to have him close to him.
A-Leo 9 years ago
(Yep I did....but I can go just to get it moving again! :))
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@B-Taozi (Deh~)
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@O-Zelo Leo said Ren could go)(
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@A-Ren Ohhhgh you can go Leo said we'll skip him
So you can have a turn
Then will go back to the original turn rotation))
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@B-Taozi And I replied...soo....Leo's?)
B-Taozi [A] 9 years ago
@A-Ren I think it's zelos
A-Leo 9 years ago
(Well it should have been, go ahead and skip me take your turn and we'll start the order after that :))
O-Zelo 9 years ago
@A-Leo The omega reached for Leo's hand and squeezed it slightly as he bit his lip. He wasn't sure if he was ready to see his baby with another, but if it made him happy and chased away the sadness he saw no reason to protest. Smiling softly, he nodded and pulled the other towards the couch, sitting down slowly in front of the other two. He picked up the tea cup, but didn't drink; deciding instead to hold it in his cold hands, warming them up with the hot liquid. He didn't know what to say to the beta...or the alpha sitting next to him. This matter was really between the two of them and Zelo just happened to be the cause. Even though he knew this, there was a deep-set worry in his heart, he needed his family together.
A-Leo 9 years ago
@B-Taozi (Indeed we do! :))


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nymphtears 8 years ago
I'll be leaving the rp as Jinho. I'm cleaning out my non-active rps as of now :(
DreamlessMaiden 8 years ago
is this place still active?
CouldBeBetter 8 years ago
Sanggil left
Please don't delete him yet, give me a few days to save my stuff
eternalsnow 8 years ago
taehyung left, sorry
940a34318b6595af43f6 8 years ago
Can I apply as Hanbin? I noticed it was open but I didn't know if someone else is going to apply as him.
hanahana 8 years ago
sorry, beta youngjae is leaving ><
cautionramen 8 years ago
How active is this place? I'm looking for another omegaverse rp but I want an active one.
PCYbaby 8 years ago
I would like to join, but I notice you have a lot of inavtive people and I'm not sure exactly who to be >< Do you gusy have any doms/alphas on your wishlist?
Sweetangel 8 years ago
Could you add and reserve Jonghyun from SHINee for me please.
eternalsnow 8 years ago
Reserve Taehyung for me please.
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