Shadowhunters, also known as Nephilim, are a secretive race of beings who are Human born with Angelic blood. The Nephilim are the appointed warriors on Earth of the Angel Raziel. We are appointed specifically to control and preside over the demonic in our world, both demons and the supernatural creatures born of their presence among us. A thousands years ago Raziel bestowed on us the tools to accomplish this task. These tools are:
- The Mortal Instruments, by which we may know tryth, speak with angels, and make more of our own kind;
- The country of Idris, in which we may life safely away from both demons and the mundane world;
- The Book of Raziel (or "Gray Book), with which we may make use of the magic of angels to protect and augment ourselves.
These were gifts given by Raziel to the first Nephilim, Jonathan Shadowhunter, and so after him we call ourself Shadowhunters.
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