❀ daycare center

head name


where precious pups are kept while school is in session.

β☣song mino 8 years ago
@α☪joshua hong "I'm afraid to disappoint you, nothing is ignored here, as we live by strictness about each other's well being, not just with patients."
It was a strong notice made to the other but he smiled gently only meaning that no detail could be left behibd in their work and observation of someone's behavior to prevent misevaluations.
"I keep tab of everyone's inappropriate for teasing purposes."
Now his smile turned in more of a grin, lightening up the talk. "It is definitely satisfying to not be the only one to take words in their second twisted meaning around here anymore."
The head nurse rocked in his chair as he saw the newcomer's stubborn refusal of any kind of gratification. He understood it the same way he had felt sorry when he had gotten his first internship in a general hospital and two days after the beginning, he found himself in the middle of the ER useful to no one and lacking in so many fields he had stormed into his referee's office, begging to not be paid.
"The first three months will be mostly observation and since we're on a tight budget, I will leave you all the time you need to adapt and dwell in here, feel as a part of the team. The moment I start asking more of you is the moment I will start counting and I think you will have reached that stage in three months at most. I know why you don't wabt to be paid but it is a necessity. It might not be much but it's a gratification that helps you realize that your work no only helps someone else, it helps you at least financially if not emotionally too."
The pay somewhat implied to be the best, it was a pressure for honest hardworkers and though Mino wanted to lessen the stress he knew that there was nothing like feeling like you made a difference even if you lack perspective on your own work. He smiled absent-mindedly and quickly had a look at the mails he received while away.
Whenever the intern spoke, he stapped and gace his attention to him fully, nothing of his motivation. He could have requested to only be with the kids all day but instead he agreed on following him around, from the young adults in distress to the cubs.
"You found me with kids earlier but in full disclosure, I'm only comfortable introducing the classes, making them laugh, I usually let other nurses specialised in pediatrics handle to needles and due treatments. I can do it but I still think I have more savoir-faire to gain so we'll be both interns with kids under five won't we?"
He smiled, clearly not minding to be this close to the other by relatibg on the ever wanting to learn more of the job.
"Yes I had a presentation to make to the board of Toddlers with a capital 't', and it was followed by an unexpected meeting with my new duet."
He looked at the pile, considering the other's intention to help and he nodded after all. It could be a good introductions to the many forms the younger would encounter and to the different services the daycare counted. He made a sign for Josh to pull his chair closer and cleared enough room on the other's side of the desk.
"There are five different pile to make." He started and proceeded to explain how the younger could tell 4 of them apart all thanks to the type of weft the sheet was. There wasn't much room for errors if Josh was attentive and thus he started sorting the formson the desk in the same piles Josh would work on as well.
"Oh abd the third pile it for anything that does not look like any of those form, from notes from colleagues to drawings..."
He listened to the reasons for Josh to be takibg this carreer path and nodded.
"I do get what you mean, it's poetry nearly."
He had nothing to judge on this but he enjoyed the insight and thus would learn more about Josh.
"If it's okay, I'll ask you to let me introduce you to all the team next time you come. We'll have a tour and it will leave me time to get you a locker with all you will need, we will provide. Also if you're here during a lunchtime you're eating in the canteen for free as any worker here unless you can't stand it somehow... I think they cook pretty well." He added and noticed the light blue eyes of the younger. He was curious what kind of wolf the other was for a moment but all he thought of was howreassuring Josh smile was, earning his calm and trusting already.
α☪joshua hong 8 years ago
@β☣song mino "Just ignore me... please..." the young boy sighed and rubbed his temples. He was supposed to make a good first impression, what went wrong?!? She shook his head and laughed dryly at the joke the other man made. He was still flustered, but at least Minho wasn't taking it seriously. He liked it here and would come gladly.
"Oh! Oh, no no no, I'm not here for the money!" he suddenly exclaimed and waved his hands "I am here for the experience, for the practice you can give me, I am just an university student, I can't really... give anything back, I mean... I'm not even a full medic yet, so I can't expect payment." he explained with a smile, a bit calmer now that the word-vomit storm had passed. For now. "I want to come though. I want to learn." he stated calmly and quietly, his eyes darkening to a calm shade of blue, like the color of calm sea. He nodded as he listened to Minho's little plan and snickered a little as he felt his urge to go back to the kiddies. He hoped this care would rub off on him "Yes, pediatric is what I have to do, but I'd love working with you on anything else too. I think we'd have fun." he smiled, lips curving and cheekbones lifting like a kid himself "That's why I am in the daycare - to care for the kiddies. And I hope I earn your trust very fast, I can't wait to work with you."
Josh liked his smirk, it gave a very interesting shade to his face. He himself smiled, looking at the pile and then back at Mino, in time to laugh to the toys spread out on the desk. Minho's mischievous child-side was showing through and Josh loved how it bleeded through his features. "Ah, I understand!" he laughed "You had some urgent matters to attend to. An urgent meeting, no?" he added, nudging one of the action figures with a finger. "Do you need any help with those though? I am all here for you." he assured.
This question was not unexpected, but Joshua still didn't know how to formulate his answer "Oh, well... Biology and genetics got me into all this medical business" he laughed, leaning back in his chair "I was interested in human biology, anatomy, genetics because of my.. special case" he motioned vaguely to his eyes. The young medic didn't like bringing attention to his syndrome, even though it was a part of his reason "So basically I see humans as this... wondrous... creature...thing... with all these flaws, that make us so unique and I want to study them, learn them, and find ways to fix them or enhance them so that they are not lethal. I don't want to see humans suffer... do you get me?" he had leaned forward unconsciously, and now he raised his sparkling blue eyes to Minho with hope.
β☣song mino 8 years ago
@α☪joshua hong It was only when Mino noticed the profused blush on the student's face that he picked on the naughty play on word, his lips curling as the younger dug himself further with each attempt at correcting himself. It was easy to guess Joshua was stressed and maybe questionning the most basic words that would be spoken.
"I see you want to impress and put yourself under a high pressure." he chuckled, leaving the play on word for another time as he supposed it would make the student even more uncomfortable. "But just relax and take things easy. If not, well we do laugh, give nicknames and tell jokes too."
He had walked with an amused smile but the head nurse really hoped to keep this intern. He liked the lively presence and he didn't mind explaining things over.
He sat back in his chair and his eyes did widen at the amount of time he imagined Josh would spend at the clinic. He liked the devotion but his natural instinct was to worry. "Any time you wish, but just know that if you don't feel like it, you don't have to come. Maybe at some point I will require of you to be present on rare occasions but otherwise, you may just come when you're feeling like it. You need to rest and I won't be able to pay you at first but we can talkabout your progress in a few weeks alright?"*Truth was, he never had interns before and the models he had were the time he was one himself. This clinic offering the chance to see a less stressing work environment than a regular hospital, he wanted to make sure it would be a pleasant experience for Joshua and maybe the occasion for him to learn from the younger's speciality since they were bound to spend some time together.
"Of course, we will work together, depending on what I have to do, we will be in my department at the clinic and when I have nothing urgent we will go to the nursery as I heard it could be the speciality you want to improve in...?" he squinted his eyes shortly. He was looking forward to getting back with the cubs. "I will keep and eye on you for a while actually and it's not because I don't trust you at all, but to be sure I can give you awesome pep talks when I'll decide you can deal with a situation alone."
His little smirk was back, a finger tapping his chin.
"All this pile is not for you do deal with. It's all the paperwork I have to approve sign and class... the downside of the job if I may say. I will show you what you have to fill for each things you will do, but I am the one who should at least seperate the pile in categories and deal with them piece by piece but as you saw earlier..." he said, pulling each toys out of his pocket to dispose them slowly on his desk. "I'm extremely busy." He wiggled his brows, humoring the other as clearly, he was just enjoying his time with kids rather than get the paperwork done.
"You can ask all the questions you want any time, and if there's something in particular you want to assist me in, do tell." he added and crossed his arms. "Actually, could you tell me why you chose your speciality?"
α☪joshua hong 8 years ago
@β☣song mino Joshua just smiled, switching his gaze back and forth from the babies to Minho. He couldn't help his anxiety about doing something wrong to the poor babies, but still he couldn't wait to start working with them - even the thought of it made him smile a little to himself, not realizing that Minho was actually watching him. "Yeah, they did tell me to look for you, but I don't regret coming to you." he smiled and then blushed, mentally facepalming himself when he realized how that had sounded. "Er, I mean... I mean that... I'd love working here. With you. As a coleague. With patients. I will shut up now." Normally very eloquent Joshua was now totally flustered with himself. All this new tasks were not doing him well, maybe his brain was starting to smoke out. He rubbed his temples while following Minho down the corridor. "Yeah, no problem, I will be here whenever I have free time from lectures, which is quite a lot, so you'll be seeing me around." he grinned "I've never worked with kids before though, so you might wanna keep an eye on me. Just to be sure." he nodded and got a brief look around the office before sitting down and orienting his eyes back on Minho. "Oh, okay, you should call me Josh then, everybody calls me that." he smiled and nodded towards the pile of papers "Is this all for the interns?" he asked jokingly.
β☣song mino 8 years ago
@α☪joshua hong Itwas hard to decipher what was going on in the younger male's head from just a look at his face. He had the kind of wide eyes that inspired trust, a kind small smile that somehow curled just so prettily Mino was sure the other would be the new favorite of all the kids.
"Nice to meet you Joshua."
He was very glad of the help fate brought him and he nodded before tilting his head as one of the cub wiggled so much in his crib a nurse had to come and rock him.
"I suppose you came here looking for me because your teacher said it but honestly, you will get to see many things with me... Great choice anyway!"
He smiled and bowed lightly before showing the way down the corridor this time. They had to go a few floor up to find his office.
"I suppose you really are motivated by this internship so I will let you free to come and go, though I might ask you to stay if we're in the middle of an emergency. I never had a student with me so you might want to see other jobs, feel free to ask of course, we try to not be too swampt."
He pushed the door of his office, revealing a rather neat desk except for a tall pile of papers next to his laptop. He removed his glasses and sat on his side of the desk, showing one of the chair he faced to the student.
"You can call my by my name, we all call each other like that. For the rest I don't think there's a pressing issue to think of... Do you have any questions?" He smiled at Joshua and looked at him attentively. He was always doing a thousand things at a time so his focusing could feel odd in comparison.
α☪joshua hong 8 years ago
@β☣song mino The children's laugh made Joshua smile too, easing off the weight of worry on his shoulders. The young man in front of him seemed easy going and the kids liked him and that meant that if the kids trusted him - he was trust worthy indeed. He was currently doing some event with the kids, but it seemed like it wasn't important, because he left it the moment Josh showed up and went out with him.
"Hi, I'm Josh. Joshua Hong. I'm here for the--..." the boy started but it seemed like the other already knew what was he here about so Josh just smiled sheepishly "Well, to give help hopefully and watch some, I uh..." he didn't know what to do with his hands, so he just waved them uncommitingly. "I have to practice my work with kids, though I want to help with whatever you need. I am here at your service." he stood in front of the glass as well, meeting Minho's eyes and then diverting his look towards the newborns who were twitching in their cribs. He had no idea how to even handle them and prayed that they wouldn't make him work with them alone.
The other's gaze was estimating and he stole quick glances, not meaning to stare, but he liked his aura of authority and chill at the same time.
Maybe it was the glasses.
β☣song mino 8 years ago
@α☪joshua hong "Himself."
The words had the young children aged from 4 to 6 giggle and usually it meant they dug his reaction and would copy it whenever given the opportunity. The man smirked and turned to take a look at the one standing in the doorframe. He had been advised of the possible addition of a new volunteer by one of the teachers at Azrael and he couldn't be more glad to have him show up. He eyed the actual teacher for the class assisting him in what a called the toddler med school as he often made a few animations for the kids when he could.
"Hi!" He greeted the new face and left the classroom, guiding the young man in the corridor. There was still a possibility that this newcomer just looked for his expertise in a health related issue. He was in fact supposed to stay in the clinic but he trusted his staff enough to do rounds, and greater rounds to make sure the kids of the daycare wouldn't grow scared of his profession. Otherwise, he was a rather used to handling the kids or teen coming in for care and even adults. He only lacked in a field and his sturdy step guided them there. "So are you here to get help or give help?" he asked, dipping his hands in the large pockets of his white blouse before pulling out small toys his little friends from earlier certainly stuffed while he was distracted. "Or just to watch maybe? That could be fun too." He chuckled looking at the little pieces in his hand before turning to the wide glass of the nursery where newborns were resting quietly and he glanced back at the young man. Finally taking a better look at him, his neat appearance, his somewhat youthful looks.
α☪joshua hong 8 years ago
@β☣song mino 'You have to have some pediatric experience before we let you graduate.' the words echo in Joshua's mind as he walked over to the daycare center in the Breeding sector. This was all very new to him, he hadn't had many child patients over at the clinic and it was going to be an adventure to be surrounded mostly by such.
It wasn't like he didn't like kids, no, he loved kids, he just... didn't know how to treat them properly. Thus - the pediatric experience. He acknowledged the necessity of it, and respected his professors' suggestions to go volunteer in the daycare, they always needed help, they said, and could use any helping hand there is.
The young alpha walked up to front door and entered, immediately surrounded by what looked like a whole new world. It was nothing like the white crispy clinic. It was colorful and happy and there were photos everywhere and drawings. This whole building had a child atmosphere.
He looked in some rooms, looking for the person they had told him to find and some mid-aged woman pointed him with a smile to a nearby classroom. Everything and everyone was so warm there. He aimed toward Classroom B ("B for Bambi" the woman had said) and knocked on the door. Song Minho was not in his office, but in the classroom with the kids and it gave Josh this warm feeling once again. Peaking inside, he met the eyes of the only grown up man in front of him "Song Minho?".
α☪oh sehun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin That moment when you guys predicted the name of the first pup in the RP a month before he even arrived. Wtf.
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin *nods my head and smiles at you*
Thank you for letting me stay
*sighs softly, plays with the kids hair*
Well i could find some place else to hide but i never hide here so no one know..
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@[SH] β☣yim youngjunℋ *raises an eyebrow but drops the subject since it's not my business*
*hums and nods, not responding to the first part but looks up at you at the last part*
You weren't intruding my peace.
You're just technically not allowed to be here right now.
But since you pose no threat to the children, you can stay for a little while if you want.
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin No one..
*shakes my head, avoiding your gaze*
*stares at the sleeping boy and smiles as i reach to play with his hair*
I wish to have a child like him..
Sorry for intruding your place sir, i feel at peace here with the childern..
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@[SH] β☣yim youngjunℋ From who exactly?
*hums and sits down, pulling the boy into my lap*
He is.
*smiles softly as he curls up against me*
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin *shakes my head and sighs softly*
Im just.. running from one right now..
*stares at the kid and nod my head, smiling*
He seem sweet..
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@[SH] β☣yim youngjunℋ I am an alpha.
What's the problem with that?
*slightly narrows my eyes at you*
*looks at the boy*
He goes by Jae.
He fusses a lot, but he's a sweet kid.
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin *keep my distance from you*
Alpha.. you're an alpha...
*sighs softly and gently place the boy down and tucks him in*
Ive been learning..
*mumble softly as i pats the child gently*
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@[SH] β☣yim youngjunℋ *raises an eyebrow and looks at you*
What are you scared for?
*moves to calm the child but blinks as you do it yourself*
You're good with children.
[post deleted by owner]
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin *wakes up the second time you shakes me*
*sense your alpha scent, quickly scooting away,.looking scared*
No i just--
*blinks as i hear the child i was hugging when i sleep start to whine*
*takes the child in my arm and gently cradled him, eyes still on you as the child quiet down and back sleeping*
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@[SH] β☣yim youngjunℋ *sighs and shakes you again*
You're not supposed to be here you know.
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
@α☣akanishi♥jin *whines softly and nuzzle on the child, smiles as i feel the child snuggle back and continue to sleep*
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@β☄kim jinwook Jin hummed and nodded. "That's why the baby's crying. Your partner abandoned you, and you're stressed. The baby can sense that. Here," he gently took the doll into his arms and hummed softly. Within a minute or so, the baby calmed down before falling silent. "See? The key is to try and stay as calm as possible with pups. They can sense what you're feeling and will mirror it if the emotion is strong enough. If you need any more help, you know where to find me." He handed the child back to the other.
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@[SH] β☣yim youngjunℋ *walks in to check on the pups and sees you cuddling one of them, gently shaking you awake so I don't disturb the child*
Um, what are you doing here?
[SH] β☣yim youngjun 8 years ago
*quietly enter the room, watch in awe at the dark room and kids all snuggled up in deep sleep; nap time i presume*
This is a good hiding place~
*nods to myself before crawling under the blanket and laying down, gently hug one of the sleeping toddler before falling asleep as well*
β☄kim jinwook 8 years ago
@akanishi jin (Happens to all of us. I can't stand it either.)

Jinwook nodded as he listened, checking off everything he said to check for that he's already done. The baby wasn't wet and it didn't want to eat, so it wasn't hungry. Other than being upset, there wasn't anything else it could be. "My partner abandoned me on the first day. I've been on my own for the last few days and this is the first time this has happened. I changed its diaper. I tried to feed it, but it wouldn't eat, so I'm stuck." He shrugged, wincing as the baby yelled louder in his ear. "Please do something. Please."
α☣akanishi♥jin 8 years ago
@β☄kim jinwook (I hate when it switches the characters -_-)

Jin listened for the explanation. He nodded his head. "First of all, you need to see why the baby's crying. There are a number of reasons. It could be hungry, wet, or just generally upset. Is this one of the dolls that wets themselves too?" They used different dolls most years, so he didn't know which this one would be. He thought of something that never changed though. "Where's your partner? Shouldn't he be here as well?" He imagined that Jinwook's partner had probably abandoned him and that was why he was here, but he had to make sure.
β☄kim jinwook 8 years ago
@α❅eric nam (You replied as Eric Nam.)

When a man appeared from the back Jinwook smiled brightly, glad to see someone that can help him. "Hi. My name is Kim Jinwook and I need help taking care of this baby doll for my -ed class." His voice was high and enthusiastic, speaking over the volume of the cry doll in his arms. "Can you help me, please?" He hoped he'd help him. His grades could suffer if he didn't do a good job on this project. Then his parents would be disappointed he and Jinhoo didn't try harder. For once there was something they'd be on an equal level with, because he knew for sure his brother didn't know the first thing about child-rearing. And even though he read the book for the class it didn't help when he tried to apply it to real life. There was finally a subject that stumped him more than reading people.
α❅eric nam 8 years ago
@β☄kim jinwook Jin was just cleaning up the place at this point. He had nothing else to do and so took the opportunity to simply clean the place. He knew someone else would come eventually, but at least he could make it a bit easier for them. Hearing the door open made him confused. It was too late for most of the staff and students to be here and too early for the custodial staff. On hearing the voice that sounded afterward, however, he distinguished it was a student. 'Probably from that ed class...' he thought to himself. he walked to the front where the student was. He wasn't smiling or frowning. This was just how he was with people. He also didn't say anything. He just motioned for the student to explain what he needed.
β☄kim jinwook 8 years ago
@akanishi jin What to do? What to do? Jinwook asked himself repeatedly as he paced back and forth in the hallway with a wailing doll in his arms. A few days ago the -ed teacher assigned partners to take care of a lifelike baby doll before and after school hours. On the first day his partner made it clear he wasn't going to help out, then stopped showing up to class. Since then he's been on his own and failing in child-rearing. It made him uncomfortable to know he might not get a good grade on this assignment. He had to. He just had to. Schoolwork was the only thing he was good at. It's one of the thing he takes pride in. Leaning against the wall as he bounced the baby, he noticed the daycare center across the hall. How could he have missed that? Rushing into the mostly empty room, he looked around for someone that ran the center. It was after school, so no one seemed to be here. "Hello? Is there anyone here that knows how to take care of a baby?"
Ω❅park jaebeomℋ 9 years ago
@jung jinyoung [ ] gonna time skip, hope you don't mind < 333

Jaebeom hated every waking second of his life, every twist and turn dampened another item of clothing, or sent the alpha downstairs into some kind of rampage - there was the thought that the teacher should've stayed in a hotel, dominated by humans and far away from any pack whose Alpha's were in rut and the only person that came to mind that could be a possible saviour in this time of need was the one and only: Jung Jinyoung. The man had helped before and even though it often made the Omega yearn to be releived when the other was around, there was no denying that he was running out of essentials, such as items to stop his clothing becoming completely soaked by any so of heat related substances. Nothing seemed to stem the flow or relieve him slightly, so there Jaebeom lay, in bed wearing nothing but his favourite jumper and a pair of damp underwear. Time to resort to his last option, the tattooed male sighed thoughtlessly.

"Jinyoung, it's Jaebeom, I got your mobile number from the reception desk at school. I wondered if it was okay to ask you to bring me these things? Feel free to say no." Typing out the text swiftly and attaching a list from the notes in his phone, mostly embarassing Omega related items alongside a few more personal and a tad risqué items - the teacher felt that Jinyoung lacked any care when buying such things, he held the scent on an Alpha and people would instantly assume that they were for his nonexistent partner.

"The door is open." Was sent shortly after before Jaebeom allowed the phone to drop onto the matteress beside him, eyes closing and dragging him into a feverish sleep.


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sullen 3 years ago
Vivaldi 4 years ago
e u e;;
JCH21753 5 years ago
ah the nostalgia
dreamland 5 years ago
Where can I find Moon Lust?
purpleprose 5 years ago
is this rp active?
Jungkook_1997 5 years ago
Can I be the Winter Shadow PAck Omega?
Jungkook_1997 5 years ago
Are you Open
bigboybbg 6 years ago
empressoftomorrow 1 month ago Reply All
Are you open?
empressoftomorrow 6 years ago
Are you open?
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