〈 ☼┊cafe



lee jian 8 years ago
i love hot chocolate
lee mijoo 8 years ago
sips the cream in coffee
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum Hmm oh hahah its ok , i can be surprising really
-nods a little in understanding-
Ahhh thats ok though i can enjoy them as much as rougher sports
Ahh i see now ... We should play a game then one day
I watched a few matches and I agree
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum -looks at you quietly-
Are you ok? Your facial reactions look a bit ... Shocked?
Tackling ... Wrestling ahhaha! Well im slowly getting stronger
Bowling is fun... Tennis can be ... but volleyball is nice ... Indoor volleyball or beach volleyball?
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum Oh very well then
-leans forward then thinks a little-
I like playing rough.. Im talking
Football, tackling , wrestling and things
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum -pokes your lips-
-silently pays for it then walks back over to you-
They will bring it over
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum Oh my yes
Ahahah then you shall have it
-rubs my forehead then laughs-
hey nope, i pay on first date? So its my treat ...
-gets up and goes to order-
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum -leans back then smiles-
What a lovely choice ahahah
Double the caffeine hit then hmm?
I like esspressos but I might have a cake too
-pokes your cheek then grins-
jung wheein 8 years ago
/places my feet up onto a table and occassionally peers over the news paper I am reading
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum -looks up at you then folds arms quietly before chuckling also-
Your very welcome, and yes yes I am nice
-nods then walks over to you and also sits down -
So, well what would you like ?
kim yerim 8 years ago
@im jaebum -opens the door and smiles softly before chuckling-
After you Jaebum...
wu yifan 8 years ago
@bang yongguk /blinks down at you and peppers your face in kisses. All the love for you.

I know you love me and I really love you too. I just don't know how to react in these situations and you make it so hard.
/rests an elbow on the table, my palm holding my chin up as I watch you
/massages your leg with my free hand, shaking my head as you bring the ice cream to my lip
I'm not hungry, Yongguk. I'd rather just watch you.
bang yongguk 8 years ago
@wu yifan /crawls back to you and clings. Love me pls.

I'm sorry, I can't help it sometimes. I love you, Wu Yifan. And seeing you shy is priceless, really
/pulls up the ice cream to my chest and scoots next to you, glad we chose a booth
/lies my legs across you, now, taking a spoonful of the brownie and holding it to your lips
Is it good?
wu yifan 8 years ago
@bang yongguk /waves as you go and shrugs

/wrinkles my face as you snort and turns in the other direction, covering my cheeks
I'm never going to kiss you again if you tease me like this.
/looks over at the ice cream and then to you, shaking my head at your adorableness
/wraps my arms tightly around your waist, burying my face in your hair
bang yongguk 8 years ago
@wu yifan /s creams and cries to irene bc you're bullying me

/hides my smile by tucking my lips behind my teeth, letting out a soft snort
Come on, Fanny. You kissed me because you know I'm irresistable, right? You just love the taste of me <3
/makes a kissy face at you and smiles at the waitress when she brings over our bowls, gasping at the sight
/makes my way over to you and sits on your lap instead, leaning my back against your chest
wu yifan 8 years ago
@bang yongguk If you're an angel I'm ing God himself. /throws my shoe at you

/runs my tongue over my lip as I glare at you, raising an eyebrow as if to say we're going to fight if you keep it up.
I will deny it because it wasn't adorable, Guk. It was embarrassing and I don't know why I kissed you in the first place.
bang yongguk 8 years ago
@wu yifan /angel emoji

/chuckles and gives your hand a squeeze under the table, tossing you a greasy wink when she leaves and I see you glaring at me.
That was seriously the most adorable thing ever, Fan. Don't you freaking deny it, either.
wu yifan 8 years ago
@bang yongguk I am too. I was sitting here judging you like when did he start speaking cleanly? /eyes you hard

/reaches out for your hand and holds it tightly, unable to look up because of how shy this makes me feel
/glances up through my bangs as you order the ice cream for me anyway, my eyes narrowing into a glare
I am not cute, Yongguk.
bang yongguk 8 years ago
@wu yifan Buahaahha I'm freaking dead. Dead. I'm on the old rpr bc incognito af rn and it bleeps out words on it's own. I swear yifan /dead af rn and crying

/frowns softly as you crawl away, making grabby hands for you since my lap suddenly feels cold
/raises a brow and orders soda for the both of us and water, but in case you're not feeling up to things.
/orders the sundae, one for each of us, and thanks the lady
cute, yifan
wu yifan 8 years ago
@bang yongguk Are you seriously going to bleep it out when you and I both know you curse a lot?
/widens my eyes in surprise as we're caught and quickly shifts off your lap, my head ducked in embarrassment
/decides not to order after all and fidgets with my thumbs, my lips pressed together shyly.
bang yongguk 8 years ago
@wu yifan I really can't help it, Fan. Come on, you're _____ing adorable.
/coos at you with a smirk and peeks with one eye as a waitress clears , wanting our attention.
/pulls back and gives you a squeeze, wondering if you're embarrassed you just got caught, finding it amusing how shy the waitress has gotten.
/tells her my order and glances at you, wondering if you were still going to get the same thing I wanted, the thought of warm brownies in a sundae making my mouth water
wu yifan 8 years ago
@bang yongguk /nips at your fingers, although my frown is already shifting into a smile due to the affection you show me
/whines as you give me that look, covering your eyes. But you were being a jerk!
Y-Yongguk, you are just so unfair sometimes. Why do you always affect me like this.
/melts against your lips as you kiss me back, my fingers running through your hair as I crane your head closer, parting my lips eagerly and bringing your tongue into my mouth
song kyungil 8 years ago
@yoon jeonghan yes really yoonie
it makes me happier seeing you smile
yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@song kyungil /props my chin with my hand/
Really, hyung???
song kyungil 8 years ago
@yoon jeonghan /chuckles softly
/grins happily at you
i love seeing you smile yoonie
yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@song kyungil /smiles back at you and reaches out to pinch your cheek/
song kyungil 8 years ago
@yoon jeonghan alright yoonie
/smiles softly
/sits back down
yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@song kyungil /blinks at the sudden hug/
Huh?? Ah no...
/shakes my head/
I'm fine.
song kyungil 8 years ago
@yoon jeonghan /finishes both my coffee and cake
/gets up and hugs you from behind
yoonie.. i know something is bothering you
/pecks your cheek
because your not your happy self and it worries me..
yoon jeonghan 8 years ago
@song kyungil /finishes my food/
/sips on my coffee after/


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arzenic 7 years ago
lee mijoo left
xEvanescencex 7 years ago
chaeeun is leaving. had a great time here~
75bd8d51488fd100f027 7 years ago
see y'all in the revamp!! - hyejeong
mystic- 8 years ago
baekhyun is leaving
i don't want to hog a character
Brokenhopes_deadsoul 8 years ago
Jessica is leaving
wasn't active either
goodluck to all of you <333
Garchomp 8 years ago
I'm leave gukkie but I'm going to keep kookie <3
piixiedust 8 years ago
hyuna left
but I will cling on with princess yooong for a lil longer ;;;
putangbobo 8 years ago
jin is going on a short hiatus. just saying o/
AppleOrange 8 years ago
.. I spelt fiance wrong -.-
AppleOrange 8 years ago
Gimme wh -eezing
I like need to bounce ontop. Of irene and
Make babies with my finace
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