
Singers (1/∞)

Blessed with a natural talent, singers grace the world with their beautiful and unique voices. They usually spend most of their time in the studio making music and hoping to either make the big bucks to or simply entertain.

Rappers (0/∞)

Like singers, rappers are also blessed with a natural talent. They have the ability to spit rhymes whenever they want and to convey whatever message the want through their music. They can connect to any crowd and usually rise to fame quickly, but they also find trouble quickly.

Dancers (0/∞)

Can you move your body the way they do? Probably not. Dancers are known for the amazing way they move their body and convey whatever message they want through the beautiful world of dance. They're closest to singers and rappers as they often appear in music videos for them.

Models (0/∞)

Models get jobs for shallow reasons: their looks. But they don't care, who would be mad about getting paid to be beautiful? They get to make millions of dollars just by posing in front of the camera. They're also close to singers and rappers due to appearing in their music videos, but can also be a source of drama when their beauty lures in taken people.

Actors (0/∞)

Like models, actors often spend their time in front of their camera, but not just because they're beautiful. It takes talent to become and actor and that they have. Because music and acting are two different worlds, they may not be as close to singers and rappers, but they are close to radio djs and models as their paths often cross.

Radio DJs (0/5)

Like to talk? Then you should be a radio dj! Radio DJs spend their career talking and promoting. They're close to everyone because they promote everything from a new movie to a new song. They also love to find drama and gossip about it.

DJs (0/5)

DJs get to play in the hottest clubs around Seoul, filling them with music and making people dance. Their job is to get the club hype and happy while also enjoying the music they get to play. They often get to make the music for a singer or rapper's newest song.

Groupies (0/∞)

Groupies love attention and they get that attention by having . They're the main reason behind infidelity because they just want to screw their favorite singer, rapper, or actor. They don't have any shame though, they love what they do and if it means ruining a marriage, it's well worth it.

Strippers (0/5)

Like groupies, their iness can get people in a lot of trouble. Whether they work at Kitty Kat or Heartthrob, they come in contact with some big name stars and their money. You can't blame them though, they're just doing their job.

Producers (0/5)

Producers are the people that every rapper and singer go to when they want to make a new hit song. They know what it takes to make the best songs and they're so talented that it's not a surprise many singers and rappers sleep with them to get their full attention.


Irene [A] 8 years ago
another boop
Irene [A] 8 years ago


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seduisant 7 years ago
do add and reserve taehyung for me, thanks.
pixels 8 years ago
can you please add and reserve park minha?
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