dance room

dance room
dance room
the dance practice room. have fun practicing your dance here. work on choreography and such. this is the only dance room currently.  
Noochi 7 years ago
*walks in with some music on and walks around briefly*
Noochi 7 years ago
*quietly walks in and looks around*
Suho 8 years ago
/Basically just wathe the two of them in wonder, really impressed by the dancing skills they have
/humming along with the song, thinking about how to distribute the lines
/taps my feet, really concentrating on what everyone's voice sounds like
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -smiles and nods-
I only try my best.
-watches you and nods-
Alright. Let's do it.
-grins slightly and dances a bit-
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren *watches you dance, nodding in agreement*
Yeah that's good.
I like that one move you did.
*repeats the move to you once more to show it to you*
Let's do that.
*begins to dance along with the song, improvising the moves and noting which ones fit the best and which ones didn't*
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe (Alright. Awesome.)

Yeah we should.
-chuckles softly and bites my lip-
Yeah and we could speed up slightly and along with the song.
-listens to the song and dances a bit-
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren [ oh wait. I just realized Junhoe's sub talent is rap. nvm. we're good. ]

Should we work on the 7th Sense then?
*hums softly as I grab your phone, plugging in the song and listening to it for a bit*
At the beginning, maybe we could move slow?
*starts the song over again and begins to dance in a slow motion with the beat*
Something like that?
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -looks through my phone-
I don't remember the names off by heart.

(Yeah I know. I don't know what else we could do.)
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren *rubs the nape of my neck*
What's the name of the songs that Suga wants to do?

[ The admin was really pissed and is being really strict about it - so I think we should avoid doing that song since we don't have three rappers. ]
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe (I know. It'll be hard.)

Yeah. It'll be a bit difficult.
I'm sure that he will.
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren [ I don't know if it's allowed because we're not suppose to do a talent that we didn't place for our application. ]

*rubs the nape of my neck*
Well anyways, we can't do the choreography if we don't know who the center is.
I think Suho hyung should distribute the lines.
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -shrugs slightly-
I don't know if he did.

(Well, unless one of the others becomes a rapper for this song.)
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren *nods as I look over at you*
Did Suga already give out the line distributions?

[ Although, I don't know if we can do 7th Sense because we don't have 3 rappers. ]
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -nods quickly-
Let's get started on it.
I want to do it with you.
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren *looks over at you, humming softly*
Well since we have the songs picked out for our challenge - should we just work on the choreography?
I can do the choreography if you'd like.
Ren 8 years ago
@Suho -grins slightly-
You had your reason.
-hums quietly-
-turns slightly-
We haven't decided on one yet.
Suho 8 years ago
@Ren /sighs in relief, biting my lip
Oh, thats good. I'm sorry I'm a bit late, though.
/blinks in surprise at the hug
/nods my head
Oh okay !
Ren 8 years ago
@Suho -turns to you and waves-
You made it ge.
-walks up to you and hugs you-
It's okay.
-smiles slightly-
We're just brainstorming right now.
Suho 8 years ago
@Ren @Junhoe
/comes running inside the room, out of breath
I'm sorry.
/apologizes quickly, biting my bottom lip, bowing slightly
I got caught up in something.
/straightens up
Have you guys started yet?
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe *chews on my lip*
Something upbeat. I'm more use to that.
*smiles slightly*
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren /looks over at you as I rub the nape of my neck/
Do you have any idea of what kind of song you want to do choreography too?
/raises a brow as I look over to you/
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -nods-
It's nice to meet you as well.
Yeah we could do that.
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren /nods slowly, sighing softly to myself/
Well anyways, nice to meet you Ren.
Well, if he's not here - maybe the two of us could work on some choreography?
/raises a brow/
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -nods-
Yeah it is.
I hope so as well.
-shrugs slightly-
I don't know where he is.
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren /laughs softly as I rub the nape of my neck/
Yeah, it's great that we're here.
Just hope we can debut soon.
/looks around, humming to myself/
Where's the leader ?
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -sighs quietly then manages a small grin-
Glad I got it on the first try.
-looks at you and nods-
Yes I'm Ren.
-bows slightly-
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Ren /blinks, looking back over at you, a bit surprised before realizing who you might be/
Neh, I'm Junhoe.
/bows my head politely before raising it/
You're probably Ren, right?
/raises a brow as I look over at you/
Ren 8 years ago
@Junhoe -hesitantly walks in-
Oh, um, hi?
-plays with my fingers-
You're Junhoe, right?
Junhoe 8 years ago
@Suho @Ren /walks into the dance room, looking around in amazement/
Everytime, I never get tired of seeing this dance room.
/looks around as I raise a brow/
Wasn't there suppose to be Suho and Ren somewhere ?


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salteddarkchocolate 7 years ago
could you add and reserve j-hope, please? thank you!
trmcroleplayer 7 years ago
Please add and reserve krystal
BBVIPBaby 7 years ago
please a&r blackpink's jennie kim
kyukyukyu 7 years ago
I would like to request Wenhan of UNIQ
DixieQueen 7 years ago
please add minnie of tint and karry of tfboys
Linguini 7 years ago
applied for Jinhwan ^^
BubblegumWitch 7 years ago
Could you please add abd reserve Kahi? Thanks!
sonicapocalypse 7 years ago
Help me choose please: Ulzzang Kwon Sujeong, Red Velvet's Joy, or Red Velvet's Seulgi?
comewithme 7 years ago
Sorry can you re-add suzy
comewithme 7 years ago
Can you add Suzy pls
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