Truth or dare!
1.How was your first day in the rp? did you feel welcome?
2.Do you lOVE JESUS!? (Jesus loves you and so does Baek)
3. We're all dead here, but who would you kill again and why?
4.Is there someone you can't stand?
5.Who would you trade sentences with and why?
6.If you could change something about your past life, what would it be? or bottom? sweet or sour? coffee or tea? your place or mine? (wiggles eyebrows)
1.Kiss the person below you anywhere but the lips.
2.Give the person above a lap dance.
3.Let your inner stripper out.
4.Talk backwards for 3 turns
5.Call the person above you daddy for a day
6.Drink holy water (ik y'all thirsty hoes) and do tell us how it goes.
7.Send your crush/someone you haven't talked to a very lame pick up line. yeah, you're welcome <3
Rock paper scissors!
Rock: 1
paper: 2
scissors: 3