✧ locker rooms

locker rooms
Goo Hara 8 years ago
@Shin Jiho "Sorry." She bit her lower lip and nodded. "Ok, I'll wait for it patiently then!" Hara rejoiced and as he seemed amazed, she opened her legs widely for him.
"Really? And do you like it?" She asked and once Hara felt Xero's tongue in her, she moaned softly and arched her back a little, as what he was doing felt good.
Hara then held her s with both her hands and tilted her head so she could see better what he was doing and to see hoe engorged his was getting.
Shin Jiho 8 years ago
@Goo Hara "Oh...Well don't zone out when I'm talking next time."
Xero chuckled softly at how happy the other seemed at something so little like dying hair. "Okay, okay. We'll do it soon, so don't worry."
Biting the corner of his lip as Hara removed her , the male growled once again at the sight of her nicely waxed . He blinked as her were thrown onto his face, pulling it off and dropping it to the floor.
"It's been a while since I've came across a girl who had her waxed." He said as he pushed her thighs up, leaning in to give a quick to her .
Goo Hara 8 years ago
@Shin Jiho "I do, but I was just lost in my thoughts." Hara confessed and blinked as she pursed her lips, not so afraid as he stopped talking to loudly. "It's nothing to do with you, really." She shacked her head and smiled.
"Oh, we should go to the one whom dyes your hair and ask her if she can do mine then!" Hara rejoiced and was about to grab once more as she saw it clearly now that he got rid of it's retrains, but earing him order her to take her off, she bit her lower lip as she laid again on the table and slowly removed her , letting her clean which had wax on to get the hair out, into view.
"Ok, no need to warn me twice." Hara tossed her into his face once they were off completely.
Shin Jiho 8 years ago
@Goo Hara () it's fine

"It sounded as if you don't believe me with what I had said." The silver headed male's voice raised but he quickly began to calm down as soon as he saw her pout. "Do you believe me?" He said in a more calm, controlled tone.
"Oh. I thought you didn't anymore since your mom puts pressure on you." He blinked at her. "Well I wouldn't but I know someone who can. She's the one who dyes my hair."
Xero growled lowly as his clothed was d, quickly removing his pants and boxers, standing up proudly. If it wasn't obvious already, he wanted to the latter senseless and the fact that she wasn't fully yet bothered him.
Reaching over, he tugged at the hem of Hara's . "Off. I'm sure I earned it already."
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho [I didn't reply to this? O___O omg I'm sorry I thought I did.]

"Hum?" Hara pouted and looked at him, afraid of having him mad at her. She didn't liked when people were made, since she knew she could have a bad outcome for her and sometimes she got really bruised from it.
"I didn't I actually like modeling." Hara shrugged and smiled a bit. "You would dye my hair? It's quite big..." She warned, felling like he was quite brave to want to dye such a big amount of hair.
Hara giggled as Xero pulled her skirt away and helped him as she rose her in the air for a bit.
"I'm glad then." Hara hummed and caressed his still clothed that was still covered by his boxers and ped pants, wanting to already have fun with it.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "Why, do you not believe me?" Instantly, Xero's eye brow raised, starting to feel a little offended by the way she had said 2 small words such as 'I see'.
"Why would you need to ask them when you have a person right here to get your hair dyed? I thought you quit modeling anyways." He said, a bit confused.
Hearing Hara's words, Xero wasted no time to the other's skirt, eager to pull it off of her. Throwing it somewhere carelessly across the room, he placed a hand on her milky white thigh.
"I'll make sure to do so~" he winked back.
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "I see." She nods and hums, wondering if he ever had loved since he said those words of it was just a spur of the moment, but she had to keep her doubt, since he had gone away and she wouldn't probably see him ever again.
"I'll try to convince my sponsors to dye my hair red again soon then." She chuckled and touched his chest with both her hands.
"This skirt is easy to take off, it's just necessary to push, take it off for me?" She sweetly and sensually pleaded him as she laid on the table, letting her forearms support her body a little up.
"Call me once it happens, ok?" She winked.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "Well other men have their opinions of what's pleasing women, and apparently that's how whoever you were talking about is how he pleases women." He said with a small nod, curious to who she was talking about.
"Oh.." he said, blinking before he he slightly nodded. "Well it did..until I imagined you with red hair, so I think you with red hair looks better." Smiling sheepishly, the taller poked Hara's cheek.
Xero's eyes darkened as soon as the blouse was removed from the other's body, resisting the urge to do anything to her. "You should start taking off your skirt..I think that'd be a wonderful idea."
"I'm not sure, it hasn't happened before, but now that you got that idea in my head, I'm sure it won't be long until that changes."
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "So calling a girl a and asking if she liked it was supposed to be pleasing?" She innocently asked as she bit her lower lip and remembered how her ask at times would groan those words out as he came on her.
"Yeah I had." Hara nodded and smiled. "I'm a part time model and they are the ones to decide that and what I wear for the pictures, doesn't this color look good as well?" She tilted her head and pouted a little.
Hara took in the sight of his shirt rising up and was surprised once he also took the change to his pants, letting her have a brief view of what they were hiding.
Knowing it was her time to show some more skin, she ed the last buttons of her blouse, making the teasing as long as possible and then let it also fall down, to God knows where.
"It's gay? Why if one or more girls would participate?" Hara her lips and thanks to the cold breeze passing by her chest and by the dirty conversation, she felt her s hardened and herself becoming wet.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "No, I don't know because I'm not a girl. And we don't always get too fast. The only reason we say dumb things is because we're under pressure sometimes, since we have to please women."
Xero hummed into the kiss for a brief moment as his arm was massaged.
"You had red hair too?" He said, looking at the other's hair before looking at her face. "Why'd you dye it brown if you liked it?"
He nodded a bit and looked down at himself before he began to his shirt, throwing it aside once he was finished. He then ed his pants, stopping at that and looked up to see Hara's face. "Actually, we never took girls, but having an sounds amazing." He smirked at the thought of it. "I'll make sure to recommend it to the other guys, but I'm not sure if some of them will like it since they're gay."
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "Because sometimes guys get too too fast and just say or do dumb things, but a girls likes to be treated right, you know?" Hara massaged his arm on where she had slapped him and kissed him back once his lips came forwards towards her own.
"Red is y, once I had my red hair as well and I liked it." Hara confessed and already was imagining how it would fit him.
"Take one piece of clothing out then, once you do it I'll also drop it to the floor." She suggested and looked at his pants and then his shirt, honestly wanting both of them to separate themselves from his body. "Oh damn, you each other when you have no girls? Take girls there and take turns or just do a big harem or kind of thing?" Hara her lips felling tempted to visit.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara Xero pouted as his arm was slapped, acting as if it hurt. "I'm not abusing it. Why would I threaten my chance to have with you?"
"Just surprised..?" Seeing the latter part her lips, Xero eventually leaned in to kiss her once again, making sure this kiss was a lot deeper and longer than the last one by tilting his head.
"Red." He said, biting his lip harder as the other let the shirt slide down, her collar bone now in sight. "Yes it should come off. It's nice to tease men like this." He whined rather childishly. He let out a small, short laugh at Hara's joke. "I feel flattered that you think I'm hot." He started with a soft content sigh. "But our locker rooms aren't actually like yours though. And if you do decide to come in, don't be surprised if you see guys ing."
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "I see. Sounds like my mom, but she usually seems what she is doing a little better, so it surprised me to know that the school was like this." Hara hummed and then slapped one of his arms playfully. "Don't abuse it. You might get lucky if you play your cards right, but I prefer to be called y or something alike."
"I didn't say I didn't liked it, I was just surprised." Hara mumbled and parted her lips as his lips rubbed on her own, wanting to kiss him again.
"Really? What color?" Hara questioned as she let her blouse loosely fall from her shoulders, but still maintaining her chest covered, to to no end on propose. "Should it come off?" Hara slyly smiled. "I see, you should get used to it as well. Don't you also have a locker in the further back in the guy's locker room? One day I should check it out as well." She joked, calling him hot as well in other words.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "When my mom is eager to do stuff, she doesn't give anything second thoughts she does it right away. So since she was so eager to get me out of the mansion, she didn't pay attention to the name." He said with a disapproving shake of his head.
"So you want to be called one? Is that what you're trying to say? 'Cause I can make you feel like one. Most definitely." Jiho smirked lightly.
He pulled away from the kiss, looking at Hara. "Did you not like it?" He leaned in a bit so that their lips were ghosting over each other.
"I know it." He said proudly. "I'm going to dye my hair red though, pretty soon." His head reached out to gently trace the other's cleavage, biting his lip again. "When do I get to take this off?" He asked and tugged at the hem of her shirt.
"I'm just not used to complements about my features....I haven't told anyone before but I'm extremely insecure about myself." His nose scrunched up as it was poked and huffed. "Nah...modeling isn't really my thing. I've already done it before, for a short amount of time anyways." Jiho shook his head.
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho Hara shacked her head and smiled, thinking that the locker probably had something special for the guys to like it this much.
"Oh yeah, now that I think about it..." Hara wonders and hums. "Breel does have the same letters as rebel, but mixed around, to sound fancy and the same happened with my mom, guess they didn't really look into it and were folled by it's name." Hara nodded as she looked at her toes for a second.
"Still wasn't called that around yet, still didn't do anything to give them the reason to and from what I see, it sounds more fun than what my mom makes me go through." She explains and once again looks up at the male.
Hara parted her lips, releasing a small gasp as she was surprised by his sudden kiss. They went to the room to talk and , but she wasn't still used to all this rebel girl thing.
"It looks good on you." Hara simply stated and followed the trail his eyes did, grinning in the end, once she realized it was her chest he was fixated on.
"Why are you doubting? Don't fell proud enough of your looks, take a complement, will ya?" Hara pinched one of his cheeks lightly and then poked his nose. "Besides that, I bet you would also do a good model, you have a small face and perky nose, they like that." She nods studying his face better. After some time in that kind of job, she learned a few tips, tricks and knows what they usually like for people to have as features.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "I don't know...that situation has never happened, at least not to me anyways. If it did happened to me though...." he stopped in his sentence to think about it. "I'd ask another girl to give her a makeover in exchange for a round of . So when she's pretty, then I'll be able to her." He nodded. "Yep, that seems pretty simple to me."
"Yeah, they do. My mom still didn't find out that Breel actually means rebel. As soon as she saw that it was an academy, she sent me here." He stretched his arms out, grinning lightly at the small wink he got from Hara.
"Your life shouldn't be a nightmare, now that you moved here...do you like being called a anyways?" His eyebrows furrowed a bit, his expression changing quickly at the other's words. "Do I wanna touch them?" He bit the corner of his lip before running his tongue over it as he watched Hara undo her blouse. "Gladly~"
Jiho let out a small sigh as he listened to the other. It was obvious that her life was a bit more worse than his own and hearing the slight tremble in her voice made him feel a bit sorry for her. He leaned over and kissed Hara briefly, hoping that the little kiss cheered her up.
"My mom thought otherwise. I quit trying to grow my hair back so I decided to just dye my hair silver..." his voice trailed off rather awkwardly now that the other's blouse was halfway undone, his eyes fixed on her s. Jiho raised a brow. "You're not just saying that? You really find pretty boys the most delicious?"
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "What if one day a really ugly girl has a locker around that area tho?" Hara raises a eyebrow as she questions the guys silly theory, and after he continues to talk she tilts her head.
"They engourage this type of behavior?" Hara laughs softly and shakes her head. "My dear mother will be displeased after judging this school wrong then, she thought this school had bad kids that received a strict education to they changed their ways. Let's keep it a secret from her then, I just arrived and from what I see it seems like a nice school." Hara her lips as she looked at Xero and winked.
"And I wasn't, but people can change and I like having . My life is already a nightmare, so why not? It's not like people calling me a will get it any worse." She confessed.
"I'm a c cup, used to be a b, now they are hard as rocks. Want to touch them?" Hara asked innocently and undid a few buttons of her school blouse, after she carefully took her jacket away.
"Well I got implants, am too skinny because my mom obligates me to only eat what she approves, I was supposed to be married by now because she picked a guy out for me, I'm a part-time model and because of that I failed a year and once I started to rebel she locked me up in a different school. But don't be sad, we aren't here to be sad, are we?" Her voice trembled a little, even when she tried to hide it, since she remembered how the guy just left her without a reason and how she tried to make everyone happy and to be perfect, just to realize that everyone's happiness was destroying her and that everyone was far from perfection.
"D'aw, what a shame, I bet you looked the cutest." Hara pouts and undoes her blouse halfway and leaves it like that for now. "I'm a girl, it's different and besides, I like pretty boys, they looks the mot delicious." Hara looks up at him, too see his reactions to all of her actions up to now.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "Anyone that has a locker in the back of the room is automatically considered hot. I'm not sure who's idea it was though." He leaned against the desk. "No. This school literally encourages us to do bad stuff that wouldn't be allowed at other schools. So do you really think that we'd get in trouble by going in a locker room?" He gave the other a quick look.
"Well I'm sorry, you look like a person who doesn't expect to have on the first day you meet someone." He mumbled, watching the latter, confused to what she was doing. He was about to open his mouth to question her until her bra was wrapped around his neck. He could feel himself get a bit hard in his pants. "Arasso." He breathed, picking the bra up by the strap. "What bra size are you~?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Why, do they always bother you? You're lucky, I wish my parents would pay attention to me for once." He pouted as well, letting her play with his lips with her thumb. Jiho blinked at her questions, frowned and nodded. "Yes, my mom said it. I used to have a bit longer hair when I was younger but my mom cut it in my sleep, saying it was too girly of me to have close to shoulder length hair." He huffed. "And don't call me pretty! I don't even let other guys tell me that I'm pretty."
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "Oh damn, my first day and I'm already one of the hottest? I fell flattered." She grinned and crossed her legs while seating. "Although I'm curious, no one of you guys ever got caught or like getting expelled for entering in the girl's locker like that?" Hara frowned and blinked as she looked at him.
"It's ok I would be be safe, I will be sure to call you and to have mud nearby the next time I'm in a cat fight, that's for sure." Hara chuckles and uncrosses her legs, just to cross them the opposite way.
"You just said yourself that guys pick up girls from the locker's room, am I that angelic that I expect you to only lecture me?" Hara continued to lightly giggle, as she felt amused by him and undid her bra and took it off without taking her uniform's shirt or jacket.
"Here, have a starter for out little fun, but to take the rest off you will have to fight for it, hum?" She smiled and curled the lacy cream colored bra around his neck.
"I wish my parents would forget me for at least a minute, you're lucky." She pouted as one of her thumbs passed by his lips. "As anyone ever told you that if you had longer hair you would look like a girl? You're pretty." She mumbled and smirked.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "Well you should, I'm not the only guy who busts into girl's locker rooms to pick up a girl. And everybody knows that the most hot girls are in the back and since your locker is in the back, you're going to get a lot of glares." He said with a nod. "And if we don't leave with a girl, most likely a fight will happen with the girl we just hit on...but I'll make sure not to leave you in that type of situation, no matter how hot it is to see girls fight."
He looked as he saw other students go into classrooms, catching his friends and pointing to Hara as to why he won't be with them for a bit. He follows her into the empty room and closed the door behind him, glancing back at the other before locking the door.
"Oh? So are you expecting to see me some time soon?" He stood in front of the table the other was sitting at , holding his hands behind his back. "I would've been a junior but I started school late. There was a moment in my life where my parents forgot about me for a bit because of their business so they forgot to enroll me into school." He said with a shrug as if it wasn't a big deal.
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "I'm not used to it and will never be." Hara replied and looked around into classrooms, to see if any ways free for them to sneak in.
The bell had just rung and so the janitors had probably already had open the classrooms by now and with almost everyone on class, they could enter on it, if not she was sure they could ask one to open it up for them, saying he would help her study as she did lost a few weeks of classes already.
"Yeah, I am." She grins as she finds a classroom door just ajar and enters in it.
"Won't be sure until I see you ." She sat in a table ad looked at him nearby. "Really? I could have swore you were a Junior already." She bit her lip realizing she had been offensive today and blamed her mom mentally. The fight she had with her over the morning was probably the reason for her mad mood.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara Jiho chuckled softly, "I'm sure it isn't. Are you used to having death glares like that?" He looked back at the locker room as they walked, soon turning his attention back to the other as she began to speak.
"Oh, you're eighteen?" He shook his head. "Ani, I'm not. Do I look like a minor?" He looked down at Hara as she glanced at him.
"I'm a sophomore..." he said with a nod.
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "I was already sure of that, but you won't get it that easily as well, you know?" Hara took his hand with a nod and started to walk while she continued to talk.
"Yeah a more private place would be nice, having this girls glaring at me like vultures after a piece of meat is not nice." She confessed as her heels clicked around the polished floor.
"I'm still eighteen, I'm not a thirty old hag, you're still a minor? Prison might me just a place and age just a number, but I'd rather be free." She glanced sideways at the male, wondering if he thought of her to be too old.
Most people always said she looked too young for her age, so this as rather refreshing.
"And you Xero? In what year and class are you?" She asked him with mere curiosity.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "As if I haven't gotten into deep trouble before. And really isn't my thing so I'm sure you won't have to worry about me forcing you against your will." He said, patting the other's head.
Jiho blinked a couple of times before grinning as he realized that he got her year right. "A little bit of both...I always know about the new kids before anybody else does but I didn't find out about your year. But since you're older than me, should I start calling you Noona~?" He said, grinning.
He followed the older's eyes to the door, blinking before getting what she meant, gladly holding out his hand for the other to take. "I'll take you to a more private place if you'd like~"
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "You would never me, since it's hard for me to dislike it. Besides if it really was against my will, the surveillance cameras would catch you on the act, and you sir, would be in deep trouble." Hara explained and hummed, as she heard him groan.
She could be now a , but he would have to work for it. She still knew her worth and wouldn't just open her legs to any around, he had to make his way into her .
"I am, but I was supposed to be a senior this year. Good call!" She eyed him as she turned her head and grinned. "Did you got it right by a wild guess or you have been eying your pray?" She continued with the chitchat while the other girls glared around at her, making her uncomfortable.
Hara moved her eyes from him to the door of the locker room, indicating that she wanted to be somewhere more quiet for them to talk or even do something more.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara "So if I decided to you, you wouldn't mind me doing so?" He asked, trying to understand this method of her's.
The question he received made Jiho groan, but wanted to know what year she was so he studied the other, looking her up and down. "A junior? I dunno." He shrugged as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "By liking it, I like , so unless they guy is that horrible or ugly, I'll take a ride on him." She nonchalantly explained as she turned around on her heels, ready to take a leave.
She knew she was about to get herself in a whole she would never get out from soon, but she did liked to have with her ex and she realized her life was already too plain and distasteful, so she preferred to be considered a around school, then the little perfect princess, whom in reality had to space for her own feelings, thoughts or the right to fell broken. One could say that this was her way to cry over her lost.
"From what year do I seem to be?" She sighed and still maintained her back to the boy, as she was too ashamed to admit she had failed a school year. She had just started to act like a rebel, so stop her nerdy ways would take it's time.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara Jiho couldn't help but laugh at the other's words. "Well played. But at least it doesn't make me that desperate." He said in a rather teasing manner. He watched her as she looked him up and down, humming as she did so. He continued to hum until she began to speak. His eyebrow raised for a brief moment and he opened his mouth to speak. "Avoid them? And how would you do that?" He asked, confused, yet amused to what she was going to say.

"Help you around? Sure, I don't mind~" he bit the corner of his lip at the seductive look he received, moving closer to her. "Msy I ask..what year are you?"
Goo Hara 9 years ago
@Shin Jiho "It's it ty of you to enter in the girl's locker room, as well? It's not my fault the skirt is too big on me, I'm no nun to use it until my feet." Hara looked towards the unknown male standing beside her and grinned as she studied him from head to toe. He looked like any usual guy her age from Korea, aside from the blond dyed hair that not all would dare to try out as it would look bad and ruin the hair itself. He seemed to have some style by the way he was dressed and by the way he flirted he seemed just like what Hara needed now, instead og going to class.
"I may look cute, but I still think I may know my way around to avoid that." She chuckled and looked again in the mirror to finish up putting her lipgloss, thinking he would never imagine that instead of meaning that she would beat someone up, she would just offer herself up quite easily after the guy charmed her.
"I'm Hara and mind showing me the way around school? It's my first day and I really am afraid to lose myself in such a big school." She looked his way again as she got the lipgloss package bag to her purse and blinked in a seductive way, trying to make him realize she wasn't really in the mood to go to class.
Shin Jiho 9 years ago
@Goo Hara With his uniform jacket thrown over his shoulder, Jiho made his way to the female's locker room only to find some girl he could . As soon as he walked in, it went deafingly silent before it got loud. He walked past a bunch of girls, ignoring the desperate yet seductive looks that came his way. He went to the back of the room as he discovered from the past few times that ge found the iest girls back here. He leaned on the wall, looking at the girl who was rolling up her skirt. He arms were folded across him chest, finding the sight amusing for some reason, "Isn't that a bit ty of you, rolling up your skirt, almost to the point that your are showing." He finally spoke, pushing himself off the wall. "You know girls get like that?" He smirked lightly. "I'm Xero, and you are?" He tilted his head.


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lyndsi 8 years ago
I'm sorry but Hakyeon took his leave, I wasn't active much with him thanks for having me anyway! :)
BunnyButt 8 years ago
I was barely active so Hara left.
thanks for having me :)
babyqueen 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve Kim Hyuna please?
xingster1007 8 years ago
Is this place active?
bwikook-- 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve BTS V?
cinnacheol 8 years ago
Xero will need to be on hiatus, personal reasons but I'm not sure how long I'll be gone
krystx345 8 years ago
chorong left, has too many charas and this one is just being ignored ;-; cya hope it revamps sucessfully
sapphyrus [A] 9 years ago
baek sumin will be having a hiatus til 15th of june bc of exams < 3
krystx345 9 years ago
Lowkey wanna change my chara to Jihyun since Chorong is being hella ignored........
voidargs 9 years ago
name:kim jaehyun
ual orientation:biual
writing style: Kim jaehyun is the youngest son in his family.His dad is a ceo of one of the famous entertainment agencies while his mom is the most styling fashion designer in Korea.Jaehyun has an older sister which is a lot older than him and his parents always favoring his sister over him. He used to be jealous because of this fact but soon to realize that he should take this opportunity to become a normal boy since his parents not really pay
attention to him.He caused a lot of problems in his school which he think it was his muse and the worst is he bullied the son of MNL(A broadcasting station)'s ceo until the guy fell into coma. Jaehyun was expelled from his school and his parents decided to send him to the Breel Univeristy which is one of the best school they heard so he will become more well-behaved but when Jaehyun step inside the school,he acknowledges that the school is not exactly what he thought it would be after hearing the stuffs about them from his parents.
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