This is a room

Mi familia

Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri hummed, listening to Kira talk animatedly about how she wanted her hair done and happily obliging, very gently pulling it up into pigtails and letting her bangs escape to wisp in front of her face. "There we go, pretty girl!" She squealed and jumped up, hugging him tightly, "Thank you mommy!" He smiled, gently ushering her down the hall towards her room.

Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor laughed and knelt down, picking Eli up and examining him closely. "I vould even go as far to say you look much more handsome than me too." He grinned and the little boy burst out laughing. "I'm going to help them pick out their clothes love." Viktor kissed Yuuri's cheek and smiled at kira as Yuuri fixed her hair.

//Everything okay? Who can't die?
[post deleted by owner]
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "of course, sweetheart," he hummed, picking up Eli and letting him look in the mirror while Viktor helped corral Kira into the bathroom. Yuuri set down the happy child and kissed the top of his head while they squealed and tried to crawl up their dad. "I look like you now! Mommy even said so! I'm a big boy," Eli got out through fits of giggles. Yuuri smiled at the scene and giggled when the dogs both came into the bathroom looking for attention. "Ahh, I can't forget about these two little mongrels." He patiently took the back of the brush and gently rubbed the plastic on the top of their heads before brushing Kira's hair, the dogs passing away in satisfaction.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor was cleaning up the object they'd broken. It was a picture frame, the image inside unharmed but the frame broken and glass shattered. He made sure to clean it all up before walking into the bathroom and leaning against the doorway to watch. He held the picture from the frame in his hand and smiled at his family. Eli reached up to touch his hair and gasped a little. "Mommy can I see my hair in the mirror?" All the while Kira was shouting 'me next! me next! I wanna look like daddy too!'
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri sighed and got up, rushing over to the twins and picking them up. "Alrighty you two are already dressed and you've brushed your teeth, so I'm going to do your hair. Eli, it's your turn first today, Kira you're first tomorrow." He smiled, scooping up the small boy with shaggy hair and carrying him to the bathroom and brushing it. He hummed softly, parting their silvery grey hair on the side and grinning. "There we go! You're very handsome! Just like your daddy."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki He giggled and shifted a little. "I love you, Yuuri." He smiled and nuzzled close. After a few minutes though there was a shriek and a loud crash. Viktor groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "I suppose it's time to get them ready for preschool."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "mmnn... You taste so good," he mumbled against his husband's lips, giggling breathlessly before breaking the kiss. "We're not icky, we love each other!" Yuuri stole a few very wet kisses, smiling warmly at Viktor.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor became distracted and let go of the twins, kissing his husband back with a happy sigh. "Mommy and daddy are icky!" Eli called and ran from the kitchen, a giggling Kira not far behind him.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri grinned and moved onto the floor with his family, squealing when he was tackled into the play fight. "Who's hand is all over me?" He managed, laughing breathlessly and pulling Viktor down for a deep kiss. The kids groaned and Yuuri simply kept kissing Viktor with a bright smile.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor kissed his forehead and stood, moving to join in. "I love you too, moya lyubov." He gave Yuuri a loving look before picking up both twins at once and squeezing them tightly. They giggled and squealed in his arms and he kissed both of their heads. The dogs continued barking and tried to jump up onto Viktor and his face, and all he could manage was breathless laughing.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov A wondrous smile covered Yuuri's face and he leaned his side against his husband, holding their hand tightly. "How did I get so lucky? I have the perfect family. The perfect husband, perfect dogs, perfect children... I even have the perfect home! I'm the luckiest man alive." He sighed happily, squeezing his hand. "I love you so much!!!!"
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor kissed the top of his head then giggled. "I suppose all our children vanted to have a little fun." He pulled Yuuri out of their perfect world and gently turned his head so he was looking at the children running around and screaming with the dogs barking in response. He couldn't help but chuckle and wrap his arm around Yuuri.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "And I love you," he mumbled against Viktor's lips, leaning against him . Yuuri reluctantly broke the kiss eventually, keeping his eyes closed for a few seconds. "I'm so lucky to have you as my husband... You're amazing. Absolutely amazing."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Both kids suddenly seemed disinterested in their food and they both got up from the table, running around wildly. "I love you..." Viktor murmured against Yuuri's lips and pulled him a little closer. Suddenly a loud barking filled the room along with the screams of the twins.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri nodded, a warm smile lighting up his face as he kissed the top of Eli's head. "You two are my first babies, and nobody will ever get in the way of how I love you. I promise. I love you, little ones, I could never replace you." He leaned back against Viktor, humming softly as he turned his head for a slow kiss when the kids weren't looking.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki His mouth dropped open into an 'o' shape and he grinned happily. "As long as ve can do that because I enjoy spending alone time vith you." He hugged Kira and kissed her forehead. "Vould you like another sibling?" He asked her and she nodded enthusiastically. Viktor busted up laughing and nodded smiling at Eli. "Eli.....I vas only kidding earlier vhen ve vere talking about replacing you. Ve vouldn't baby."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "We still can. After all, it isn't really decided." He scooped up his little boy and placed them on his lap, very gently running his fingers through their shaggy black and white hair. Sure, it looked more like grey, but if you looked closely you could see the obvious streaks of black and white mixing with each other. "I don't know yet, Kira... But if you are going to, Daddy and I will tell you right away, promise. And Eli, you're my baby boy and nothing will ever change that. I'd never ever get rid of you or replace you for anything."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki "No, I just vanted to talk to you about it over a stroll in the park and sipping some nice hot wine....or tea in this case." Viktor sighed dramatically and Kira poked his cheek. "Are we really getting another little brother or sister?" She whispered in his ear and he chuckled with a shrug. "Maybe." Eli was now clinging tightly to Yuuri.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, squeezing his hand. "Vik, are you upset that we're talking about this now?" He leaned over and kissed the top of Eli's head, smiling warmly. "I would never ever get rid of you or replace you. You're my precious baby boy and there's nobody else like you. I love you sweetie, don't worry."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor sighed. So much for waiting until the twins were at preschool to discuss this. Kira's eyes instantly lit up and Eli on the other hand looked rather suspicious. "Are you trying to replace us?" He questioned, the parents' conversation from early very clearly on his mind. "No no, ve aren't, loves." Viktor chuckled and stuck a piece of fruit in his mouth.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "I promise I'm okay with it. I love surprises," he near purred, winking playfully before looking to the twins. "Hmmmm... Now, how would you two feel if you had a baby sister or brother to play with?"
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor grinned and nodded. "I'm not opposed to the idea either, I just vant you to be okay vith it." He took some fruit for himself and gave some to Eli. The twins were staring between them confused and Viktor couldn't help but chuckle.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri smiled, placing a few pieces of fruit on Kira's plate before placing some on his own. "So? I'm anxious, but... I want to do it with you, and if it happens, I'll be happy. If it doesn't... Well... That's okay, too. But I wouldn't be opposed..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor couldn't help but chuckle as he brought over the bowl of fruit. "One minute you're vorried and upset and now you're excited. That's vone of the things about you that I love." Viktor kissed his cheek and put some fruit on Eli's plate.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "be careful standing like that, sweetheart," he warned, helping Eli sit. Yuuri smiled and looked back at Viktor, feeling his heart flutter. "Hey, Daddy, I'm excited to talk more about this."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor was staring at the wall thoughtfully. He wasn't trying to ignore his surroundings, he was just thinking. "Daddy I thought you said there was fruit?" Eli said, standing up on his chair to catch his attention. "Sit down." Viktor smiled and walked over to the fridge to pull out an already made fruit bowl.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov He gently kissed Kira's cheek and gave her a reassuring smile. "No, I'm okay, sweetheart. I promise." Yuuri glanced at Viktor before taking a few small bites of his breakfast.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor nodded slowly. "Da i understand love." He looked up at him and smiled. Kira was sitting in his lap and eating her breakfast while looking between the two men intently. "Is mommy sick?"


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