Day/Night AU

For the times I can't be on Q and you'd like to rp

Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "then take away the negative... It's I'll always be yours," he whispered, smiling warmly. Yuuri whined when the other pulled away, yelping when he was splashed and laughing as he playfully splashed back. "Not fair, you didn't warn me!" He laughed as he splashed back, trying to stand as best he could and eventually having to retreat. The young king panted as he got closer to shore, smiling brightly over his shoulder at Viktor. "Oh come on! You're bigger than me," he said through a giggle, trying his best to block the splashes.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki He grinned and kissed his again. "That was a double negative." He teased and pulled him nice and close. Viktor let out a delighted hum and ran his hands up and down Yuuri's back, kissing his nose. "You're the love of my life....and I'm having so much fun spending time with you." He grinned and lightly splashed Yuuri's face with some water. He pried himself away and began splashing Yuuri in hopes of starting a playful water fight with him.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri's​ breath hitched and he moved in as close as he could​, holding on as tight as physically possible. A breathy moan escaped him when they tugged and on his bottom lip, tangling his fingers in their hair as he all but melted into the kiss. The smaller man wrapped a leg around Viktor's waist and parted his lips slightly, tilting his head to the side and pulling them even further into the kiss. "I'm yours," he panted against their lips, as if somehow knowing what they were trying to communicate, "I'll never not be yours..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor hummed in delight and melted into the kiss. His arms s around Yuuri's waist and he pulled him closer, his hands rubbing up and down his back. He allowed his tongue to flick out and Yuuri's lip before he grabbed it between his teeth and on it. The minute Yuuri pulled him into the kiss his mind went blank except for how badly he needed to kiss him. Yuuri was all his and Viktor felt the strongest desire to prove that to him.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "Shh... I didn't mean to scare you," he whispered, gasping and softly at the kisses on his neck. Yuuri wrapped his arms around them, tilting his head slowly to the side. "Yes," he breathed, jumping and yelping before laughing at the raspberry. "Viktor! That's​ sooooo mean!" He giggled, closing his eyes and snuggling up against the ruler of day. "I'm small compared to you, don't break me!" Yuuri laughed at his own joke and pulled him into a passionate kiss.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki He yelled and burst out laughing, wrapping Yuuri in a tight hug. "Don't scare me, I'm fragile." He joked and kissed all over his face. He paused for a moment, keeping a tight hold on Yuuri before speaking again. "And that wasn't for you to kiss my hand, I wanted you to come closer." He pouted and hid his face in Yuuri's neck. He kissed all over it, barely touching his lips to the skin before he blew a large raspberry against his neck, laughing as hard as he could.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri grinned and grabbed their hand, kissing it softly. "Of course we are. It's balance, Viktor... The day and the night need each other, and I need you. It's how it works." He softly kissed his way up their arm and neck before placing a gentle kiss on their lips. He giggled, dipping underneath the water and swimming away stealthily in a manner where it would be very difficult to know where he went. The young man swam up behind Viktor silently, jumping up to cling to him from behind. "I love you, Viktor."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki "Me neither. I love you so much Yuuri, I couldn't imagine life without you." He grinned and swam towards him, not wanting to be too far away from the Ruler of the Night. He reached his hand out to Yuuri and hummed in delight. Being with Yuuri was the best thing that ever happened to him. Sadly, they'd have to spend time courting each other before they could actually marry, and if Yurio would find out he'd snap Viktor's head off. "I can't help but feel like we're made for each other..."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "They have no clue what they're missing," he hummed, shivering at the kisses he was receiving. Yuuri rubbed himself all over Viktor, a few soft sounds of happiness escaping him. "I'd date you forever if I had to... I really want to marry you, but I'll court you for as long as I have to." He smiled, moving to a shallower area so he could stand. "I love you, Viktor, thank you for all of this. I've never been this happy..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor smiled a heart shaped smile and held Yuuri a little closer. He wasn't too deep in the water, but he was standing on his tiptoes. "There's not a reason for me to love you either. I've had suitors come from everywhere but I turned them all down as none wanted to court me before marriage. I'm glad I made those decisions because now I get to have you." He rubbed small circles in Yuuri's back and kissed his jaw, slowly trailing kisses down to reach his lips. "My gorgeous Yuuri...mine....and I'm yours." Viktor smiled brighter if possible.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri laughed, squealing when he was splashed and quickly stripping down to his own boxers. He ran after them and jumped in, laughing when he came up for air. "They can say no, but we don't have to listen." He quickly swam over to Viktor, pulling him into a tight hug. He found himself laughing again, wrapping his arms and legs around the older man. "I've got you! Now you're all mine," he declared, pulling him into a happy kiss. The smaller man relaxed in their arms, laughing breathlessly as he continually stole playful kisses. "I've never had this much fun in my entire life! One day with you, and I'm already having a hard time trying to think of any reason why I shouldn't love you... And there are no reasons I can find."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor's eyes widened and he couldn't help but get distracted, staring at the stars. He barely snapped out of it when Yuuri kissed him and he watched the man jump out of his arms. He sighed and instantly reached to grab Yuuri's hand. "Everything about you is....absolutely amazing. You are so wonderful and I love you so deeply..." He mumbled before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. After a few moments though he pulled away and began stripping down to his boxers. "Who cares if it's okay if we do this, we're royalty. No one can tell us not to." He grinned then ran and jumped into the water.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "I'll just follow you," he hummed, forming a few small stars to light the way in front of them. "I love you so much, Viktor. I've always admired you... You're so perfect to me. I can't believe I'm your boyfriend... It's amazing." Yuuri sighed happily and gently d his cheek, leaning up to kiss Viktor's cheek. "Mmnnn... Are you sure it's okay to be doing this? When we're married, we can do anything we want without having to worry." When they came to the pond he smiled, reaching up to kiss him lovingly. He giggled, jumping down from their arms and holding him close. "I love you so much... I love you so so much..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor laughed happily and held Yuuri a little closer, shifting him so not to drop him. "I could carry you like this all the time. I don't want anyone but you Yuuri. You're all I want and you're all I ever have wanted." He kissed his forehead and nearly tripped over a tree root in the dark, clinging to Yuuri tighter and laughing. Viktor was humming happily as they went, admiring what he could see of Yuuri. "I hope you like swimming, the lake is a little deep so if you want your feet to touch the bottom you should stay closer to the edges."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri giggled and let his legs swing when he was picked up, wrapping his arms around them to balance himself. "Viktor... Do you even know how many people wish they could have you? I'm so lucky. I love you more than I can ever express." He smiled, looking into their eyes with a lovestruck smile and happy sigh. Nothing could ever make this day better, and if every day could be just as lazy as this one was and just involve them cuddling, he'd be more than happy.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki He nodded and sat up a little, still holding Yuuri close. "I really like the fireflies....I hope they like me too." Viktor grinned and kissed him sweetly. "They're so cute, just like you, my love." He poked Yuuri's nose then stood and scooped Yuuri into his arms bridal style. He began carrying him in a random direction off the path, heading toward the lake to go swimming. "You're so beautiful....I just want to look at you all the time. Oh Yuuri, I love you so much."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "That sounds amazing," he whispered, a shy smile twitching up the corners of his lips and bright blush coloring his face. Yuuri nodded and gently placed a hand on his cheek, taking another kiss from the larger man. "Yes, Viktor... The fireflies will always be here. Do you like them?" He grinned and looked into their bright blue eyes, hugging him tightly with a soft laugh. "It makes me so happy to be here talking to you. This is like a dream... I never want to wake up, if it is..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki He giggled and blushed a dark crimson. "Oh uh...I was thinking we could just go to my room. After all I have a very bug, soft bed. It's good for sleeping and probably cuddling but I've never tried the cuddling part." He smiled shyly at Yuuri then carefully adjusted his flower crown. He thought long and hard before speaking again. "Will the fireflies be back tomorrow?"
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri nodded, smiling warmly. "I'd love it, Viktor," he hummed, pulling him into a long and loving kiss. He slowly threaded his fingers through their hair, wrapping his legs around their waist just a little bit tighter. "Please... I know there's an unused wing of the palace... We can hide there," the younger man mumbled into the kiss, holding him close. Yuuri slowly broke the kiss and rested his forehead on the other's, giggling quietly. "I love you..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor laughed happily and held Yuuri close. "How about a swim in my hidden lake?" He continued smiling to himself as he d Yuuri's hair. His eyes watched the fireflies animatedly before moving back to stare at his lover. "I would love it if you'd come swimming with me, then we could go back to the palace and cuddle...just a thought." He grinned and kissed the top of his head.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "Well... I can't promise I won't bother you about it constantly until we do get married, but I'll wait as long as I have to," Yuuri whispered, grinning at the amount of kisses he was receiving. "So many kisses! I love you, and I love your kisses. Everything about you makes me want to melt." He giggled, fighting off the kisses and burying his face against their neck with a happy sigh.
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Almost instantaneously Viktor was distracted from the fireflies. He wrapped his arms around the dark haired man's waist and buried his face in his neck. "You smell so good...." He giggled a little about how weird it sounded and pulled away, smiling. "I don't know...I would say it's appropriate after five minutes but I'm probably wrong...I just love you so so much, Yuuri." He kissed all over his face and sighed happily. "I could gladly spend every night with you."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri giggled, feeling his cheeks warm. "Mmnn... I don't know if it'll come back, but I'm sure it's very glad you were gentle," he whispered, a bright smile on his face. The smaller man smiled, stealing multiple short and long kisses from him. "I love you... You make me feel so good... All of your compliments make me feel so happy," he muttered, nuzzling their neck, "Your eyes sparkle so much, Viktor... Like the night sky, or light reflecting off the ocean and it's beautiful..." He hesitantly shifted onto Viktor's lap, slowly wrapping his legs around their waist with a coy smile. "My king... My love... My Viktor... How long do we have to date before it's proper to marry?"
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor closed his eyes and nodded. "Will it come back?" He was staring deep into Yuuri's eyes and he leaned in for another kiss. His fingers flirted with the darker-haired man's and he couldn't help but sigh in delight. He couldn't help but keep leaning in for more quick kisses, enjoying the taste of his lips. "I like they way it lit reminded me of your beautiful eyes..."
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov "Ah... No, it's just going to its friends, you didn't do anything wrong love," he said quietly, kissing his cheek. "You were good to it, I promise." Yuuri grinned, squeezing his hand gently with a smile and soft giggle. He pressed gentle kisses all over Viktor's face, working his way to their lips. When he got to the older man's lips he grinned, playfully nipping at their bottom lip. "You're perfect, Viktor."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor's eyes were wide as he stared at the bug and a small blush covered his cheeks. "I...I just don't want to hurt things. Especially if it is helpless against me." He rotated his hand slowly in accordance to where the firefly was walking and he let out a small giggle. "It tickles, Yuuri!" He said with a grin and couldn't take his eyes off the bug. When it flew away he looked heartbroken. "OH no! where is it going? Did i do something wrong?" His eyes were still wide s he watched the light fly away and join the others.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov Yuuri sat up and smiled, scooping the Firefly up and letting it crawl on to the other's hand as the light flickered back on again. "It's alright, sweetheart. They were just startled, that's all," he hummed, gently kissing his cheek, "see? The little bug's okay." He leaned against Viktor and nodded, sighing happily and watching the Firefly. "You're very gentle, huh, Viktor? That's really cute!"
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor sat up a little and watched in awe. He felt bad about shifting Yuuri, so he held him close, wrapping his arms around him and holding him as close as he could. "It's so beautiful....I've never seen anything so beautiful....except you of course." Viktor looked around in awe and reached out to touch a firefly. His finger touched one and he jumped back when the light went out. "Oh no, I didn't hurt it did I!??" He looked horrified at what he may have just done.
Yuuri Katsuki [A] 7 years ago
@Viktor Nikiforov A bright smile lit Yuuri's face and he nodded, humming softly. Fireflies were starting to come out and dance through the air, their trails of light mixing with the stars. "It's beautiful out here, like this," he whispered, leaning into their touch, "but not as beautiful as you." He sighed happily and reached up slightly, letting one small orb of light form in his hands at a time and releasing them into the air around them. Their light shined faintly in the clearing, dim shadows being cast through the nearby glade of flowers as they slowly danced and floated through the air around them. "I love you so much..."
Viktor Nikiforov [A] 7 years ago
@Yuuri Katsuki Viktor instantly relaxed again and sighed. He wasn't sure how Yuuri had down that, but he still had to tell the sun to rise or it didn't...wouldn't. His eyes fluttered shut and he pressed soft kisses to Yuuri's head. "And da, i o have plans." He giggled before continuing. "Plans to spend more time with you that is." Everything was perfect as the sun was setting. The field was quiet except for a soft breeze and some crickets chirping. His fingers felt his flower crown before dancing back to Yuuri's hair and adjusting the other man's flower crown.


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