●. school

grades k to 12, because of the small population, the kids must share two buildings that are only a few metres apart.
kwon jiyong。thoth [A] 6 years ago
@kim taeyeon。persephone Staring at his watch, Jiyong glaces at the clock that was built at the top of the building. It was close to 3pm, and it was time for Jiyong to, once again, pick up his children. Every so often, this would happen, the bell would ring, and his two lovely children would coming running out with smiles on their faces and his name ringing with cheerful tones. It was amazing, how little he got to see them, mostly just because he was their father and that he had to work out of town quite often. Every little moment he got to spend with them, he loved.

So he waited, for his world to be completed, once again. Of course, it could never fully be complete. There was something missing, but he never admitted it to himself, or to anyone, for that matter. Because it didn't matter- that's why.

The clock before him ticked as moments passed, seconds went by, but Jiyong's shoes continued to tap against the concrete ground and he continued to gaze up at that clock every so often. It was wracking his nerves, and he realized he probably should've have come so early. It was his excitement that got ahead of him, and it was surprising, how little parents came by to pick up their kids. He assumed that this was a small enough town, and most kids had siblings. It actually made sense. A few minutes toward 3pm, there was a car that pulled up beside him, but Jiyong didn't look at it, until he heard the loud slam of the car door.

[] lmao w OW this was bad-- you get the gist though, yeah?


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scammer 6 years ago
minkyung has to go! ;u;
ApplePieCrumble 6 years ago
Hani is leaving
felixfelicis 6 years ago
sorry, , suzy and jisung are leaving ; ;
ApplePieCrumble 6 years ago
Can you please add and reserve Ahn Heeyeon as Selene please.
felixfelicis 6 years ago
hi, could i get han jisung as poseidon?
bumbee 6 years ago
I forgot to pm I’m sorry
[comment deleted by owner]
xicewolf 6 years ago
Can I have Jennie Kim as Japanese goddess Izanami please?
junmeow 6 years ago
I have a quick question; would the demogorgon count as a character here? it's a part of greek mythology.
pastel-skies 6 years ago
hi! i'm think i'm gonna join, but is there an age limit? like, no minors? because it'll change who i'll play as
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