─ park sooyoung residence

owner: park sooyoung
a small house with a small front yard. a white picket fence to surround it for optimal privacy. 
kim minkyung。enyo 6 years ago
@park sooyoung。ix chel Minkyung would say that it was rather dangerous to go out when the moon was up high, stars already shining bright up in the otherwise empty night sky, but here she was, walking along the silent streets in order to hunt for food. She had merely just gotten back from camp hours ago, and while she'd usually go to buy groceries as soon as she stepped foot into the town, she was dead tired, the results of her recent mission still obviously putting pressure on her figure. She tried to be careful, she really did, but that sniper was persistent, the bullet hitting her by her shoulder. She had made sure that the sniper was now a corpse despite her injury, though. Definitely.

No enemy of hers shall escape. That was her promise to herself.

A lone figure wandered on the lawn Minkyung had just reached, the stranger's shriel catching her attention and Minkyung turned to look. The moonlight glinted on the blade that was om the stranger's hand. Her eyes narrowed, observing the other's movements. An episode? Was it an intent to kill that Minkyung had felt? Whatever it was, no civilian was allowed to hold a weapon. Even if it was against themselves. Minkyung's legs immediately moved, running toward the stranger just as she saw the latter raise her arms, the intent to kill strong enough to alert the soldier slightly. Just before the blade pierced its target, Minkyung's hand wrapped around the woman's wrist from behind, her other hand holding onto the woman's other arm, grip iron against the slender parts. She pulled the other's wrist away from her own stomach, raising it up to the sky before she twisted the stranger's arm, forcibly making the other let go of the knife and bringing the woman's hand to her back. She wasn't the type to be rough with women—she treated as a gentleman would—but this one, she couldn't help. She held the stranger in place, and spoke in a firm and strong tone. "What do you think you're doing?"
[post deleted by owner]
park sooyoung。ix chel 6 years ago
@kim minkyung。enyo It's a heady daze settled over my orbs and my entire mind. It's as if I'm here, in the present, yet not. Does that even make sense? It's as if I'm half awake yet asleep all at the same time. It's as if I could tell what's about to happen and I want to prevent my body from doing what it's doing. Again, countless times I'm one to have experienced such horrible events surpassing me, bringing about a wave of unpleasant feelings residing deep within me. My eyes are opened, glassy like and covered with a glaze, it's as if I'm slow in pertaining what's happening around me. Feet steady as they head down to the kitchen in my little apartment, finding the one thing, the one savior that could end it all and make things much better for me. Sharp, silver, and glimmering in the light is the knife, hand meekly reaching to open the door. Bare feet, I pad across the lawn of my residence's place, not processing just what's about to happen to me, dragging my body right into the middle of the street without an ounce of recollection as to what's really going on with me. My body lithe and free as the wind blows across my thigh length night dress, the silk material making me feel calmer than I actually am- with my heart hammering in the pit of my chest, ready to explode out of my bosom. I am nervous, fearful because of what's coming up to me, hence the realization as to why I've picked up my one and only 'weapon,' this being the only object to save myself. Turning on my heels and letting out a soft shriek from fear and bated anticipation to stop the demonic possession from entering my slender frame, my hand rises up- pushing forth and gaining momentum, timing the spirit, the wave of darkness that's about to slip inside and disrupt my entire system. Possibly kill me in the process, it's better I harm myself just a bit and save myself, in the long run, I thought as I get ready to take the plunge and bring the knife straight into my stomach. Right where the entity is getting ready to enter.
park sooyoung。ix chel 6 years ago
@park chanyeol。loki Wooooahhh thank you so so very much! I appreciate this a whole lot, and no worries, I'm sure with my boring life, I'd not be making any kind of noises /snorts and chuckles./ Thank you!
park chanyeol。loki [A] 6 years ago
@park sooyoung。ix chel by the power invested in me-- i now pronounce you owner of this house. we ask you to not make too much noise at night and try to keep the house in shape. otherwise, you're good. enjoy!


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scammer 6 years ago
minkyung has to go! ;u;
ApplePieCrumble 6 years ago
Hani is leaving
felixfelicis 6 years ago
sorry, , suzy and jisung are leaving ; ;
ApplePieCrumble 6 years ago
Can you please add and reserve Ahn Heeyeon as Selene please.
felixfelicis 6 years ago
hi, could i get han jisung as poseidon?
bumbee 6 years ago
I forgot to pm I’m sorry
[comment deleted by owner]
xicewolf 6 years ago
Can I have Jennie Kim as Japanese goddess Izanami please?
junmeow 6 years ago
I have a quick question; would the demogorgon count as a character here? it's a part of greek mythology.
pastel-skies 6 years ago
hi! i'm think i'm gonna join, but is there an age limit? like, no minors? because it'll change who i'll play as
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