─ kim taeyeon residence

owner: kim taeyeon
also houses: kim jiyeon, kim taeyong
a small house with a small front yard. a white picket fence to surround it for optimal privacy. 
park chanyeol。loki [A] 6 years ago
@kim taeyeon。persephone by the power invested in me-- i now pronounce you owner of this house. we ask you to not make too much noise at night and try to keep the house in shape. otherwise, you're good. enjoy!


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scammer 6 years ago
minkyung has to go! ;u;
ApplePieCrumble 6 years ago
Hani is leaving
felixfelicis 6 years ago
sorry, , suzy and jisung are leaving ; ;
ApplePieCrumble 6 years ago
Can you please add and reserve Ahn Heeyeon as Selene please.
felixfelicis 6 years ago
hi, could i get han jisung as poseidon?
bumbee 6 years ago
I forgot to pm I’m sorry
[comment deleted by owner]
xicewolf 6 years ago
Can I have Jennie Kim as Japanese goddess Izanami please?
junmeow 6 years ago
I have a quick question; would the demogorgon count as a character here? it's a part of greek mythology.
pastel-skies 6 years ago
hi! i'm think i'm gonna join, but is there an age limit? like, no minors? because it'll change who i'll play as
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