acrhive 2.0
read the rules before you use any of my layout.
coded & designed by yxgurt.
updated 072118
coded & designed by yxgurt.
updated 072118
minimal layouts
╱ trivia sections
╱ basic text sections
╱ photo gallery
╱ basic text sections
╱ photo gallery
╱ trivia sections
╱ basic text sections
╱ two basic photos
╱ basic text sections
╱ two basic photos
love letter
╱ basic title
╱ basic picture
╱ scrollable text section
╱ basic picture
╱ scrollable text section
sweater weather
╱ horizontal scroll
╱ scrollable text
╱ scrollable text
╱ three basic pictures
╱ scrollable text
╱ trivia sections
╱ scrollable text
╱ trivia sections
╱ trivia sections
╱ tumblr post sections
╱ play music button
╱ tumblr post sections
╱ play music button
╱ trivia sections
╱ scrollable text
╱ playlist section
╱ scrollable text
╱ playlist section
╱ instagram inspired
╱ basic into section
╱ moodboard temple
╱ basic into section
╱ moodboard temple
profile layouts
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ background section
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ extra text section
╱ lover section
╱ background section
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ extra text section
bad at love
╱ basic information
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ out of character
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ out of character
╱ basic information
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ friends section
╱ play list section
╱ extra text section
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ friends section
╱ play list section
╱ extra text section
╱ basic information
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ vertical friend section
╱ play button section
╱ two extra text sections
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ vertical friend section
╱ play button section
╱ two extra text sections
back to black
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ text sections ( about, ooc. personality, etc.)
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ lover section
╱ text sections ( about, ooc. personality, etc.)
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
poetic beauty
╱ scrollable moodboard
╱ basic information
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ play music button
╱ extra text section
╱ basic information
╱ background section
╱ lover section
╱ play music button
╱ extra text section
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ background section
╱ extra text section
╱ play music button
╱ tracker section
╱ lover section
╱ background section
╱ extra text section
╱ play music button
╱ tracker section
╱ scrollable moodboard
╱ basic information
╱ ic text sections
╱ subsections for plots or memories or for notes.
╱ play music button
╱ basic information
╱ ic text sections
╱ subsections for plots or memories or for notes.
╱ play music button
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ plots section
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ friends section
╱ play music button
╱ plots section
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ plots section
╱ playlist section
╱ ooc section
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ plots section
╱ playlist section
╱ ooc section
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ plots section
╱ playlist section
╱ friend section
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ plots section
╱ playlist section
╱ friend section
╱ basic information
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ pictures temple
╱ playlist section
╱ extra text section
╱ lover section
╱ ic background sections
╱ pictures temple
╱ playlist section
╱ extra text section