⁎ rooftop

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Were you able to sneak away from the staff successfully? Remember, don't get caught! 
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jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ releases a sigh into your touch, nodding whilst swinging my calves steadily over the edge, gently nudging my foot with the side of yours with a muffled laugh. id love that, jungkook. hm, what day should we have our first date? i ask, excited over the idea of going out with you, and thus shown within my tone. slowly inches my hand down to reach the hem of your shirt, slipping it under the cloth to rest upon your waist. yeah, having someone understand your problems and to just listen, i appreciate it so much. i appreciate you -- not just because i like you, but because of your personality.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ tilts my head back to release a laugh, nose scrunching just the slightest simultaneously with my arm shifting to securely wrap around your frame with a quiet hum. don't feel bad -- if this were to be that stargazing date, it's sufficiently filled. we should definitely do a picnic though, ooh -- i've always wanted to do a beach picnic. that way, we could picnic, look at stars, and swim. smiles warmly, resting my cheek upon the crown of your head once more. i think, in a way, we're both lucky. to have each other, that have an understanding of disabilities, such as these. it feels nice, not going through it alone.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ oh .. smacks my hand for swatting at you before hurrying to hug your waist, smudging my cheek against your chest. okay, okay -- sorry, heh. cranes my neck downwards, facing the sky but no color to avail with an apologetic sigh as i can't exactly provide you with your own ideal date before turning to you. i feel bad i can't fulfill your stargazing date sufficiently, but a picnic? i can do. slips my tongue back in my mouth after you nab at it, squinting my eyes at you jokingly and briefly. hearing your words, i chuckle before nodding my head. i'm the luckiest girl, aren't i? you're just so sweet, i love that about you.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ a swim and a picnic -- i don't think i've ever heard that as someone's ideal date. but it's cute, so i'm not really surprised. raises a hand to rub upon my shoulder with a quiet snicker, nose scrunching upwards. hit me any harder and i'm bound to tumble right off of this thing -- we can't have that. snorts playfully, tilting my head upwards with a light hum. honestly? stargazing is my ideal first date, but my second would probably be - something close to a picnic, i suppose. just doing something that we can talk, you know? raises a high brow, extending a hand to poke upon the tip of your tongue with a bemused look. it's big. like, /really/ big. and i'm not just talking my crush, but my -- pauses whilst staring at you with a growing grin, soon placing a hand upon my chest. heart.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ scrunches my nose as you attempt to take a look at my reddened face, not even needing to know how i appeared as, already guessing from the heat emitting. earning yourself a small, pitiful hit on the shoulder, i elicit a laugh then a noticeable hum. my ideal date? hm, since it's spring and getting warmer, maybe a swim and picnic? just some alone time for us to get to know each other more and being with you is ideal for me. what about you? i ask with the tilt of my head, facing you with a faded smile as you tease me, nudging your shoulder with mine. pft, shocker for you too. although it was a sarcastic comment, it was too real. smitten, i lean my head back briefly to hide my utmost happiness smile at your confession. straightens my head as i stick my tongue out at you. how big is this crush, mister jungkook?
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ i'm following the lowering of your head with an intent gaze, dipping my head forward so that i'm able to catch the sight of you anyway; which earns a softened chuckle from my lips. yeah? i would too. what's -- mm -- what's your most ideal date? i'm curious. laces my fingers with yours with the kiss pressed to my hand, biting down into my lower lip with a softened smile blooming upon my cheeks. shocker. i tease with a scrunch of my nose, bringing our hands into my lap so that my free hand can begin tracing small figurines upon the back of your own. you can say i've got a big crush on you.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ elicits somewhat of a small titter as i nod my head in response to your invitation, my smile further widening as i lower my head out of abrupt shyness. an inevitable blush blooms upon the surface of my face, trying to look elsewhere to avoid your joking teases eventually. id love that, honestly. breathes out before turning to face you once again, taking your hand in mine as i press a kiss onto your back hand. you can say i have a small crush on you.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ i have to bite back a muffled sound of distaste the moment your warmth is removed from my own, almost attempting to chase after you before i halt. my forehead presses against yours once more, attempting to catch the quick yet repetitive raise and fall of my chest as it searches for air. yeah? i question quietly in return, eyes opening to peer down at you through a blanket of lashes before a quiet chuckle emits from my lips. i don’t know? what would a date mean to our friendship?
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ sighs into the kiss, wanting nothing other than to be with you at this very moment. feeling your hand upon my waist, my lips form a small smile at just the thought of you, jeon jungkook, wanting me, being with me. pulling you closer to me, i slowly detach my tiers from yours rather reluctantly as i attempt to stablize my breathing. i -- jungkook. i whisper out, my forehead resting against yours gently. i mentally curse myself as this further confuses me on our standing as friends, definitely not regretting the kiss despite so. what does this mean to our friendship?
minhee k ¹ 5 years ago
@kuanlin l ² yeah, we did. it.. could be, yeah. feels weird to bury someone while you're talking to them about how they died, and all.
probably, mhm. but who knows? the other one that was in the gym might still be lingering around here.. we only dealt with one of them, after all.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ I’m leaning more into your touch as if I’ve lost complete control over myself, and although I’ll claim to have absolutely no talent in dance, it’s apparent that there’s some as our lips begin to create a dance of their own. the same hand that previously caressed your cheek trickles downward to loosely cup your jaw, the other rested amongst your waist in attempt to shift as close as possible
kuanlin l ² 5 years ago
@minhee k ¹ oh? you did?
hmm yeah, i guess it could be a bit too much to do that
so no more ghost who will bother us?
minhee k ¹ 5 years ago
@kuanlin l ² yeah, it was. not really buried but just.. there, hidden in the janitor's closet. around 4 of us ended up going there, collecting the body and giving the ghost a proper burial, it was-- something. kinda messes up your emotions to see all of that-
kuanlin l ² 5 years ago
@minhee k ¹ hmm I see I see
it is a bit overwhelming indeed. though one of the ghosts said her body was buried in the basement....
now im curious to go there hahaha
minhee k ¹ 5 years ago
@kuanlin l ² /sighs softly and follows your gaze to look at the sky.
just.. it's overwhelming. scary, too. but for some reason i don't feel like freaking out about it? i just feel like.. succumbing to it, like some sort of fate.
kuanlin l ² 5 years ago
@minhee k ¹ hmm alright then
/takes a seat beside you and stare up above to the sky
so what do you think about us being locked in like this?
with all the ghosts and all?
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ holds my breath as i hear your voice fade off, waiting until your lips press against my own in anticipation. your breath that dances upon my lips sends me in a world of which only you can take over my thoughts. feeling your tiers against my own, and without missing a beat, i return the kiss in a soft gesture -- my hands halting their movements, only to then tread their way to cup your cheeks, tilting my head just ever so slightly. finally being able to confirm my true heartfelt feelings for you within our first kiss, i move my hand to grip lightly onto your shirt, attempting to pull you closer as if we could.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ thank you. that means more than you'll ever know, to me. my eyes slip closed as your fingers entangle within my hair, breathing out a softened breath. my breathing is calm, yet it definitely doesn't reflect the pounding of my heart, one that rings within my ears and earns the slightest of trembles as my hand caresses your cheek; gliding just above your cheekbone as my lips curl upwards with another nod. i'm grateful too, that i can be here with you, like this. it's all i murmur before continuously inching forward to close the space between us, lips softly pressing upon your own couplet pair.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ you're already so far, i'm so proud of you. i know it's tough, but you're doing so well. i say as my hand trails up towards your hair, threading my fingers through your dark sea of hair. my breathing coming to a halt as you tuck strands behind my ear, my head following your hand movement though returning to my original position with my forehead against yours. your words have me chuckling briefly, a relief that someone relates to me, appreciates the hardships i experience and thus, i could appreciate theirs too. we've been through so much, but it led us here, and i'm so grateful. as you inch closer, your breath lapping with mine has my mind blank. your question not even registering for a good two seconds before i slowly nod and reply in a whispered tone. you may, jungkook.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ it's the least that i can do, to try. i just... wish it were easier. the tip of my tongue glides between my tiers, allowing my eyes to slip closed momentarily as i just /bask/ within the warmth that you emit. when they open, i'm raising a hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear, the pad of my thumb ghosting along your cheek. but you inspire me. my problems seem so small, when i look at you. everything that you've had to go through, and what you're still going through. it's amazing. releases a softened sigh of content, although i'm staring and beginning to inch closer, just until my tiers ghost above your own with a whisper. may i, jennie?
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ breathes slowly as i feel your forehead softly press against mine, our breaths colliding together within the night sky. risking overstepping my boundaries, i lean to then meet the tips of our noses, smiling despite my heart pounding ever so loudly, worrying youd be able to detect how nervous i was to be so close to you like never before. it's okay if you aren't ready, take your time. i say in a hushed tone, my hands coming to snake around your neck loosely. hey, you're trying so hard to remember me and even make little notes here and there about me to help you recognize me, just that is enough for me. and i'll be here to listen whenever you need, jungkook.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ i'm far from it. releases the softest chuckle whilst shaking my head as it falls forward, only to watch as your lips delicately press amongst my fingers. my heart /rings/ within my head, echoing at a quickened pace as my lower lip is captured between my lower lip. i know. but what's going on right now, it all seems kind of ed up. it's not a good time. maybe i'll tell them, i just don't think i'm ready. whispers softly as your head grows closer in distance with my own, only to release a softened exhale of relief as i lean forward to gently press my forehead upon your own. thank you, for listening and being supportive. i never really thought i'd tell anyone, but i'm glad that i told you. it makes me feel like an , though. you deserve to be
seen and remembered, and i can't even do that.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ i don't think you're weird, or different. you got a kid that fights and argues with others, a couple blind students, i think youre perfect. brings forth your hand, leaning my head down to press a soft kiss upon each of your fingertips, making my way to your backhand out of reassurance and appreciation. you're part of the family too, you deserve love and care from your family. nothing is more important than making sure your loved ones are alright, i think they'd understand if you told them. lifts my head up to face you, our faces closer in proximity though without knowledge, only the draw of your breath leading me to where you were. i don't want to force you, i'm just saying that maybe you'd feel a sense of relief. even then, i'm happy you told me and trusted me.
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ you probably would. releases a quiet chuckle, watching as your hands envelope my own with tiers gently curving upwards. it's okay, i guess. there's not really much to do about it now. but thank you. rocks one of my legs forwards and back, the tips of my fingers gently playing with your own smaller ones. i guess -- because i'm scared? i don't want people to look at me differently. my brothers, i - there's a lot going on at home, you know? i don't want them to have to worry about me, too. there's never really been a good time to bring it up.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ i think your mom and i would get along easily then. and, you're probably more handsome than i'm picturing in my head. straightens my back, taking your hand from the ends of my hair into my smaller hands, engulfing your larger one with soft caresses. i'm sorry, it must've been difficult for you to meet others and even your parents too. even through it all, you're so strong and try your best to remember characteristics of people you meet, that's beautiful. meets one of my hands up to touch the corner of my eyebrow, not even knowing of such myself whilst giving a reassuring smile. why haven't you told anyone?
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ most attractive eye smile. repeats with a soft chuckle, nose scrunching just the slightest. i think my mom would agree with you on that one. glides my tongue between my tiers, the tips of my fingers beginning to thread through the ends of your hair. i noticed when i was... fourteen? that something was up. my mom would walk into the room and I’d be like, “who is this lady that’s talking like my mom?” adverts my gaze out to the city, pressing my lips together. it was actually tested for it last year, i found this doctor a city or so away that’s doing research and he told me that I’ve got it, for sure, but there’s not a cure. it can come from brain damage which — i jumped off of my roof when i was fourteen. i can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood there, trying to figure out how to jump the same way, hit my head the same way, because maybe it’d knock it right back into place. but i know you’re you because of the freckle over your eyebrow? and when you smile, you have one dimple on one of your cheeks. it’s light, but it’s there. that’s how i know.
jennie k ⁴ 5 years ago
@jungkook j ⁴ releases a small hum as i think about the image of you i have in my head. well, hm -- a tall, physically fit male with dark brown hair? in my head, you have the cutest nose and the most attractive eye smile, your soothing voice compliments this picture of you in a way too. laughs a bit, wiping my nose with my sleeve. runs my hand through the crown of my head as i sit silently to listen, wanting you to be comfortable with sharing something so personal. how long have you had this, or at least noticed you had this? it must've been hard on you too. i'm ,, really happy you remember my name here and there at least.
minhee k ¹ 5 years ago
@kuanlin l ² just.. things. yeah- not really feeling up to it. let's just.. sit here. talk about something else. anything to get my mind /off/ of it, please.
/takes the can with two hands./
jungkook j ⁴ [A] 5 years ago
@jennie k ⁴ you do? questions, slightly surprised as the corners of my lips continue to curl upwards, inch my inch until my nose is lightly scrunched. you mean a lot to me too. i'll be sure that i'm the first thing you see. what do i -- what does it seem like, i look like? i'm curious, what i look like to you right now. chuckles quietly, nodding a few times (as if to reassure myself) before exhaling heavily and continuing in a /very/ quiet whisper. i want to share something with you, like you shared with me. i have this um - condition? it's called prosopagnosia and i'm basically face blind. i can't recognize faces, which is why i -- stick to nicknames, because most of the time, i don't know who anybody is.
kuanlin l ² 5 years ago
@minhee k ¹ What happened between you and them tho? Well if you want to tell, i wont push you to talk /hands you a can of soda/ here


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bluebird 5 years ago
lalisa manoban pls?
drooopthebomb 5 years ago
park jihoon pls
-sunrise 5 years ago
Could I cc tiffany to park jiyeon? Her bio will be the same
psycheux 5 years ago
please add eunha for me ; ;; ; ; ;; ; thank you !!!
spotify 5 years ago
caribbean 5 years ago
it shows there are only three classes available?
microwave 5 years ago
hccjvkjc hi- i accidentally left renjun- could i please be reaccepted? ;;;
ur_mai_ginger 5 years ago
Hello, could I please ask for Jake T. Austin?
vividly 5 years ago
Son Hyejoo, please
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