▪︎ Royal Garden

royal garden
a beautiful and peaceful place to have some alone time or enjoy a tea.
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□ Chanyeol [A] 4 years ago
@♡ Reece "Only a few more times with him and a doctor can tell everyone you're with child. Then you won't have to see him again."
Gently brushes my fingers through your hair with a soft hum.
"I'm glad you're happy with my size, darling. But you should really try to sleep."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol "Mhmm, I hope it will. I really really hope it will."
Smiles up at you with a fond smile, hugging you tighter before burying my face in your chest again.
"Mhmm, I had to train when I was a prince so he can't use that as an excuse. As for eating, you got a point. Very, very lucky."
Chuckles, smiling brighter
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece "I will need that ability if the heavens grant me more time by your side."
Chuckles softly and looks down at you with a loving smile as you rest your head on my chest.
"Come on, you can't compare me to a prince. That's not fair. He gets to eat all the food he wants while I don't and on top I have to do physical labour. Of course I'd be stronger than him. And as for the size.. I'm just lucky."
Looks at you with a small grin, squeezing your hand in return.
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol "Mhm, that's quite the usual ability you have then if you plan on staying with me. It's rare someone gets what I mean immediately. Yeah, so I won't."
-Hums, cuddling into your as you cover me with the blanket, my head resting on your chest before I laugh-
"Yes, it was tiny. It wasn't honestly a very disappointing experience though I shouldn't be surprised, no one can compare to you."
Hums, gripping your hand and squeezing gently as I turn my head to look into yours eyes.
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece "I think I just know you very well. I know when there's more behind a question than it seems. Yeah that'd make you a pretty big hypocrite."
Chuckles softly and gently covers you with the blanket before wrapping my arms around you.
"Oh my- are you saying he had a small ?"
Snorts softly before laughing, sliding my fingers down your arm before grabbing your hand in mine.
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol "Mhm I think you are very intelligent, it's just people don't typically see the trick in that question right away. I would say you shouldn't but I'd be a hypocrite then."
Hums, moving to lay down and watching you take off your gear before I immediately curl up against your side once you lay down.
"No, he didn't. He was insufferable though. Much to cocky for his own but I can't blame him. If my was that small, I'd have to find some way to compensate for it as well.'
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece "I'm not as stupid as you might think I am, silly. But I know that. And I would definitely get in trouble for you as well."
Chuckles softly and leads you over to the bed, taking off my boots and my weapons before laying down with you.
"The prince.. he didn't hurt you.. right?"
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol hums, relaxing more as we sway side to side.
" Mhmm, damn I was hoping you wouldn't realize that but even if you wouldn't, I still would. I mean it when I say I love you, Chanyeol."
Smiles, hugging you closer before nodding.
"Yes please."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece Gently sways us from side to side as you close your eyes and hums softly.
"That's a tricky question. If I say yes that mean you'd get in trouble for me too which I don't want but if I say no that means I'm a brat that lied about his feelings for you."
Chuckles softly and rests my chin on top of your head.
"Want to lay down a little then? I'll stay until you fall asleep."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol "Mhmm'
Hums softly, closing my eyes as you wipe my tears away before I cuddle into your broad chest
"Mmhm, would you get in trouble because for me is you had the choice?"
Asks softly, resting my hand over yours.
"I'm fine, I just want to be with you right now."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece "That's good then. Tears of joy are fine."
Smiles softly and gently wipes your tears away with the sleeve of my robe before my arms wrap around your waist gently.
"Don't get yourself into trouble just because of me, okay? First priority is your and the baby's safety."
Places a hand over your tummy with a soft hum.
"You should rest now. I'm sure it has been tough for you today."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol I let out a soft laugh at your words, reaching up to wipe my tears away.
"I-I can't help it, they are tears of joy."
I say before smiling at the kiss, moving my hands to grip the front of your shirt before a determined look appears in my eyes.
"Maybe I can's make it happen but I can promise I will never stop searching for a way to make it happen."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece A soft chuckle left my lips as I saw the tears in your eyes.
"Come on, don't cry after I just confessed my love to you. It's not something to by sad about."
Presses a soft kiss to your forehead as you speak before leaning back to look at you.
"Please don't promise anything you can't keep, my love. I will be content with living by your side even if it's hidden in the shadows."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol I began stepping backward, letting you walk into the room as I kept my head down. When you lifted my head, I looked at your face and immediately the warm feeling I felt whenever I saw you came back. As you spoke, tears began welling up.
"I-I love you yo Chanyeol, I love you too."
I whisper before smiling gently
"Our baby will always be yours, even if you aren't there you'll be there in spirit and I promise you, somehow, someday we'll all be together. I'll make it happen somehow."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece Slowly makes my way into the privacy of your chambers and locks the door behind us. With my hand I gently lift your face up to face me, a soft smile on my lips.
"Reece, look.. this is not ideal but it's not your fault. And I.. I love you, Reece. I know I shouldn't but I do. I love you and I will love our baby even if it will never truly be mine."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol Upon hearing your words I hugged you tighter, closing my eyes as I gripped the back of your uniform. I shook my head because I knew it wasn't ok.
"No, no it's ok. It's not ok at all."
I said, falling more into you as you hugged me and kissed my forehead.
"I have to. This all my fault.'
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece I widened my eyes as you pulled me in for a hug, looking around to see if anyone was close before wrapping my arms around you as well.
"Hey.. it's okay, darling.."
Gently rubs your back as I hug you to my chest tightly, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
"Please don't apologize.."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol When I saw you, my eyes immediately filled with sadness. During the whole walk, I tried to fight back the shame I felt and say something but I couldn't. I only found the courage when you smiled at me, immediately I reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you closer and holding you tight as I buried my face in your chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece It felt like days to me until the door opened having you stepping out of the room. Knowing you were ready to head back I simply bowed before leading you back to your chambers. I didn't dare speak up, knowing you'd probably want to have your privacy after what happened so once reaching your quarters I turned to you with a soft, genuie smile.
"Have a good night's rest. If you need anything just let me know."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol My gaze was blanked as I prepared by the maids to go and see the prince. I didn't want to go anywhere near that man if I was being quite honest and when I saw you, I didn't want to go even more. I stared at your back the whole way there, silently begging you to forgive me. I barely managed to stop myself from reaching and hugging you when you bowed to me once we finally arrived.
"Thank you Chanyeol." I said simply, not knowing what else to say before I entered the room. Adjusting my robes, I walked out of the room with an emotionless face, staring at the floor as I tried to push my self-hatred to the back of my mind.
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece The dreaded night finally came. Your first night with the prince. Two maids had been bathing and pampering you the whole afternoon while I just waited. Waited for you to come out looking all beautiful for the prince, not for me. Without having seen that guy I already hated him with all my heart. One of the maids came out telling me we were ready to go so I lead the way over to the prince's quarters. Once arrived I turned to look at you with a small smile, my eyes completely empty as I didn't know what to do nor say. So, knowing we were in public I just bowed to you.
"His highness is ready and awaiting your presence. I will be here to bring you back to your quarters whenever ordered to."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece Gently caresses your cheeks with a soft sigh, my eyes gazing into yours as I place a few more kisses onto your lips.
"Thank you, Reece.. thank you so much.."
Mumbles softly and slowly reaches a hand down to place onto your tummy.
"This little one will have a bright future, for sure.."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol I took a deep breath when your forehead pressed against mine, trying to relax. I found comfort in the way your nose nuzzled against mine and the feeling of your lips against mine made me move even closer to you.
"It's fine, I would've have done it anyway once I was calm enough to think and make a plan to keep you alive. I can't let you die Yeol, I care about you too much."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece Leans down to gently rest my forehead against yours, my nose gently nuzzling yours. It hurt me to even think about having someone else touching you but it was either that or having me killed. A shakey breath escaped my lips before I press them against yours in a soft kiss.
"I'm terribly sorry I'm asking you to do this.. I really am.."
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol I felt your hands cup my cheeks and I tried to fight back my tears again, I didn't want you to see me cry. I keep my gaze off to the side as you spoke. I tensed up at your words and bite down on my lower lip. I didn't want to, I didn't want to let someone who wasn't you touch me but I had to.
"I.......I know Yeol, I know."
I whisper before slowly nodding, trembling a bit more before taking a deep breath.
" I'll do it," I said softly, reaching up to rest my hand on yours before closing my eyes
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece I was going to die. If anyone other than us found out about any of this they would have me tortured and killed. A world collapsed inside of me, knowing that we were sloppy. We didn't think this true. How can a guard sleep with a concubine and think he'll get away with it? Stupid. Just stupid. But I couldn't let you see just how terrified I was at the moment so my hands reached up to cup your cheeks gently.
Starts speaking only to have to take a deep breath before continuing.
"You.. you have to serve a prince, darling. As much as I hate saying this.. it has to be his child. They- they'd kill me if anyone finds out, you know that, right..?"
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol I blinked when you dabbed away my tears and while I was grateful for the gesture, I knew it would prove pointless because more tears were coming at a fast pace. I kept my grip on the back of your shirt as I trembled against, you finding comfort but also only becoming sadder because there was the chance I could never be like this with again.
"I-i'm pregnant."
I only began crying more at the question, nodding my head
"Y-yess it's yours, you're the man I have ever been with and the only p-person I want."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece A deep frown settles on my face as I see the tears in your eyes and I quickly grab a cotton tissue to dab them away before any of your makeup would smear. I kept my free arm tightly around your waist though to keep on comforting you. You words hit me like a rock though.
"W-wait.. what..?"
Feelings of joy were quickly overrun by fear and terror know what will happen the moment someone found out.
"It's.. it's mine, right?"
♡ Reece 5 years ago
@□ Chanyeol I keep my gaze on the ground, trembling still but letting you lead me away to a more private area. When your arms wrap around me, I can feel the walls that I had built up came crashing down and the mask I wore vanishing as my arms wrapped around your waist and my hands gripped the back of your uniform, my face now being buried in your chest. Tears were welling up in my eyes because I knew I ed up, you probably going to get hurt because I couldn't keep my leg shut and I hated myself for that.
"Y-yeol..i'm p-pregnant."
□ Chanyeol [A] 5 years ago
@♡ Reece My smile drops immediately as I see your expression and I look around to see if anyone's watching before I grab your hand to lead you over to a seculded area where noone would see us. Once hidden I pull you into my arms in a tight embrace, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Now tell me.. what's wrong?"


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TaeKook 5 years ago
Can I get Kim TAehyung
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
leaving Evon and Stephen it was fun x
Everme29 5 years ago
Chaeeun Lee please~
BubblegumWitch 5 years ago
Hello. Could you please add and reserve Margot Robbie for me? Thanks!
Chinese_BL_Love 5 years ago
Can you add Micah Truitt as a Minister of Justice or Taxation
rennuelaw 5 years ago
Can I have Normani Kordei as my second please, as a concubine
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
hello loves, could i get a second please? stephen james as a minister?
73a7bbf8937d4d27288a 5 years ago
hwang hyunjin please
ashflower 5 years ago
Please add and reserve Antonia Freya Lydia pleaseee
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
Evon Wahab please
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