♡ Chamber #2

Chamber #2
be sure to make yourself known before entering.
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♧ Antonia 5 years ago
@♡ Evon *with a soft thank you to the maid whom set down the tea on the counter beside the doctor, her blonde lashes hooding over her olive eyes*
I’ll prepare a batch for you.
*she laughed out at the woman’s claim, eyes crinkling into joy while she listened to the woman speak*
Indeed. Beauty often deceives those whom simply view what pleases their eye.
♡ Evon 5 years ago
@° Antonia /the work on her foot was swift, thanks to the efficient maids that had been tasked to cater at her every whim unfortunately so and even the doctress. Evon watched with baited breath that with mild fascination even as her foot was bandaged, a sticky condiment of some herbs applied to the wound to heal. The bloody mess she had made was gone, the only trace of what had happened in the hems of her skirt and the healer’s sleeves. Murmuring a sweet thank you at the maid who brought the two woman some tea, she lifted the delicate teacup with dainty fingers, pausing at the words that flew out of the healer’s mouth/
Ointments and creams would be helpful, thank you.
/she too leaned forward, her own charming smirk becoming on her face, once again a reminder that she was indeed the most sought out jewel in the emperor’s treasure/
I like my perfection. Because it can be deadly for those who don’t expect it.
♧ Antonia 5 years ago
@♡ Evon *nodding while she listened, alas, she had taken out every last shard in the woman’s foot, her own clothes, sleeves, and fingers seemingly stained by the woman’s crimson blood, almost captivating the woman at the beauty of it*
*and thus she cleaned the wound again, maids coming in and out with clean water while she analyzed the wound once more before she had begun to bandage the wound after placing balms and healing ointments upon the woman’s cut foot*
A wound this deep will probably scar...
*her gaze returned to the concubine’s own ornate hues*
If you wish, I could provide some ointments and creams to help erase the scarring. However, *Antonia’s lips quirked into a smirk* I rather like it when I see scars on a woman’s skin. It shows that we’re not just delicate flowers that stand by.
♡ Evon 5 years ago
@° Antonia /every shard pulled out of her skin was a flash of sting, not the kind she liked at all. Yet it grounded her even more. Her beautiful visage contorted into a grimace as she tried so hard not to wince or even move, holding herself still so as not to hinder the healer’s work and also so as not to scar her skin even more. Her eyelashes had fluttered close tight as she bit down a scream but it opened in a flash as the woman continued to speak, earning a raised eyebrow, the pain long forgotten by then/
A fact that is still on the contrary: none of us are the emperor’s concubine. His pretty treasure, sure but not wives.
/she added coldly, gaze flitting down to her bloody foot and the shards of glass that laid in a messy and bloody pile next to her, murmuring the next bit more to herself than anyone else, a flutter of commotion rising amongst the maids who stood by/
I’d rather die than be that man’s wife.
♧ Antonia 5 years ago
@♡ Evon *she knew she had crossed a line, but it did little to stop the doctor whom had began to take out the ceramic shards in the woman’s foot, each movement delicate and every shard she pulled out from the woman’s perfect food she did with as much minimal pain as possible*
I apologize for my careless words.
*she continued to speak, hoping to keep the woman’s mind off the pain*
Although I was born and raised in the castle, I’m aware that I should not have stepped over my boundaries. However, I was merely stating a fact...
*her voice then softened while she focused on the tiny shards in other places that could’ve broken through the woman’s skin*
therefore. I apologize...
♡ Evon 5 years ago
@° Antonia It’s one busy job.
/she remarked, tone dripping with casualty as she tried her hardest to pass another comment; she had already made the mistake of revealing too much about what she thought and it could have cost her dearly, so she wouldn’t make the same mistake again. Evon was not foolish. Outside, the sky dimmed down as twilight approached, the sky starting to be speckled with unappealing stars and her maids rushed about to get the area well lit, candles and candelabras engulfing the room into a golden hue which reflected in the concubine’s gaze as she stared he doctress down, fists clenching harder on her pillow to quench the pain/
I will deal with the pain, you go on.
/she huffed through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing briefly into dangerous slits at the words that followed next. It took all willpower she had not to rage at the blonde woman and with a tight lipped smile, she managed out/
Of course.
♧ Antonia 5 years ago
@♡ Evon It’s my job. I should be tending to the emperor’s concubines as well as the other members of the royal families.
It’s only natural for me to aid in your well-being.
*the doctor smiled while she cleaned the wound, her gaze then darting up to meet the woman’s eyes that shimmered in gold under the candle lit room*
*then, her gaze returned at once to the cut that marred the woman’s foot, taking the tweezers and while she did so, she spoke*
Would you like to hold anything? I’ll be taking out the pieces of glass, therefore, I might had to put you to sleep.
*then glances up at the beautiful concubine*
Let’s just hope it doesn’t scar. A wife of the Emperor should not have a single scar on her body.
♡ Evon 5 years ago
@° Antonia /ember-lit eyes bore into the young woman’s frame as she approached, wariness taking over the concubine’s senses. She had been there earlier when she had heard talks of a certain siege and the foreign girl didn’t know what to make of it. Shaking her head slightly to rid herself of such thoughts, she made her lithe frame comfortable on the plush pillows, nestled into a cocoon of comfort the maids had set for her in sheer worry of ruining the expensive concubine’s perfect self/
It’s alright. Thank you for coming.
/she murmured, quite graciously so despite her tense posture. A sting ran up her foot and calf when it was moved, skirt and skins being stained with the crimson glare of blood. Evon hissed am audible wince, fingers finding the pillow next to her to use as an anchor to bear the pain/
How bad is it?
♧ Antonia 5 years ago
@♡ Evon *with confirmation, she then made her way into the room once the maids had opened the doors for her, leaving the doctor inside the room with the concubine before she made her way towards the woman. Setting down the tray she held that was filled with clean water, rags, and medicinal balms cultivated from the highest qualities of herbs the palace provided*
I apologize for disturbing you, my Lady.
*she smiled sweetly up at the lady before she moved, moving the beautiful woman's foot to rest upon her lap as she took off the woman's shoes and socks before she had begun to clean the wound, barely phased by the sight of the crimson blood tainting her pale fingers*
♡ Evon 5 years ago
@° Antonia /the moment she had rushed into her chambers, she crashed down on the floor, taking deep breaths to calm down her erratic heart and heavy breathing. She didn’t notice the pain much because all she felt was sheer and utter disgust and she itched to clean herself for some reason. Heaving one final breath, she started to lift herself from the floor to call on her maid but hissed a wince of pain when her foot stung. Grumbling to herself, she sat back down, gingerly inspecting the damage done when a presence alerted herself by the entrance. Feline gaze remained stoic, mouth set in a grim line as she nodded/
You may come in.
/her light voice resonated against the flimsy walls of her chambers, foreign twang rolling off her tongue in soothing waves yet in that moment, she commanded regality and poise, the perfect picture of a lady
♧ Antonia 5 years ago
@♡ Evon *She didn't quite know where the concubine had gone. But by the trail of crimson on the wooden floor, she found herself at the papyrus entrance of the concubine, so finely detailed and decorated with the Daoist paintings that nearly captivated the beauty of the concubines themselves*
Lady Evon?
*her voice lowered while she kept her gaze down*
May I come in? I'm here to tend to the wound of your foot..


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TaeKook 5 years ago
Can I get Kim TAehyung
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
leaving Evon and Stephen it was fun x
Everme29 5 years ago
Chaeeun Lee please~
BubblegumWitch 5 years ago
Hello. Could you please add and reserve Margot Robbie for me? Thanks!
Chinese_BL_Love 5 years ago
Can you add Micah Truitt as a Minister of Justice or Taxation
rennuelaw 5 years ago
Can I have Normani Kordei as my second please, as a concubine
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
hello loves, could i get a second please? stephen james as a minister?
73a7bbf8937d4d27288a 5 years ago
hwang hyunjin please
ashflower 5 years ago
Please add and reserve Antonia Freya Lydia pleaseee
pxssionfruit 5 years ago
Evon Wahab please
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