As the name suggests it’s a gossip padlet—you don’t have to play nice but you also can’t flat out bully someone or continuously target them. The gossips, as gossips are, doesn’t have to be true, they should just be fun and spur some drama within the office. This is also a very lowkey confession padlet in a way (give us juicy confessions though, none of that emo ).
As of now everyone can post on the padlet, admins will delete any inappropriate posts. If you’re uncomfortable by a post made about you please contact admin Sehun for it to be taken down. The password for the padlet can be found on Sehun’s wall! (So no outsiders will have access to it.)
YES—”Omg? I saw Jennie eating a pickle for lunch I bet she’s pregnant!” or “I swear John is the dumbest person I’ve ever met, how did he even get into this company?”
NO—”I love you so much but you never look at me...” or “Ariana is a her i hope she dies.”
As of now everyone can post on the padlet, admins will delete any inappropriate posts. If you’re uncomfortable by a post made about you please contact admin Sehun for it to be taken down. The password for the padlet can be found on Sehun’s wall! (So no outsiders will have access to it.)
YES—”Omg? I saw Jennie eating a pickle for lunch I bet she’s pregnant!” or “I swear John is the dumbest person I’ve ever met, how did he even get into this company?”
NO—”I love you so much but you never look at me...” or “Ariana is a her i hope she dies.”