
A little park just outside of the academy.


Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] "You're handsome then," Kaeun said as she listened once more to the others explanation before nodding. "I see.. no wonder. Well, I hope you're enjoying it in the school," she laughed slightly before fixing herself for no reason as she glanced at the time.

"I will treat you, since you're my new friend!" she beamed with a nod. "What would you like? Cakes? Sweets? Street foods? Foreign cuisines?" she grinned before picking up her bag as she slung it over her shoulder.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] He pondered over the compliment, wondering if it indeed was fine. "Yes, handsome is okay," he nodded. He was never cute or adorable, he was manly as he liked to put it. Hot with a bit of viciousness. That was how he described himself.

"Yep, junior," he mumbled, raising an eyebrow as he found that she was the same. "I just moved here this year," he sighed, even though he attended her for freshman year not too long ago, but it was only a short stay. At the mention of food, his eyes caught hers, wondering if she was lying to get his attention. "If you're treating, then okay."
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Kaeun pouted slightly at what the other stated. "But I think you are.. Fine, then what if I say you're handsome?" she asked while tilting her head after he have answered her new question.

"Junior..." she heard him say , and so she blinked repeatedly. "I'm a junior too.. I wonder why I really just met you now.." she rubbed her nape before shaking her head. "Wanna go eat?"
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] (( it's okay hun ;u; ))

Daehyun raised his eyebrow at the statement, nice to be friends with him? As if, perhaps she was just being nice or had a bunch of manners. "I guess so," he hummed, finding himself not immersed into the conversation as he continued to stare far off into the sky.

His left eye twitched at the compliment, or what he considered in insult. No one calls Jung Daehyun cute. "I'm not cute," he stated flatly once the words had left her lips. He froze at the question, what year was he in again? Trying to dig through his memories, he tapped his fingers against the railing. "Junior..." he trailed off, unsure of the answer.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] [ ;AA; RPR deleted my post.. or i wasnt able to post it.. OTL sorry ]

"Alright.. I won't then.," she stated while nodding to herself. "And its great to be friends with you. I hope we can get along well," she grinned before standing beside him- this time closer than earlier.

A chuckle escaped her lips before gently poking the others cheek lightly. "You're cute!" she exclaimed happily. "Oh- and wait, since we go to the same school, can I ask what year are you in now?"
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] His eyes glanced at her, glancing for a sign of a lie. But he couldn't find anything, just pure concert before her eyes averted to the surroundings around her. "Hmm, it's not bad. But it's not something you need to poke your nose into," he mumbled, head turning sideways to face the sun. His skin was already sun kissed, a beautiful tan but he always loved the warmth that the particular star emitted.

He was surprised at her outburst, she actually had wanted to be friends? She wasn't poking his buttons or saying a just kidding? This was a new insight, he was always the one that nobody wanted since he didn't want them as well. "Ah, alright," he hummed, his cheeks puffed out gently.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Pouting at the other slightly, she glanced around before mumbling silently to herself, "I was just asking.. Is that bad?" She looked at the other again as she heard him answer her request of being friends which made her smile again.

"I want!" she beamed rather too loudly so she covered upon realizing, "O-Oh sorry.. I was just- I'm just happy." she said while eyesmiling at the other. "Since we go to the same school.." she started as she looked at him before pausing.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] He noticed the way she jumped when their hands touched, a small puff of breath escaping his lips. "I'm not sick or cold. I don't need rest either," he mumbled incoherently, ruffling his hair in frustration. How was he supposed to explain this but sound normal? He could tell she was worried, but she barely knew him. What would she even need to worry about? She shouldn't care for him too soon, she barely knew him.

He tilted his head at the question. Friends? Can they be friends? He wondered, if they did and she somehow found out, what would happen? "If you want to be," he answered, gently swinging his legs.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Kaeun watched as Daehyun spun around and faced her, she saw the look of hesitancy in the others eyes but chose to ignore it as he shook her hand anyways after.

Once she felt the other's hand with her, she slightly jumped in shock as she looked at his face. "Are you sick? You're cold.. Do you need to rest?" she asked worriedly with her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"A-Ah, wait you haven't answered yet.. So.. Ugh, can we be friends?" she asked again. "Please don't stay silent. Silence means yes, y'know." she added before smiling once again, as she was trying to convince the other.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] (( OTL well XD it's okay dear! ouo ))

Daehyun glanced back at her when he heard his name, eyes landing on the hand that was held out for him. Hesitation was clear in his eyes, should he take it? His skin was deadly cold and if anything, she would probably feel more exhausted.

Reluctantly, he spun around in his spot, carefully draping his legs over the railing so that he was now facing her. Though his eyes stayed on her hand, he could image her face. Lit with a bright smile, eyes filled with that childish spark and oh god how is he supposed to let her down? He hesitantly took her hand in his, shaking it quickly yet gently before releasing it.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] [it's not ;u; don't worry~ i should be the one to say that XD OTL because look /so short. #dies ]

Patiently waiting for the other to speak up once more, she heard him mumble her name quietly, "Kaeun..." she just nodded, still smiling.

"Daehyun.." she repeated happily as her smile brightened. "Nice to meet you!" she beamed slightly as she held out a hand for a handshake, "Would it be possible for us to be friends?" she asked after as her eyes sparkled in delight.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] (( i'm sorry if this is short sobs ;;; )

Daehyun wonders why she's suddenly sitting down, his incredible hearing worked wonders sometimes. Somehow, he wonders if he the energy from people unknowingly. It's not like he tries, everyone around him always gets tired for some reason. One time, he remembers he was at the auditorium for school assembly and everyone in a five foot radius from him had fallen asleep, him being the only one awake and people were giving him weird stares.

Kaeun, her name is Kaeun, he repeated in his mind. His eyes glanced at her, no hint of worry but those of curiosity. If she was tired, she should go home. She did not look in shape to be here, to be doing anything even. "Kaeun..." he mumbled quietly, trying to see if he would even remember it. He had a habit of forgetting people when they were no use to him. He didn't feel like he needed to remember people that weren't of importance or he didn't know so well. Most likely, he would wake up the next morning and forget, continuing his rotting life.

"It's Daehyun," he found himself answering. It's not like she'll care enough to even remember him, she seemed like the popular type after all. Even if they did go to the same school, he probably wouldn't even bump into her. And if he did, it must be a small world because there was at least more than three hundred people crowding the educational building.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Silence surrounded both of them as Kaeun waited for the other to say his name but she didn't really got any response after that small humming sound, chuckle that seemed so sad, and sigh that she heard from the other. She decided to sit on the floor with her back leaning on the railings with her legs out-stretched infront of her as she played with the ribbon-tie on her uniform.

She was feeling tired so suddenly so she closed her eyes as well as she listened to the leaves rustling as the wind blew. the muffled sounds from the noise made my the kids coming to the playground that is not too far away from where the gazebo was, and soft breathing sounds she was making. SHE was making. She opened her eyes once more to look up at the other. Questions started flooding inside her head once more but she kept silent still.

Will he tell her his name?

"My name's Kaeun, by the way. Lee Kaeun." she introduced herself instead as she flashed him her signature eyesmile as she stood up only to find herself feeling dizzy as she slightly stumbled back. Good thing that she regained her balance as she held on the railings for support. "So.. Your name?" she asked once more, hope lingering in her voice that the other would tell her his name.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] (( I'm sure u v u /pats your head/ ♥ ))

A hum escaped his lips, providing the only response he would give her. It wasn't much, he was lying but was he willing to stick to his lie through the end or just tell her the truth? She would probably figure out herself, if she was determined enough and willing to. However, he slightly froze up at her next statement, even if it was just a mumble of some sort. So he did give up a vibe of a creature that humans weren't used to. A chuckle escaped his lips, perhaps bitter that no matter what, someone would always find out in the end, that he would just be a creature.

He sighed afterwards, knowing that she probably hadn't liked the fact that he had lied. Was he supposed to tell her his situation and hoped that she would fully accept like a naive kid that loved fairy tails and mythical things? She was an older teen for god sake, she would probably put him in a mental asylum, call the cops, or run away screaming. He would if he was in that situation. Well, maybe he'd just give them a funny look and back away carefully.

At the question of his name, his eyebrow raised unconsciously. It wasn't like she would see him later on, and it wasn't like they were friends, right? But then again, she could be a useful acquaintance, teach him how to be human, what he was once. He had taken that skill for granted, and now whenever he thought what would be a human thing to do, he blanked out. There was no specific or correct answer, it was just a skill that humans held.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] "You're lying," she said out-loud absentmindedly as she looked at him with slightly furrowed eyebrows with her head slightly tilted to the side in a confused manner. "You remind me of someone and some of these unlivable creatures I read in some book in the library.." she continued before scratching her head.

She puffed her cheeks before looking down on the small river-like path that leads to the lake as she went into her own world while thinking to herself. The others words kept repeating inside her head like an echo; 'I'm fine' She hated these words.. She didn't like hearing them.. As they were all lies.

When the guys eyes landed onto hers just earlier-she had to admit, it scared her. His eyes looked like they were blank and emotionless that it scared her, but she shrugged it off thinking that he just had some problems. But now that he heard the answer to her question, she didn't know whether to believe or not.

'It's not my business.. Why do I care anyways?' she thought before glancing once again as she heaved a small sigh. "May I ask what your name is, stranger-ssi?" she just asked instead of interrogating more about how he was 'feeling'.

[[ you sure? ;uu; ]]
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] (( it's okay dear ;u; and it's not lame! ))

He was a bit surprised at her question, finding it out of line of usual conversations. Yes, he didn't mind when she went closer, but the sudden question took him by surprise. Did this come up with every normal conversation. "You seem down, is it alright for me to ask why?" He thought about that question for a while. And the answer was clear.

He wasn't down, he wasn't anything. He was emotionless, a bottomless pit, and empty shell. He was simply nothing.

Maybe that thought had brought him down but he still couldn't feel the disappointment that he thought would be there. So the answer was not clear as day, it was difficult. And how exactly was he going to explain his predicament? It wasn't simple, he knew he had to choose his words wisely. He couldn't just say, "Yeah, I'm an Undead. Basically, a monster with no feelings. I have an insatiable lust for human souls and you may just be next. I don't want to be and Undead though, I want to be human." She would freak out, as he imaged most people to be. He couldn't spill out everything, because everything was too confusing for someone simple minded, to someone naive to the world and its surroundings.

A deep breath escaped his lips, his eyes fluttering close as he shook his head. "I'm fine," were the lies that escaped his lips. However, with his deadpanned voice, no one would tell he hoped. He did ask himself why she even bothered caring, she was too nice versus the typical human being but he didn't mind. Maybe this was the company he was seeking, longing for.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Eyesmiling as she head the other's answer, she went closer to where the other was but kept her distance as she turned to look at where he was looking. The sky. A smile was still plastered on her face before letting her eyes roam around the place from the gazebo. It was really peaceful and calming.

She had noticed that they wore the same uniform so she assumed that they were schoolmates, eventhough she doesn't recognize him. 'Maybe I haven't been socializing around school that much.. Yeah, maybe that's it, I always hang out with my friends more these days and just head to play with the kids exactly after dismissal..' she thought.

Kaeun had let her hands rest on the railings as she closed her eyes to feel the warm yet cool breeze that past by them before speaking once again, "You seem down, Is it alright for me to ask why? You don't need to answer though if it's too personal," she nodded after before glancing.

Obviously, she knew it wasn't her business to just ask someone who she barely knew, but this guy just really made her curious and that she can't help herself. Some of her friends have already told her to stop this 'habit' as others doesn't really like it but she could care less.. She just didn't want to see others feeling down or something because it made her feel uncomfortable.

But right now, she was even somehow, more uncomfortable than before, she felt like her 'energy' was slightly being drained away from her body, though she ignored it as she was focusing on this stranger beside her.

[lame and confusing ;nn; ohmay- i'm sorry]
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] His head tilted curiously as she saw her cover her eyes, wondering why exactly she was doing that. He was right about her at least, childish. He definitely thought she was. A smile lit his face as she peeked through her fingers, finding it silly. He couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips, because stupidity was something that was enjoyable towards everyone now a days. Or at least that was what he was telling himself, he didn't want to believe that he was truly amused by her small actions. He didn't want to feel human, he didn't want to have hope.

He could feel her gaze on him, but he opted to ignore it. He was used to it anyways, thanks to the girls in his school and what he was. Not that he didn't liked being stared at, it flattered him, yet it made him feel uncomfortable.

He glanced at her once again when he heard her question, blank eyes staring into her orbs before he averted it once again. "Well, I don't own the place. Feel free to do whatever you want," he mumbled quietly. It wasn't his place to tell her whether she could join him or not, she had freedom to do whatever she would like. And for some reason, he thought of her as a persistent person that wouldn't take no for an answer.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Eyes widening slightly as she saw that the guy was about to fall off, she instinctively covered her eyes with her hands, obviously not wanting to see what was going to happen. But she heard no 'thud' or any sound that may indicate that someone or something fell off so she slowly peeked through her hands to see him sitting still on the railings which surprised her so she took her hands away from her face.

"Hello," she heard him reply. She cleared slightly and mentally pouted before looking around the gazebo. Kaeun was getting curious at the other as she stared at the others side profile for a minute or two but tore her gaze away as she placed her bag on the side.

"Is it alright, if I join you here stranger-ssi?" she asked in a polite voice as she looked at him again, waiting for an answer to be given.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
@Lee Kaeun [P] To say that he was surprised was an understatement, he had almost fallen backwards onto the floor of the gazebo if it wasn't for his iron grip and fantastic balance. Yes, he really liked to compliment himself instead of fishing complements out of other people. He turned his head to see a girl, young and seemingly innocent. He hated it, he really did. He didn't know why, but he felt jealous that the girl could still lead a normal life. He, on the other hand, was an atrocity in disguise.

"Hello," he replied quietly, nonetheless. It was rude to just cut off conversation, though he usually didn't mind but the girl was so bubbly and childish at first glance. He could image her crestfallen face and if he had feelings, he would feel guilty. However, he wasn't going to try and add on to the conversation. He planned to just answer her questions and be done with, say only the necessary details and not lead into something more, if that was possible. Humans are talkative people after all.

He soon tore his gaze away from her, opting to looking back at the sky like he was before she had disrupted his tiny bubble of peace and quiet. Of course, he did wonder why she approached him, the spot was quite secluded until the couples came around on dates and whatnot.
Lee Kaeun [P] 10 years ago
@Jung Daehyun [U] Literally running towards the park, was Kaeun like always as she got out of school. She was excited to meet the kids again to teach and play with them as it became a daily routine except for sundays. With her hair slightly messy from running and the wind carelessly brushing past her, she arrived and went to the swings by the pond to see the kids.. But to her disappointment, she didn't see any of the kids she often meets there with. A pout was formed upon her lips as she looked around. "Where are they? Aren't they here yet?" she asked herself while scratching her head in confusion. "Aigoo~" she huffed and decided to sit on one of the swings instead- maybe if she wait, the kids would arrive. Maybe they just needed to do something first.

As she started to swing herself slightly, Kaeun started to fix and comb her hair back in place with her hand as she placed her bag on her lap. Looking around once she was done, she hummed a random bubbly tune that came into her head.

Kaeun glanced at her wrist watched and pouted again, "What's taking them so long?" she sighed and looked around once again until she saw someone in the gazebo. She blinked thrice and tilted her head to the side in confusion, 'I don't think i've seen him before around here..' she thought and unintentionally starred at him- studying his actions and face. 'He seems down..' she thought and a smile was slowly plastered on her face. "Maybe he needs someone to cheer him up?" she said to herself before getting off the swing as she made her way towards the stranger. "Hello!" she greeted upon stepping inside the gazebo.
Jung Daehyun [U] 10 years ago
Daehyun had just left the academy, taking shelter from the students in his class at the park. Usually, no one went here since they all had plans or dates, unless they planned to have a date here than that was just so hopelessly and sickeningly romantic. He swore he could hear his own steps rebound off the concrete as his sights landed on the vibrant green grass and the breathtakingly beautiful yet fragile flowers. Sometimes, he compared himself to the plant though he wasn't as fragile, in his case he only grew stronger with every day. Something about nature seemed to calm his nerves though, and he found himself walking through this path often as the cake shop he frequented was just on the other side. This was his calm shortcut per se. When he wasn't striking a craving for his favorite treat, he would go to the isolated gazebo near the pond. No one seemed to be there, perfect since he would be alone and be able to do whatever he wanted. Today seemed to be one of those days, one hand stuffed in his pocket as the other was holding the bag slung over his shoulders with two fingers. He passed the playground on the way to one of his favorite places, blocking out the sounds of the squealing and annoying children that ran by only to fall and sob for their parents. He could care less, and he knew better than to help him. He definitely did not want to seem like a creeper or _____e for one and he knew that his cold skin and unfriendly features would just scare them away. With his eyes gazing straight towards his direction and his face stoic, without any glint of emotion, he soon found himself at his desired place, throwing his bag onto the ground of the gazebo when he stepped in. He could still hear the children playing in the background, but at least it was muffled since he was quite a distance away. Slinging his leg over the the ledge, he hoisted himself up until he was sitting on the bar. His eyes fluttered close as his head gently tilted up, letting the warm sunlight bask on his cold yet tan skin. His leg swung gently now and then, enjoying the warmth that he basked in.


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oceani 9 years ago
still active?
sarangayo 10 years ago
Are you still active? .o.
Milowlove 10 years ago
Is this roleplay still active? I'd really like to join, but just if somebody would roleplay with me ^^'
If it still is active and accepting new members, could I be a child as well, or do I have to be 16 and older?
jimeulk 10 years ago
sobs can you put Dae on semi-hiatus? ;u;
I'm sick and I don't feel in the mood to reply any time soon ><
LuluDoll 10 years ago
oh and by the way ^^
Blackwolf- one of the admins here, suggested for us to be afflies :)
LuluDoll 10 years ago
Character: Lee Kaeun [IDOL]
Age: 16
Writing Style: Mirror | Semi | Para
Position: Plesbian
Password: Yoon Bora <3 Lu Han <3
Writing Sample:
Kaeun had just got out of school and she immediately ran to the park to play with some kids she have made a promise to meet after her classes. Upon arriving at the park, she looked around giddily-excited to play with the kids, and when she finally found them sitting by the pond and feeding some ducks, Kaeun made her way towards them but only to stop and fall down on her bottom as she bumped into someone. "O-Oww.." she whimpered as she looked up to see who it was. It was a guy. "I'm s-sorry!" she immediately apologized as she bowed her head once she got up, but she was left dumbfounded as the guy just scoffed and walked away.

Pouting, Kaeun just went to the kids and she immediately brightened. "Hey there! Shall we play now?" she asked and the kids cheered happily as they pulled her with them to the playground.
vintxge 11 years ago
Character: Jung Yonghwa [idol.]
Age: 25
Timezone: GMT +8
Writing Style: Semi-para.
Position: Plebeian
Password: Jessica
Writing Sample:
Yonghwa is basically the type of guy that flirts with you no matter who you are and is a total sweet talker. He's very caring and affectionate towards anything, really. Yonghwa often takes advantage of other people, without him even realizing. Yonghwa's biggest fear is to be alone and unknown.
blackwolf [A] 11 years ago
Character: Lu Han [idol]
Age: 17
-Date of Death: April 19
Timezone: GMT +8
Writing Style: Both semi-para and para
Position: Undead
Password: watermelon.
Writing Sample: Wandering around the busy streets of the city, Luhan walked with a unreadable and emotionless face with his hands tucked inside his pockets. Being the eye-candy he is even with just his plain hoodie and jeans, he attracted a lot of attention as always. 'Tssk.. If only they knew that what their all looking at is actually already dead.' he thought to himself before stopping in his tracks as a girl approached him while smiling at him in a flirty way. "Hey--" and just before the other completed her sentence, Luhan just glared at her obviously telling to leave him alone. But the girl stood still, but Luhan noticed her eyes.. feeling tired as he himself felt a bit 'stronger'.
TakaJuNew 11 years ago
Sorry, Taeyeon is leaving. Lost interest in character.
-wannabe 11 years ago
sorry Jonghyun is leaving.
lost interest in character.
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