❁ bts dorm

a housing dorm for BTS members.

please do not enter unless invited.

room rated for themes.
housing dorm

jeon jungkook 2 years ago
rolls all around on lé floor
park jimin 3 years ago
asleep in my room
kim namjoon 3 years ago
@kim taehyung Text to: Taehyung

-Oh am I?
-just speaking the truth TaeTae
-srsly, you may be one of the most handsome men alive, but you still will always be cute in my eyes at least.
kim taehyung 3 years ago
@kim namjoon Sits in his room and looks at his phone seeing your text blushing abit chewing on his lower lip ..
Texts you back

To: Namhyung
You’re making me blush hyung!
kim namjoon 3 years ago

@kim taehyung /shoots you a quick text saying:
| see Taehyung- look how cute you are uwu |

kim namjoon 3 years ago
/sprawls out across the couch
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim taehyung @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook [sorry, forgot to do this again Bc...life. But adding one more : ) this rp started a little before yoongi’s actual bday but I wanna complete it so still doing it ]

/notices Jimin walk in after Taehyung and grins brightly/ no way! Almost the whole crowd is here~ Perfect! /grins now holding the finished cake/ come here Jimin, you can be the recorder with your phone.

/when yoongi comes home, hoseok sings happy birthday to the guy- hopefully the others were singing along, too/ make a wishhh!
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim taehyung @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook [lemme do this : ) ]

/comes back and was curious why Jimin was gone. Then notices Tae come back minutes before yoongi enters and smiles brightly/ hey Tae, come sing happy birthday with us. I guess Jimin left to bring Tae? /asks jungkook, kinda curious as his hand was working on the candles too/

/then when yoongi shows up, he sings happy birthday with the others before repeating/ Hyung, don’t forget to make your wish~
jeon jungkook 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok Since Jimin had to go somewhere else, it was now only the three of them. Jungkook hurried up and finished icing the cake, writing ‘happy birthday Yoongi Hyung’ and placing the candles in the cake. "I got it," he said, going over to a the light switch.
He sang along in harmony with hoseok, grinning widely at Yoongi. "Happy birthday Hyung!!"
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook /taking the finished cake, he quickly put the candles on/ hey Jungkookie, turn the lights off /and then with the help of the other members, once the door jiggled open, he started sing-shouting/ happy birthday to youuu! Happy birthday to youuu! Happy birthday dear yoongi Hyung, happy birthday to youuuu!~
/he smiles showing the cake to the other/ make a wish!~
min yoongi 3 years ago
@kim namjoon @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook *arrives back at the house shortly after finishibng up at the store, humming quietly to mnyself as i unlock the door and head on inside, stretching a little* guys? i'm home.
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook [imma continue this with a time skip bc I wanna follow through : ) ]

/after cleaning, he comes back to the kitchen/ me and joon are finally done, yoongi hyung’s getting sus of us so I think he’s coming back...but the cake ready? /notices only jungkook there now but tries smiling /
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook /he grins wider towards Jimin’s compliment. He could tell the younger was sincere and it touched him/ Ai goo~ you keep it up, and I might have to smother you in my kisses~ /for added measure, puckers his lips as he threatens to kiss Jimin’s cheek/

/then eventually whether he accomplished the goal or was blocked from doing so, he smiled to the two young chefs before leaving them be. The two maknaes were young and could be easily distracted but, in the end, he made the right call putting the two most artistic members on cake duty/
jeon jungkook 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok Jungkook smiles proudly at Jimin’s compliment before making a few more flowers at the top of the cake, the decor variations of different sized flowers. "Thank you Jiminnie Hyung." Looks up and laughs softly, seeing Hoseok clinging to Jimin’s neck for a moment.

"Just a little more flowers and then I’ll be done." Looks over at Jimin’s side of the cake. "Ooo, it looks very good, Hyung.. are you almost finished?" Asks while finishing the last two designs on his side.
park jimin 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook ] Jimin laughs softly feeling the older hugging his neck and scrunches his nose as he tries to continue decorating the cake without messing it up. "really? then i am glad then hyung~ i personally think you're only scary when you are mad. other than that you're just a sunshine to me. nothing you do can change my mind."
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook Oh? So it’s not because Im scary? /hug-squeezes Jimin’s neck/ thank youuu~ that makes Hyung feel better~ /after checking that everyone was doing their duties, he smiles strangely happy to be working together before he returned back to his phone./

/He blinks/ Hyung hung up on me? Or did I? /decides to call yoongi back to keep the man preoccupied on the wild goose chase only for you to call him./ oh Hyung! /answers/ Sorry, I got distracted./ did you find the pants yet? /afterall, dance joggers were pants but if yoongi mistook them as shoes, all the more power to hoseok for successfully stalling the man/
park jimin 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook ] Jimin examines the other half of the cake that Jungkook had decorated and gasps in shock. He knew that the younger was talented beyond his expectations but it always amazed him seeing his artwork. Nodding in agreement, he starts working on the hearts on the other side and smiles softly," it's really pretty Jungkook-ah~ you're so talented. well i'll do as you suggested and make the hearts on this side. i hope we can finish it before Yoongi hyung gets back."
park jimin 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook ] hyung isnt scary at all- well at least to me you areb't scary Hobi hyung. its more to encourage Namjoon hyung since he seemed nervous.
min yoongi 3 years ago
@park jimin @kim namjoon @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook *waiting patiently for hobi to come back onto the call he muted me on, eventually giving up on it altogether, scoffing as i hang up the call and roll my eyes, looking over the shoes in the store he had sent me to*
why am i even running this errand for you? its my birthday i should be sleeping. *mutters softly as i pick up another pair, inspecting them before i try to call hoseok back once again*
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook /is curious what jungkook means by scary but snaps out of it as he has to focus/ nevermind, we’ll talk about it later if we need to, let’s focus on this first

/turns to the closet before pulling out the vacuum and hesitantly handing it to Namjoon/ can I trust you with this task, bro...?
jeon jungkook 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok Jungkook nods his head, the piping bag in hand. "I’m trying Hobi Hyung, I’m goin' as fast as I can." He nods his head, looking at Hoseok as he claps.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah.. I just am trying not to mess it up." Squints his eyes while concentrating on the cake.

He shrugs his shoulders a bit, looking over at Hoseok. "Well you’re not /that/ scary, but you can be sometimes.."
jeon jungkook 3 years ago
@park jimin Hums, looking up from the cake to catch Jimin’s gaze, turning the cake so that the other can see what he was doing. "I was making little purple flowers along the sides and rims.. ooo, you can make that half with hearts, Hyung." Grins, continuing to delicately frost half the cake.

He snorts, smiling at Jimin. "We all got this, the more we go the faster we’ll get it done."
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook Why’s everyone wishing Namjoon luck, I ain’t that scary...I think...?
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook /hoseok’s eyes widened at the blank looking cake / then what am I doing still stalling yoongi Hyung for? Finish up guys! /he claps twice to try to get the two kids to hurry. Then he nods to jungkook./
Next time I come into the kitchen, I’m expecting you guys to have moved onto the candle step. Now chop chop! /walks off/

/lifts a brow at jungkook wishing Namjoon luck before smiling to jimin/ Oh I like jiminnie’s idea, let’s do that. You can handle cleaning the floor right, joon? /turns to namjoon asking/
park jimin 3 years ago
@jeon jungkook Looks back at Jungkook laughing finding it adorable that the other's lips formed an 'o' shape and reaches over grabbing a purple icing piping bad. "hey Jungkook-ah. what will you be doing? i think i'll try making some purple flowers or just some hearts. do you think Yoongi hyung will like that?"

Hears Jungkook cheering on their leader and he raises his fist while shouting out excitedly. "fighting Namjoon hyung! you can do it!"
jeon jungkook 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok Jungkook’s lips part slightly, forming an 'o' shape while he glances at the looking cake then over to Jimin with slightly widened eyes. "Oh.." He grabs a few different colored frosting bags, laying them out between him and Jimin. "We’re working on it, Hobi Hyung!"

Looks around the room at his Hyungs before picking up a piping bag, beginning to make little designs on half of the cake in a purple color; chuckling to himself upon hearing Namjoon and Hoseok speaking. "Good luck, Namjoon Hyung."
park jimin 3 years ago
@min yoongi @kim namjoon @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook Jimin looks up from where he was sitting and gives a sheepish smile while rubbing the nape of his neck. Neither him or Jungkook was no where near finished with decorating the cake. "ah hyung- we're not..exactly finished yet. we barely put anything on it. sorry!"

Looking over at their leader, he couldn't help but smile. It was adorable to him how clumsy their leader could be and hums softly. "hey Namjoon hyung. i think hobi hyung might need your help with either sweeping or cleaning up the tables."
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook [good idea, I’ll continue to tag everyone then! ]

/he laughs lightly at namjoon’s reminder just realizing that he just asked the god of destruction to clean/
oh wow haha that’s right... welp, you can probably clean up the plushies then, namjoon. I gots all the fragile stuff.
/grins holding a glass jar/
kim namjoon 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @jung hoseok @jeon jungkook ((Tag just incase i hope yall see it!))

Having been wLking by just now and was thinking about Pur Suga and his birthday today, my atgention snaps back to reality when J-hope speaks.

"Oh yeah sure of course! Hmm which chore? Remember i break stuff..."
I laugh softly looking at the other.
jung hoseok 3 years ago
@park jimin @min yoongi @kim namjoon @jeon jungkook [sorry. We didn’t plot this but I wanna do this. Try to get rps going here. Besides there’s a beauty in /not/ having everything be planned~ You guys don’t need to tag here unless you’d prefer. I’m just tagging you once to pull you into the room : ) ]

/hoseok smiled as he’s helping with buying the decorations for the special event before he comes back with them. He smiles to jungkook and Jimin/ you guys make the cake yet?~

/then he answers yoongi’s call, trying to continue distracting the other as they get ready for surprising yoongi/ no I don’t want those dance joggers. The ones I want are pretty rare to find in a store. Look for stretchy, all purpose and-

/notices namjoon walking by and puts himself on mute in the call/ oh leader, hey can you help me clean?


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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
➴ closed on september 11, 2021. Thank you all for the wonderful memories!
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
➴ closed on september 11, 2021. Thank you all for the wonderful memories!
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LINK: https://www.roleplayrepublic.com/roleplay/view_desc/30735
astraltia [A] 2 years ago
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
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astraltia [A] 2 years ago
➴ closed on september 11, 2021. Thank you all for the wonderful memories!
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LINK: https://www.roleplayrepublic.com/roleplay/view_desc/30735
astraltia [A] 2 years ago
➴ closed on september 11, 2021. Thank you all for the wonderful memories!
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LINK: https://www.roleplayrepublic.com/roleplay/view_desc/30735
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