◈ club.


◇ j wooyoung [A] 2 years ago
@sʜ ◇ m lalisa "am i?" wooyoung questioned, although nervous to hear the answer as he started to wonder the same. the very first moment he arrived in the town, it was pretty difficult to adjust, even amplifying his clumsy nature to the next level. despite his attempts in livening up the place, the drinking made things worse, as was shown just a few minutes ago. one thing's for sure, the glass crushing between his hands, unfortunately, made him sober up. so maybe there wouldn't be any more accidents to look forward to now that he had a clear enough mind? it may have eased some of his thoughts, but he also had his drinking partner to think about. from the few times that they've met up, she seemed kind and, although they barely touched on their past, he couldn't help but wanting to understand her. was she troubled by the way he was behaving or did she not care as much as he thought she would? all this thinking was making his brain hurt, so he stopped there and focused on the topic at hand, the weather, which wasn't the most ideal of topics, but somehow it made things bearable. "right! it's always so dreary. seriously where are the dragons to brighten things up? not saying that i want the town to be up in flames... well, it would be much more entertaining than the ugly gray clouds..." he squinted, feigning a ponder for a brief second until his eyes drifted back to his palms. "no more cocktails from me, i guess... wait, lisa, can you mix the drinks instead?!" his face miraculously brightened as his head perked upwards at her, anticipation glistening through his gaze. "well, not like there are any laws here except maybe from the veterans but who really listens to them?" he shrugged.

() super!woo asdf imagine lali getting saved by woo even tho she was clearly doing fine on her own icb
as long as you attack him with love that's fine by me u wu ♡ wb
◇ m lalisa 2 years ago
@◇ j wooyoung “you’re being a little too harsh on yourself, don’t you think?” there was no helping to the way lisa just had to speak her mind then and there because she couldn’t seem to get it. there just seemed to be no plausible reason as to why her companion was acting the way that he did. had this situation at hand perhaps triggered something a little too close to home? that oughta be one predicament she would’ve understood a little /too/ well. had it truly been the case, then perhaps it was absolutely right to no longer push on any further. “the weather? i- honestly it’s always been rather ty, so a change would actually be quite the blessing you know?” she lets out a little chuckle, propping the first aid kid towards somewhere they could easily see it again just in case. that would be the only time for sure that wooyoung was allowed to get hurt, now she would rather unconsciously be on high-alert. it was the least she could do, at least, since he had offered her a round of drinks. and notably decent ones at best. no longer would they be dwindling fast from the intoxicating high of fun they were caught in not too long ago. the woman wasn’t here for that, so as she takes a seat right beside him once more, the only other jab that sets itself to attack the side of his waist is a slender index finger of hers opting to poke, poke and poke. “you promise you’re good though, yeah? since i’m the only one with you right now, i could be held liable to whatever happens to you, okay? so.. chill.” lisa would end with a tiny glare, meaning absolute business.

( ) sksks only for super!woo ofc and stan him we truly do- a l s o i am now bacc and ready to attacc. :fire:
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa despite how absurd it may be, wooyoung didn't find his inability to feel pain as a concern. it was the only upside to experiencing these kinds of accidents beforehand, many coming from the trials themselves. unfortunately, his embarrassment was the only stable aftermath other than being treated; it was only natural for him to distract himself and cope with the cards he's dealt with. his fingers provided some entertainment as his head dipped down to examine any cuts, which were pretty obvious with the amount of blood spewed all over the bar counter. since this was a frequent occurrence, he understood that amount of blood could come from something as small as, say, a papercut. so he didn't feel that urgent to get treated when his could do just about the same as bandages, or so he believed. he was thinking about it, but the tattoo artist's curious reply cut off his thoughts. he took a brief pause. "it's fine, don't worry about me. it's just the mess you have to worry about." something like this didn't bother him all that much. his mind has been wallowing in the darkness; feeling numb to pain was essentially part of his nature. it was a part of him, just like his uncoordinated hands and feet.

he nodded softly to himself, feeling his bangs bounce ever so slightly on his forehead. he took another look at the counter, seeing any reminisce of the accident vanish. that was pretty fast. it always amazed him that people can clean up without getting hurt. he straightened up his posture, finally laying his arms on the clean surface. his eyes start to avert away. "nothing. just distracted and drunk... that's right! i've been getting super distracted. lately, i don't know what it is. has the weather changed? i've also drunk a lot, so-" he fumbled, ending his sentence with a deep, relieved breath. drunk and distracted, the perfect excuse! it wasn't like he was thinking of cupping lisa's face in return and closing in for a peck, no-no. although, now that he thought about it that imagery was laid fixed in his mind. his hands relaxed for the incoming treatment but his mind, again, was off in his own world... .

() asDF oops idk why i thought crushing glasses was more realistic
but aye fr who else is doing it like our clumsy king \( ̄︶ ̄*\)
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ j wooyoung lisa was more than likely expecting whatever she considered more of the norm whenever it came to the people she would have under her care, regardless of the levels of intoxication that pushed with the alcohol to run in hot through their veins. yet another statement oozing of carelessness or at least a sheepish smile to greet with, but with wooyoung? she surprisingly didn't get any of those. the young tattoo artist, cautiously gauging over his wounds and how he felt overall only sensed quite the opposite which did set her off a tad. and now, rather than to be met with any frustrations whatsoever, lisa was only met with curiosity on her part; seeing as to how this only felt like it hadn't been the first time such a commotion had gone down, for the male at least. "uhm.. are you sure though, 'cause that has also gotta be kinda weird. if you're feeling numb to something like this by now wouldn't you be sorta concerned or something like that?" there was no helping it, having to blurt out in question because what her eyes were laying themselves upon was absurd― probably even more so than the rambunctious rebels she so used to surround herself with. and even then, the injuries were just as hard to stomach, if not, even more.

it was probably the fact that wooyoung didn't seem to be the type to be accustomed to any situation regarding pain whatsoever, at least.. not in that rowdy sort of route. but, who was lisa to deduce his true character after a couple of days? "it shouldn't be that much of a big deal, no worries-" she quickly shuts down any of his apologies, not wanting to make the air of awkwardness between them any stronger than it soon became. "what's got you down /this/ bad though, woo? damn.." making sure not one ounce of broken glass was in sight any more, it isn't too long before she grabs the first aid kit behind the counter and reaches over for his hands; whether if he'd like it or not, there was no way she was going to allow a companion of hers to go untreated. not when she had something to do about it, of course.

( ) that would've been so iconic sksks b u t this clumsy lil fluffball's already set the bar too high this way- who else is doing it like him? a h a.
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa wooyoung didn't know whether to apologize or act like this sort of thing happens all the time, which it does. he lost control for a split second, somewhat too deep in his thoughts that eventually distracted him and produced one of his most embarrassing moments to date. well, at least he had a chance to prove his strength after all, even with how strange the result may be. his eyes still refused to peek, but he assumed, due to prior experience, that it was blood and alcohol, not in a way that he liked. he sat there frozen, hands resting right where his glass imploded. it was only when lisa's remark snapped him back to reality.

"oh, my bad. i don't know what happened there." he chewed uneasily at his lower lip, head lowering downwards in shame. "yeah, it's probably for the best i don't drink anymore." he laughed pitifully, shaking his head as if scolded and caught for doing something wrong which was always a gray area of concern for him; whether or not this kind of thing was any of his fault. "sad i can't hunt them down, but i'll give them a rest for now. once i recovered though it'll be a whole different story... my hands got tougher that something like this doesn't hurt. it's like i have superpowers or something." he hummed, pleased with the thought that may or may not be factual.

it seems like whatever he does, he can't get away throwing bottles on the floor or bursting glasses into millions of pieces. he was always the clumsy type, but he usually hid this side of him well when his life was nothing but parties. although he felt small, he finally regained the courage to look over at lisa, busying herself with the ordeal. "sorry, i didn't mean to do that, i swear. i was distracted by something." he admitted as his fingers slightly curled and inched backwards shyly, somewhat more comfortably as it nears his side. he didn't want to but forced himself to look at the mess then back at her. "i promise i won't do that again..." his expression softened, and his tone was genuine; however, he knew that he wouldn't be able to control his buttery grip.

() no worries tyt ^-^ i should've made woo fall instead of break more glass but,,,
at this point it's tradition i- ASDF
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ j wooyoung “oh- hey, what the hell?..” in the split second that wooyoung’s glass breaks, probably from the immeasurable strength that the other had simply exerted, lisa is inevitably jumping in her seat a little especially to not have the alcohol spill over her jeans as well in the unfortunate way that it had for her companion. within that moment, there was no longer a radiant prominence of calm that could only come between a couple of individuals and their shared drinks together, instead, she felt a tad bit more taken back from the scenario and eventually confused by how this had all happened.

perhaps the male was finally at his limit or something had completely thrown him off, either way but if there was one thing that was for certain, it would be lisa’s decision made. “aw, geez. okay, there will /definitely/ be no more drinks for you.” with her tone of voice taking on a subtle sense of authority, she does not hesitate when it comes to moving behind the bar to fetch a towel to clean the mess up as much as she can before carefully tending to wooyoung’s hands, observing for any possible wounds whatsoever. “i can’t say now that you’ll have anything to be going at these dragons with.. you’re bleeding a little bit, i hope it doesn’t hurt too much. what were you even doing, tsk.”

she was only reminded of the times that she had to be in place to take care of her other friends who were caught up in far worst states of intoxication than one could ever imagine. it was ironic, really, being the more responsible one of the bunch given her history to the lack of respect for rules or anything that came in line with any formalities in life. but, indeed, there was, of course, a first time for everything and with time lisa could only hope to have improved— taking her encounters as lessons, and the people she’d come to meet? her unspoken tutors as well. wooyoung, supposed being another, despite.. his rather clumsy disposition for sure.

( ) aaa, i’m sorry this took so long? tis my bad. ;;;
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa "you mean dragons? they weren't squirrels, i swear! i'm sure the second they look at me, they'd know to run away." wooyoung boasted, although not backing any of his statement up aside from flinging his fists up in the air and hoped his 'macho' nature impressed her. as soon as his fit of laughter subsided, he continued to drink more of the alcohol, feeling the familiar heat on his tongue but the unfamiliar sweet aftertaste. it wasn't bad - it was pretty good - it was just a shame that he didn't write down the recipe. other than his drink, half of his attention was solely on stealing glances at lalisa. back then, he wasn't the type to mix the drinks and worry about the party-goers; however, this was a different case. he wanted to know her opinion about the drinks he made for her and expected compliments to soothe his artistic ego.

the blush on his face reached a light shade of crimson once he heard his slip-up repeated back to him. he wanted to spit his drink out just to distract her from the fact, but as he was going for the 'macho' concept, he had to limit his clumsiness as much as he could tonight. "right! exactly. i didn't say anything. weren't we talking about dragons?" he robotically laughed as he held his glass tightly in between his hands. "i don't know. i wasn't keeping track, honestly." they both shared about 6-8 drinks with wooyoung mostly consuming them to calm his nerves. he entirely regretted it thinking back, now that his slip-up caused an embarrassing setup. his eyes widened as she cupped his cheek then at herself, resulting in his glass shattering to pieces in between his hands. "oh ." he whimpered, can't even bear to look at the mess he made on the countertop.
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ j wooyoung “awe, nah.. cool those fists of fury, my guy. we don’t wanna have it raining squirrels around here with you pummelling them with every chance you get?” she couldn’t help caving into more bubbles of laughter that would escape past her lips, the latter’s absurdity truly questionable at best. but yet, lalisa just could not be bothered with her initial instincts of closing herself off. it was almost way too easy to do so back at home where she’d naturally grown to keep a distance, at first it had been for the aid of focus towards a hopefully better course of life, and eventually? certain cases of humanity irking her to say the very least. and before she’d even knew it, the girl was more than often keeping her guard up with even the subtlest of animosity.

wooyoung, however, and rather gregarious company at that— was a sole reminder that lisa probably didn’t always need to be so uptight. he was a certain breath of fresh, even if, mildly intoxicated. “beautiful?” with her chin resting atop of her palm and her rosy tiers pressed into a firm line, she almost has to look away just a little. not wanting to seem as if she were laughing in his face, although was certainly itching for more expressive buoyancy. “ooh, okay. righhht, i didn’t hear you say anything– couldn’t hear you because of the tomato you’re slowly transforming into. i can’t even imagine.. how many drinks have we gone at now?” she reaches forth to press her palm against his cheek, essentially cupping his face to gauge his level of heat before doing the same for herself. “and i thought /i/ was bad, phew!”
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
@◇ m lalisa for once, it didn't feel like living in the gray, dreary town was a total loss after all. he never felt as truly isolated before; perhaps that was why it hit him like a truck the second he arrived. he was genuinely hopeless as he succumbed to the bar's drinks and practically chained himself there, unable to leave without feeling drunk that day. it was a mess, that is until a certain someone brought back life into his heart again. when she introduced herself, wooyoung's only thought was that she was super ing cool! his opinion about her still stands, but the only thing now is that she makes his heartbeat hum even faster. it was hard to tell whether or not the flush from his cheeks was because of the alcohol or because of his crush. whatever the case may be, he'd like to blur the two as long as possible. he could not have her find out, not when he's like this. so he continued his "cool" act and returned to his stool after cleaning up the bar. well, not before he expressed how giant the dragon was by spreading his arms. "it was a huge dragon! yay high and sharp fangs. i wouldn't be scared of a mere squirrel, please! not when i have these fists with me-" he swung his fists for a second as he set his body on the stool laughing. "good thing it didn't want bbq that night, or i wouldn't be here sharing drinks with a beautiful tattoo artist." he hiccuped as he sipped again at his drink before sudden realization dawned on him. "d-did i say beautiful... i- nevermind..."
◇ m lalisa 3 years ago
@◇ j wooyoung to say that lalisa was only merely distraught by the unfortunate circumstances as of current would surely be an understatement. however, all it took was meeting someone like wooyoung to perhaps convince her by even the slightest bit that others surely had it worse. others that were taking things with a little less composure than she'd ever managed to muster up for herself at this point. the young tattoo artist should've been a lot more careful indulging in a presence deemed so unfamiliar to herself, although the more she spent time with the latter, the more that she was beginning to see that he wasn't anything more of a threat than she was. matter of factly, reminding her now and then of a lost puppy― and one that would perk up with glee once thrown a bone. to lisa, her rendition would be tossing the male some words of comfort, even if it was all they mostly had to cling to.. as well as a couple of drinks over time. and thankfully, more than she's ever done so in while, laughs would come to be shared; paving a leeway to at least distract them from their woes for once. "oh yeah, please.. tell me again about how you came face to face with such a scary squirrel? or was that.. an actual /dragon/." she teased, a tiny simper of amusement curled upon her tiers as she took a sip from the cup of liquor he had served her not too long ago.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
Seulgi agrees with what Wooyoung said. 'We are in the club to have a nice time after all,' she thinks to herself as she eyes everyone from her seat. The atmosphere feels different, but still, her lips curl upward– the same reason why their temporary bartender has a smile on as well. As Wooyoung introduces her, the female raises a hand to wave at the new guy. "It's nice to meet you, San," she speaks up despite the cold tone that the male used. "Feel free to spend time with us, hm?" Her head nods before she raises her glass at him, then she looks over to the other male, standing and wiggling his finger around.

It is an interesting sight, but Seulgi didn't mind it at all. It is nice to have a different change of scenery, after all. Taking another sip, she hums softly before looking at Yeji this time. The other female is frowning, and that makes her want to place a hand on her shoulder. She does, and once her attention is on the older female, she smiles to assure her as if saying that it'll be all right.
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
wooyoung continued , hoping that the blood flow would miraculously slow down, but to no avail. "you sure you don't need my help?" his voice was muffled due to his finger almost glued inside his mouth. it didn't take much for him to consider the stranger to be capable behind the bar as he watched from down below like a lost puppy. as it was his responsibility to supply the drinks and lift the mood, he felt a bit incompetent because of his earlier mess up thus making him feel a bit down. it apparently took one glance to comprehend his predicament and for yeji to come to the rescue, soon wrapping his finger in much-needed protection. his eyes softened, admiring her skills despite the basic know-how. it was sad to admit but he wasn't knowledgeable when it came to first-aid so he appreciated the gesture no matter how minute.

"hey, hey!" he popped his head above the bar to give a disapproving look at yeji. "you could've said that a little nicer. besides, we're all here to have a good time, right?" he chimed, hoping his sentiment would help lighten the mood even for a little bit. he fully stood back up, focus back on the stranger with a wiggle of his finger, feeling a bit restrained with the handmade bandage. "san." he repeated absentmindedly before pointing at himself. "my name is wooyoung. this is seulgi and yeji." he recited, thanking god he could count on his memory when it came to names at least. the air felt sort of stifling after he bluntly explained himself but he still wore a smile to counteract. "oh, so you live in the hotel? it's not like we can stop you from taking the alcohol but be sure to leave us some, too." he chuckled.

() not at wooyoung almost crying in the club asDF
◈ c san ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 years ago
'This guy is nothing but a clumsy buffoon,' he scoffed internally as he watched the girl tend to Wooyoung's minor injury. San could already tell that these were the wrong type of people to hang out with if having fun was the main objective. "You heard the gals, go sit down and relax while I do the cleaning instead," he said in a nonchalant tone. "As for the drink, I can make one myself." he crouches down and began sweeping up the shards of glass onto the dustpan. Such a shame that San wasn't able to get a taste of this guy's concoction and be the judge of it. He's not sure if he should believe the two female's commentaries, it's possible that they're just being polite towards the other male in order to not 'hurt' his feelings.

He did not spare a glance at the girl when she spoke to him but he was still listening. Ah, there's that tone again that he hates so much, the tone that made him loathe for her. "San," he answered coldly and briefly. "That's my name." the male stood up and dumps the pieces of glass into the trashbin. "If you really want to know what brought me here then it's the alcohol." he grabbed a half-empty bottle of whiskey from the shelf. "Was gonna scavenge alcohol from here and go back to my hotel room but the plan got changed when I saw you guys in here." San made himself a glass of old-fashioned without any ice nor garnishes. "It's not everyday I get to see a group of people to interact with."
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
Seulgi glances once more at the newcomer as he moves to help Wooyoung with the broken glass pieces. 'I mean, he isn't bad, but still–' She bites the insides of her cheeks as she continues to think about the other male. 'Ah, so far, it's nice. Sometimes, it's good to take some time to be with people in this world. It keeps me sane in a way. We're all hanging out without any problem except for the broken glass incident, that is.'

After shaking her head, Seulgi takes another sip of her drink before the sound of Wooyoung cursing fills the room. Her lips only curl into a more worried frown, but before she could move to give aid, Yeji gets up immediately to help him. With how fast the younger female moved, she happily hums before taking a mental note that the other knows first aid as well. "I agree with her, Wooyoung. Please try not to aggravate your wounded finger, or else it'll get worse," she repeats to make sure that he follows what the females say. Seulgi's brows raise in curiosity as Yeji asks the other male in the room while she focuses on her drink for now. The younger female's words come off a bit mean, but she couldn't stop her from speaking that way. Instead, she decides to stay quiet and wait for the answer of the newcomer.
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
wooyoung prayed countlessly in his head that he didn't ruin the pleasant atmosphere with his buttery hands and terrible first impression. if he could turn off his carelessness, he would've, but for now, he had to suffer the consequences of being himself, now squatting below and picking up the mess he created. "don't worry. this kind of thing happens all the time. i got it!" he chimed positively as he replied to seulgi's slight concern while cautiously transferred the larger chunks on the napkin.

"i'm glad you like it! consider it one of a kind 'cause... i forgot what i mixed in it." he chuckled. he stood back up as he filled the napkin and threw out the shards in the nearest bin, without a cut in sight, fortunately. the unprompted comment took him by surprise as a faint blush remained on his cheeks. he thinks i'm pretty, he thought, absolutely enthralled by the compliment with a stupidly bright grin. "you might be right. i'll look around." he nodded to himself as he returned to pick up the rest of the more menacing but tiny glass. he thought he could make way using the napkin to gather them then grab them whole but once the stranger wandered around for the dustpan, his fireproof method was thrown out to a faraway place. his eyes followed his every move as he absentmindedly picked the glass and, as if on queue, nicked his finger.

"." he breathed, pouting as he on the cut, hoping that'd help with the pain and desire to disappear in embarrassment.
◈ c san ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 years ago
His head turned to the female and his smile immediately dropped, his expression now unreadable and blank. San did not like the words that came out from nor the tone in her voice, it irritated him to the point that made him dislike her already. 'This ing ,' he gritted his teeth in annoyance. His mind getting clouded by unnecessary anger but before he could bark out a reply or act out of impulse, the male of the group spoke along with the other female. He began to calm down and relax. At least these two were nice enough to accept and know how to treat a guest despite being uninvited.

His smile returns and his eyes sparkled with excitement. San wasted no time taking a seat, the one that the other male offered to him, and get comfy. Ah, it's been a while since he had actual company, he already had forgotten about the joys (and maybe displeasure) of socializing with other people. 'How clumsy,' San thought as he watched the guy clean up the mess he made. "She's right, gotta be careful Pretty Boy or you'll accidentally cut yourself," San commented. "There could be some dustpan and brush somewhere by the cabinets," he informed as he got off from his seat to assist the clumsy man out. He searched out through a few cabinets here and there until he managed to find them. "Here," he hands the items over to the other male.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
A smile curls on Seulgi's lips before replying, "It's nice to see you again too, Yeji." The older female sighs in relief when the younger expresses like at the drink. Before she could take a sip of her drink, someone comes in– a male that she hasn't seen yet. 'He didn't know that they would be here? It's possible that he heard our talk in the walkie-talkie for him to go here. I mean, everyone has one, right?' It made Seulgi wonder, but she shrugs it off before speaking up, "As what Wooyoung said, we don't mind another company with us." Her attention goes to the male who recently arrived. She wants to ask who he is, but before she could open , she gets distracted by the shattering sound of glass. Her eyes peek over to where Wooyoung is before she frowns, worried. "Please be careful. Don't rush with picking the pieces up. You might get hurt." Her voice is soft as she finally takes a sip of her drink, humming as the flavor spreads. "It does taste nice," she admits as her expectation of it being awful goes away.
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
at this point, wooyoung was finally reaching a state of bliss as the nostalgia loomed over him while they introduced one another. it has been a while since he's last felt like he was in any sort of party, chatting along nonstop with strangers and testing out their tolerance one drink at a time, it almost bought him to tears. "it's nice to meet you all! now let's get drunk out of our minds in celebration for meeting one another!" he hyped as he drank his glass to half before setting it aside and wiping his lips sloppily with the back of his hand, concluding with a short embarrassing hiccup.

once he was able to gather himself, his eyes twinkled at them, begging for their input about his skills. it wasn't as if he needed the validation but it was in his nature to encourage others for constructive criticism, more or less, with his creative endeavors. "one of? was that it?" he bitterly remarked with a scoff before finally realizing the unexpected guest and shamelessly dropping his jaw as soon as he laid eyes on him. he cleared his throat then shot a glare and elbowed yeji on the arm. "we don't mind at all! i wasn't prepared for another person but i'll make your drink right away... so.. go ahead and seat down. take my seat for all i care." he fumbled as he rushed behind the counter, grabbing one of the bottles and letting it slip from his hands, glass splattering below him. his head turned red like a tomato.

"ignore that! i got it!" he yelled, despite the group not being too far from where he was, and grabbed a napkin in order pick up the glass.

() no need to mirror ! + edgy pretty boy makes wooyoung brain go brrr
◈ c san ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ 3 years ago
San was bored out of his mind while laying down on the bed in his hotel room, there was no one to entertain him and it frustrated him in a way. So, when he heard voices coming from his walkie talkie, he was ecstatic. He listened carefully to their conversation, quite amused by the guy's narrative. The drink he made must be /that/ bad if another guy described it as poison. He was really curious about the taste, as well as the guy's self-proclaimed bartending skills. Maybe the other guy was just messing with him or maybe it's the truth, who knows?

Judging by the voices, there are about three people involved in this, four if he was to count in the other guy who was only mentioned within the conversation. This could be fun, he thought to himself as he wore his leather jacket. Would it be considered strange for him to join in despite not contributing to the call? He's not sure but he could just lie about it to make his arrival less suspicious.

Thankfully, the club wasn't that far off from the hotel San was initially located at, it was only a few minutes walk before he finally arrived there. "They're here, huh?" he muttered as a sinister grin made its way towards his lips. Raking his fingers through his dark purple locks he enters the building through its front doors and found three unfamiliar figures by the bar, the fourth person was out of sight, probably had left already. "Oh, I didn't know there would be people in here," San said as he approached the trio. That's a lie but it's not like they're gonna know. "Hopefully you guys don't mind me joining in, perhaps?" he tipped his head to the side and smiled.
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
Seulgi smiles and raises her hand as she greets Yeji, happy to see a familiar face with her. She introduces herself to Wooyoung next. "My name is Seulgi. Yes, we haven't met yet. It's nice to meet you, Wooyoung!" Her hand is outstretched as she waits for him to shake it once she settles herself on one of the chairs. "Yeji, come and sit with me." After giving a pat on the spot next to her, she goes back to looking at the mixtures. Her eyes are on the drinks lined up before she glances at the male waiting for her to take a glass. "Well, I'll take this one then," she plucks one of the drinks that are similar to each other before placing it in front of her.
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
after wooyoung finished setting things up, he walked over to the opposite of the counter to find a comfortable stool to park his body. he relaxed for a second as his, debatable, hard work was slowly taking a toll on him. his attention on the drinks was soon taken by a few knocks on the door which he found odd; nevertheless, was thrilled some sort of sign of life was coming. "over here! and yeah that was me! i don't think we've met. i'm wooyoung!" he stood quickly, introducing himself with a hand pressed gently on his chest. his head propped upwards as he heard heels clanking against the hard tiles, approaching him steadily. "uhm, by poison guy you mean the most brilliant upcoming bartender then yes. come have a seat! pick any drink you'd like i made exactly three. but if it goes well, i don't mind making more." his hand gestured towards the counter with drinks lined up alongside one another, one was suspiciously void of any mixtures and clear while the other two were definitely mixed with... something.

() no need to mirror asdf
◇ k seulgi 3 years ago
Seulgi is not the drinker type, the alcoholic kind, to be specific. Still, she couldn't let the poor guy be sad over them not trying out his drinks, despite the others saying that it is poison. Arriving at the club, she catches the sight of the male behind the counter before she knocks on the now-open door to get his attention. "Are you the one on the walkie-talkie earlier?" The female walks over to get a closer look at the male.
◇ j wooyoung [A] 3 years ago
finally, some use out of the club. ever since wooyoung's arrival, he always wanted to make the club thrive like it probably did before things turned sour and made the town so grim. his eyes twinkled in thinking up possible ways in livening up the place that he lost track of what he mixed in into the shaker before lightly shrugging and mixing it anyway. despite the strange scent coming from the shaker, he paid it no mind as he put it in one of the clean glasses he so carelessly wiped down. breaking in an imaginary sweat, he wiped his forehead with his sleeve as he waits for his friends off the walkie talkie to come by.


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saorsa 2 years ago
taps my fingers together


I know I totally failed u the first time this opened but

chances of a revival are..............??????????????
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 2 years ago
im screaming what is this
is it still open
disrespect [A] 2 years ago
ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠɪɴɢ ;
◈ upvote and favorite the roleplay before commenting or applying for your desired character
◈ your first character will always be a survivor unless you pre-reserved; requirements for seconds
are located in the rules
◈ only accepting those that are at least 19 internationally; internationals are welcomed
◈ problematic faces / those who are married / wish to not be roleplayed are not to be
reserved or applied for
◈ we have the right to reject or ignore reservations from problematic users

ʀᴇᴠᴀᴍᴘ ;
◈ will happen sometime this week. new layouts, some tweaks here and there
◈ roleplayers will be notified that the rp will be drafted for much-needed construction work and once it's finished
◈ trials will be rescheduled when things have been settled

sᴛᴀᴛɪsᴛɪᴄs ;
keep these numbers in mind before reserving or applying. we will cap at 08 killers and 18 survivors.
however, this may change in the future depending on the group's activity
◈ killers : 02 | survivors : 06
-nekotrap 2 years ago
add & reserve shin ryujin pls!
cthuwu 2 years ago
Can I reserve Momoko Gumi Company?
amateur_writer 2 years ago
hello, I got a question.
So I joined this site today with a new account because I can't remember my old username or password.
So I don't have the opportunity to upvote yet.
Do I have to wait until then to be able to join?
heartcore 3 years ago
may i have choi yoonjung/ chloe devita pls?
rosetea 3 years ago
may i please reserve johnny seo?
appletea 3 years ago
Okay, I’m ready finally. Can you reserve Park Jaehyung for me please?
hippie 3 years ago
I'd love to reserve Huang Zitao (aka Tao) for my frist character, if I could!
I do gotta let you know that I only play , so I hope that's alright ;; not that this is a relationship-heavy or -heavy RP but it still applies bc my brain is weird, i guess?
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