➴seer's greenhouse

seer's greenhouse
a place to plant and harvest an array of species. Herbs, flowers and assorted fruit and vegetables can be found here.
This is also a place to find the seer when he isn't in the manor.

in character room,

please avoid ooc in here。
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
Slipping inside one evening, hands resting on his hips while looking around the large space, all the pretty plants well spaced and potted, some of the larger and more mature ones in the ground already and growing well.
"Definitely need some fairy lights going on in here."
Sighing out, moving about toward the wooden table Nd stools, taking a seat and just contently inhaling the many scents filling the air, remembering after a few minutes of peace that a new plant needed some extra tending to so he gets up and navigates to it, sitting by the shrug and resting a hand on the branches to thread some of his gift through to encourage it to grow; a smile adorning his lips when small blue buds began to form.
"Mm, there we are. I hope you'll grow fast. I have need of your fruit."
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
Quietly humming a tune he remembered from being a pup, never before knowing the words, just the melody but it seemed soothing; the seer moving about his precious greenhouse to interact with the flowers, trees and plants that grew. There was a soft simper on his lips, green eyes a little hazy with his mind elsewhere, thoughts of a tall alpha running through his head.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer The elder continue folding his arms together in deep though as he though for a bit.
I want you to see something
He spoke as he started to walked
Follow me...
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Green eyes couldn't help but peek at the defined muscles of the alpha, hiding his gazes behind sipping the tea while listening to Hiro speak, giving it a few minutes to process it all before clearing his throat a little, gently tapping fingertips on the table top.
It isn't a curse. Being honest I mean.
Clarifying, nails scratching a little at the wood and the seer kept his gaze trained on his drink, finding it easier to keep his thoughts coherent that way.
It's been a long time, since someone who wasn't like family to me held me on a high pedestal. Longer still, since I've had someone stand so close to me without fear.
He wanted to add that it had been even longer since the last time he shared a bed with anyone, even his late mate who had been missing over eighteen months before the seer went looking for him only to lose him, the time compiling to almost two years by this point.
You.. did something for me. Something incredible. The fault doesn't lie with you, Hiro, but with me.
Softly rubbing at his face in a nervous fashion, finally bringing his gaze to your eyes.
Perhaps I'm not ready to move on. But that could just be the remnants of my old life chaining me, convincing me that there's no one else for me. Not many would be interested in a broken beta who can't bare pups. After all, a core part of finding a mate and making a bond is procreation. Of what use am I in such a position where my body is faulty?
Murmuring softly, taking a slow breath in and pushing it back out to force the rising hysteria back down, more of his jasmine pheromones seeping out as he focused on keeping a solid control of himself, finding it so much easier now after what Hiro had done for him.
There's nothing for you to apologise over. I've forgotten.. what it felt like to have someone so close to me where I can feel the beating of their heart and the rumbling in their chest when talking.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer The elder sighed he rubbed the back of his neck a bit as he cross his strong arms together.
Im sorry, I cursed with many things and one of them is being honest... when I saw you, I just...
He sighed a bit trying not to sound creepy
I think your very attractive and seeing your past made me want to protect you and hold you so no one can ever see that side... that broken side... so Im sorry. I knoe your not even ready to think about moving on anything like that I dont ... ever think you will after that... so .. Im sorry... you can make it up to me by accepting my apology... it wss wrong of me to... pass the boundaries...especially after we just meet...
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Cracking open an eyelid to peek at the other male, humming out quietly and feeling himself relax a little when there's some space between their frames, setting down the cup and properly opening both his eyes.
First you refer to me as an angel, then again as a flower-
Sighing out gently, glancing down into the cup for a moment silently, not entirely sure where that train of thought was even going but he leaves it at that, sipping more of the blended tea and leaning back in his seat with a soft smile.
I don't even know where to begin to make it up to you, what you did for me.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer Hiro waited a bit for the younger to obsorb the auroma, then he lean whispering into the youngers ear.
They say that the mix of three can make even the most broken flower bloom...
He spoke backing away from the younger as went to thenside making himself a cup of tea. Then he sat down blowing a bit on it looking at the younger in silence.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro When it was evident his answer still didn't satisfy the alpha, he almost bristled with annoyance, not used to someone else being more aware of what to do with herbs and plants, about ready to scowl as much before falling silent at the imposing presence at his back, blinking a little and finding himself softening under the gentle words, uttering a quiet "tch" noise but obeying none the less while trying to not be so hyper aware of the alpha against him.
Then you at explaining the rules.
Mumbling out but not in an insulting tone, watching as the older man's hands worked with great care and delicacy when using the tea set, the seer eyeing Hiro silently for a long moment at his words but it isn't long before taking up the brewed cup and following directions, closing his eyes to sip at the hot liquid carefully to taste the creation.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer The elder chuckle as he stood up again, he knew the younger wouldnt get it. He was also embarrassed and fluttered. He walked behind him yet again
Trust me..
He whispered he link their bodies together, as he took the rose petals and mash them gently, then he added a bit of honey and hot water making a soft scent bliss. He pour that into the tea cup. Then he got the lavander and earl grey both try he grab the youngers hand and place of them together grouning them together would give them a small mix, he looked around and added a leaf of mint and continue to ground them.
Remember just because you have been giving a few tools doesnt mean thats whay you have to use...
When he finished he put the herbs together with the rose and he pour hot water on it. Letting it seat for a bit then he put it on a new tea cup without the herbs just the fresh tea and he place it in front of the younger.
Close your eyes and taste...
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Actually growing a little flustered at the dismissal to the answer he gave, looking right at Hiro for a long minute before turning back to the problem on hand, arms crossing over his chest as his brows knitted together in thought.
Since you're being picky-
Muttering out a little, lips pursed.
Rose petals are strong in scent but weak in taste. So there would need to be more rose than earl grey and lavender. As you pointed out, the grey is a strong robust taste and scent. Then, what about a base of rose and lavender with only a watered down amount of earl grey?
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer He made a face as he 'tsk tsk' the younger, then he shake his head.
If you mix it like that The earl grey will over power..the other two. So how can we mix it to make them work in harmony?
He ask curiously as he sat back down looking at the younger. It was a simple task, but he knew it took time to master herbs especially mixing them to make a beautiful harmony.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro You would consider that a secret?
Laughing a little, eyes following the movements of the other and pursing his lips, tipping back his head a little to glance up at the alpha who seemed to enjoy being behind him like such, once more shying away from the whispering once more, ignoring the prickling of skin that comes from such an action.
How I would? Mmh. They gray is easy enough, it could be the core part of the tea drink. Lavender, ground up to a fine powder to add a floral taste. The petals of the roses.. I would just keep a few afloat in the tea, and when the cup is empty, add a little extra water and drink them up, since they'll be infused with the tea flavouring.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer Mmh.. already wanting to share secrets?
He raised an eyebrow standing up thrn he walked behind thr younger whispering to his ear softly
How would you make these work together?
He asked walking around, Yixing asked Hiro to help Jihoon become stronger and better. Hiro agreed, but he would tease the younger after all he was cute in the elders eyes. Yet he respected him for being strong and keep his pack flowing and growing.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Then that's more incentive for you to not die, isn't it?
Raising a brow, green eyes sparkling with delight at his own lame jokes but when the other male seems content to let the seer fetch the teapot and cups he does just that, crossing to another part of the greenhouse and pulling open a cupboard to collect the box, bringing along his flint as well as some steel so he could light the small fire where he usually boiled his water when using the greenhouse, coming back and noticing Hiro laughing, pausing a moment to just enjoy the serenity that filled the space.
I'm back.
Announcing softly, organising the little fire spot and setting some water in a metal pot to begin boiling while organising the petals and blooms Hiro picked out for a tea.
How would you prepare these best?
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer I don't think Ill be as hot...if I come back as doll..
He chuckle a bit cleaning his own blood relaxing letting his body heal on its own. When the younger walked away he couldn't help, but stare at his . He nodding approving and he felt a smack when he turn one of the plants had smack his head.
He laughed at the plants behaving as parents for Jihoon, it was cute.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro You're sorry? Whatever for?
Genuinely asking, carefully getting to his knees before pushing up and standing, a little unsteady but feeling better by the second, bringing hands up in a soft exasperated shrug while glancing around at all the shifting plants.
Ah.. Now, now- Hiro was helping me.
Insisting, setting to work on coaxing them back to their original places soothingly, saving the creeper jasmine for last out of fondness for the plant. The scent of blood was clear to him, the metallic tang on the air drawing the seer's attention, crossing the distance that had formed when Hiro went poking about the greenhouse. Resting fingertips on the older male's cheek, gently pushing coolness through to the cause of the bleed, mending it carefully to stop the blood before drawing out a chair, indicating for Hiro to take a seat.
I'm.. Not entirely sure what you did, but whatever it was- I swear I'll resort to necromancy if it kills you.
Threatening quietly, smiling a moment later, noticing the picked choices of blooms and humming.
Let me fetch my tea set from the cupboard okay?
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer Hiro smile helping the younger with the Jasmin, when he turn back to the room the flowers were all over Jihoon. The elder let go of his hand as he lean into the table. His plants were protecting him from any danger, the elder could feel the nature surrounding the greenhouse sadden, he smile softly rubbing the veins as the flowers all bloom around them. The elder looked at the younger
He spoke as he tap on the table walking around looking at the flowers, he could smell the beautiful jasmine. He took a few rose petals, lavender and earl gray as he got them all in the table. They would make excellent tea for both of them after that experience. The elder felt weak his vision went blurry as he held himself against the table. Hiro powers were strong, but if he used them to unlock someone memory and live in it with them it took a lot out of him. his nose began to bleed as he sighed holding himself against the table.
Ah....still weak...
He chuckle a bit amused at his own limits.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro It felt like coming out of a submerged dream, the air around him much crisper, colours brighter and scents sharper; slowly taking in a deep breath and drinking it all in as if dehydrated. Blinking from a daze his head raised a little at the fingers that slid under to tip his face up, green eyes meeting the heterochromia ones of the older male, still a little lost for words at the way he was feeling. Parting lips he tried to speak, jolting instead in surprise at the feeling of a tendril wrapping up his wrist and arm, shifting his gaze a little to spy the culprit was a jasmine creeper; a slight smile pulling on his lips, finding it rather ironic the plant that was his natural scent had reached out in concern, the beta's own phermonal scent of jasmine seeping from his body lightly to perfume the air.
I'm okay..
Reassuring softly, shifting a little to try and carefully unwrap the flowers from his arm, almost laughing when it seemed to be just as stubborn as he himself, the seer giving up after a moment and turning back to Hiro, a little taken aback by the words that came from the alpha's lips.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer The elder walked over to him, squatting next to him, he lifted the youngers chin up with his finger. He softly rubbed the youngers chin then he rubbed the tears away. His eyes glowing one bright blue and the other a bright green as he whispered.
I'm here...
He didn't know why he was doing all of this, it felt like an instant inside him and he wanted to protect the younger. Yixing was right, he would find a missing piece that would make him feel like his powers weren't a curse. The boy in front of him was glowing as the shatter glass turn into rose petals scattering around them. Hiro eyes winded as his own passed submerge.
....Even in tears...you look.....like an angel...
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro He didn't know what to say let alone what to do with the other's grip on him, focusing instead of controlling his breath that threatened to get too swift and too shallow, putting his trust in the newcomer despite partly being afraid of the worst happening. As the memories reached a swell and scattered he released a bit of a choked noise, finding himself sinking to the ground once the hold on him was slackened and released, green eyes glistening with some tears that freely fell and yet the heaviness he'd been holding in for so long seemed to lift and scatter away leaving the seer feeling incredibly light.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer The elder back hugged Jihoon tigthly not letting go, maybe just maybe he might let go of the pain if he felt his lovers mind. The elder held extended both of their arms together, before his lover died he looked at Jihoon with love and forgiveness, there was not hate, no guilt nothing. He wanted his lover to be happy above all things, protecting those he loved. The elder lean in whispering as the memory slowly broke into thousands of feathers, the elder still holding the youngers arms up.
...You were and still are perfect......every flower grows...now you just have to bloom...
He spoke letting go of the younger so he could see the feathers turning into shatter glasses with his happy memories, showing him more happy than sad memories.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Even more reason for me to apologise. If you're more sensitive to it, lingering through my very core..
Shaking his head with a sad smile.
I am sorry. I'll try to reign it. I wish to move forward, and brighten my life back up so that I can go back to helping everyone else.
Noticing the way the other took at his hand, focused on watching the man was planning to do before sounding a choked gasp out, tightening the hold on Hiro's hand at just how real the memories felt.
What are you..-?
Shying a little away from the soft voice, shaking his head a little while eyes were squeezed shut; realising that intent and despite every part of him internally screaming to yank away and hide, the seer forced himself to stay still, although his shoulders quivered a little as if terrified.
But it's my fault. I shouldn't have sought him out- he's dead because I went looking for him.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer I'm ...more cursed than he is...
He spoke grabbing the youngers hands softly he close his eyes taking a deep breath.
He didn't want too, but he had too. The younger body would be in shock as he made him remember
that day, he stood behind him seeing the scenes he was scared off, he saw the sufferings the tears
and how he held his lover close to his body. The elder stood behind the younger as he whispered.
Remember...he didn't blame you...so stop blaming yourself...
he whispered in a soft voice
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro The unspoken words lingered in the air still: that he felt the loss of his mate was entirely his fault for being stupid and getting into the danger his alpha had been determined to avoid, hearing the gentle call of the new alpha and after easing back to his feet, walking closer to him quietly.
I'm sorry. If you have a gift like Yixing, then you probably can feel it in me. I don't mean to hurt you.
Uttering lightly, eyes looking to the markings on the other's skin with silent curiosity.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer ...mh..Come..
He spoke in a soft voice as he took off his fingerless gloves off. He had signs all over his hands, as he pull his sleeves up showing all of signs, they look like tribals as he looked at the younger waiting for him.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Keeping his green eyes on the plant he was coaxing to grow despite being a little or a lot tired already from raising plants this day, the question making the seer go silent for a little bit of time to steel himself to find the words that hurt less.
He was protecting the pack, and me. I was stupid, and didn't know what was happening in the time he was gone. A hunter he had been drawing away from our pack attacked him, and he died in my arms before I could do anything to save him. All the good of my own healing abilities, and they ended up betraying me in my time of need.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer Sits down in a seat looking around as he lean into his hand letting his head fall on it. Holding his cheek against his hand, he wasn't heartless, but he wanted to know.
how did he die? the one you been crying for ?
he asked curiously feeling the plants shift a bit at the question, he move his other hand calming them down.
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Following after the older at a safe distance, curiosity in his gaze while watching, hearing the comment and humming a little, playing with his fingers gently.
It's where I come to find peace, and bring myself back to my own feel when I feel worthless.
Admitting gently, feeling a slight call tugging at his mind, shifting to bring his gaze around their surroundings, wandering to try and find the source before smiling when he sees a struggling fruit plant, crouching down to caress at it gently.
There, there. Let me help you.
∝ hiro 3 years ago
@β lee jihoon - the seer Smiles a bit walking inide the greenhouse, feels the peace inside and smiles a bit
one of my eyes starts glowing bright green. Touches the wooden tables feeling the
memories, until I reach a point and stop staring at the seat.
...So many tears...
β lee jihoon - the seer [A] 3 years ago
@∝ hiro Biting a little on his lip while bringing the other to the entrance of the greenhouse, opening the double doors and pushing them open.
Welcome, to my little haven.
Greeting, allowing the alpha to enter first, following after him quietly.


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merry_berry 3 years ago
I am interested in Chanhee, and making him an infertile beta :)
b01c2c525dc935984cb3 3 years ago
left yeosang, keonhee, and dongmyeong
i loved this place a lot but it's hard to stick around in an rp where only one person is trying to keep the place alive. best of luck <33
BlackRose21 3 years ago
Dropped Seungmin
mononoaware 3 years ago
Yongguk will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
sayonarababy- 3 years ago
Lee felix please^^ as an Omega or beta~ whatever you need more of^^
lachrymose 3 years ago
hwang hyunjin pls!
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 3 years ago
I might join again :) some other time. Thank you for all your time. Yixing and Hiro are leaving.
328ab29a2596de0cf7e5 3 years ago
hi, could i get jeon wonwoo please c:
b01c2c525dc935984cb3 3 years ago
can i get lee keonhee as my third?
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