the noblebloods
Aristocrats or Nobles are a high-ranking vampires classed as Level B. They are elite vampires with specialized abilities beyond that of normal vampires. Aristocrats are very powerful vampires, but not as powerful as the Purebloods. They have a small amount of human blood in their ancestry as well as all other levels below them. When an aristocrat is killed, they turn to dust, as do all the other levels below them. These aristocratic vampires are still able to be compelled by Purebloods, but enjoy a much more independent lifestyle in general. The Council of Elders is usually made up of Aristocrats.
Unlike Purebloods, who are revered to the point other vampires would kill anyone who would "sully" their bloodline, Aristicracts face no prejudice if they choose to marry humans. It remains unclear if the offspring of an Aristocrat is considered to drop to Level C if they reproduce with humans for a few generations. On the other hand, it's likely an Aristocract's descendants can become more powerful if they reproduce with Purebloods for a few generations. While never able to truly pure the human ancestry from their lineage, an Aristocract born this way could be considered a Level B+. It's been noted that if an aristocrat has a child with a human, the child's vampire genetics are largely unaffected.
Aristocrats are noted to die when they lose the will to live. It's likely the lifespan of aristocrats is determined by how pure their vampire blood is. Aristocrats are also to have been noted to die when they lose the will to live.
noblebloods (unlimited)
ryuu kuroda
teasag blàrach
ruairidh blàrach
Sparkly Layouts 2019posted on jan 3rd, 2021