# ⁞ dark roses

dark roses (/ club)
This club is a safe place where you can live out your wildest fantasies. Just be mindful that safety and consent reign supreme here, even if you're not tapping into the more elevated side of things. You can find a lot of employees here also work at the love hotel, although club employees here can be bid on to be taken to personal rooms in the club for a more private and enjoyable time by patrons.
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♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ The girl hummed softly as she felt the taller’s lips on her forehead, closing her eyes and taking in the others “rare” affections (more so rare for his reputation, not as in him withholding from her). Ning looked up to her brother, nodding firmly as he spoke with a solid tone. “It’s a deal then~“ she noted. She squeezed Soobins arm warmly as she pulled back, finishing up her water from the table as he mentioned to set a date for them to get together.

She let him leave first, waiting an extra 10 minutes playing on her phone and checking for any messages from the team, the waitress being kind enough to leave her alone in the lounge. Then, did Ning stand and leave the club as to let the taller alone, planning to go to a bar and get wasted as . ‘I’ll text Karina’ Ning didn’t want the other to worry or fuss over her and preferred someone else to make sure she got home safe that wouldn’t scold her. A school friend would suffice nicely .
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ Soobin sighed softly but didn't fight her on it. He would have loved to give her something but he understood. He bowed his head and closed his eyes for a brief moment as she returned his coat, smiling to himself and returning the hug. He kissed her forehead and then tilted his head as he looked at her. "I love you, too. And you had better do the same, okay," his tone was more authoritative then, not that he could help it, "Let me know when you're available next time so we can go out to eat together, okay?"

He paused, brows furrowing as he answered the call that came through. Without a word, he hung up and finished his drink. "I look forward to hearing from you, okay," Soobin looked Ning in her eyes before leaving a small tip for the waitress on their drink tray. He hated to part ways with Ning but duty called, more specifically his men were calling for him and he had to answer. He slipped off into the shadows, his arms back into his long coat with his hands in his pockets, moving through the crowd in the direction his men had asked of him.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Ning smiled, feeling her brother's hand on her head, leaning into his gentle touch as she rubbed his forearm with care. He was such a good man. It was crazy how lucky she was to have Soobin in her life. He made everything better, just by his presence. If any other person had come in and stopped, she would have been flippant and ready to kill. But she could never hurt Soobin, nor would she let anyone hurt him if she could help it.

"No Binnie, I don't want anything," she nodded surely as the other offered to pay for a treat. She didn't need it though. Plus she didn't like using her family's money if she could help it. Ning watched the other stand, standing as well as she slipped off the taller's jacket, holding it out for him again. "I'll see you then." she used her heels to help hoist on the long coat over the other's shoulders, exhaling at the effort before going over to wrap her arms around the others body. "I love you. Stay safe." Ning reassured her affections, even if the introduction was awful tonight. She just wanted him to be okay and always know he was cared for by her.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ Soobin gave her a gentle smile, hand resting lightly on the back of her head. "I know you are," he nodded once, his tone and expression showing that he meant it. He was happy to see her smiling again. He was sure that they had both been taken off guard by the whole situation but it was relieving, clearly to her as well, now that they had both come back to their senses and gotten everything sorted out. It was hard for him not to worry about her sometimes but he had faith and even trust in her to do what she needed to, for herself and for the family she represented.

"Would you be mad if I gave you something to treat yourself with," he asked, watching her and tilting his head. He collected his own drink and took a few sips, keeping it held in his hand. "All right then. I'll be fine but I appreciate it. I'll meet with you for our regular lunch then," she'd gotten another one of those soft smiles out of him, the older sitting up some and adjusting his overcoat as he did so well. He very much enjoyed their meals together as it oddly enough felt like a meal shared between regular siblings or old friends. It was a nice break from their everyday lives in his opinion.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Ning tilted her head to the side, smiling knowingly of Soobin's intentions and demeanor. Never in her entire life had Ning someone looked out for, defended her, or worthy of others laying it all down for. If anything, the world had consistently showed her the opposite was true...until Soobin. Soobin was a large reason she was still alive... "I know. But I am pretty sturdy~" she gave her brother a playful wink, a grin warming her features as she came back to a more neutral version of herself- free to smile and care.

"No thank you. I'll get my drink elsewhere...maybe take myself out on a date to the park since I'm in need of some air." though the mood for partying was smothered in the tall heir's presence, Ning knew if she reassured him that she'd be smart and take care of herself well that she could party another place, even another day. She took the glass closest to her from the tray and began sipping on it. "I don't want to keep you when you need to attend to family things. We will meet again on our lunch walk, like usual." Once a week, Ning met the other for some food and movement. It was very flexible as to match their hectic schedules, but also to keep some seclusion so they could just catch up, check in, and spend some time.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ His gaze returned to her at the sudden peck to his cheek, forcing him to relax. He could see her expression and his entire visage showed that he was now even more at ease. "I know that I can't but, if I'm around or you reach out to me, I want to do what I can," he paused, "You may be smarter than most of us other humans but you're not indestructible." Ning could be considered a weakness for him, one that could hold her own but a weakness of his all the same. He tended to be overprotective of those he cared about. His mother and Ning were at the top of the list. His father was somewhere in that list.

"It's fine. I may have gotten distracted but the matter will still be handled. Don't worry," Soobin reassured her, even giving her a gentle smile. He bowed his head in thanks to the waitress as she returned with their drinks before looking at his sister again, "Are you sure you don't want a drink? Consider it a gift to make up for me scaring you." Soobin had felt bad and still did. He was glad that the situation hadn't escalated or gone awry and ended up with her mad at him.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ There was one discussion they couldn't have; business. Unless there was some sort of emergency, or either person was is imminent danger, Ning and Soobin never talked about their opposing families deals. The younger exhaled softly as he reassured that nothing was the matter, but that he just wanted her to be okay. A small smile graced the females features, feeling her chest warm at how kind Soobin truly was. He was so giving toward her...and she treasured every single second of that closeness.

Ning chuckled at Soobin's worries about her drinks getting spiked or being made a ual example of in a dark space. "No, it's not the place for stable commentary..." she knew it would bother him, but he needed to know that she was okay in this moment with everything. "You can't watch everything I do. Don't stress, my family looks out for me too." she reassured him, gently kissing his cheek once before leaning back and looking around the area of what she could. "You probably need to get back to business," she explained, even though she couldn't tell from their lounge who was that business exactly.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ Soobin tilted his head when she asked her question, not minding it at all. "I'm here for business, although I've gotten sidetracked now," he admitted. Even if he wasn't very expressive, Soobin could at least be known for being honest. He was still selective about who he let in though. The heir was comfortable with Ning to say the least, which meant a lot to him, whether or not she knew that. "Nothing is wrong," he added after a moment, resting his hand on top of her on his knee, "You can relax, okay? I saw you and just got concerned."

He made sure to bow his head in thanks to the waitress, lightly rubbing over Ning's shoulders before dropping his hand, both of his hands returning to his pockets. "It's not always about them actually touching you though. I'm well aware this is one of the places where people slip drugs into others' drinks or by pricking them with things," his gaze was vacant, empty, as he looked out on the crowd, "They also make comments that aren't very mannerly." Her question caused him to shake his head again, "It's not you that I don't trust, Ning. Keep that in mind. I'd just rather protect you where I can. I know what you do and that you're good at what you do but none of us are perfect. I'd hate to find out something happened to you that I could have prevented."
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ She felt like the other's image of her was tarnished more, as her brain scrambled to pick up the peices while numbly she was walked to a private lounge for the both of them. She secured her brother's coat over her shoulders more as she sat, now staring at the coffee table, barley taking in the taller's words, only feeling his disappointment and doubt for her.

"But why are you here?" she asked, her head finally turning to look at the other even though he was lecturing and questioning her motives. She looked between his eyes in confusion. "Why are you here? Is something wrong?" she put her hand on the other's knee. If he had only come in because of tracking her, it was more then likely because he needed her for something. Soobin was so independent and strong that Ning never took for granted the moments he let his guard down and opened up to her.

The strawberry blonde looked to the waitress, shaking her head, "No. Water is fine." There was no way Ning was going to drink in front of the other, which she had already exposed herself to. She tsked at his doubt, rolling her eyes as she straightened her back. "As if anyone could touch me without my permission." she asserted. She scoffed, running her fingers through her hair as she rested her elbows on her fishnetted knees, her foot taping on the ground rapidly. "Why don't you trust me here?" she asked, still a bit jarred that of the places she thought no one would find her, Soobin found her.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ Once she covered herself, Soobin was slipping off his overcoat and wrapping it around her. He walked with her to where one of the more private lounge areas was, just shaking his head as she apologized. He got her seated first and then sat down next to her. "I know that you can handle yourself. You're very bright," he began, waving a waitress over who gave a signal that she'd be over in a moment. In the meantime, he returned his attention to Ning. His tone didn't even sound angry although there was a hint of disappointment there that he couldn't hide, even though he was trying to do so. He wasn't actually trying to make her feel bad after all. More than anything, Soobin just wanted to know why she would try to sneak into this place of all the possible places she could've tried to get into.

"You know the kind of people that hang around places like this. If you had gone to a regular club, I'd probably understand better and just figure it's one of those things that people our age like to do," he paused, shaking his head, "Ning, a club though?" He quieted once the waitress came over, placing an order for a drink for himself before looking at Ning. "Go ahead. Order whatever you want. It doesn't matter what it is," Soobin gestured to the younger, also making sure to ask for some water for the both of them. Once their order was placed and the waitress had walked away, he looked at Ning again.

"Are you okay though? Nothing's... you know, happened, right? No one's tried hurting you or attacking you or anything while you're here?"
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ Soobin was not the type to display his headspace, but holy was his face saying everything to the barley legal 20 year old girl. It felt like a triple whammy- being in the club when she wasn’t allowed to, in a very tight and short dress, and her older brother practically burning her with his hot red lasers beams for eyes in that very moment. It made Ning’s throat close slightly with how angry he was.

“S-Soobin…” Ning could barley form sentences, let alone words. Soobin knew damn well she wasn’t supposed to be there. The Chinese girl sighed, closing her eyes in defeat as her shoulders slumped some, shaking her head in a soft but guilty manner upon his question. The literal odds of Soobin being in here were a million to one… and yet, God wanted to play games today.

This was so embarrassing. Ning had no one expect the Know’s and Soobin, and it felt tragic that he was seeing her like this…in a way she had been displayed for nearly all her life, but on her own accord…the shame of her trafficking days started flooding back into her head as she wrapped her arms around her body, to hug herself but also cover her deep v line of her dress, “I’m sorry…” she apologized for Soobin seeing her in such a way, stepping down from the platform and keep her eyes glued to the velvet carpet as she forced her shameful tears back with what might she had, now not even able to look up at Soobin even though she waited for him to also step down from the pole.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ With how their city could be and the double lives that all of them seemed to live, Soobin couldn't say that he was entirely surprised to see Ning doing what she was doing in a club like this. At the same time, that didn't mean that he felt okay with her doing it. He was far from okay with it. Soobin didn't show too much emotion on his face most of the time, but it was pretty obvious that he wasn't happy, even in the low lights, with the way his brows were drawn together.

"I could ask you the same thing," he tilted his head, gaze sharp as he looked her in her eyes, "Are you even allowed to be in here?" He questioned, referring to the age requirement. He was just old enough to enter the club but that didn't mean he wouldn't have been able to get in otherwise. They all had connections in the shadows after all. It was hard to avoid. Then again, he'd never pulled a stunt like this, never having even tried to get into the club.

As Soobin looked her over once more, he was also surprised by how she was dressed. Women all had those clothes that made them feel ier, he knew that. He was sure everyone had at least one thing in their closet that made them feel like that. It was just the fact that he was seeing someone he thought of as a little sister in that type of outfit. He felt tempted to cover her with his coat and drag her somewhere that wasn't pretty much a pole to dance on but he didn't want to draw any more attention to her, or himself.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
@⚡ Soobinᵸ The city may be small, but Ning went by various identities. There was the Kwon Ning that could build you up and break you down in one swoop, there was a student Ning who was stressed about exams, and then there was y Ning, which was specifically for moments in which she felt safe enough to just be wild and free. 10pm on a Saturday wasn't too bad, as primarily the early birds were far and few between, since most people wanted to go to the popping dance clubs before the club.

Ning rolled her hips around, not afraid to spread her legs a bit as she dropped it low, running a hand over her chest and into her hair, closing her eyes and letting the bass of the music determine her sway. She chewed on her bottom lip in anticipation, opening her eyes to look around at the various on-lookers. 'Oh, there's already one here.' she felt the presence behind her, continuing to shake her booty, let him or her enjoy the show.

"AH!" it felt like someone knocked the wind out of her, as Ning yelped and quickly stopped her advances, spinning around and holding her hands over her heart as she stared at the one and only, Soobin. Lee Soobin. Even though they were on different sides, they had become good friends over the years, sort of having a truces just known between the two of them and not their serving families. "I...W-What are you doing here?" Ning felt like a fly in a trap, face turning red. She nearly grinded up on her brother-figure... 'gosh that's so bad!!!' she was screaming internally out of panic, feeling frozen in place as she waited for Soobin to respond.
⚡ Soobinᵸ [A] 2 years ago
@♔ Ning³ Soobin wasn't one for clubs, among some other things really. There was little he did or places that he went that weren't related to, well, work. This wasn't an exception. He had a lead of someone in his family running a e ring and without permission, let alone doing it in ways that hurt and endangered their workers. He wasn't the head of his family yet but he made sure those attempting to slip through the cracks or work in the shadows understood his power. Quiet and practically a shadow himself, he headed to one of the many bars seemingly scattered around the club. Getting a drink with just a slight spike of alcohol in it, he took sips while continuing to people watch.

This wasn't his scene so it was quite uncomfortable. Sometimes he found himself questioning why he let himself go to extents like this. If he'd told his mother, or his father, about it, he had no doubt in his mind that the both of them would be more than willing to find a way to settle it without him having to get involved but he was also aware that wasn't something he'd be able to do as head of the family when that time came. He would have to make decisions on his own and not lean on mommy and daddy. Soobin sipped more on his drink, a soft and slow sigh leaving his lips. He decided to go ahead and get up, mingling with the bustling crowd of club patrons. He found himself stopping in his tracks though when he caught a familiar face, and not the one he'd come for.

The heir moved over to Ning, standing near her and clearing his throat. "Ning, what are you doing here," his gaze felt more like that of a parent than anything else. He clearly wasn't happy with the fact that she was in a club, even more than that just what he'd caught her in the middle of doing.
♔ Ning³ 2 years ago
After a vigorous week of studying and preforming in the final exams of the spring term, Ning Ning was more then ready to let off some steam. She even specifically requested off work (unless an emergency) just so she could drink, dance, maybe get a little suggestive with a stranger, for one night. Dark Roses was a predominantly club, but it did have the best DJ in the area. With fishnets and a tight little black dress, the currently blonde 20 year old flashed a fake ID with some cleavage and was immediately let inside. The air was warm and sensual as the velvety curtains covered the various sections of the club. She wasn't afraid, passing by many three and foursomes not afraid to show their work for an audience, admiringly watching them with her young-glow, before finally spotting the "dance floor" and various empty pool bars. Instantly her facial features lit up and the young woman stepped right on up, feeling the cool metal with her hands as she walked once around the pole. She then dipped low, letting her hand slide down the pole as her stuck out, before slowly pulling her body up, pressing her sternum into the silver as she runs another hand over her hair, feeling out the beat of the music. No, she didn't work here, but it wouldn't be terrible is someone thought she did. She might get some free fun that way.


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megaverse 10 months ago
╭┈      ⌕ ⋯ roleplay updates      .· * • ˚

  ❒ freshly revamped for a fresh look
  ❒ all orientations, all genders, & nationalities welcome
  ❒ , yuri, straight
  ❒ many fcs and positions available, get them while you can!
Keikeu 10 months ago
are you accepting reservations?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 2 years ago
thank you for having me loves <3
KimmyKim62 2 years ago
thanks for having me
xingqiu 2 years ago
Can you add Kim Minjeong please?
everrosie_ 2 years ago
ning ning please! :D
KimmyKim62 2 years ago
Could I reserve felix?
0e3f97d30391478699bf 2 years ago
hi, can I get choi seunghyun please
TaeKook 2 years ago
Choi San please
912c5d2bc21ae1b6c24a 2 years ago
can i have Paing Takhon as a civillian please
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