❛ Arts and Crafts

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Arts and Crafts

Campers are encouraged to make their own projects, are we're not just talking lanyards. How'd you like to go home at the end of the summer with your very own marble statue of Poseidon, or perhaps a handmade lyre to serenade your friends?

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Have fun!



[G] Kristina Rose [A] 10 years ago
@[G] Jung Eunji Being the stubborn girl she was, despite the response from the other girl, Krystal reached for her pocket and took out a handkerchief anyway, deciding to help the other female. Given the fact that she's a child of Aphrodite, you would have thought she was the type who would never want to get her hands dirty. But that was her siblings. In a way, Krystal was different—or at least, she sees herself as someone different. For one, never had she been in favor of the other campers looking at the Aphrodite children as though they're nothing but a bunch of shallow campers who doesn't get any work done. Krystal begged to differ. Besides, she didn't really plan to be in this camp just to relax, anyway; not when she could easily do so at home.

It was only that art was her weakest point that she was against the idea of arts and crafts being her first camp activity upon her arrival.

"Let me help you," she said, unfolding the handkerchief in her hand and wiping the remains of the paint that had tainted the wooden floor. She wasn't best in color coordination—that was a job for the children of Iris—but looking at it, it did seem nice to look at the floor with the colors on it. Remind her to spill her paint next time when they're assigned to do some coloring again.

As Krystal wiped the paint off the floor, however, she couldn't help but peek into the curtain of hair covering the other female's facial features in curiosity. Surely her side profile earlier seemed... familiar. Krystal couldn't be too sure, not when she hadn't yet seen her face yet—but it can't entirely be impossible, either. Manhattan couldn't be big enough for half-bloods, after all.

"Are you alright?" Krystal dared to ask, noticing how quiet the other female seemed to be. "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to be intrusive..."
[G] Star Snow 10 years ago
@[G] Krystal Jung Eunji had a habit of not tying her long hair back. Ever since she had been young, she preferred to keep her hair out of elastics since they would always, always tangle up afterwards once she needed to remove them. As someone with hair that reached mid-waist, she found elastics to be very uncomfortable and so preferred to not use them altogether. She was thankful for that at the moment as her hair fell forward, obscuring the view of her face as it did so. With tears yet to fall still held in the ducts of her eyes, she carefully tried to clean up the split paint on the floor, ultimately getting some all over her fingers while she tried.

"Do you need help?"

The question brought along much surprise, since she had expected no one to help her. She had yet to make friends and no one had seemed to be doing anything but starring at her when they did notice a figure on the ground. Aside from that, she had been brushed off- which she preferred rather than being in the centre. Turning to face the person, her gaze on the ground and her head tilted downwards, she replied, "It's fine, thank you. Am I blocking your way?" She asked, not daring to look at the figure. Although there had been more than enough space for the other to walk around, she would move if it bothered the other person that much.

Eunji looked down at her delicate fingers stained with red and brown, and she swear that she had lost it as she was suddenly brought back into the memories she tried so hard to not let get the best of her. Her tears fell slowly at first, like a person that had been caught and surprised by the moment, before falling a bit more intensely. But she did not cry out, instead pursing her lips shut as tight as she could and remaining as quiet as she could as she brought her free hand to cover from her nose to to muffle any sounds that dared to escape.

She wanted to leave, but she needed to clean this mess up before she would feel comfortable doing so.
[G] Kristina Rose [A] 10 years ago
@[G] Jung Eunji Believe it or not, one of Krystal's weakest points is art.

As much as she tried hard to excel in the field of painting, she couldn't even make a proper of her brush without making it look like her hands were shaking in the process. And to think her color combination , that they either looked too girly or too dull. She spared a glance around the cabin and found the other works of the campers, immediately regretting what she did. How unfair. The Apollo kids were doing great at their current activity, and the Athena kids were definitely enjoying themselves as well. Krystal couldn't quite understand why, of all possible weak points, hers had to be art.

She had just recently arrived back to camp, after recently surviving her sophomore year. Good gods, how thankful was she that she was now free of the judgmental looks coming from the other student. Honestly, while she was on her way to camp, she actually expected that she'd be able to at least get a good nap in her own bunk back in the Aphrodite cabin after the long road trip—but in the end, she found herself making her way to the arts and crafts cabin, not wanting to miss her first activity for this summer.

It would've been better if the activity she was to attend first was at least Greek History, which was taught by Chiron—but the Centaur seemed to be busy. Krystal wasn't actually planning to join the other campers and clean the stables and the armory now, either. In the end, she'd rather stick to this one despite the fact that she at it.

As she was just about to take her place and get started, she was blocked by a figure who seemed to be cleaning up the ink that had been spilled in the wooden floor. She wasn't able to get a full view of her features, but the other camper's side profile struck Krystal as familiar.

"Do you need help?" she asked, crouching down.

[ omg did i do this correctly???? idek omg??? ]
[G] Star Snow 10 years ago
@[G] Krystal Jung ( TIME TRAVEL TIME /does a Sherman and Mr. Peabody thing and travels back to two years ago ; uu ; whentheyfirstmet-- )

It had been a couple days since she had arrived to camp and Eunji had never felt more miserable as she did the last couple of days. She had been experiencing all forms of homesickness, even though there was no other home for her any more other than the camp. Still, the yearning to go back home and run into her mother's arms again had brought her to the front of the camp on countless nights - not even wanting to escape to the place that brought her the most peace, her dreams. She had once walked into her mother's dream, only to be shunned completely. It was after all, her fault that her mother had lost the only true fruit of her marriage because of the bastard daughter that happened during a night of passion- a pure mistake. Those had been the words her mother had chosen to part her with as she visited, and she decided to never visit again. She couldn't cause her mother more pain.

Her mother once had two daughters, and bastard or not, she had loved them with every fibre of her being.

But now she had no one, just like Eunji.

She believed that she had taken her sister's death the hardest, but she knew that she was wrong. It was a pity though, that she found her attentions drifting away from all the things that she had enjoyed- even arts and crafts. She stared blankly at the paper mache mask that she had made the previous day, not in really the mood to make masks, but did so because it was required of them. She decided to make it more masquerade-themed, something that her sister and herself had often enjoyed on their escapades of 'pretend' in which they would proceed to dress the younger up and pretend that she was a princess while she was at it.

Swallowing hard, she placed her paint brush that held no ink at its bristles back on the table and placed her hand on her lap to steady it, knocking back one of the jars of acrylic paint on to the floor by mistake as she tried to bring her hand to her lap. Taking quick, shallow breaths she moved quickly to pick it up and clean it up after which she would excuse herself.

It had been a year, but there were still tears that had yet to dry.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing "Well, hopefully, what's blurred stays blurred." was all Ailee said before continuing her drawing, the agitation once more back into her features. Why was she so bent on being this way - aside from the fact and concept that she knew about the drawing being a message from the future - that she even acts differently around other people?

Something big is /really/ going to happen to her, she knew.

But when the young man spoke again, but this time of sentiment, Ailee only found herself quickly finishing her drawing and clamping it close within the pages of her notebook.

"... nothing important?" She managed to ask, though softly. There was already a slight crease in her brows - confusion nipping her gently. There was an imbalance in the air oh so suddenly, something that a child of balance couldn't stand.

"How is that possible?" She could only continue. "Shouldn't there be /something/ of value at least?"
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin "Chill..." Yixing muttered in a relaxed tone as he just shrugged and kept his face passive.

"I didn't see the whole drawing ok? all I saw were blurred images...well not exactly blurred but maybe just not understandable in my eyes." he answered as he went around a table.

"Oh and if what you're saying is true, about the bad things that may happen to me? don't worry about that...I can't loose anything important to me...I don't have anything like that..not even my life." he mumbled as he faced away from the girl. His eyes and face scarce of emotions.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing Now /this/ happening was something too dangerous. It shouldn't have happened. She should have rehashed control over herself, and should have continued the drawing in a place without anybody else seeing what it could contain. But she had been careless, Ailee knew. So careless that now, there is possibly one more person being put into the balance- an unwilling victim of the future's circumstances.

"You will lose your luck... or something important to you." She said, straight up, closing her notebook and looking straight into the male's eyes. He already had a glimpse of it, and it should stop at that. Glimpses.

Because seeing it and having time to mull over it is far, far worse.

"You either get into an inconvenient situation or worse." She added. "Because knowing - or even seeing - a fragment of the future through my mother's, and inevitably my, capability... is to trade something that can be lethal to you."

Slipping her notebook back into her bag, she asked in a serious voice.

"What did you see in your so-called 'glimpse'?"
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] Yixing continued to observe, his attention not fully taken by the drawing, thankfully. But on the questions on his mind. A lot were running through his mind and not a single one could he afford a temporary answer no matter how hard he tried to observe. He needed the answers from the girl herself. He opened his mouth and was about to ask but just stopped himself.

"too late, I already had a small glimpse of it. What's going to happen to me now?" he asked raising his brows. He didn't know why but somehow, a very tiny surge of fear ran through the tips of his fingers when she warned him about looking at it.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing Her actions, the male says? Was there a set action the Nemesis kids exhibit? But as far as she knew, her and her siblings were... varied. How could it have been patterned?

Questions were running through Ailee's mind, adding to the pain of her throbbing head. This is seriously not a good position to be in. Especially with how her memory was swiping images at her. Where have she seen this, this, box before? Why does it tug at her memory so much?!

Her hands were wild with the drawing, scrambling to finish the image, and the moment the last line was drawn... the pain faded into thin air.

Nemesis herself can speak of the future, but it comes with a price. It seems, in a way and form, this ability had been... adapted by Ailee of some sort. She randomly gets this sudden yet drastic urges of drawing because the things in those drawings are exact clues of things that could very well truly happen in the future.

Ailee took a deep breath.

"It's only implied through imagery, though. I don't get these things a lot of times myself." She said to the male. "But other people are not supposed to try and look at this."

Because once they do, they can be put in the balance themselves. Knowing the future through Nemesis comes with a price. Seeing even just a fragment of the future immediately takes its price from the people who sees.

And taking her notebook, she immediately separated a page - but not tear it out of the bind - and put the picture under it, tracing the image as close to the original drawing as possible, even until the shadings.
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] "Your actions...and somehow you fit the description my brother told me....he's my mentor after all." he shrugged. Before he thought all Minho's lectures about the children of other demigods were useless and just somehow boasting of his brother, but now, he found it a bit useful.

"A message huh? curious" he muttered as he focused his attention on the sketch being formed. 'A child of Nemesis, drawing a message from the future? How odd' he thought and decided to continue on with finding out why.

His curiosity was just hit by her and questions started forming. Getting no answers at one try meant more questions so he decided to wait a bit more.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing Observation?

"Of what?" Ailee couldn't even wrap her head around the other demigod's explanation. She never gave anything away, in her opinion. Ever. She never used her powers. Ever. She never mentioned her parental deity's name or whatsoever...

Not to be bothered, the female just turned back to her drawing - movements initially slow but quickening again. Her answer to male demi-deity's question spoken even without her turning her head again. "It's..." She honestly shouldn't be giving anything away...

"... a message. From the future."

And she left it at that.

Her head began to ache even more as more and more of the drawing began registering itself in her senses, tugging at the memory locked by trauma. But she can't stop now. She has to finish the drawing and transfer it to her notebook before she burns the paper.
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] After mentally scolding himself, Yixing tried turning back to his old usual self. The one he knew for so long, he never thought he would loose somehow.

"Observation" he shrugged. "Every god or goddess has something passed on to their children which is common among all of them." he said in a flat tone like it doesn't interest him at all. He wasn't like this before...which is like the time that has been forgotten already. But currently, it's all he is.

"What's with the eagerness and determination on your sketch anyway?" he asked raising an eyebrow as he tucked his hands into his pocket. Cold faced as he seems, things interest him quickly. The determination portrayed by the demigoddess just brought up questions on his mind on what caused it resulting to this.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing Bit by bit, the image was beginning to form: A box - seemingly one of expensive jewelry - tied with a thick-banded ribbon. It was familiar for some reason... too familiar. At one end, her head was beginning to ache because it was triggering at her memory - the memory that early trauma forced away from her.

But hearing the words from the male suddenly halted all her movements, the pencil she was using being suspended by her hand, mid-sketch.

Rare, he says? It's admittedly a bit uncanny that demigods of her kind would actually go out and socialize, but then again, nor would the demi-deity children of other minor gods and goddesses...

She turned her eyes to the male, a question in her gaze.

"How... did you know that I was... my mother's daughter?"
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] Seeing her reaction, his lips twitched upward a bit at the side. He never really got used to the reaction people had towards how he would use his magic. Unlike his siblings who used their magic quite normally, he would use his in ways that's sometimes called 'weird'.

He continued observing the demigoddess specially with the air of determination lingering around her. When he saw her start drawing in a quick pace, that's when he noticed some of the features he's been dreading to confirm. The memory of his half-brother telling him about the other demigods at camp flooded back to him.

"It's so rare to see a child of Nemesis here...." he muttered particularly to no one. "If I may...might I ask what a child of Nemesis is doing in a place like this?" he asked a little too politely, afraid he might disturb her too greatly.

'Wait what the hell is happening to you Yixing. You never treat people too politely no matter who...you're a cold hearted man...what happened to you' his thoughts suddenly started scolding. But it was too late. The question has already gone out of his mouth like the air he breathes.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing Well, this one was unexpected. Honestly, Ailee would have been able to do that too - her powers from being a balance kid was really weird for some reason - but she was not expecting that the male would do /that/ on his own.

So, was he her sibling? It doesn't seem likely. After all, if her were her half-brother, she'd have already seen him at her cabin. But he was not, and so... that proves what she thought of...

Nevertheless, she silently took the pencil in her hand, her expression carrying a bit of bewilderment. But maybe she really just was taken off guard.

"Uhh... thanks." She began, feeling her hand twitch one more time... only for her to struggle to let it stop twitching afterwards - a spasm attack.

"Okay, that's it." A determination had gone into Ailee's features as she quickly looked around the room and gotten herself a piece of paper, heading over to an empty spot in the room and placing the paper flat on the surface. In turn, she also reached towards the bag slung on her shoulder containing her notebook... and she immediately began to draw.

The future was telling her something. But what?
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] Yixing smiled a bit and made the pencil float into her hands. "That would do I guess. I also don't know where they put the stacks of pencils." he muttered as the said object reached her. It's not because he was too lazy, or that there was something bad about standing up and personally giving the pencil to the demigoddess but he just didn't feel the energy to stand up. It feels like he's drained though he didn't even do anything.

"You might have better use to it than someone like me." he muttered before gazing down at his clean, empty piece of paper. He didn't know what changed in him but something did and he didn't like it at all.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing Ailee was beginning to be almost desperate. SHe needed to find a pencil, she can't use a pen from drawing because there are lines she'd need to erase afterwards... or she'd have to burn the paper, because most of the times, her drawings were visual prophecies - only brought through imagery.

It was only then that a voice called out to her. She wasn't called by name - and she wasn't expecting the voice to because it would be quite freaky if it did - but when the word pencil was mentioned as a part of a sentence, Ailee knew it was meant for her. She turned around and looked at the source of the voice.

A... male.

"Well, yes, actually." was her reply, her face expressionless but not hostilely blank. She only had concern for getting the mentioned tool in her eyes.
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] Switching his gaze from the outside to the source of the scuffing sound, he found a demigoddess at a loss. Never having seen her before, curiosity got the better of him.

He decided to get his mind up and working in hopes it might also help him in his situation and keenly looked around in question of what the demigoddess was looking for. At first, everything needed for arts seem to be in place and for a split second he thought of giving up but that's when it hit him.

In all those tools lying around, never did he see a single piece of pencil. Even a small one. To confirm his thoughts, he started observing the fellow camper. After a few seconds, a small smile crept to his face. 'Now I'm sure' he thought looking at the twitching hand. The same type of thing happens to him when he doesn't have a pencil or some paper to spill out his overflowing ideas, the result of a sudden burst of inspiration or at times, just want. But that was before, when he still found interest in a lot of little things around him.

"Need a pencil?" he spoke up in his usual calm voice.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing And Ailee just continued to look around. Pardon her if she searches through things as if she's never been here before - and she looks nowhere near someone who already stayed in camp for about three years - but she is honestly at a loss on where things are placed around here. She had already gone inside this room a few times in the past, just to get a pencil, but never find them in the same spot twice.

And huffing a deep breath, she halted her movements for a bit. Where are the pencils, really? She can't ignore her twitching drawing hand any longer. She needed something to draw...
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] Yixing noticed the girl who just entered the room but wasn't in his proper senses to even think about who she was or if he had ever seen her before. Heck, he can't even think clearly what time it is already. He just sat there, the pencil on his hand, unused, and not moving even a single bit.

The room seemed to have become quieter as more of the few people began to leave. And soon, there were only about 3-4 people in the room including him and the girl who just entered. The footsteps going around the room seemed like someone was searching for something, made more obvious by the scuffling sounds coming from here and there.

That he observed, but that's all he can do at the moment...observe...but not literally think of the situation at hand.
[G] Lee Yejin 10 years ago
@[G] Zhang Yixing From Ailee's side, however, things were getting /strangely/ active for once. For the soon-to-be three years she was spending in camp, it was the first time that her hand kept twitching almost every single hour. She knew that this means somehow, she would see the future again for a price.

But then again, it was already weird for her to have this all so suddenly... but so frequently that the graphite for her drawing pencil is already used up...? Now /that/ is serious.

Thinking that perhaps another drawing pencil could be gotten from the arts and crafts room, the Nemesis demigoddess made her way there. What she saw there was almost an uncanny sight. For one, she doesn't really go outside her cabin often, and it wasn't all the time that she enters the place with a person inside. It was a novel situation for her.

Nevertheless, she silently made her way in, her eyes scanning the room for what she needed.

Now where are the drawing pencils...?
[G] Raven Blaze 10 years ago
@[G] Lee Yejin [SH] The pencil at his hand stood frozen like that. Just pointed to the blank piece of coarse paper in front of him. It had been more than 15 min already and Yixing didn't still have the slightest idea what to do with it. There weren't many people there today making the room somehow quiet with a little bit of whispers here and there but that absolutely isn't helping to clear up the young demigod's mind.

For the past few days, he had nothing or maybe just too much on his mind making him blank and lifeless. In coming here, he had hoped to find the chance to clear up his mind and bring himself back to earth with one of his hobbies...art.
He wasn't the best at it but he wasn't bad either. He just likes to keep his works hidden.

But clearly, he wasn't getting to anything at all. Just sitting by his little corner near the window and staring out as if waiting for something to finally slap him to his senses. 'What's happening to me?' he asked himself as a frown involuntarily formed on his previously emotionless face.
[post deleted by owner]
[G] Celestine Everlight 10 years ago
@[G] Jung Daehyun As the atmosphere got awkward, She noticed Daehyun looking at her. Waiting for an answer on his Idea. But the strange thing is she didn't like people looking at her in a near distance and with this kind of atmosphere. She could end up being all shy and all, So she looked away to the other side.

Taeyeon scoffs. "A weapon?!" She said as if she was disgusted by his suggestion. She suddenly lightens up and smiled as she realized she was acting mean to him again. "Sorry." She mumbled. "That sounds great. What functions should the weapon have?" She asked as she looks at his illustration and laughs a little.

"It should be something unique. Maybe, Something different from the weapons out there?" She said and smiled directly at him to atleast loosen up the atmosphere a little.
Jung Daehyun 10 years ago
He just nodded. She was right and he hated to admit that. They had to set all the differences a side, including their hate for each other. That was diffcult, very actually. "Let's just get this settle with. Theme?" He asked, playing around with the paper and pen, drawing a kid's drawing of a flower.

"What about a sword?" He asked, drawing a simple drawing of it. "Or a weapon?" Daehyun was a typical boy too. He didn't like much stuff in the camp, other than the physical fighting stuffs and the games. His cabin? He didn't design it so he can't say much.

He stared at her for a while, waiting for her reply. It was awkward. Really awkard. The silence was taking over their whole conversation.
[G] Celestine Everlight 10 years ago
@[G] Jung Daehyun Taeyeon sighs and looks up at the ceiling. Look Taeyeon, The sooner the both of you finished this task the soon that it will be over. She sighs heavily and slowly gave Daehyun a look.

"Look, I know we both hate each other. But, We're never gonna finish anything when we keep acting this way. Plus, I have to spend more time with you if we don't do anything." She said and tried saying it nicely.

"So, We should put our differences aside at least for the day until we finish something good." She says and puts her hand out. "Agree?"
Jung Daehyun 10 years ago
@Kim Taeyeon "Do you think it's nice to be with you?" He replied, softly, after hearing her mumbles. He had bearly caught it but still he did. How miserable. Sometimes, he just didn't get the camp. If they wanted the two to be closer, they could have told the two and they could have put up a show instead of doing this.

"We will still have to work together." He said, trying to be all friendly and smile at her but guess what? The smile couldn't really come out. It look like a really fake one that came out force and it was. He didn't want to take a terrible suvenior back, he had all pretty one and this one is not going to ruin his collect.

Never. Even if it had Kim Taeyeon's name or her effort in it.

But then again the two working together seems near impossible. They hate each other to the core and they never even want to look at each other, they would end up being at each others throat if they did.
[G] Celestine Everlight 10 years ago
@[G] Jung Daehyun Taeyeon groaned as she walked towards the entrance of the Arts and Crafts. It's not that she didn't like Art and all, but just what she was assigned to do by the camp.

This is some sort of trick they're pulling on her. To think they would partner her to someone she hated the most. From Cabin Eleven, A son of Hermes.

Every time she would see him, She literally wanted to burn him to bits and ashes. She normally is friendly to other campers, But not to him.


Just no.

She pulled out the chair beside her partner and moved it more on the other way. Showing off a big space between them. She didn't even dare to look at him. "Great. Really Great." She mumbles and slumps onto her chair.
Jung Daehyun 10 years ago
@Kim Taeyeon Daehyun never really had a good impression of those in the first cabin. It's not that he was judgemental, it was just he had a problem with one of them like how she had a problem with him. But choosing not to try to solve it was most probably the best, if he ever did and it got violent, he would have become a fried human or something a like.

It wasn't near the end of the summer but the camp had requested for them to make their camp gift today unlike previous summer. They had to work with a partner to this time isn't it weird? The camp must be trying something new, maybe to entertain them. And guess who was his partner, someone in cabin one.

Wow, Daehyun's luck was really /good/ this time. He rarely got people he was at lodgerhead with or wasn't on good terms with but this year everything was just different. "Just my luck." He complained before taking the seat assign to them. It's gonna be a long torture session.
[G] Alaric Barton 10 years ago
@Hyorin "You're still my little sister." Luhan said as he patted her head lightly.

"Telling me this story, I really wonder if your Apollo's child or Poseidon's." Luhan chuckled looking at Hyorin.

By the time Luhan heard her pushing the keys of the piano, he stopped thinking. When her voice came up he was mesmerized. Her voice was soothing, as if it was telling him to calm down and let go of his problems. "That was-" He started, but failed to continue on because he was still stunned. "Beautiful..." He finally continued.


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WolfieOfLove 3 years ago
Name: Magix Davis
Face claim: Zendaya Coleman
Godly parent: Eris
Age: 15
ual Orientation: Biual
Time zone: EST
Writing style: Para
Writing sample: "Why is it that I always end up in the worst spots?" Magix asked herself as she stepped cautiously on the wet stones to get across the river bed. She usually found walks calming but when she is trying her best not to freak out from thinking someone is following her farther and farther from camp, it didn't have quite the same effect. Magix was on the verge of going crazy by the time she got to the other side of the river bed. "Just a little more," She told herself, softly, " now." Magix took off in a different direction, somehow making it back to camp and back to her cabin. Once she did however, she was out of breath, almost dying on her bed. Once she calmed down she grabbed her sketchbook and started sketching to take her mind off what happened in the woods. "I wonder what I'm gonna get chased by next?"
longtimerp 5 years ago
Name: Ronan Yu
Face claim: Christian Yu
Race: Roman
Godly Parent: apollo
Age: 23
ual Orientation: Straight
Timezone: UTC-4 EDT
Writing style: semi-Para to Para
Writing sample: Ronan could feel the heat on his back as he ran through hell. Hating every second of pain coursing through his body. He knew that he should've gone home and ignored Hades plans with the humans but he couldnt help the worry.
xxSpacedOutxx 6 years ago
I miss rp-ing as a demigod :c
pxssionfruit 6 years ago
hi guys-
reuben is leaving since i'm trying to clear my inactive charas
it was a shame since this was seriously a bomb rp to be in!
anywhoo, take care x
jjsouls_ 6 years ago
i miss this place. ; u ; i'd like to apply *^*
gossamer_ 7 years ago
Name: Evangeline Belrose
Face claim: Elizabeth Gillies
Race: Greek
Godly Parent: Nike
Age: 19
ual Orientation: Straight
Timezone: GMT+8
Writing style: Para
Writing sample: (Replies^^)
[comment deleted by owner]
PinkSmoke 7 years ago
Name: William Dang
Face Claim: Jeon Wonwoo
Race: Greek
Godly Parent: Tyche
Age: 18
ual Orientation: Not Interested in anyone.
Timezone: gmt+8
Writing Style: 1st Para or 3rd Para
Writing Sample:
Maknagisa14 7 years ago
Is this roleplay still active? o.o
heartraider 7 years ago
Hi! I'm thinking of joining this roleplay. I also think we all could try reviving this place together. This is a great concept, I'm looking forward to see more of what's in store.
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