
there are many libraries around the campus. this is just one of these modern but slightly traditional environments. this library is closer to a small park with hammocks. (PLEASE REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC HALLS/computer LABS)
coded by yxgurt
choi ∙ yeonjun 11 months ago
@jung ∴ wooyoung [h] (So sorry for the late reply had some personal problems and was seriously ill but I'll reply at least more often now since everything and I'm much better now ^^)

Yeonjun nodded slightly not trusting his voice at that moment since he hadn't been touched like this before, he did hos best not to make a sound but he still let a little breath out as he felt the others hand go under his shirt "I'm single, it depends...on what kind of man they are" he answered honestly though it was clear in his voice he was feeling what was happening.
jung ∴ wooyoung [h] 1 year ago
@choi ∙ yeonjun ( had to cut short. My toddler is hungry;;; )

Wooyoung chuckles against his skin. "Do you really care or ...?" His hand found its way under his shirt. "Tell me. Are you single? Are you... into men?" He tugged him firmly against him. Wooyoung would do more based on how the other man reacted.
choi ∙ yeonjun 1 year ago
@jung ∴ wooyoung (It is so no worries ^^)

Yeonjun was in his own world and jumped slightly when he felt someone put their arm around his waist suprising him, a shiver went down his spine when here the other speak since his ears where sesative to stuff like that. Yeonjun hot himself back together before finally speaking "and who are you exactly?" He asked already knowing that he was being teased by the other.
jung ∴ wooyoung [h] 1 year ago
@choi ∙ yeonjun [ as long as my length is okay cause I dunno how long I can go ;;; ]

Wooyoung spotted someone on the other side of bookcase. He moved slowly and carefully. He didn't want to be caught. Wooyoung snuck up behind the taller person. He s his arm around their waist. There was no way of telling if this person was someone he knew but the idea of teasing someone so completely like this was too good to pass up. He blow air against their ear. "Why have your focus on a book when it could be on me?"
choi ∙ yeonjun 1 year ago
@jung ∴ wooyoung (Same here, I'm on my phone to so the length might change ^^")

Yeonjun sat in the corner with his legs up already half way done with the book he was reading since it wasn't that long, he looked up from the book for a moment to come back to reality and decided that he would take the book with him. Yeonjun sat by the window and looked outside thinking to himself before finally getting up and looked for another book to take with him, he walked down each isle looking fir something intresting not really paying attention to anyone else around him.
jung ∴ wooyoung [h] 1 year ago
@choi ∙ yeonjun Wooyoung had come to the library to look around. He liked the smell of books. He'd been torn between something with books and dancing. Wooyoung had ultimately chosen dancing. He couldn't even say what he would have even done if he chased after something with books. Wooyoung walked through the library looking through the books. It was such a big selection of books.

[ sorry about length I'm on my phone ;^; ]
choi ∙ yeonjun 1 year ago
(Anyone can reply here if you would like ^^)

Yeonjun walked to the library the one place he always felt comfortable going to when he was feeling a little anxious or stress, he walked into the library and looked around at all the books there was looking for something that he could read before he had to go back to classes. Yeonjun found the fiction part and found a book that he thought was interesting, he walked to a corner so he would be out if the way and began to read getting lost in the story that was being told on the pages.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [think we’re complete here ]

*his eyes faltered. Pain. When you told him you didn’t want him if he ever did the things he actually /wanted/ to do for you. No. He shouldn’t even /dare/ to expect you to accept him as himself by these things. Things that he would painstakingly take his time to plan out for you but you could never learn to appreciate. His eyes coldly glared at you as if you disrespected him. As if you were disobeying him. What a brat. You should just shut up and listen. He should just shut you up and kiss you until you submitted again. And if he wasn’t so tired from all this effort he would gladly do so, before shouting and putting you in your proper place. Not only did you reject him but you rejected him so incredibly rudely; that type of rejection never fared well for his victims. Taehyung would see red if he was thwarted in that way. But as his eyes glared frozen and insane, they quickly diminished as he looked down. He didn’t lower his head because of guilt and shame mind you. More just a way to calm himself down without being urged to choke and you again. If you were “the one” you were making it so terribly difficult on his patience.*

*cocking a brow, he already grew numb again as he stared at you. He didn’t even pay attention to your speech raving about how oh so precious dancing was for you. Like he cared what made you feel alive before. Not if you were with him. /He’d/ be the only reason you ever needed. But once you’re done, trying to keep his patience in check, he continued with a smile, suggesting you can add it to your contract if it worried you so much. Though with those words how you’d never allow him to do so, he wonders if he was wrong. Maybe you really were not his “the one” like he had thought; maybe you were not his compatible but rare submissive he had secretly yearned for. But if you were not his “the one,” what /other/ reason could he have for wanting to keep you this badly? For giving so many relaxed conditions in our contract? So no. No other explanation could make sense*

*usually he would’ve asked you what idea you kept on shrugging away with a “what hoseok. Tell me what you want, Hoseok. What can I do to make things bearable for us.” But even Taehyung was too constantly beaten down by then in hope you’d enjoy his own proposal. You had already shown how disinterested you were in being his submissive from a mile away. Was this a gap between two worlds he could not close?*

*he could feel his last shreds of confidence being torn in half as he tried and failed each time he tried to draw you back in. First, the caress to your warm skin. You avoided it and he felt his fingertips turning cold as he stayed reaching out in utter humiliation. 1st string. Cut. He held your wrist to keep you and you curled into yourself in disgust. 2nd string. Cut. Then he gripped your chin to look at him. You didn’t even give him the satisfaction of meeting his eyes, of locking our gazes together. You didn’t even want to look at him. 3rd string. Cut. And when he wrote his number, he knew there was a chance you’d quickly wash it off rather than saving his number. But you nodded and so he stared with one last thread of hope remaining. You wouldn’t cut it until your project was overwith at least. Would you?
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *Your words, the way you phrase them and the way it gives you enjoyment. Things you wanted, violent, cruel things you wanted to do with his body. It made him sick and scared. His mind was spinning, and he was no longer relaxed, his own hand gripping his shoulder as he hides in himself. Curled up in a chair, eyes empty and scared. Why would you want to hurt him like that? Dancing was everything. His big passion, he could show his love for music, break his body limits, relief all the stress and pain, fill his loneliness with purpose. Cutting him off of it was simply cruel, crushing his spirit, and walk over it. Spit on something that made him into person he was today. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, finally getting his reactions under control. He was closed and calculating watching you with his empty eyes.*

- If you do something like this, don't bother talking with me again. Dancing means everything to me. More than anything else. It's my way to express myself, to not be lonely, to beat every bad and depressive thought. I've been dancing since I learned how to walk. *He explained, but his voice didn't carry any emotions. He was far detached and focused on escaping you and this talk. Working on autopilot, even if his cheeks glistened with tears. When you tried to touch his face he moved away, fluid movement avoiding contact easily. He couldn't wrap his mind around this proposition, so when he finally stood up, packing his things, his legs felt like jelly, and he almost lost his balance.*

- I'm not a toy you can just break apart, and use as you want. I will not follow orders blindly, I am a person with needs and feelings. - His eyes turned a bit soft as he looked at you. - Pity, I really thought... never mind, that was stupid of me. *He nodded to himself, and focused on a zipper of his bag, stuck and his shaky hand pulled on it hard, breaking it, but that didn't matter. You gripped his wrist, strongly, and he flinched, curling into himself, tilting his body back as much as he could, away from you. When you gripped his chin, he looked down, no able to meet your eyes. Luckily you quickly let go, before the panic started to creep into his head. Your words about breaking his body still so fresh and painful. You could feel how his hand trembled in your grip, and he watched you writing the number and the name under it, before you let go. He pulled his wrist closer to his chest, covering the red marks from your fingers with his hand. He couldn't find the right words now, so he quickly nodded, turned away and speed walked to the exit, and all the way back to his dorm room, when he curled under the shower, swallowing his tears, and rubbing off your touch.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok *Taehyung clicked his tongue. Violently. Such a loud and verbal disapproval at your show of disobedience as his hesitant glance became a hesitant glare at your bent . His property should not have its own property. That was not how his own masterdom worked. Sudden anger filled him that he wanted to just the other against the other library wall, closer to the cameras. He wanted to seethe against your shoulder as the cameras would catch a glance at your gasping red lips while he would bruise your insides, almost choking your throat with the metal buttplug you loved oh so much. He was ruthless. It was most likely why he could not find his “the one” so easily. No human wanted to submit their complete life to Taehyung. Be told how to eat, dress, wear and be punished in dark lust and disobedience. Everyone that was close to his “the one” always lacked something. But you were not his yet; he couldn’t punish you so violently for disobeying him. And maybe Taehyung shouldn’t have brushed that specific act off as just his diamond in the rough. That he’d definitely teach you what it truly meant to be his “the one”*

*but maybe that’s the real reason the future cannot happen. Hoseok was not Taehyung’s “the one” and he’d learn that very soon. And unfortunately, still knowing that, would crave him much stronger than maybe his actual “the one”s only time could tell. *

*while he was speaking, he didn’t expect you to interject but after the initial startle, he pursed his lips. You did have a point but did not* then you can add that into your limits as well, Hoseok *he answers with a soft shrug of his shoulders casually* that way I would make sure I do not do such things to your body. Again, that is your choice *he smiles slightly. But then he adds as his eyes trace your shoulder. At this time he didn’t know exactly how much dancing actually meant to you. Nor did he care to really understand so his next words would come out as almost revolting to dancers with a dream* although… *his eyes stared at your body, taking his eyes up and down in lust* I would love to one day temporarily break a part of you to prevent you from dancing- even for a while. *he smiles like it’s such an ordinary everyday conversation* then I can have you to me for days on end. *he hums nonchalantly* but of course, that is if you were permanently mine and you considered my own limits. I would never do such things out of a whim *he chuckles lowly* I am not a barbaric master like that. I would only most likely do so if that “hobby” of yours, Hoseok, prevented us from ing for an excruciatingly long period of time. If you were ever my exclusive slave, I do not think I’d desire to wait until you arrived a month later from one of the dance teams’ trips. And yes, I do think you would enjoy both the pain and pleasure, hoseok. And I’d enjoy tying you down in such a way *he was actually revealing a sliver of his true self. Not the persona of a dongsaeng, not the playful Taehyung he had been playing that held him back from explaining how he knew it was your hands blindfolding him because of how easily breakable they were. Not any of his personas that would have led to his worst ending where you could not know the real Taehyung until the very end. No none of his fake personas but Taehyung himself. In the bare flesh. It was like he /wanted/ to be brutally honest with you in the hopes you’d still choose him. And he could actually shape you into his diamond. That you would at least tolerate that. And if you didn’t, well that was it. Just the trial run and he’d have to move on.*

*He was not aware though how his ideas of your dancing would change his outlook on your supposed “hobby” later. Nor did the Taehyung of now ever thought he would be capable of such a change. Same with the idea of your possessions. Would he treasure your possessions? Maybe not. But with understanding, he would at least help you reluctantly look for them. Make sure his precious slave was beautiful and happy. Not crying unless it’s from pleasure with his . Everything completely unbeknownst to him at this time of course*

*his eyes faltered when you removed your wrist from his as he continuously spoke as many conditions as possible. Everytime he added more relaxed agreements, you pulled away. Why? He was making it much and much more easier for you than he did for any of his submissives. And yet every word he spoke, made you grow more detached from his lips. He did not understand, could not understand why he was not getting through to you even a little. It showed how incompatible the two really were.* then you do not need to cheat; it is up to you if you want to tell them. Most of my pets do not. Granted they are all only temporary but the same applied to them as well *he hesitated and tries to caress your face. He has to. When you’re crying like this, he cannot leave your touch even if you smack his hand away in a second. He just has to. And the fact you did not want to cheat already made you eons above them. What an untouchable goddess.* they chose to, you do not need to, Hyung. *he tries* No hoseok, you do not understand. It is not just empty you will have as my slave. You will have all of my attention- all within your and my limits of course. Even non-ual as your master. Hyung, I want to /please/ all of you and /control/ all of you. That is what it means to be my submissive *but it’s not like he knew you were thinking as a boyfriend; maybe if he knew he could explain why dating did and will not work on him. Alas, he could not. And despite the incompatibility, here Taehyung was still pining. Still hoping. In a few short minutes, it would be gone. In a few short minutes Taehyung would be alone. He already felt alone as he tried his very best for you to understand. Even now as you pulled away mentally from him.*

*the few short minutes came as he sat there frozen from the rejection and you had started packing up as you talked. He clenched his fist, scrambled for anything he could say or do to keep you to him. But he could not think of anything. You said your answer. And rightfully so. This time he did not chase.*

*his brows furrowed when you spoke of friendships. He did not and would not partake in a friendship with the people he ed but even he didn’t realize when he mirrored you standing up. It felt freezing. He was losing you. His “the one.” Because of course you had to be “the one.” Even as how messy and incompatible you were, he wanted to be the one next to you. Who else could make him desire that even for a fleeting second? He grabbed your wrist strongly. Warm. So warm. It made his eyes flutter closed before they opened with a stern determined expression glaring into your view even if you looked away. He gripped your chin back to him in habit then quickly let it go in realization with a mumbling* sorry *his wrist slid to your hand then squeezed your hand firmly.* Stay. *remembers you are not his* Please. *He quickly took out his pen and wrote his number as carefully as he could onto your hand. His handwriting was terrible so he slowly and carefully wrote it and his name at the bottom. Each or tickle to your skin, he could feel his body growing colder and numb until only the hand was warming the part of him it touched still.* I am not certain about being friends but okay hoseok. *he smiled as sweetly as he could despite his eyes cold and glassy* We can continue our project another day. I understand now; therefore I will respect those wishes of yours. Please text or call me when you are ready. *Right when you would leave him, he’d forget. He’d forget how he felt and loathe you yet again for doing this to him. Not for leading him on with vague words this time but for rejecting him and leaving him. He knew it. He’d long for it but not know what it exactly was. But right now, he wanted it. And that’s all that mattered to him. He had at least used the last bit of hope in you to write his number, adding his name at the bottom so you don’t forget who wrote those so neatly onto your beautiful slender hand.*

*then he let you go*

*he watched as the frame of the boy eventually disappeared. The dwindling but remaining warmth in his own hand was making something in him ache. And as the last of the warmth reached his fingertips, signaling you were completely out of distance, suddenly his hand jerked stretching forward to reach for you. A second later, that hand slumped down next to his side.*

*He stared into the distance and all he did was stare.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung *Hoseok would never consider himself as 'the one' if he ever had a chance to know Taehyung thoughts. He was too delicate and emotional, too loving for that. He has his romantic side, and his dream about his one true love. It doesn't matter that he didn't exactly spent his time dating and looking for that person. He still believes there was his big romantic story and a soulmate waiting. He also knew that he will eventually fall in love with Taehyung. There was that potential, and he was well aware that he will end up with a broken heart. You didn't look like someone who could possibly want the same thing. He started to notice that was all that was interesting for you, once rejected you were loving all that charm, and any warm feelings. But he tried not to focus on that. He still could be your friend. *

/How pathetic, hmm?/

*But that was true, even if you never allow him to be something more than just your submissive, he still wanted to be your friend. You had that very strange way of looking at world and people. He admires you for that, since he tried his best to always be nice, even if it means not being as honest. He could of course tease and play with you a bit, but overall he was a nice considered a 'nice' person. Person that won't mind anything. So meeting someone so not caring was refreshing, and he really wanted to get you know better, even if only as a hyung. *

I want it, it's mine, I brought it, it has a meaning behind it. It's important. *He didn't care how dirty the plug was, he could always sanitize it. But there was his story behind it, his statement, and he wanted to have it. Cheap, and manufactured, doesn't matter. So after everything, when he was able to function once again, he crouched down to look for it, and slip it back into his pocket, comforted by the weight.*

*The plug did the job, after all, bringing him so close to the edge, enough, so he didn't need your touch, just your , to reach his own pleasure. He wasn't used to it. To being so hard for so long, to suffer from desire. This was the first time he ever did something like this. Usually his 'me time' lasted for just a few minutes, when the need was overwhelming. But your moans sounded good, and he found himself happy to hear it. Happy that he could give you a pleasure with his body, which was also a new feeling. He was never lusted on, and desire. No one ever wanted to touch and him this badly. He has no idea how to deal with it. *

*So now listening to your proposal, as you slowly explain what you actually wanted from him, he grows quiet, eyes sad and troubled, while he tried his best to maintain his smile for your sake. But then you mentioned that he won't do anything wrong with his body he huffed, rolling his back. His shoulder stung at that.* How can I not worry Taehyung? You bruised my shoulder, it will hurt for a few days and I.. am a dancer in case you forgot, I need my body to be in good heath. So now, it would be nice of you if you consider your previous actions and then think about 'how I don't need to worry' once again. I will not let you injure me over and over. *Yeah, he was still mad about that, and he will not forget it quickly. He loves dancing more than anything else, so skipping practices just because you have no self-control was not an option. As he listens to you, he turned sadder and sadder finally breaking the eye contact and focusing on the desk before him. You called him 'slave', or your submissive, but that's exactly what you wanted him to be, and that hurt him. Even going as far as letting him date other, but still being his toy, as if Hoseok would ever do that to other person, or himself. You sounded a bit excited, as if you couldn't wait for him to agree. But how? You crushed his look at love and simply as that. With just a few words, you brought him down to the level of a ual slave. And that hurt, badly. No he felt disgusted, with himself and with his body. He reached out, to gently remove your hand from his wrist as he pulled it back, hugging it to his chest. His legs moved away, leaning away from you. But he let you finish your words, and he stayed silent, trying to find right words, still looking at his knees. Feeling horrible. *

I will never be able to give you what you want. I'm not a pet, not a slave, not just a body made for your pleasure. I am a person, with feelings and needs, and I do know that after a while I will need more. Not just empty . How can I be with someone, and still letting you use me like that, that's just disgusting, I am not a cheater. ... *He let out a broken laugh, hiding his face, his shaky hands moved, and he pulled the hood over his face, hiding from you. * I thought that... it doesn't matter now. Yeah, it doesn't... *Another very sad giggle, before he bites his lips hard to stop himself, and then took a few calming breaths in and out.* No, Taehyung. I will not be your toy. I'm sorry. * He apologized, as he closes his laptop, and hiding it in his bag, collecting things around. There is no way he will be able to do anything with his project. He needs to run, and be alone. His hands started to shake from panic, stress, and rush of emotions. * I'm sorry... I... I'm terribly sorry for being like this... We should work on this project some other time, and just for the record, I still think that you would be an amazing friend, but this, this whole thing... It's scary, and it will hurt me, I can't agree. I don't want to be hurt like that Taehyung. I'm sorry... *He stood up and bowed, apologizing once again, his shaky hands gripping his bag strap hard, his knuckles white.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [unless you still have more to add, you can use the “~” to as your starting point for hoseok to reply. Hope that helps]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/3]

*had he known right then and there that you actually had so much pride that he was violating, Taehyung would automatically assume that meant you were not naturally a submissive like he had noticed before. That meant you were not his “the one” sub that would be exclusively his. Many doms in his world spoke of it. The feeling a master would receive from having their own sub to treasure and control so perfectly. But everytime he tried to find that “the one,” there was always something he disliked about them that made him start to doubt if he had someone made for him in masterdom in the first place after he killed each and everyone of his victims and reflected. That made him just satisfied with the way things were. Satisfied with only having needy submissives knock at his door or, his playground, so to speak, come to him for a fleeting night.*

*That being said, his master ideology never was accidentally influenced by his human affection ideology and vice versa. Even if he grew to believe his true affection lied in the 2D world, he didn’t believe that he could not find his “the one” as a master. He only just started to doubt he could find one in his own human lifetime. Afterall a human had a limited number of kinks so if he had the ability to search high and nigh through the whole world, he was bound to find at least a few hundred of “the one”s for his master self. The same wasn’t true for human affection. He could never guarantee love to even the many subs who did confess to him after he took their first times, even his favorite pets. Human emotions were just much more complicated than kinks. It just didn’t seem like something in his cards. And the fact the world made him like this already put him at a strong disadvantage. The foolish concept of love or “the one” in love? It always felt like the world never gave him a soulmate in the first place. As the world created each human and their soulmate, they purposely left Taehyung with none. On purpose; like it was no mistake. So he truly did think love and soulmateship were the fools’ concepts. And it frightened him what would happen to him being so different if he did grow that smitten for a person he could not have. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had a strong feeling it did not end well for him. So the closest to love he had was his waifus. He could emotionally love them the way he wanted to. In the 2D world he did not have to worry about hurting his waifu’s feelings or his waifu because they’d forgive him no matter what he did to them. They’d love him no matter what he did to them. Even if those things would have questionably killed a real human.*

*Yes an attractive submissive was a bonus for him but if just a pretty face, he grew numb even in his masterdom. Afterall, as someone so awfully handsome himself, he could see the true desires even through an attractive person’s face. The true evil and lies that could lie behind a face. Society was enamored with the concept of an attractive face. Being attractive already made one’s life easier. You would not be the first to be suspected of a crime. You would already be liked for your face in any type of interviews. Society just believed in an attractive person more than to see them for who they really were. Taehyung though always saw through it. Yes, in the beginning, there was a time where all he did possess were pretty dolls. Not because he particularly sought them out but because they’d be the only ones who were brave enough to even approach him and his handsome self. But he quickly discovered dolls were just that. Lifeless soulless bodies. Even coveted in blood. And eventually he began to learn to hide his face enough to limit the sometimes very unnecessary attention on him. It even helped him find a few pets who were not actually dolls. So in conclusion, for him, it was more of a fortunate advantage if they were remotely attractive. Beauty was never what he seeked first.*

*Hoseok himself was unique. At least to Taehyung, Hoseok really did have an extraordinary charm even in looks. You were not a doll by the world’s ideal standards of a doll but to him, you still looked unreal and so eye catching. That sharp feminine nose, those warm eyelids. That pair of laughing heart shaped lips. A long but nicely carved face. Absolutely beautiful. And he only noticed any and all of this /after/ first discovering what really made him interested: the adorable nature of your submissive. Even in the beginning, if you may recall, he was ready to dislike you for interrupting his ascent to his dorm room to finally sleep. But then he was taken aback by your genuine nature. The way you spoke to him. You spoke like a human, not a doll. Entertaining his mind on the sad nature of human beings to judge based on the world norms. Playfully acting as a servant to his Royal fake lordship. Just the way you didn’t treat him like he was on a pedestal even while indirectly insulting him- even though that insult did scrape his ego. And then when his eyes opened to actually look at your physical attractive qualities, yet again, he was taken in. Absolutely beautiful*

*you might not see it and he may not articulate it well, but Taehyung saw everything in you and his eyes were beginning to spell that truth out for him. His eyes speaking louder than himself*

*But unfortunately that was not the actual case. Only how he interpreted the way you obeyed him. You were uncomfortable with what he was doing to you. So had he payed more attention, he’d quickly realize and doubt you were one of his “the one”s. Maybe it was solely him who felt connected as a master to you. Even with the way he foolishly wanted to reward you and calm you down with his master heart beating against your back, showing without speaking into your lips what you were doing to him. What a lonely existence. His heartbeat was alive. For a human. A human who could not take Taehyung as he is. And he’d understand that even more once he was rejected by you during his official proposal. And when you do reject him, he’d most likely tell himself this was their final time. Taehyung would give up since he couldn’t do anything to someone who didn’t want to enter his world.He didnt know that this was only the beginning. Because even as just a dongsaeng and just a student to help with your project, hoseok would look too good to refuse. It would be unbearable to keep waiting until hoseok wanted it but it would be his new reality. To stay. To be patient. At least he will get to touch hoseok rather than continue to stare longingly in craving to the other. But he does not know any of that yet.*

*Taehyung growled against your ear. You bought that plug with your own money. You bought it knowing what it does to a human being. How awfully y of you. You were frightened to sleep with him but you wanted to do such lewd things to your pliant body and had the courage to try for him. Only him.* hoseok you have no idea how that makes me so happy. *That is it. You were his “the one.” There was no doubt in his mind. The innocence. The desire to be ravaged. The shame. The bratty but still not too stubborn side. He never looked for it but now he has found you. And as you pout completely unaware of how endearing you look, as he enters you, he kisses you extra long while ing into you. His s grew more intense as he made sure to thoroughly shape his way through your insides with his large length, letting it forward and forward into the deepest reaches as he buried himself into you. This time he did not hold back. He would make sure your hole would take his lengths shape, like memory foam, even after he had to detach himself from you. By now he knew you enjoyed his longer kisses. Even in the beginning you would whimper so greatly for them. This time he rewards you by thoroughly tasting your mouth, making you gasp against his lips. Sometimes he pulled back prematurely to breathe because yet again you made it very hard for him to control himself. When he did as he ed into you, his breaths would shudder at times against your lips while he stared into your tearful reddened eyes. So lewd. All his. Only his. As he threaded and stretched more and more of your insides.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/3]

*but alas your plug was already on the floor, stained with most likely the dirt and stains of other humans. Afterall, this place between the shelves was a popular spot for couples. Especially when they’d rather do more than “study.” It wasn’t Taehyung’s first time here either. He had here once; that’s how he knew of this place. Except that it was not him but because of his pet’s doing. The Otaku just wanted to read in peace and unfortunately, his favorite spot was occupied by some rowdy drunk students who preferred to swing on the hammock like object in the park. Even though he preferred not to catch anyone’s attention then, he reluctantly decided to try the library since it was late enough anyways. And well, he found it was very nice at night despite how bright the fluorescent lights were compared to his favorite dim lighted place. It became his second favorite spot to get away from the world. What he didn’t realize though was that one of his pets quickly caught on. At first, Taehyung easily ignored them when they found him but he was not in the mood for them. The cameras acted like a proper deterrent. But they only grew more and more needy, looking at his calm but overly dominant face reading his manga as they him underneath the table. But despite Taehyung’s excuses that there are cameras, they continued, and with Taehyung eventually hard, pulled him to this place, mentioning about it being a famous spot. Once they teasingly pulled and exposed their to their master, even using the proper keyword to entice him, Taehyung’s last string of control broke. In anger, he did not allow the pet to have the pleasure to see his eyes as punishment for doing this to him as he made sure to brutally rough to the other.*

*Still. Even though it was not the younger’s first time, it felt completely new to him having you here. With him. The first time here was more of a necessary reluctance. This time, even if the area still smelled like putrid , with you here it was suddenly a thousand times better. For him, it didn’t feel like he was growing tainted in this air. Instead, it felt…so sensual. Like he was having a delicious sinful feast and you were the forbidden fruit that could satisfy and only excite his craving. All without feeling grimy or dirty. Even as he was ing you with your messy face, unlike that pet, he made sure to give you all of his eyes and stares of panting pleasure. He made sure you saw his hungry eyes as his moved in and out of you. Be very vocal about how you looked, touched and felt under him. What you were doing to him. Taehyung was very good at that. Making his subs feel wanted even for a night. But here and now, the younger was phrasing things more selfishly, truly wanting to convey what you were doing to him. How he could not think, how he wanted to you. How you looked so beautiful and lewd as he did so.*

I will make sure to buy you a new one *he pants caressing your pretty neck as his pace grew faster, kissing more and more of your body while his jerked you slovenly against him* it will be…properly tailored…to you..h *he whispered , still speaking like a master, forgetting he was not your master. Yet. But he will be. He’ll make sure he is.* It will…send you into much…h much mo.. more of a deep pleasure… not. Not like these cheap…very cheap manufactured…. *he moans against your heat, shuddering. His eyes were still as intense in desire but lidded. You don’t understand how with you feels to him. You probably never would know how good you feel. How good he feels in doing such a dirty deed with your body. He didn’t feel that pathetic shroud of darkness making him feel numb in pleasure. No. He felt every possible emotion he could. All so intensely. Lust. Anger. Passion. As he rode your body while you came.*

*if Taehyung was so taken by the submissive he assumed was his “the one,” what occurred next completely confirmed it in his unable to read mind thoughts. You came untouched. Even before his completely done self could. Even with the preparation. He was sure you did not touch yourself. You knew full well how he never allowed it when you were with him. And showing how submissive you were when he was spanking your as punishment, even if misinterpreted, only confirmed that to him.* what a y body you have hoseok *he rewarded you with many kisses on your body as he gently placed you down. Your face, your neck, as his sweat mingled against yours. His own breaths calmed down and he pulled your hand off your muffling. He would have none of that as your master; you would moan loudly for him.*


*But then he remembered….You were not actually his.
Well…not yet at least.
Taehyung wouldn’t allow you to get away even after he received what he wanted from you. That is not what this was anymore.*

*the tall and awkward Otaku sophomore waited and waited with his master heart in his hand for you to take it and let him make you his. But then he stares when you seem hesitant. He could not read your mind when you assumed he was talking about date so he only interpreted it as hesitance to his awkwardly and probably vague and poorly worded proposal. Your hesitant tone was already whittling away at his confidence as a master. But he should’ve known you wouldn’t be too willing. You’ve rejected him too many times already so he should’ve expected your hesitance. He just didn’t truly expect you’d hesitate in front of him given how you bent so well to his will. But that was his hope that you’d look at his handsome face and fall like all the others. He really hoped and expected you to for once. This is the one person he wouldn’t mind doing it to at this moment when all odds were stacked against him. But yes, he supposes our worlds were too different. Still, what he didn’t understand was why you had to phrase it like that. Assuming you knew he was referring to you being his Submissive, it should’ve been very obvious to you that he wouldn’t need to know you to be your master. Our contract would give you your safety. Gripping even harder at his black pants, with the blush still on his face, he tried. Maybe he could still persuade you.* I do not need to know all of you to want you, Hoseok Hyung. *his masterdom was slipping with how he addressed you despite his steadfast cold eyes hiding his growing fear of rejection* All I know is I would enjoy giving and receiving pleasure from your body

*when you seemed to hesitate, he panicked. Despite his facial expression or tone having no hint of panic, he was indeed panicking as he maintained a strong expression. He felt like he was losing you. He was losing his only opportunity.* if…if perhaps you’re still a bit hesitant, Hyung, we could do something akin to a trial run? I can make a special contract for you. One that will make sure you have as much freedom as a Submissive as you need. *he points to the ground where your buttplug lay, suddenly his confidence whittling away moreat your word choice.* yes it is there * he tried to seem dismissive but it was growing obvious to him. You as his property were still wanting your own property. It was seen as a rebellion for a slave. You should belong to him and only him. But he continues with a much drier throat turning into the usual awkward Taehyung. He waits, trying while indirectly yearning to see you bend your to reach for the dirty buttplug with a hesitant side eye. Hesitant because you were still not his so he could not gaze into it so deeply without putting you off. He could smell the putrid scent of this place coming back to him. Maybe it was because the reality of the world was hitting him at your possible and imminent rejection after being up in the heavens with you despite his own tainted soul. He weirdly hesitates as a dongsaeng but quickly grabs your wrist to pull you back to our desk. If you pull away from him, so be it. But he must try his very best until you say it with your very lips. He was taking advantage of your inability to state a clean no. So you must state a clear “no” rejection or otherwise Taehyung would not take it as rejection any longer. You will regret answering wishy washy this time.*

Hyung… *he continued as he sat you and him down then turned to you. He was glad that the scent didn’t fill his nostrils anymofe. Instead yours did, purifying the weight of his reality. He exhaled barely. Barely because you did not see it. But now he could speak to you more calmly- even if you would not know the difference* hoseok… *he started, suddenly more calm enough to be confident to use your name informally* You do not need worry that I will do anything wrong to your body. I am a Master afterall. So I do not do anything that is mentioned in our contract as a forbidden kink or act. It is the promise I keep to my Submissives and the agreement I would want you to stay true to as well. I have my own limits I will forbid you to act upon.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [3/3]

Usually, I would take my time to speak with you about how we can stretch both of our limits as that makes things much more exciting for both of us. Pushing ourselves to work for each other and go beyond but comfortably beyond our usual line. But that is if you accepted me fully. Specifically for our trial run, you may set your limits and I will set my own. We can follow these rules verbatim until you’re comfortable to have me for more than a trial run. *he nods slowly as he clasped his hands* I believe this is the best approach, too. If you were permanently mine too soon, you might grow frightened. My limits of administering pain go far beyond simply choking, hoseok. So for now it is best for you to treat this like an exploration phase of your new body. I would want you to use this time to explore your pain and pleasure according to your own comfort without worrying about exploring or pleasing my own just yet.

Now as for exclusivity. Normally, as my submissive slave, I would make sure you are only my slave and no one else’s. But for our trial run, I am willing to compromise on this for you, too, Hoseok. Romantic relationships may exist outside of our contract so you do not need to worry. You may fall for and kiss another. Just as long as when you are next to me, you do not think about them too much that it obstructs our agreement. I want you to only think of me but I understand that is not possible when a human is in love. Therefore try to keep your mentionings or thoughts of them minimal. If you fail to, you will not get the most out of your trial run in terms of exploring your body. *but something in his tone felt like a weak smile. Here he is giving you away to another to be touched by them when you were supposed to be his submissive exclusively. But it’s fine if it’s just a trial run. Hoseok would be dealt with much more than this. You could already feel too overwhelmed so this is the least he can do if you yearned for human-like comfort from someone who could actually give your soul some rest. Then you can come back to him refreshed.* as for master relationships, master relationships do not exist outside of our contract. I will not allow you to be touched as a submissive by another master or dom. Not during the extent of our trial run at least.

That being said, I will let you and I work through more of these details if you choose to accept being mine for this trial run. Details such as the length of the trial, what we will call each other- as it is a specially designed contract, I will allow you to use my name during . You seem more comfortable with it despite my own preference to be called by my dom names instead.- and yes. Many more other details you may need for your own comfort.

*then he paused, giving you ample of time for you to process this information as he continues to hold the wrist he still has in his arms, cherishing this as he waited and waited. If you rejected him, this would be the last time he could hold your hand like this. Maybe that’s why he was now caressing it. As if memorizing it and the feeling before he had to let go and return back to his world and wait for another “the one” to enter his life.*

*then after giving you ample of time he inhales barely* so hoseok Hyung. What do you think about such an agreement? Is it it perhaps a feasible solution to my proposal to eventually be mine?

*It must be comical really. Taehyung not knowing you were speaking of dating and you assuming he was. What a great mishap in communication really. And you never asked for clarification or any keywords to make him think otherwise. But all in all, it was probably Taehyung’s fault. Taehyung’s wording was always very awkward or wrong when talking to others as himself rather than as a master where he spoke in one tone that was ual so maybe this is just another thing he’d learn was wrong with him against this world. Especially when and if you’d look shocked or slightly stunned at him before trying to recover enough to answer his proposal*
[post deleted by owner]
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@kim taehyung *Everything in this situation was new for Hoseok. He was unprepared and possibly unfit for relationship Taehyung craves. He was a loving and kind person, so being with someone without feelings was almost impossible. The fact that he did let you have him, was already a big rule breaker, one which he was still not sure if he should regret or not. He tried so hard not to expect anything from you. You were so very different, and so careful. Having a hard time reading your mind was already difficult for him. All he knew was, you want his body and pleasure it could give you. Other reason for now was unknown to him. Still he was grateful that in your desire you did your best to make him feel comfortable. *

*He noticed the change when your cold, numb eyes turned more alive, as if his body awoke all the needs in you. It was so weird, the way you desire his body. He couldn't understand why. He saw many other people, far more beautiful around so why? Why him, what makes you want him, instead of others. He couldn't wrap his mind around it no matter how many times he tried to think about it. *

*But now he couldn't focus on that. While you pushed his body against shelves. Asserting your dominance over him. Pushing and pushing and breaking his fragile mind and body into your liking, while he just cries in pleasure. On the back of his mind he started to be displeased with himself. Displeased with the fact that he let you do all of it, with little to no protest. And why? For what? His pride was finally coming up, wondering what is going on. Why he was not fighting back. But you were good with your words, deceiving him, calming that pride in him. He was now just one, very needy mess, and he was the one to be blamed for that. He prepared himself for you, not the other way around. So now he shall pay the price for that, and he did, when you once again invaded his mind, pushing his boundaries and smacking his . The pride was violated, but he did nothing to smooth it. Just waiting for it to be over, to finally got something from you. Something much more enjoyable. Your kiss still feel like heaven, against his lips, and he whimpered, answering eagerly. It tasted like tears and need. Bitter-sweet and unfortunately didn't last for long, when you scoop him up, finally ready to , while his shaky legs wrap itself around your waist. *

*He didn't understand why you didn't like the plug he so prepared just for you, and he whines, hearing your words, disagreeing.* Thank who...? It's mine, I bought it... for myself... never used, no courage... *He explained, his shaky hands holding your shoulders for balance.* I wanted to be ready... *He muttered now suddenly shyly, regretting the action now, and promising to never do it again. Your reaction put him off, and he pouted, looking down and hiding his eyes from you, now ashamed far too much to react to your touch. When you filled him up, he bit his lips, to hold back a moan. The plug was nothing in compassion to your large, pulsing . You stretched him up so perfectly, almost painfully, and he mewled. His head falling to the side, cheek pressed against his own shoulder. *

*You were slower, mainly because of the position you both were in, but Hoseok did not mind that. It felt amazing even if the pace was slow. He could focus on your large length, and the way it was , as he clenched on you wanting to keep you inside for at least one more second. He didn't need much else to either, the plug did it thing, teasing him long enough. Now he just wanted to have this peak. This extreme pleasure rocking his body. So he did, just a few second before you, trying to keep his moans to a minimum, which was hard to do, when you did your best ing him good. He quietly moaned your name close to the end, and then pressed his cheek against his arm, to muffle himself too. *

*It took him a whole minute to calm down, and when you placed his legs on the ground he leaned against you, almost unable to stand on his own, shaking in your arms, as you dressed him up. He was still so out of it, that your words were more like a white noise than anything significant. But if understand it well enough, so when you asked him if he wants to be yours, he frowned, confused, pushing himself back, and leaning against the shelves, trying to collect his thoughts, and somehow answer or ask for more details.*

- Yours? What does that mean? You want to date me? - *Of course master/sub relationship was the last thing on his mind. He was in a way still so very innocent, so he had absolutely no idea what does that even mean. So he finally looked at your face, pure disbelieve and confusion on his face.* I mean... you don't know me, so why so suddenly? Uhm? I have no idea what to tell you... *He didn't mind dating you, he decided, it would be nice to get to know you a bit better, and the was great, but what confused him was the fact that you didn't looked like a dating type. He wasn't anything special to have such impact on you. So why? * Oh, and can I have my plug back? I like it, it's pretty. *He asked, reaching out, but also needing something to held and distract himself, because he could feel your intense gaze on his face, making him blush and want another round, which was not ideal now. *
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*the fact that you’d take advantage of you knew the power of your pouts. The fact you’d still consider it a compliment as he spoke red flags into your eat. And the entertaining thought you’d question why he locked what was already his down. Though Taehyung could not read your thoughts, if he notices anything you’re comfortable with that a normal human wouldn’t be as comfortable with, he’d feel more closer to you. Like you understand his own sane insanity in that way. Like you were the puzzle piece to it but in the opposite way. If he was sinful and craved to possess and break down, you’d be the innocence tainted as you craved to be held possessively and broken into. But again, that is if Taehyung found your submissive side perfect for him. There’s still very much you didn’t understand about him. Locking someone that confessed love to one of the personas he uses rather than him could never gain his trust to unlock the shackles that would be placed on you during the worst ending. Even if you were all his, once he found a hair out of place on your beautiful head…Undoubtedly, he’d kill you. Either because he didn’t trust you or maybe he didn’t trust others. Maybe even didn’t trust himself. Even if it’s in death. No one can have you after him if he ever did let go. So either way Kim Taehyung would keep the older shackled to him. Either way, by the end, Kim Taehyung and Jung Hoseok would die. If there was no opportunity for Taehyung to be accepted in loving Hoseok the way he wanted to from the very beginning. But luckily, that event flag was completely skipped over in this world. Unlike so many worlds where Jung Hoseok would die if he ever met and fell for Kim Taehyung. Even a fresh world as an officer looking for a mysterious serial killer and inevitably bumping into an awkwardly shy man with a gripping rectangular smile. Such is their fate. Such is their despair.*

*Who knows. Yes, you did please him during our first time when he gave you a preview of his master side- when he bent you while you were in front of his bed. All before he decided to release his hold on you and let you call him by his real name and touch his body- which by the way was never how real was with him. But this was our second time together already. There was no agreement here. Not on your side as well. He couldn’t expect you to be just as submissively good as before. Maybe what he mistook as naturally submissive was actually just craving for him. Maybe today you’d fail him; show him why it was better to stay with the one night stand instead.*

*Yes, somewhere in the back of his mind he could admit that even touchy with you was something he enjoyed a bit more than with others. Maybe he secretly craved it with you. Especially with the way you pulled his hair. Embraced him close to his half- body as he panted against your lips that night. But to Taehyung it was frightening. It usually indicated a foolish act of love in his mind. And it was frightening how he let you get away with it then. But he shrugged it off as just necessary to do at that time. To make you comfortable with being banged by a still very much a stranger.*

*So no. Taehyung was not planning to be as merciful tonight. He plans to be how he truly is in bed and check your compatibility with him. Fortunately, this time he didn’t need to do any of these annoying manners and human norms he never enjoyed. This time he could you exactly how he liked it. This time he could affirm if last night really was his own preview of how naturally submissive you were. Or retract that conclusion and be rid of you. It would all happen tonight in this far small corner section of the library.*

*Taehyung smiled as he leaned his back on the desk while facing his upper half towards you. But when you revealed your desire to kiss him again, his eyes narrowed in a craving. His lips smirked as his eyes followed you despite still carrying his playful dongsaeng persona* ah really? *he asked with now a slight rectangular grin as he reached to grab your wrist with eyes following your every moment. That neck especially. Instinctively, he wanted to place you on his lap and make out with you since that was acceptable in front of the cameras as hormones. But rejection was rejection even if he knew you clearly wanted him but still pushed him off so casually. But when you left the conversation there too, he rubbed his thighs slightly nervously as he at his lower lip while looking down without pushing it. You were delicate.*

*he ended up blinking when you scold him out of nowhere but when he sees you giggle, his pursed lips relaxed again. Not a true hyung-like scold. His stiffened composure as a dongsaeng relaxed as he leaned forward more. It encouraged him to try again. He returned back to his tone* I’m afraid that I cannot change my language, hoseok. Not when I am waiting for you to choose what you desire from me… Hoseok. *the way he emphasizingly starts to repeat it, it was almost as if he was conditioning you to get used to it. When we’re alone he’d always call his subs for their name or just sub. It was a way of commanding his presence in the bedroom. And he yearned to do that with you as well. *

*you’re right. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he becomes numb. Like the world is yet again causing him pain. Pain he couldn’t exactly feel except through no pain. Through his listlessness. Sometimes he gets like this when he is angry. Other times in tears but cannot cry because what could make a stained handed man cry? All of these emotions though were foreign to him that even the way he felt them wasn’t like a usual human being would. Today it was both of these. Both anger and sadness. Despair filling his now being used body as he reverted back to his blank state, thinking of nothing at all.*

*But when you grind against his body, it was like a spark lifted his freezing eyes back to their intense but cold liveliness. Something not any other sub could do. If his sub asked for him but he wasn’t in the mood, which usually happened, even grinding against him wouldn’t wake him up. This usually happened when the sub did something wrong to Taehyung by going out of line of the twos’ rules and the sophomore had to punish them while becoming numb. More of the unfortunate bratty rule-breakers would find themselves suffocating until their life was taken away. The fortunate ones would enjoyingly stay obedient but frightened, as taehyung pushed them to the edge of their . And as a master that was fine since his subs never really complained. Actually, they much preferred when Master Taehyung was ruthless like that to them- though they weren’t aware it was near or exactly just his freezing autopilot working. Subs didn’t think that deeply into things. They always just wanted to be pressed into the sheets and violated by someone who was willing to do that for them.*

*but once you revived his eyes, his pleasure-seeking nature was revitalized as well. He attacked your lips like you secretly meant something to him. Between the soft whirring of the air conditioner and the pale wood. In this small space at the corner of the large library surrounded by the fresh smell of books. These shelves too were much narrow for us too, closing in on our bodies. Nothing but our soft deep breaths against each other as he kissed your own away. He even complimented you breathlessly with a what were you doing to him. Because even he did not know what rush of pleasure and emotions were flowing through his very body. Anger. Pain. Sadness. Yearning. And of course the most powerful one of them right now: lust. Even as he gripped your body to him while looking into you with unreadable cold eyes, he held you like if his grip even loosened just a little, you would slip away. He slid his tongue against your heart-shaped lips, grazing against your upper lip as he tilted his head to more of your tongue and upper lip with his own and teeth.*

*Even in his actions today as he kissed you so hard, he was less poised than usual. And that was all despite the fact he gained control of the situation right now* Hoseok… *he whispers breathlessly against your lips as his hands had started to travel around to try to hold him. But he didn’t let you. This time he is going to devour all of you like he oh so wanted for our first time. When he felt you trying to move away from him to adjust your shoulder, he pulled you back by the waist and spread his tongue against the soft skin. It moved all the way to your shoulder blades. You could liken it to the same tongue action he did on your wrist when you had hit the vending machine with your hand on our first meeting and hurt it. Though this time it was his rough doing that bruised you. He just didn’t want you to run away yet again so he had to consume your lips roughly. And the fact he’s doing everything more messily than usual with you. He couldn’t control all of his building desire and strength to achieve it. You made him like this, not him. He would’ve been in more control if you didn’t frustrate him this much already. So if there’s a next time, as long as he’s in control, you would see him much more poised than today. Or maybe he’d never be calm and stable with you and this was only a foreshadowing. Only time can tell. Still, he was pleased yet again when you whimpered against his lips. It reaffirmed how good of a submissive you were for him yet again. And now he could do nothing else but feed your desire to be taken over by him*
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
*but when his knee found your crotch, all his own emotions had switched so abruptly. Instead of lust being the most powerful, it was anger. Anger and lust with a bit of pain were in the forefront. Suddenly, the kindling yearning he had felt was placed by the desire to possess. Control. He flipped you around and after holding your waist, he supported your collapsing knees until you eventually could find your balance. He expected you to be as bratty of a hyung as before but when you pressed your cheek against the shelf and gave him a soft okay, he knew it.*

*You were a natural submissive. And what a y one you were, he thought as you stayed pliant to him while he explained the directions of his punishment. At those obedient words and tone, his voice grew more gentle. His anger was fizzling out again as gradually it was being replaced by the yearning from before. The yearning to make you all his. /Just/ his Submissive. No one else’s. No one else can have you. And he will make sure he’s marked all of you by the time he’s done so others who touched you knew you were taken. Your body looked so good arched like this in front of him. He made it his job to tell you that with the soft slap on your .* good. You feel so pliant under me. Even without showing your skin, your eyes drag me into your being… *he whispered as he held your head to look away from the shelf and towards his eyes above you.* Hoseok with those red swollen lips I cannot help but receive very wild pictures of amazing nights with you… *he strangely kissed your lips chastely then pulled away to massage at your to get you ready.*

*he his lips as he wondered how it would be to smack your bare flesh in his hand. He’s sure it would be as nice as it looked inside those shorts. Then he began. With one light controlled smack he lets the flesh bounce off his large hand before looking at your back expectantly.* One *But when you said nothing, he pursed his lips to count down for the additional smack* Three…Two…One *then he slapped your again. He was patient or thought he could be. But his anger was slowly taking over. He tried to inhale and try again. He wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. He should. You were still very new to this but you still yielded. Never in his life did he think such an exquisite human being would be under his hand like this. In the way he wanted to control a human. A lot of the humans he did use were not really his type of human. So he wanted to believe in you. He wanted you to be his Slave. He tried again with a quieter voice* Three…Two…One *he repeated as if to remind you but more gentler. Then he smacked at the flesh again when you took too long. By now he was in mixed confusion and anger. He could hear the muffled shuddering of breaths. Why were you not obeying him? Did you not understand his command. Did you not care he was genuinely angry at you? Did you like this a bit too much to understand when he was truly angry versus actually pleasing you? He could feel his once patience turning into anger and frustration as he spanked you a bit too harder. Messy. So unlike him. He especially disliked how it had stung his hand a little. He was getting ready to spank you again harder with the thought he had as his eyes grew colder. Maybe you were not his fated Submissive. He concluded he would give you ten spanks as his own limit with each one growing more stronger as punishment. That way you knew he was mad. Both at you and your unwillingness to cooperate.*

*But then as his hand grew stronger over your , ready to make due on his punishment, the humiliation he had felt. Everything that he shouldn’t have ever felt for a human. As his eyes started to grow cold and he his robot self, he could hear you quickly answer him. Then he returned with them lifted at your soft whimpering words. Warm. It suddenly warmed his cold body. Even the way you answered him warmed him. That sweet voice, those shaking legs. He wanted to compliment you for a job well done but he decided he’d wait to voice it this time. Instead, massaging your as a silent reward. He could feel something stiff but barely paid attention as he was consumed and focused on your own answers more. So you did know. He kisses your shoulder and nape more passionately. He could feel his anger receding more quickly than usual with his other subs. Almost too quickly. But he still was ready to continue with softer smacks this time.*

*So as he smacked again at your shorts covered , he resigned a softer* Two *this time he was pleased when you quickly answered. He could feel his heart thumping softly in his chest as he leaned against your back, yearning for you to feel it too. Feel what you were doing to his body. /You/ were making his heart beat like never before. His desire was growing again. He wanted to touch you. Reward his sub for a job well done. But it was still not over. He felt his own voice deepening in lust as he smacked your flesh for the last time* Three. *or so he thought it was the last time, suddenly growing hornier for this obedient in bed y submissive. But when he heard nothing, he inhaled starting to hesitate. Still, the soft smacks came as it bounced off your flesh again. But this time he doubted each time. Maybe this is fine. You did a lot already. He couldn’t expect more than this. It was your first time really seeing his side. Which if it was anyone else, strangely, he would never be this lenient towards. After all three rounds of spanking, you answered him in a sobbing voice. It’s okay he supposes. You did a lot for him. You were innocent to him afterall. This was much above your own reach and most likely as a normal human being.*

*he turned you around to examine your face. But once he saw it, his pulsed with blood. That sobbing face. Those teary cheeks. Those red swollen lips and your messy locks stuck against the shelves and your nape. How those soft eyes looked at him like you would do anything he commanded. How could they get both tainted but still be filled with an unmistakable desire. His heart thumped harder and slow as he examined the mess he made. You were the one. The one he was waiting for. The submissive that would please every part of his body. Something he had no idea he was looking for until this very moment. And he didn’t believe it but here you are. Without waiting another heartbeat, he tilted his head and pressed his lips against you as your head remained flush against him and the shelves. He held your head in his hands as he all of your essence, his hands gripping at the sides of your face and neck for support as he willed you to look into his eyes before he finally closed them. Kiss him like you mean it.*

*Then after you took his breath away once, he panted against your lips* where were you all my life… *the next contact with our lips once he inhaled as his hands ran up your thighs. His left hand pushed your shorts and underwear down off your in one movement. His right hand pulled your waist against him guiding your legs to wrap around his hips as he searched for the hole with his left while grinding against you. Then after finally tasting as much of you as his human body would be capable to, he finally praised you.* good job beautiful, Master is pleased. Next time you shall do even better *he breathed against your lips. Our distance much more closer. And as he lifted you by massaging your , kissing you harshly while ping his own black loose pants to pull out his length, his fingers on the hand on your tried to go inside to stretch you a bit. But then his fingers found the cold metal*

*he didn’t need to check twice to know what it was as he smirked against your lips, pulling it out as he keeps grinding against you harshly and kissing you* you even prepared for me? I’m pleased but next time you will not wear anything down there that I haven’t gifted you, hoseok. *he kisses down your neck before feeling inside your with his fingers. He’s very sure that another had given you that horrid plug. And though he was still , he couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the thought that someone had touched what was his. He’s going to have to make sure your hole is thoroughly ravaged for today. So that all of the plug’s presence would be covered by his. That you would forget the pleasure of that device so much you only yearned for his large and/or fingers* you are never doing that again… *he growled in your ear as he on your nape and chin. Everywhere visible he could reach. He massaged the two cheeks with a hungry groan* but I will thank him for letting me violate your body faster tonight. That is all…

*his voice groaned as he entered his large inside you, lifting you up as he pushed you against the bookshelf. He kissed your lips as his didn’t wait and ed into you long deep but stuttered s. Your body jerked as he held your left hand in his right up above the left side of your head as he kissed you. The frustration from before had made him impale you as your body jerked slowly after each slow . His legs were shaking a bit as he watches how you take all of his length, stuttering his hips forward as his breathing settled into syncopation.* hah…hah… Hoseok *he couldn’t go as fast in this position yet because of how bad he was today. Even entering your hole was already threatening his huge load. He needed to with your body. But he did enjoy the slow but labored pulsing as he s and jerks your body up with each slow but quick movement. His breath muffling as he breathes against your lips. Beads of sweat slide against his nape and sideburns as all he can hear are our quietened whispers in the already very quiet library.*
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
*it takes a while as his deep breaths finally turn shallow until he’s ing into you faster and faster. But it’s really soon and that’s the worst thing a master could do to their sub. Is get off before their sub can. But right now his body is sweating in the craving of this whole desire that he forgets to think. Messy. Way too messy to be Master Taehyung. But it was your fault and so with that, he jerked your body faster against him. And he too wondered: the best indicative of a Submissive. If you could untouched* hah. hah. I’m almost there! your ! So hot. Baby do you like my large ? You are so good. Hah. Hoseok! *he whispered harshly in the library quietness*

*and then he finally spreads all of his into you with a few more s. He stared at your body above him. He takes a while, imagining how this would be like everytime before finally kissing down your nape as he sets you back down. A waist around you to support your gelatin legs he kissed your lips while dressing us both back up*

You are the best I’ve ever had hoseok. Something about you… *pants as he kisses your jawline. He needed to ask this as he held your hand but how to start? He waits until you get your breathing together as he kisses the rest of your face before kissing the top of your head. Then when you calmed down, trying to explain with a broken stutter as he slowly grew more confident* it- It makes me yearn to have you forever and ever. To show you a new world and explore newer things with you for you *he squeezes your hand, a bit hesitant but still meeting your eyes directly with softer ones* what do you think? Would…you like to be mine too?

*he smiled warmly but also a bit nervously to you. It was the most sappiest way he’d ever ask someone to be his submissive. Usually he’d be very direct and draw up a contract as well. But for some reason he found himself almost wanting to treat you better than them. Even if you rejected him, he couldn’t help but let down his pride to ask you. Today just confirmed how much he yearned for this one submissive junior bratty but very y in bed Hyung. And with soft but still those dark and commanding eyes, he waited with a nervous but smiling bite of his lower lip as he held out his hand. He could feel his heart thump hard in his chest. Violently in his ears as his cheeks turned slightly pink. Still, he did not shift his gaze away from you as a Master.*

*He knew. The chance you would accept would be very less. And he’d be very devastated if you rejected him but then accepted another. Well, he’d be destroyed if you said a no even without accepting another. But he knew your world and his were so very different so even if he’d probably still look at you with his version of loving eyes it’d be with a pained smile that he couldn’t have all of you to him in his own life. You couldn’t even complete the easiest task he had given you as a master successfully. But he hoped. Even as rough as you were, you could be shaped to be a pretty diamond in his arms. And now he yearned for you too much to let any opening go. He wanted this rough form of you too. And so he waited with baited breath. Maybe he should’ve dressed up better he suddenly thought, not taking his eyes off of you for a second still, still showing his commanding presence even in this action. His other hand grasped at the loose pant fabric for stability as his own held out hand waiting for you began to grow slightly sweaty.*
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*If Hoseok knew how effective and powerful his pouts can be, Taehyungie would have a problem. This boy would shamelessly use it against him, especially in his hyung mode, when it came to you and your health. Such an easy weapon to get what he wants. Luckily for you, he has no idea... yet! So you should be careful, but judging your reaction, you liked what you saw. So while you were succumbing into your desire and lust, he gives him few seconds to look at you, analyzing and guessing what was lurking behind your dark eyes you were hiding under the hoodie. What thoughts were filling your mind? Were you mad at him for leaving this morning? Or maybe you were angry that you actually have to be here at all to fill your side of the promise? Was he interrupting something? The longer he thought on it the more lost he ends up. Your gaze was cold and demeanor closed, like you were trying to protect yourself from him. Hoseok wasn't sure what he could do to break this wall apart and finally understand what you need. He really wishes he could, this way he would be a bit more open about his own needs. So while you were sure he rejected you and was keeping his distance, he simply tries to understand you a bit more. *

*Hoseok would be shocked listening to all the details about his hands and fingers. Wondering why would you even waste your time do to do so. He would be flushed red with all the compliments, maybe even unable to meet your eyes. Playing with his own fingers or maybe reaching to hold yours. To see all the details too. He was definitely not used to compliments, so you, liking his hands, hands he was a bit insecure about because they were too small and weak for a guy. It would be nice to know, that you actually like that about him. *

*But your plans? Would he be frightened by them? Early on like now, undoubtedly. Later, he would be confused. He knew himself, the way he cares deeply about his loved ones. Why even lock him down when he would already be all yours? Devoted lover, ignoring everyone else. He could only have eyes for you. Your lovely small boyfriend, greeting you with his beautiful smile, hands already reaching to hold yours. Then pulling you into a more secluded area to be kissed and ed, because nothing would stop you from getting what you want.*

*He noticed that the kiss shocked you, and smiles, knowing that he will do that often. Catching you off the guard with gestures of affection just to see your reaction, know which things you like and which not. But now, as you move slightly chasing after him, to have another probably much longer kiss he reached out, booping your nose with a giggle. * Aw, honestly I have no idea, I just wanted to kiss you. Your lips looked soft Taehyungie. So maybe that was a prize for me actually? Or maybe I missed you? Who knows? *He explained lightly, like it was not a big deal, as he relaxes in your presence, the hole that you left in his chest this morning slowly filling. He wasn't even looking at you, busy with his own laptop, but you could clearly see that he wasn't embarrassed or shy. He was just being his lovely Hobi self. He only smiled when you called him informally raising his eyebrows.* Language! *But he wasn't mad, he was just giggling impressed by your flirty, needy side. He likes it too. It was just as alluring and cute and also so y. *

*As much as he tries to focus on your words and his project he simply couldn't, his breath hitched while you continue to him, teasing him and waiting to see how long he will last. How fast he will stop you. Which was hard to do, considering he was already in trouble because of the plug. Twitching in his hips, just so he could move slightly, so the plug could... Hoseok you need to stop. You need a self-control. Yes. You probably didn't notice how weak his voice was when he asked you to move back, or how shaky his hands were. You were too busy being hurt and mad at him, why he tried his best to gather some kind of control over his own body. It was not a surprise that the wall you built between them was now even higher and made of ice. You obviously weren't used to someone denying you something, and now you acted like a spoiled child who just lost his favorite toy. In normal circumstances Hoseok would be moved by that adorable side, and try to smooth it over with something else, but now was not the time to do that. He needed to act fast to get you before you run away and lock yourself completely. Standing up, and pushing himself onto your lap was difficult enough. But when you dragged him away you turn him into a mewling mess, the plug rubbing against him. He barely heard something about cameras, it was already hard to focus. But the brutal force and pain in his shoulder was enough to bring him back up. He whimpered in pain, knowing that there will be a bruise there later. On the back of his mind he promised himself that he will speak with you about it. About injuring his body. He need it for his dancing classes, and he won't let you broke it every time. But that could wait for now, since the kiss quickly wipe his mind clean and filled it with lust instead. You sure know how to lock him in place. His hands burning with need to touch and grip on your shoulder and hair, while you kiss him, but your strong grip stop him once again. He threw his head back, against the books, feeling them moving under the pressure, but hopefully not falling on the other side. He needs to breathe, to think, to get a break, so he could answer you, but he just couldn't gather his thoughts. His head spinning, eyes glossy with tears, shoulder burning with pain. Then you once again consumed his being with pleasant kisses and bites, on marks, and leaving his skin red, bruised. He gave a low groan, meeting your movement, his previously bruised hip bone, now actively reminding him that it's not healed. *

No long... *He whimpered back, closing his eyes and letting his head droop forward. He was now so weak from desire burning his body, and you were purposely making him wait even more. The smack doing nothing to help him focus on answers you want from him. He just whimpered softly and adjusting himself to alleviate his shoulder, to lesser the pain. Luckily you turned him around which actually helped, but without your support he slipped a bit over the books, his soft knees couldn't hold him. He held onto the shelf, pressing his cheek against books spines and waiting for your next words. When you explained what you wanted from him, it took him a moment to process everything before he nods slightly with a quiet 'okay'.*

*So the additional spanks did happen sooner rather than later, when he couldn't tell you the first thing. Not because he didn't want, he couldn't just focus on the words, dizzy and needy, slurring. Only after the third time he was able to give an answer you could accept.* I pushed you this mojrningjk... um *The second one was even harder to voice out. He couldn't collect his thoughts, but he managed after on the second try, plug teasing him painfully with every spank.* I told you... move back. *It came out as a breathless whimper almost, at this point he was shaking. But the third time... he couldn't, he simply couldn't. * I don't know... *He cried, tears running down his cheeks as he bites his lips, his hip moving ever so slightly to feel the plug more and more.* I sorwwy....
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*he expected and yearned to see a pouting hoseok at his purposeful error. And he wasn’t any bit disappointed at your response. His grin and almost smirk grew wider as he had already turned his body towards the back of his chair. Now his back was leaning against the table as he answers your words, feigning obliviousness* he is. Very. You would never think so for his build but he did have the nicest and deepest of dimples *he grins up at your pouting pretty lips. Despite his casual smile that could make you think he was probably smitten with that silver haired man, his eyes were more intent on observing how the soft flesh of your lower lip frowned into a ㅅ shape.*

*Adorable. If the aforementioned sub’s dimples were endearing, your whole essence could not dare to be compared as something the same level as that silver haired man’s. You were in your own tier. God tier. Maybe heavenly- if there was such a thing as heaven. It was almost comical really. He expected that even if his body would be that by this time he would have lost those unnatural feelings he had from before. But no. Even after all that time in between, once he was in your presence, you only grew to awe him yet again- if not even more than before. -At least that’s what he was thinking at this time. He was not aware of how crazy he was getting in your presence. How when it came to you, all he could think about was getting you. But when he was alone, he was growing to really loathe what you did to him. Especially making him kiss you so passionately. And the abnormal desires of tying you up. All things he should not do for you. Things that would make him just as foolish as the normal humans.*

*But because he was not aware of this yet, yet again, he felt the strong dark desire invade him, blocking out any truly sane way of thinking. At least, his version of sanity: emotionlessness.*

*Right now there was nothing in his mind except that he wanted all of you again. Now exactly how he would achieve such a feat was still just a black box to him as was the fact he was feeling like this at all. By now everything he was doing was by whim. Still, he had this tugging feeling in the back of his mind that he couldn’t get away anymore. With that passionate make out session today afternoon and now seeing you again, he wanted you all for himself. And though he didn’t know it, he had already succumbed to his fate: desiring Hoseok selfishly. You /will/ be his. Even if he had to break a few of your bones to do so. Of course, he’d prefer you with no broken bones or blood spilled but he had to take into consideration how you responded to him before.*

*As surprising as it was, it seemed like you were not actually interested in another night with him, always opting to keep him at a hair’s distance. You always kept dancing around the matter. You never outrightly rejected him. Typical for a normal human to reject in this vague way. But it was still seen as a rejection to him. The final call was when he almost fell off the bed. In his mind, you had no right to do that but you did. So clearly in his black box, which Taehyung himself was unaware he was already drawing in, there was no possibility of romancing you or choosing the master sub option. You were unwinnable and untouchable in that way. Unfortunately, though it might be more arduous, it seemed like only through carefully calculative manipulation he could reach his own goal. But he was only just now starting to have these new desires. So in his own vague understanding of the situation, this seemed like the only true way to succeed. Just…he knew he needed to be more careful and patient in his approach until you let your guard down.*

*other than that whole fiasco of a plan made through his black box, with that god-tier level pout of yours, Taehyung was satisfied with his quiet game of observing how you pout. Pleased, he met your eyes and exclaimed the correct answer for you. He only said your name after he lifted your hands off his eyes to see you so he was late to receive a prize. But still. Your heart-shaped smile was worth it. He thought he wouldn’t mind making this unfortunate sub pout. Unfortunate because you and he were both unaware you had already captured his interest as his next victim. Though you would take much longer to bring over*

*If we were more close, he would’ve admitted he was joking and knew it was you, even going as far to describe your fingers in exact details then indirectly praise them to prove his point. But Taehyung knew that was unacceptable behavior for a human already. If he stated how he knew those fingers because they were the most easiest and softest to break and so he desired to protect them…that that was the reason why he remembered them, what would you do? Clearly you’d hesitate. So he stopped with just a simple exclamation of your name and let you assume he didn’t know already it was you. It was better that than you picking up on his obsessive details and him accidentally frightening your normal human self off..*

*Not to mention, in this position, he could seem nonchalant and succeed in getting what he truly desired. Something he wasn’t even aware he was subconsciously planning. But here he is. Slowly but subconsciously articulating out an image of how tonight would conclude. If nothing, a phone number. Be the cute or cool dongsaeng or whatever appeal you’d inevitably find in him with time. Of course, you’d never know who he truly was. You’d inevitably suffer harsh whiplash when he finally revealed who he was. But he’s sure none of that would matter once he’s finally broke you and had you tied up in his bedroom. As much as it pained him to not take you, he just needed to be patient when every guard of yours had finally collapsed. And with his sudden but already very strangely vague but meticulous pre-planning he knew. The more casual he was, the closer he could get. It was as simple as that for taehyung. Humans tended to prefer the simple-minded individuals. And so he followed suit- so he could at least get close to you.

*At least taking into consideration all of the rejections, that was what he thought he should do to truly succeed to have you as his later on. And this is what would’ve happened. What Taehyung and Hoseok would be like if he went through with such a plan. Not having time to truly be loved for who he was, Taehyung would use the most drastic measures to cage Hoseok. Not able to truly understand Taehyung until he was fully caged in and in complete shock and fear, Hoseok would inevitably either learn to hate him or be in a toxic relationship of people pleasing someone like Taehyung who was already very hard to please. Both would not be able to love each other in their own versioning of love. Both would suffer an ill fate. This is why, though it seemed fluffy and innocent with Taehyung being the perfect dongsaeng and boyfriend to Hoseok at first, because of how surface level the scenario was in terms of true awareness, it would be the worst ending for Taehyung and Hoseok. Especially if Taehyung took Hoseok’s life in a fit of rage when Hoseok escaped him once or hurt him and killed himself after feeling like his life was now meaningless without Hoseok.*

*Which could of as easily as well happened if not for what occurred next*

*At that kiss, he stiffened in his blank expression. He was confused. Was he not rejected before…? Or was he wrong? Suddenly everything changed in his mind and even his black box of a plan to get you. Did you actually like him back? Or were you just playing with him again? That was not what he expected... Suddenly, he had no subconscious plan anymore. And before he could put two and two together, you explained your action. It almost made sense as he returned back to his smiling expression. But it didn’t. Why would someone who he ed so suddenly be this touchy enough to kiss him as a prize if not because they were interested? At the aftermath of the soft lips, even through his blank expression, he could feel his heart thump slow but repeatedly. No human could make it thump this slow but violently like this. He yearned to kiss you back but you had pulled away too fast.*

*Finding his thoughts a sudden mess and his feelings replacing any possible logic in his mind, he tried to shake it off. Rather than focus on how he felt during the kiss he shifted his attention to focus on /why/ you kissed him. It was much more easier to understand that than his sudden craving. Much more controllable. Was it because you were always this touchy or was this the signal that you may be interested in him and his lifestyle for more than just a night? Unfortunately, he had more evidence on the first point instead of the second one with how you opted to press your cheek against his hood covered one right before. And so he continued to play along as you slowly joined him. Returning back to grinning, he chuckles* oh? But I saw you and stated your name only then, hyung. Or is it a consolation prize despite losing? If so, hoseok Hyung you are being very generous
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
Hm…*he rests his cheek against the back of his hand, a slight smirk making its way onto his lips as he tilted his head. All he could think about was your body, completely focused on how it moved. Even subconsciously, his whole plan was trashed. Not even just trashed, burned in a hell fire until it was but a dust of ashes. Somewhere in there, you wanted him. He wanted you too. His subconscious just gave up on him. Taehyung just yearned to enjoy this older y hyung in front of him now. You were right, he was lusting for you. So much. But he wasn’t aware you knew that already. Only that those once hard-working eyes of yours giggled as you lingered your eyes on him. And it gave him every confirmation he needed to grow just a bit more aggressive* I suppose that’ll depend on you, Hoseok *he stated as he addressed you informally this time. His voice was growing deeper again. The same way he would speak to a sub when he demanded them to follow his command*

*Taehyung lifts a brow internally when you still try to answer as he continued to massage your now spread crotch. You were a very strong sub to not yield to him so easily. And as he could feel himself poking the fabric of his loose pants, he was not amused by this. If this continues, he may have to break you. It is unfortunate for you that he would not be placated by just touching right here. Had he had time to release himself with another, he would’ve played along. But for some odd reason, he knew he needed /your/ body. He needed to sink into you and you until you could not think anymore. Until you could only beg as tears of pleasure filled your eyes. As if only now he truly understands why he had a tent in his pants the whole day thinking about you. And so he will not stop.*

*/You/ were the one who unfairly kissed his lips and suggested you’d enjoy riding. His patience was running thin. And clearly with the way you were spreading your legs, you wanted it. Here and now. We will . He can tell you’re trying to focus but your conscious is slipping as we both look at the documention. But it was not enough for him. He’s not waiting any longer. This time his hand slid into your boxers as he pushed the fabric hem down. Because of the cameras, he d at your length very discretely under the table without exposing it to the air as he hummed with his jaw tightened at the screen. He was not grinning anymore. He just continued to go through the motions as he nodded while speaking and looking back at the documentation. * I see… if it is a small project that must be anime themed, the simplest are visual novels. But as for the theme…show me the base structure first

*he’s not sure if this will work anymore. Maybe another time when he wasn’t so he could endure this long but hoseok was frustrating him. Made him like this throughout the whole day and had the nerve to act so unperturbed. Right now of all times. Even when he finally successfully made you bite your lips, his expression did not return back to his grinning playful one. Only when he met your eyes with his own, did his jaw relax. But his eyes stayed ice cold as it stared into you before there was a faint but very loud hint of emotion in his cold eyes. Yearning. A sudden yearning for someone not his. But even though of all the rejections that he knows were not exactly rejections in the way he thought, they were still you pushing him away. So even now he is still waiting for some kind of signal. His eyes were completely away from the screen. So close to your lips, he could just take you. Feeling your breath ghost off his own. what were you doing to him*

*But when you told him those words to move back, he stares at you blankly. If he was in a better state, he would ask ‘is that really what you desire hoseok?’ But suddenly, he doesn’t feel like asking anything at all. Trying one more
time? Today? He’s already used all 3 of his chances. He purses his lips, not meeting your eyes before quickly removing his hands from your and returning back to the document. His eyes turned cold, giving up on the friendly persona as he crosses his arms over his chest to focus on the project. Clearly you wanted him. Clearly you kept pushing him away. How exhausting. This was torturous. He thought as pain invaded his once yearning eyes. *

*He was burned. Again. He furrows his brows, even more angrier than before despite how icy cold he had turned now. Even more frustrated. He is only thankful that after this, he can take care of himself. But as for you? He’s finished here. He will get this over with and be completely rid of this sub that had been doing nothing but frustrating him the whole day. He was growing to hate Hoseok’s wishy washy-ness. You were just that untouchable. But now you were more than that. You were unreachable. This wasn’t something breaking you would handle and maybe he wouldn’t enjoy breaking someone like this. You clearly wanted him so it wouldn’t do much. But…He was a dominant master for a reason. He was much impatient to work that hard for someone that took this long to get into their pants for. All you were was just y. That’s all.*

*not planning to linger any longer in the library, he doesn’t meet your eyes as he successfully remained poised thanks to his cold state* But yes. If you desire an easy grade, I recommend visual novels. *But despite his cold shrug, he couldn’t help feel like this was a tremendous loss for him. Maybe in the very back in his mind he knew. The very very back. That he had just lost the one human he seemed to inherently desire so deeply. So deep that he would have even killed anyone for the human one day to be with them. Kidnapping them after. Something Taehyung would liken to true love. Loving someone above one’s own sanity and humanity and doing anything to be with them.*

*all gone*

*his voice was cold and his eyes too. As if he was working on auto-pilot. Not completely there. He didn’t even pay attention to the moment you lifted yourself off your seat again. It was not going to be anything for him afterall. Or you were going to . He had enough of that. There were very obvious reasons why Taehyung was not known as a player. Because his tastes are very specific, most people who yearn for him only end up knowing this in the bedroom. Being awfully scared too at their realization. And there are people even Taehyung avoids. Like that popular female professor who doesn’t understand what he is. And now you, the older but y hoseok who doesn’t know what he wants to beg for it* If you want a bit of a challenge, an MMORPG anime sandbox game. A medium approach, a card-like gacha game. That way the animations you use are mini-

*and then despite his icy eyes he felt something move against his . He only half paid attention to when you sat on his lap. It was just going to be another red herring anyways. Maybe all you wanted to do was fix his hair or something else foolish. So it was only when you started to move against him that his lifeless eyes slowly started to lift at the sensation. Then he realized it. His hands had been led up your shirt and into your hem and were already groping you as if it was a motor movement response. His body already responded when you told him to start feeling you. He was not even aware he was doing this as well. His auto pilot mode functioned a bit too well when he shut his thoughts off from the world*

*then he looked above slightly into your eyes before he could feel the sensation above him. His eyes were still cold but suddenly narrowed. He could feel his tent in his pants grow harder due to your . Was this happened? No. It was. He won’t let you protest any longer. He slid a hand up to grab at your wrist* not here. As much as I’d love to do it exactly where the cameras are, it may become a hindrance for me if they choose to ban me from one of my favorite places. He presses his large hand on your waist to lift you up off his lap. Then without wasting time, a strong hand wrapped around your wrist, he pulled you a few feet from the desk and towards the back near the couches. But instead of reaching there, he placed you between one of the book selves.*

*he looked at the cameras to make sure he was right before smirking towards you as he stalks closer to your shorter body* here we will not be disturbed by the cameras nor by many people *he comments in a low voice as he places his hands on both sides of your head now* I will not allow you to escape me with your excuses any longer hoseok… *he could feel his body rising in desire as he grew closer to his y hyung*

*then without waiting, he pressed his hands against your shoulders before he shoved you roughly against the strong sturdy wooden frame. He attacked your lips as hungrily as he’d been yearning to do to any of his subs that day. But he does not regret it anymore. You were much more delicious than all of his subs combined. And he’s only realizing this specific fact. He presses his body against you as some of the books vibrate against each other. He does not give you even a bit of breathing room as he bent down to grind against your body, inhaling kisses one after the other. A hand slopes down from your back to your waist before his large hands down your wrists. His thumbnail grazed at the blue veins along the wrists, poking them. Then without warning, he grips your hands by your wrists as he pressed them above your head. Finally letting go of the strong lock he had on your lips, he breathed against your own* Look at what you’ve done to me, Hoseok.
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago
*he stares down into your eyes before kissing you again then leaning down to at your shoulder. This time he will mark you as his. In the most visible spots. He will not hold back in claiming what is his. He and bites at your warm skin, only growing hotter as he uses his knee to rub your own tent. At the semi hard feeling of friction between his knee, he chuckled against your skin* look at you. So hard for me. And you planned to keep this from me for how long? Beautiful, you need to be punished. *he smacks your as he turns you around to face the shelf. But he doesn’t pull your pants down yet. He knew you may not like it if he slapped your bare flesh. Maybe another time he could have you on all fours in front of him as he smacked your bare . When he’s discovered what your own likes and dislikes are.*

*So for now he tries to stay gentle with the movements, more proceeding with it because of his previous anger. Not his ual side.* I will give you three soft spankings, Hoseok. Do not worry. They will not hurt at all. But I was angry so I want to make sure you know exactly what you did wrong. *he says as he starts by massaging your right cheek.* After each one I want you to answer with at least one of the things you’ve done wrong today. I am not looking for all of them. Just a few so you understand, Hoseok. You will have three seconds between each one to think. Each time you pass the three second marker, I will add an additional spank. Ready? *he waits for you to be ready then he started*
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*He patiently waited for you to guess, although it was obviously stupid to get excited about such a trifle. His eyes followed your hands, the way you played with his small fingers, trying to stop a shiver, thinking what these hands can do to him. But when you answered wrongly he pouted.* Aww, wrong! But I would like to meet him, if he is as beautiful as you claim him to be. *Still pouting he watched your face light up with a smile, as you admits you do know who he was. Only then he smiles, leaning in to very quickly pecks your smiling lips. He just couldn't stop himself. That one kiss from this morning, was enough to made a year for one more. Small gestures of affection, so rare yet so nice, and addictive. * Good job Taehyungie, that was your prize.

*He could feel your gaze on him, how carefully you watched his every movement. Noticing everything, Hoseok knew you would. You were far more observant not, and he starts wondering what your thoughts are. Do you think he is still in pain? Still wounded after the night? Or maybe you are remembering how soft his skin was, or how loudly he moaned under you? He caught your gaze, as you coughed, and he bites back a giggle, looking down at your hands. The way you shift around, this was not embarrassment, this was your lust and desire. * Mhm... * He hummed to himself, smiling when he heard you answer, then nods.* I did enjoyed your side of the agreement, hopefully mine won't be too boring now?*

*He stayed still, letting you move closer, the excitement building up in his lower stomach, his half hard on, twitching interested in progressing situation. Now you are checking him out, and he wanted to squirm under your gaze, expose himself here and now. But he needs to be just a bit more patient. He however did not expect to be touched, so sudden cool hand on his skin, made him flinch before the goosebumps appear, his breath hitched. It was not an easy task to focus on your words, and your touch as you grew more and more bold with every passing second, touching him so freely. *

Uhm... yeah! Yeah I did! I have a base structure for the game, and how long I would like it to be. It can be changed of course, so you don't have to feel like matching it, but I wanted to have a base planned, and just fill it with a story... *He started but couldn't continue as he sinks a bit, biting his lips, when you slipped his hand so close. No, this project will have to wait, he decided, looking up and staying quiet and not giving you any more information, not answering the question for as long as it took for you to look at him. Only then he asked sofly and weakly.*

Please, move back... *His unreadable expression must be taken as another rejection, but that just what Hoseok needed now to put his own initiative in motion. So when you did what he asked you, he bites his lips, quickly calculating what position will work and how much space he will need. Then he stood up, only to slip onto your lap, purposely pressing himself against your front. Hoseok gasped, feeling how hard you are and smiles, your lips just a few inches away from his, as he whispered a breathless 'hi'. One of his hands rested on your shoulder, for the balance, the other however reached out to take yours, and slip it under the hoodie, above the waistband of his shorts, letting the ends of your fingers, slips under the hem as well.* Feel me, please... I prepared something for you. I think you may like it... *He murmured against your lips, his hips moving slightly causing even more friction between your bodies.* Can I kiss you? *He decided to ask, not sure if he was reading the room correctly, hoping you won't deny him now. *
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*he continued to imagine hoseok’s hips riding him as he grinned biting his lower lip at the image while looking elsewhere. With the poor animation and subtitles for videos such as this one, his imagination was better after getting the gist of what was about to happen. Then all he needed was the voice actor’s moans. The best part was usually the female voice actors afterall. But when his vision turned impaired, he stiffened in surprise. His grinning lips automatically turned straight as his eyes stared forward blankly. He was unsure what just happened again. But judging from the fact he could still hear the Japanese coming from his laptop as the main character exclaimed in his thoughts anime-style how soft the other was as he ed her with his mouth first, he can assume he didn’t black out.*

*Then at the familiar voice, he bit his lip but stayed poised. After rejection and yet another rejection, he was /not/ going to think foolishly with his this time. That’s right. You were not his. It was only his fault for pushing you at that time. And it was his folly as well to be so picky to not at least accept the female professor’s clear desire. Just like many other nights, he could get through this one with you. It was time he stopped. So Taehyung tried to ignore the tent in his pants twitching to your warm voice as he responded as casually as he would.*

*Gripping at the hands covering his eyes, he chuckled.* oh? You want to play this game with me? *His own voice stayed low and stable like when he’d use his commands as a master. Habitually, he held your hand and started playing with your thumbs. Your touch was soft. He gripped and held the slender fingers as he tangled his larger ones softly through the crevices of yours. His strength only grew as he spoke* Mm… *he grinned with a light smirk as an idea popped into his head.* I think I know who this is… *Maybe he can play a bit with you. He uses this excuse to touch more and more of your hands with his more stronger larger ones. As he pretends to take his time to feel you, his fingers consumed each knuckle on those sweet hands, squeezing each soft muscle between his index finger and thumb. They were so bendable. With one wrong move he could break all those fragile fingers of yours.* that must be my beautiful… *he smirks more evilly behind your hands* Namjoon… *he lifts your hands up as he turns to meet your eyes before breaking into a rectangular grin then smirking as he shifted his jaw to the right, looking like he was caught red-handed* I knew it was you hoseok hyung! *but his voice didn’t seem convincing on purpose. He was very curious what a pouting hoseok would look like. He yearned to see it.*

*but as soon as you commented on what he was watching, basically hinting that you actually wanted to try that with someone, his suddenly twitched. Ah well look at that. He was suddenly hard again. He stared intently towards you in half disbelief as his playful mischief-filled grin turned into a full-blown smirk. He had to analyze your facial expressions. Whether he truly heard your words clearly as you gradually sat down. His eyes glazed over with the way you sat down as well. You seemed to be teasing him without even trying. His imagination was always large enough. And with your soft grunt, he could picture how you would slide onto his just like how you slid so carefully onto that chair…he swallowed as he couldn’t look away from your as it sank down, your cheek flesh pushing against your chair. His eyes gazed intently even as the soft flesh settled slowly. He had to assume that clearly you didn’t recover completely from our night together with how slowly you did settle down. But at least he could enjoy the image*

*Then he coughed forcefully as he gave himself time to breathe without you, his tent growing more larger. He looked back down at his keyboard as he his lower lip before biting it then glancing towards you again behind his dark brown hair with a tilt of his own head. y but so very oblivious. He turned back to face his screen as he smirked to himself while he looked down his thin legs as he slid his hands down his manspread thighs, his lower lip. He could feel the tingle against his crotch as the fabric moved slightly against him. He returned back to stare at you as he answered, still rubbing at his thighs but resting his back more relaxingly against the chair* well you did make do on my side of the agreement, hyung. It only made sense I must answer to your side as well.

*he continued glancing with a tilted head behind his hair to your body then to his crotch. And back again. Then without thinking of the consequences, he his lips with an intense furrow of his brows. He couldn’t stop himself from trying once more. Clearly, you meant those words. For him or not, he was not sure. But with how you looked, he wondered how he could coax some form of consent out of you. Especially since you did not seem the type to appreciate if a man respectfully danced around the subject of dating or ing you. You gave off the air that you would call him a bro if he did not know any better.*

*He cleared his throat loudly* acc-chm *Then he pulled at his outer chair’s side to lift it up before scooting very close to you. So close that our legs and shoulders now touched. Then he turned his whole body towards you as he let himself gaze at what you were wearing while you started the laptop up. His elbow was on the table as his chin playfully rested on his hand. Despite the playful but very small smile, he did not say anything for what seemed like a few minutes as you busied yourself with booting up the computer.*

*Instead, his hungry eyes were doing all the work. First they traveled down and down those loose shorts until they stopped at your legs. Then they sloped back upwards as he ended up his lips again once he noticed more of the exposed skin of your under-thighs. He then casted his gaze up to that loose sweatshirt that seemed to not reveal enough. But what it /did/ expose was enough for him to work with. That large expanse of neck and the soft skin of some of one of your slender shoulders. He wanted to sink his hands against the skin. Instead, he rubbed the underside of his chin with the back of his hand, biting his lower lip and scooting forward even more. *

*Now very subtlety, he was just a hair’s distance away from rubbing his knee against your crotch. Not to mention, in this position, you wouldn’t be able to scoot even further away from him anymore. All there was to your left side was a partition wall. Taehyung had possessed all of your right side. Both of his long legs were so close. So using his left leg, the one closer to both of your legs, he slid his knee against your right thigh. The younger’s knee continued to caress the ends of your shorts as he slid the loose fabric up and down your now growing more exposed right thigh.*

*Then he clears his throat. This time to make you look at him* So how should we begin hoseok hyung? I do not know what details your project entails. *but he continued to caress your shorts with his thigh as he talks to you more like a classmate* have you started on anything at least? *as long as you didn’t reject him by doing so, he replaced his knee with his hand as he gently rubs at your thigh, massaging it firmly but using a more gentle expression this time.*

*If you even remotely wanted him, he must be forceful but not too forceful that he could be called a creep. Just enough to let you know that as a dominant he will not tolerate any wishy washy behavior this time around. You must push him away with a straightforward no or he would continue.* If so, will you show me what you have written down so far? *he slid his hands down to your crotch before spreading your thighs with his left knee to your right thigh. This time though, instead of scooting his chair forward, he scooted himself closer until he could keep both your legs spread with just his left knee.* Let me see… *he leans over to see your screen, indirectly giving himself more space between your legs to sink his left hand further between your legs. His left palm starts to rub over your own bulge and against the silky fabric of those shorts.*

*Despite his hands, his facial expression did look like he was trying to understand what you were writing so he could help you. But he never did turn off or pause his computer. Now the Japanese moans from the anime grew even louder. It only grew to irritate his twitching bulge in his already very loose pants. Hearing moans like that while he’s just a breath away from you only strove to make him that much more to hear your own moans again. To you again. He his lips as he stared towards your own heart-shaped ones wanting to close the distance before gazing intently into your eyes. All he needed to do was take them. Take this beautiful sub as his own. Show you a world you’ve never known. Show you his world. Kiss you again. Take /his/ request to be your Master. Be his Slave/Pet to his Master. But if he made the wrong move once more, you would push him away yet again. So he waited as he fed himself by gazing at you then returned back to commenting on the document you were showing, his movements on your bulge only picking up speed through his rough but intense massaging*

[so I’ll message you the title of the video Taehyung is watching but the ecchi one is completely censored. So for this rp’s purposes, unless you don’t mind if he watches in front of hoseok, Taehyung is watching a much more explicit version of the ecchi anime. But if you don’t mind , he’s watching . Also, I changed the first girl to a dancer bc I thought it’d make more sense than an actress]
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*The morning scene deeply imprinted itself in Hoseok mind. The kisses, the touch even the way you held him. It was rubbing and tugging on his thoughts and he just couldn't quite get rid of you and every memory so fresh to the point he could almost taste your lips. It wasn't happy with the way he left you this morning, but he knew he needs to do it. Not because there was an assignment that needed to be sent but also, because it was dangerous. You pulled on so many strings, and opened far too many doors. He enjoyed teasing you so shamelessly with his body far too much. The idea of your dark eyes watching him. Lusting for him but somehow still remains unmoved and still, cold. Oh, how much he wanted to move these cool eyes, see them in different light. But not just for satisfaction or challenge. He was fascinated, and something was pulling him towards. This was not safe, he was never this exposed and unguarded. So vulnerable, but weirdly it feels so good. Like he has something else to look for other than dancing classed. Now alone leaning against his door his own hands moved across his body as he brought back memories of your hands touch. His finger pressed against his lips, while he gasped, remembering the way you kissed him. How angry and rough you were before it turned into something much more sweet, something more Hobi like. How your expression changed and how shocked you when you wanted more. He wanted to see that again, taste you again. *

What if he falls for you? You were obviously more interested in his body and , other aspects of relationships having no value for you. He sighs your name shaking his head. Hobi know he is damned if he let this to continue. He was never good at controlling his heart desires, so instead he opted to avoid it all. Keeping it locked, and forcefully pushing people in friendship zone, ignoring any attempts. He was careful, safe, and sound. And now you pushed your ways in, ignored all the signs to 'keep out' broke every long and every gate so effortlessly. After that he could only welcome you with his open arm, how stupid of him? Now he shall suffer if push him away, and with every meeting and every smile in your direction he will only want more. His feelings will slowly grow and mature, and he will have to keep it for himself.*

/Hoseokie you are such a fool.../

After a few long minutes, he laughs at his miserable self, and decided to take one warm and long shower, and take care of his injury. His marked and bruised body in the mirror looked so... good? He found himself staring at bite marks and fingerprints and wanted to see more. But before he let himself slips in his thoughts yet again, he gently pinched his arm to stop it, reality awaits him. After the shower, round of painkillers, he applied his special ointments he used his cold rollers to massage the bruised hips gently. That helped the most, and after a few hours, when he was dressing himself to meet Taehyung once again he was able to do so without any strong pain. Well he spent almost the entire day in bed, and went out only once to get some food, and during that time he worked on some assignments, and did as much school work as he could. But the closer to the meeting. But the closer he got to the meeting the more distracted he was, like he couldn't wait to go and see you. Finally, two hours before his outfit was already prepared, and he found himself wondering what he could do for you. To make up for the morning. *

- Hobi, you shameless animal, stop pretending, you know what you want... * He told himself pulling out the red box he kept hidden in his closet. He bought sometime ago, when he wanted to experiments with his body. He never used it, far too afraid, ashamed of his own needs. But you would like that, he thought as he pulled out a pretty big silver plug with a cute yellow sunflower. He weighted it in his hand, looking at the cool metal, knowing how nice it will feel to have it inside. Should he play with it now? Get off... no, you wouldn't like that. But what if nothing happens, and he will just have to suffer for the next few hours, needing...? *

/Do it for the master baby/

*And so he did, using a lube he slipped the plug in place, helplessly when his body accepted the plug with no problem, and how nice it feels to be filled again. Oh, how much he wanted to move it around, play with it, but he only ends up rubbing himself a few times on the soft cover, before he bit his lips and told himself to stop. His cheeks were flushed permanently at this point, and he every movement made the plug move inside him, stretching and teasing. With half hard on like this he pushed his jeans aside, it would be pure torture, instead he chooses loose sport shorts, the longer one almost reaching his knees, but oversized enough to be comfortable, if you wanted to slip your hands under it and found a little surprise he has for you. Lose hoodie on top it, long enough to hide everything. His favorite one, with 'Lucky me I see ghosts' print all over, with laptop bag on his shoulder he was on his way to meet you. Walking carefully, stopping a few times when the plug moved and brushed against his insides, making him almost whine in pleasure, as he covered his own lips, gathering weird looks from other students. He somehow made it to the library without another embarrassing stops, and quietly searched for Taehyung. As suspected he found you in the manga section, your back facing him, as a cute happy smile stretched his lips. Using his dancer moves he sneaked behind you, before he gently covered your eyes with his hand, leaning against your back, cheek pressed against your ear covered with hoodie material.* Taehyungie, guess who...? * He asked with his melodic voice, before his lips, pressed against your cheek, kissing it in greetings.* Thank you waiting, and thank you for coming. *Hobie looks at the screen, and snorted.* I would like to try that position one day... *He says jokingly moving away and pulling the chair next to you, and sitting slowly and gently, biting his lips to hold back a moan, and when the plug rubbed inside in just the right way. But he still did not regret putting it there. He plugged his own laptop, and opened the document about his project. *
Memory Recorder [A] 1 year ago

*well…that was the plan at least. To reiterate this plan, in order to not touch the same man that rejected him not once, but twice, aka hoseok, he would one of his other pets before our meeting. After getting ready, he pulled on a black hoodie this time and black loose pants before walking towards the building for his first class, alternatively checking his phone for messages*

*But what reality was was much more cruel. And taehyung found his evening to be quite the troublesome one before meeting you*

*When he heard the first message notification, relief relaxed his blank stare. One of his sophomore pets who had the same class as him needed taehyung to help them study right before their class quiz, stating in the text “good timing! Can you plsss help me study? Plssss? [puppy eyes emoji] I’ll even make it up to u uvu” and so chuckling at the adorable sub, he obliged of course. But even he did not expect how long it would take. After the study session was the quiz. After the quiz finished the lecture began, there was no break. But the sub did make well with their promise, warming Taehyung’s just as he commanded. But after class, when the taller beckoned the sub to get on his knees so he could release all that tension inside him, he was interrupted by the sub’s own boyfriend who wanted to surprise the other. Taehyung gave the other man a curt nod and hidden scowl as the boyfriend looked at the hooded nerd in jealousy. The sub noticed his master’s expression before giving taehyung a hug thanking him for helping him study then approaching their boyfriend with a lower tone as the sub wrapped an arm around the other’s waist, “oh this is cute. Daddy really is impressed” Taehyung could only hide a now scowling-smirk behind his hoodie as he walked away from the couple. It always amused him. Also disgusted him. But he supposes that’s why he never yearned for a pet that was exclusively his to take. Because he could not give the type of love a sub of his would desire while their boyfriend could but not the *

*Still, his hard on was suffering from the discrete touches and warming that sophomore sub had gave him. But when he noticed his time was up for the next class, his eyes turned blank and cold as he pursed his lips tightly. Even as the professor kept side eying him, sometimes randomly angling her body to accentuate her curves or waiting for Taehyung to raise a hand to ask a question about the test, Taehyung just ducked his head down and worked. Do not get him wrong. Women were attractive but this particular women did not understand how to be a submissive for him, pushing him down one time. He would’ve killed her if it wasn’t for the fact she was too well known that it’d cast suspicion upon him since the other students noticed her favor towards taehyung as well and were secretly jealous since she was their type. Not taehyung’s type though. And he never grew anymore interest for the other after just that one time. He just punished her for pushing him down but because he was still sane enough to do nothing more, he left. But with how he was, this time while he was finishing his test, he did debate whether he should linger back. When the female noticed this, she smacked a hand on the other’s desk lightly with a “taehyung pay attention now.” Suddenly he had a sour taste in his mouth. Never mind that.*

*He finished the test and quickly left the classroom. It was getting late and his eyes behind his hair glared at the night sky as he made his way towards the library. Nothing. No one at all he could release himself with. Then on his way to the library he noticed his freshmen sub being bullied by a group of jocks in the dark. Maybe a quick could suffice. It’s probably clear by now that Taehyung didn’t care too much about these pets of his’ personal lives. Even if it injured them. It’s not like he would as someone who was much more dangerous than any of the bullies who could not take one measly life. He took what he received and let them go on their own. And right now, he walked right up boldly to the sub grabbing their wrist with lust in his eyes despite the jocks lifting a brow at the hooded individual. The sub looked at him with tear-streaked ones and glimmering hope, “Y-you came.” As if Taehyung was some kind of hero* I need you…now… *he just growled back with a cold voice, tugging the other away roughly from the circle the jocks were already forming around the two. But when the jocks started to ask so cliche-like where they were going, Taehyung looked at the possible bystanders, too many to stab anyone and get away with it. Especially since he was very well known with some of them. There was always rumors of their missing leader. His last sighting being in a warehouse about to beat up a tall lanky looking freshman nerd. It was a quiet acknowledgment. He had to be careful around them, they had to be careful around him. Especially the older jocks who felt something was off but couldn’t explain why their leader was out there with the freshman in the first place. He glanced at his phone showing that if he wants to be early, he’s cutting it very short as they continued to circle around him and as well, calling him a along with his sub but not doing much because of the rumor among their group they never spread. The only rumor that was actually true never got out that far. People preferred the weird nerd with his cartoon s instead. He just let them continue to and the other until he saw his phone time and he sighed annoyed. Then suddenly, as if he just only now showed how strong his skinny but tall lanky body was, he pressed his thick bones up into the other’s grip, making the jock lose his balance slightly. It made taehyung smirk under his hoodie. Then he let go of his freshman sub’s hand* Actually, I do enjoy my women as well though this establishment does not have many of them to devour unfortunately *then he stares at one of the jocks who clearly looked like he had been ogling him* particularly y women with long legs. Men with just as pretty long legs like his. *points to his sub. Then he sighs as he looks at his phone* now look, you’ve wasted my time. You wanted him right? *he roughly lets the sub’s wrist go, pushing them to the group with an evil smirk* This particular sub is very good with his mouth. You can do whatever you desire to him and I will not tell the college police. Now do we have a deal?

*annoyed at not being blocked once, but two times tonight, he wonders if the world truly is playing a cruel joke on him. If this was a simulation, he’d think something or another wants him to struggle. He always had that thought. With why is he the way he is. Like he’s doomed from the beginning. Once he sees his reflection on one of the other building’s window, suddenly he starts to check and fix himself in the makeshift mirror. Surprisingly not too messy, since he only let the bullies assume they were winning. He looks good still, his hair dried from the quick shower by now. But maybe instead of such an informal outfit, he should return to his dorm and change into more nicer clothes? Then he realizes it and pulls his hood back all the way over his head. What is he even doing. This was not a date. Date? Did he think it was? He shook his head mentally. He needs to behave. He needs to stay poised. As usual. And because this is not the first time he was this hard and had to act like he wasn’t, he could do it again. He just needed to sit at the table first before you arrive and once we started, he could take his mind off of it. He adjusted his loose pants once more as he bit his lip at the tingle then entered the library. He found a spot closer to the back away from the crowd of already waning people near the fairly small collection of manga and cultural works. Rather than the soft couches, he sat in front of a desk before pulling out his laptop from his backpack then plugging his laptop into the outlet. He opened it, lowered the volume just enough then watched whatever ecchi anime he could with his arms folded across his chest and his legs manspread with the most straightest blank stare ever. Like he was some connoisseur. Considering he didn’t feel like wearing his headphones, it truly looked weird if others would dare to pass by. Luckily, they walked in, saw him, heard the morning “chinese” voices and walked back out. He didn’t mind. It was nice having his own space. He did wonder though why hoseok was alright with meeting this late with a stranger. The other must’ve been so desperate for this grade. But…He supposes he should do his best anyways*

*after a while of watching, he realizes it. Does hoseok even know where to look? He never had the other’s phone number… but if he stands up with his proud bulge you’d be flustered right? He continues to watch even as he waited for you to come and find him but now he can’t help but feel distracted at the concern you’d get lost mixed with the excitement as the time we were supposed to meet only neared and now he was barely paying attention to the woman on the screen. Biting his lip while grinning like a real as he imagined if it was you instead who was that rude neighbor woman in this scenario and if you fell onto his from dancing on the second floor. It was the most comical ecchi version of but if it was you he’d probably do the same as this main character who had been ing before. He’d continue to move his hips to the new heat until you’d be a mess but let him. What once was a comical ecchi to him became y just with that thought that it would be you who’d ride him all sweaty from dance practice and bruised from the fall to his floor but not able to stop as we’d both use each other*


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YouDidWell 7 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 8 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 9 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 10 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 10 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 10 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 10 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 10 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 11 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 1 year ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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