
The beach



A large beach that leads into the ocean, enjoy some fun under the sun. You can come here for a picnic, for some sunbathing, and even a dip in to that salty water. Careful, you don't know what can be lurking in the deep dark blue waters.

Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Naturally, his brow raised when the alpha seemed not to want their meeting to be cut so short and briefly and allowed to offer a few more minutes to him, curious to hear what he had to say. His slender, inked arms crossed over his bare chest and he listened as he shifted his weight onto the right side of his leg and hip, causing his hip to lean out.

Luon was surprised he was being offered a meal, he knew in terms of the situation they were in, he should be thanking the alpha and offering him a meal instead. He couldn't hold back the brief laughter that forced its way out of his pursed lips, covering his mouth with his hand, his eyes twinkling with more curiosity with this strange alpha. "Hm, why should you apologize for those idiots....I should be gifting you and getting on my knees to thank you...But I'll be nice and share a meal with you if that will make you happy, Youngwoo."

He fetches his bag after putting everything away, holding it up with the strap on his shoulder. "And I'll keep that in mind, the stabbing part, I mean~" He flashes a grin, though he wasn't entirely joking. "Where would you like to go and eat?"
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ “Yeah..” he mumbled eyes taking in the sight in front of him thought process having left him. “Wait- no not bye.” He shakes his head clearing his throat.

“I’m Youngwoo, will let me bye you a crappy meal from the shack up there? As an apology for those ty alphas ing with your day. A meal that’s it, then we can say bye..” he steps back hands raised in defense sensing the omegas issues with alphas after what just happened. “I’ll let you stab me if I try anything. Deal?”
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Sunyoul thought it was rather sweet and endearing for his friend to check his seatbelt, he looked up and didn't mind the closeness of their faces. Sunyoul liked every time that Taecyeon looked after him or took care of him, perhaps he was getting used and addicted to those sweet gestures. He fluttered his lashes and decided to share a smile at Taecyeon, not knowing the effects it would add to the flustered alpha.

The omega hummed a happy melody and glanced off to the window to enjoy the passing colours and shapes as they drove off. "I'm so excited for beach time with Taec Taec~"
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Once they arrived at his car, Taecyeon placed Sunyoul's bags in the trunk with his own. He unlocked the passenger side door for his friend, making sure to hold his hand between the door frame and Sunyoul's head so the omega wouldn't hurt himself while climbing into his seat. Leaning into the car, Taecyeon checked to make sure that Sunyoul's seatbelt was fastened, hovering over the omega for a few seconds, their faces only inches apart. Straightening up, the flustered alpha trotted around to the driver's side, slipping behind the steering wheel, buckling his own belt, wondering if Sunyoul could see the slight tremble in his fingers.

Gripping the steering wheel, Taecyeon started the car, merging into traffic, his expression concentrated as he focused on his driving. "Here we go. We'll be there in no time."
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Sunyoul gave up on trying to fetch his bags when he heard it would make his friend happy, he didn't want to get in the way of his happiness and gave up on trying. "Okayie dokie, I'll let you carry them. Um Um thank you~" He squeezes his hand gently and leans up to lightly peck his cheek.
Sunyoul joined in with the arm swinging, and started to giggle in the elevator as it took them down to the lobby for their beach date.
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Taecyeon's smile grew softer when Sunyoul whined so cutely, but he shook his head, tenaciously holding on to the omega's bags. "Let me carry them. I know it might sound dumb, but it will make me happy to do it. It's no trouble for me at all, so don't worry. Just let me do this one little thing for you." Taecyeon squeezed Sunyoul's hand as they headed to the elevator, gently swinging their arms, excited about being able to spend a whole afternoon with his favorite person.
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Sunyoul whined and reached for Taecyeon's arm who managed to carry all of Sunyoul's bags with no problem. "Wait uh, let me carry some of my stuff, I feel bad to make you carry my stuff." He tries to flash puppy eyes as his hand is taken by his companion, holding his hand in return. He nods his head and obediently followed Taecyeon after he locked his apartment behind him.
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Taecyeon couldn't help but beam at Sunyoul when he opened the door. Who wouldn't smile at the cute omega garbed in swim trunks covered in adorable bunnies? Stepping inside, Taecyeon hovered in the doorway, ready to begin their trip to the beach. Gathering up Sunyoul's bags with great ease, carrying them with one hand, Taecyeon offered the other to his friend.

"Let's get going. I want to stake out a good spot on the beach for us." What the alpha didn't add was he wanted to find a secluded area so the two of them could have a little privacy. Taecyeon was greedy to have every second of Sunyoul's time and attention for himself today.
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Sunyoul woke up early to take his time getting some snacks and food finger ready for the day ahead. Next was his swimming outfit and a towel for the beach, but almost forgetting one other aspect for the beach day, sand playing tools. He fetches a small tote bag with sand building plastic toys inside of them and hurries off to find the perfect swim outfit to wear.

Part of him wished to wear something feminine but he was still nervous to crossdress outside of his room. Sunyoul's fingers ran over his two piece swimsuit, his cheeks rosy at the idea of wearing it with his friend, wondering if Taecyeon would make fun of him wearing such things or be uncomfortable by it. Refocusing on the task, he slipped on his bunny patterned swim trunks and a pink t-shirt. He gathered everything near the front door to make it easier to carry out and once he had everything waiting at the door, the bell rang at the perfect time.

Sunyoul perked his head up as his eyes sparkled, "Taec Taec~" he chirped out before opening the door. "Hi hi!"
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Taecyeon spent the morning getting ready for an afternoon at the beach. He'd gathered together towels, a change of clothes and bottles of water, he'd prepared a picnic lunch, and he'd spent way too much time getting dressed. You'd think he was getting ready for a white tie event when all he ended up wearing was a polo shirt and his swim trunks, but he wanted everything to be just right. He knew in his mind that Sunyoul only saw today as a chance to hangout with a friend, but in the lawyer's mind, this was like a first date, and he didn't want anything to go wrong.

Putting everything in the trunk of his car, he drove to Sunyoul's apartment, the trip a bit of a blur since he was daydreaming about their day at the beach. Pulling up to the curb, he parked before he jumped out, his sunglasses hiding the excitement in his eyes. He rode the elevator to Sunyoul's floor, and in a matter of moments, he was standing in front of the omega's apartment door. Taking a deep breath, Taecyeon pressed the doorbell, fighting the urge to shift from one foot to the other nervously, forcing himself to stand still and try to look nonchalant.
Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ "It might not be a fair fight, but I got my knife, I would have easily won with it." He holds his head up higher with pride, his damp dark locks brushing against his cheek. "I do, you never know what gross and stupid people you come across. I got to protect myself in some way."

Luon scoffs when he asks if he is okay, he wasn't a fragile omega, so why ask that? "I'm okay...." He motions to his scuba diving gear and rubs his nape, muttering. "I was just doing some swimming...Anyways....bye." He couldn't even say thank you, he knew the man deserved it but he couldn't say those words to him. He was still pissed off that he was saved by an alpha. He s his suit fully and steps out of it, revealing his tight trunks clinging to his figure, revealing all of the tattoos he had along his body.
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 8 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ "I was simply lucky that's all. I didn't know much back then to actually try to make any smart moves" Jeff laughed finding it strange to think that way about things he didn't even know much about when he was at a younger age. "I do illustrations for books sometimes for webtoons too but it depends on what the authors want for this works.. I have a particular style and I usual a pallet of colours of my own" Jeff explained as they walked. He was curious about what kind of studies Hyeonjoong would be doing in his lap but the alpha's answer surprised him. "This is something interesting... It must be something very detailed and hard to find exact answers about this right? I mean... Every single wolf is different from the other" He added feeling that Hyeonjoong didn't give him the real answer but again he wasn't in a place to ask for more details about the other's job. "What other things you do besides your work Professor?!" Jeff asked as he took a sip of his beer looking at Hyeonjoong curiously.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ “I know you could have but 3 against 1 is never a fair fight. And this isn’t the place to be acting a fool like they were” Youngwoo gave the man a half smile before chuckling, “So do you always carry knives with you wherever you go?” He was kinda impressed and a little at the thought. But that could have been because it’s been too long since he’s ed with anyone.

“You okay though? Sorry they ed with your day. What were you doing? Snorkeling or something?” He asks gaze now down at the bay on the floor. He could see the omega was in some sort of defense stance and Youngwoo takes a step back to give him some space.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ “I try my best but I can only do so much. The other half depends on their own effort,” replied the professor honestly. “Crime scenes? That’s really cool. You found a way to do the mandatory service while not letting go of what you truly liked, very smart of you. So I suppose nowadays you still work as an illustrator, do you illustrate books or..?” Hyeonjoong wasn’t well-versed in art but he was interested in getting to know more about it. He had discovered subfields he had never imagined existed by asking people about their professions, and he had a hunch he would find a new one besides the crime scenes illustrations. When asked about his own job, he shook his head reassuringly. “No, it’s not confidential. I research the effects of wolf hormones on physical performance. I’ve studied a few different receptors and the events they trigger throughout the years.” He strategically left his motivation aside. He would need to drink much, much more to reveal the angst - both in his career and personal life - that was behind his research.
Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Luon kept his attention on the others though he did catch a glimpse of the stranger blasting a punch into the drunk alpha's nose, scrunching his own face as he pictured how much that must have hurt and that it must be broken from such a hit. Shifting his orbs to the pack, studying to if they would coward away or if one of them would act like a fool like their friend and challenge Youngwoo for another losing fight.

Once they finally fled, Luon relaxed his posture and put the dagger away from any walking bystanders that could come by. He folded his arms over his tattooed chest, which was now pretty much dried off from the sun, he didn't look pleased with the alpha though he was saved by him. "I'm okay...I mean I could have handled that...." He muttered, huffing because he didn't want to feel like a weakling; he didn't need the saving he thought, especially from an alpha. He was already becoming cautious of the Youngwoo, thinking of what could come from saving him, like him owing the man something. Perhaps it was silly for Luon to think that the hero would want something in return for saving him, such as or money, but with how he was raised, that was how he saw alphas to be.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Assface? He inwardly laughs to himself but it was quickly and easily pushed away at the situation going on.

He’d be honest the dagger was a nice touch if he was forced to admit. Didn’t suspect an omega to be carrying one but now a days you never know. Easily blocking the fist with his hand Youngwoo tanks the man and kicks his foot out form under him slamming hisnown fist into the alphas nose. “ off you seriously think you can take me. Take your piss poor friends and get the out of my face before I end you in front of them .” He growled teeth baring. He adds another punch just in case the first one didn’t get through.

Seeing as the omega and alpha both were ready for a fight and the omega wasn’t going to be an easy target the group spat at their feet and left grumbling to themselves. Wonwoo stares at their backs ready to pounce again if they decided to with any one else on the beach. “You okay there?” He asks turning to finally look at the male next to him
Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Luon shot daggers at the gross Alpha that dare say such words to him, who in their right mind would want to sleep with these jerks. He scoffed and folded his arms over his chest, though in the back if his head he was prepared to get something out if these folks wouldn't leave him alone. "Excuse me assface, I think you better leave before I'll beat you to a pulp...."

The omega glanced over when he heard a voice, he was surprised someone was stepping in but he didn't feel he needed the help. He wasn't a useless, weak omega, he would never want to be one again. His eyes studied Youngwoo, capturing the tattoos that decorated his arms and his face's square, broad features. Luon thought he looked tough, a badass but he thought to himself, he could take him down if he needed to. Perhaps he was too stubborn and naive, thinking he could take down just anyone.

He knew things would get more tense with another alpha in the picture, so he reached for his sheathed dagger from his bag when they seemed distracted with their bickering. Before he could pull out the dagger, he watched the drunk alpha swing his arm at the stranger. His eyes widened and he hoped the man could dodge such an attack, especially when it was a bit slow and the man was too intoxicated to keep a fighter's pose. He refocused his attention to the other alphas behind him, his dagger ready for use and making sure they wouldn't attack the single man with their friend. He growled and showed his teeth at them, as a threat to stay back.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ “Come on omega- we’ll be nice to you- for the first round” the leader of the drink s laughed fist bumping one of his friends. They surly wouldn’t even make it to their car without stumbling. “Just a quick since that’s all your kind is good for” he added with venom at the annoying tone form the latter.

“He said back the away” Youngwoo stood behind the smaller male in distress. He couldn’t quite tell what the man was by the way he acted didn’t match his scent. But seeing soemone in trouble and being pestered never say well with the alpha. He hated bully’s and people who couldn’t take a hint. And these men seemed like both. Two birds one stone right? “Touch him and you’ll be going in a body bag. Multiple ones.”

The men glanced behind their prey, seeing the alphas more thicker muscular tatted form they weren’t sure what to do. The threat was real and the group knew to step back and find someone else to with. Well all but one that was. “ you- we saw the first. Find your own er-“ he slurred. Pulling a fist back as if to swing.
[post deleted by owner]
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ "this is more into the scientific part of life, I'm more on the art half of life. But it is really interesting. I hope you're not making the subjects difficult for your students to understand or memorise" Jeff said as he was interested into these kinds of things, science, knowledge and teaching is one extra thing to be curious about. "Me, I only went to art related schools all my life. Mostly focusing on literature and languages during high school then I went to Polytechnic Institute. At that time I started my illustration work. First I would try to draw the picturing events or scenes from books I've read then it became a little bit famous and during my mandatory service period I started the work on crime scenes too. Not many detective believe it is effective to have the scene of a crime being rebuilt but my work helped solving a crime or two before." Jeff spoke proudly of himself, he never talked much about his life or his work but when he did he was confident and always proud of his choice of career. "I think living in a small city is more comfortable, would it be me interfering if I ask about what your lab work will focus on?" the beta asked curiously as they kept walking and took a sip of his beer every now and then.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ "Yeah, I started working as one a few months ago. For now basic biology, molecular biology for the freshmen to be more specific," he smiled with a subtle laugh at the sequence of questions, which didn't bother him at all. "It's okay to ask, don't worry. What about you?" Hyeonjoong listened to the beta's answer to his previous question while nodding to show he was following. "I only lived in a big city as an undergrad student. The night life was great but I'm more used to a smaller city, so I adapted well here." Judging from the questions, Jeff seemed very interested in the alpha's work and that was something he was comfortable with as he was proud of his profession. "I'm doing a post-doc and I'm a part-time professor, so it's a mix of research and teaching. My goal is to have my own lab someday."
Im Luonᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Even on Luon's days off, he enjoyed taking a nice dip at the beach or even going scuba diving, he loved the water so much and being alone at the beach more than being around people or out in the heat. He always wished mermaids were real, he would definitely want to be like them and if they were real, maybe they would let him.

He had finished exploring under the water and was up on the sandy land, removing his gear to pack it away. He grabbed his towel to dry out his long dark hair, while his wetsuit was ped and the upper half was hanging below his waist, allowing bystanders to see the ink artwork decorating his slender frame. The beach was quiet around this time of day, but a group of obnoxious alphas who were already smoking and drinking, stumbled by catching a glimpse of the single omega.

The intoxicated group of men went over to pester and 'flirt' with the man, but he wouldn't have it. Luon despised all alphas and never gave anyone a chance to prove they weren't all bad. They threw their best attempts at pickup lines that only made the omega scrunched his face, displeased and cringing at them. He was annoyed with them circling around him, their scents making him sick. "I'm not going to be sleeping with anyone here, so scram, you annoying s...." They didn't like what they were called, they became more aggressive in their drunk state as they closed the distance around Luon. "Back away or I swear you guys will regret it."
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Jeff smiled softly nodding as he following to the bar. The place was quite nice and not so crowded and the music was nice so the wait wasn't so bad. "a PhD? This means you're a professor? What field? Wait, I'm asking too many questions at once, I'm sorry" The beta chuckled softly at his own actions before calming down as he recieved his drink with a small nod and a barely audible 'thank you'. "I like it here, living is completely different from my life before, it is quiet and I like quiet sometimes." Jeff said before he held up his beer first for cheers before he could take a sip of his drink. "Let me ask you again about your work, what is it like?"
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ Hyeonjoong nodded when the other male agreed about the beer. They had already found something in common, they could go out drinking next time. “Let’s order it, then,” he said, not wasting any time before heading to the counter of the bar to ask for two beers. It was a simple order and the place wasn’t crowded yet so it would be a short wait. “I moved here for my PhD, so I’m here for a few years already. I’m pretty acquainted with the city if you need someone to guide you around,” he rested his back against the counter as he spoke. “But yeah, I like it. It’s a good place to live and it gave me the chance to grow both academically and professionally. How about you? Do you like it so far, despite getting lost?” The beers were ready and he turned around to accept them, giving one to Jeff.
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ The smile on the alpha's face explained it all but Jeff decided not to talk much about it. In fact, Jeff found it amusing and interesting at the same time, but he wouldn't play the detective for too long since he wanted to enjoy their date. "Beer sounds good, having it and walking by the shore is a brilliant idea now. The view will be all ours" He added thinking that it will probably less crowded if they walk by the shore as not many people would be swimming at this time. Having a safe distance from crowds made the beta feel more at ease as they two walked side by side. "So, How is it for you being here in this city? Do you like it? Some time has passed for me since I moved here but I still get confused or lost sometimes." Asked the beta as they walked looking at Hyeonjoong once as he spoke before looking at the street ahead of him.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ Hyeonjoong looked away with a sheepish smile as his lie was seen through, not denying it but not admitting it either - he was too proud for that. “Good. Do you drink beer? I’d fancy a cold beer right now, but if you don’t feel like having alcohol we can go for juice, maybe ice cream,” he replied. Any time was a good time to have a beer in his eyes, but he didn’t want to seem like an alcoholic if that wasn’t the same for Jeff. And, to be honest, anything cold would be a good match for the sun and the gentle sea breeze that started to hit their faces. “Most of the bars are in the next block, it’s very lively there around this time of the day. We can find something to drink and then walk on the seashore.” As the evening approached, people exchanged the sea for the bars nearby, and others arrived to meet their friends. Hyeonjoong had strategically set up their meeting place away from the crowds so it would be easier for them to spot each other, but now he didn’t have to be afraid of losing his date among other people. He only had eyes for him at that moment, and he walked leisurely so they could pick a shop to stop at.
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ As Jeff got closer and saw Hyeonjoong standing up from his seat, it made the beta realize the height and built difference between them both. During the game everyone was seated comfortably but now it is just the two of them face to face. "No need to be all gentle, I can tell you have been here for ten minutes already" The beta chuckled softly thinking for a moment as he wondered to himself if he has eaten or not. "I'm sure some time already passed since my last meal but I think it would be more refreshing to grab a drink on the way... The beach is nice I don't want to be dustractd by food now" Jeff stated even though it wasn't all he wanted to say, he would add that he didn't want to focus on things other that the date and Hyeonjoong, they met to get to know each other better and food seemed to be a distraction at the moment. "Let's eat when we reach the restaurant you mentioned" Hyeonjoong seemed to have everything planned already so it would be better not to demand for anything else. "Which way shall we start our walk? I'm ready for a good walk" Jeff added as he tucked his sunglasses in his pocket as they wouldn't be needed again.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ As Jeff got closer, Hyeonjoong stood up from his seat to greet him, and also to ready himself to leave that spot. He wouldn’t have invited the beta on a date if it were just for them to spend time seated. The first moments were important to cause a good impression. “No, I just got here,” he replied as he returned the smile. It wasn’t entirely true, he was there for a good ten minutes, but it was his fault for always arriving early for any appointment. “Have you eaten yet? We can grab a snack or drink to have while we watch the sunset,” he said before taking a quick glance at the sky. It was just starting to turn orange. “And after that, we can have dinner, there’s a nice restaurant by the pier not far from here.” Hyeonjoong is the type that is cold through texts and he didn’t get into details beforehand, but he had the whole date thoroughly planned out. He wasn’t the best at dealing with the unexpected for a variety of reasons, so he tried to keep his life ordered to have it under control.
Christian Yuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Felix Leeᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ “Hey watch that tongue of yours,” he laughed playfully tapping your cheek following the male over to the towel sitting down on it. Be brings his knees to his chest to get comfortable and smiles nodding softly. “Only if you’re on the menu~” he winks sorting some of the shells. “Messing with you, I’d love one. What do you got?”
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago

@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Jeff would be lying if eve said that he wasn't excites about this date. He was excited and even more curious to figure out what was interesting enough in him to have someone who is a complete stranger like Hyeonjoong ask him out for a date. Even if the intention was only to get to know each other, The beta was looking forward to it. He was worried the Hyeonjoong might forget about texting him bit just as he was thinking about it, his phone buzzed. "The beach.. What do I have that would suit a walk by the beach" Humming to himself Jeff didn't even notice he was looking through his clothes as if he wanted to be all dolled up. If anyone saw him they would think he was already having a crush on Hyeonjoong but that wasn't the case. All Jeff wanted was a nice date with a suitable yet memorable outfit because he is not always a messy one. Picking out the pieces he liked according to his own ballet of colors he got dressed up and headed out.

The beach wasn't far from where he was staying but the search for where Hyeonjoong was waiting for him took quite some time. All people were dressed in beach outfits and since the beta didn't know Hyeonjoong all too well he didn't know what he would look like in beach clothes, colors and the sunlight didn't help either. Finally as he was still walking, Jeff managed to see someone waving to him. He took a glance around just to make sure before he sped up his steps after it was confirmed that it was Hyeonjoong. "Did I keep you waiting for long?" Jeff asked with a smile as he lifted up the sunglasses he was waiting to the top of his head.



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niente 1 week ago
thinking.. debating.
direraven 2 weeks ago
is this place active?
steadymylove 2 months ago
Hi, could I have NCT's Jaehyun as an alpha
Pretty sure he wasn't there in the ml, but if he is, then Svt's Mingyu, also as an alpha.
sugaisbias 2 months ago
Can I reserve Jeong Yunho please?
3a94be82ad0ef90e5141 3 months ago
Do you need more alpha?!
PurpleAnon 3 months ago
Looks tempting ; u ;
broski 3 months ago
ouo how active is this?
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an omega, please!
Kaworu 3 months ago
i'm greedy and i'm here to ask for both baekho and akito miyoshi, please
unevenstars 4 months ago
got7s bambam as an alpha please ^^
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