



A place for the children in the pack to be just that, children. workers here try to keep things light and cheerful so that the kids don't have to think about too much.

Christian Yuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 1 month ago
@Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Christian smiled as he let Ian stand next to him. The little boy kept looking up curiously at Ricky and his bright coloured hair. The two older males were completely different from each other and little Ian could see it. But at someone he wanted to be a good boy and do as his father told him, being nice and quiet until he was back. "Hello old brother" little Ian spoke and lightly tapped his small palm to Ricky's hand smiling before reaching up to feel the red strange of hair curiously observing them like something completely new to him. "Papa said he needs to work and we can play until then" Little Ian's tone sounded too much like his own father's tone whenever he spoke about work, strict and professional.

Christian watched the two interact and even though he was still not so comfortable leaving his son alone with anyone, the interaction between the two seemed to be smooth enough. After all he wasn't planning to stay away for too long. "Seems like you two are becoming good friends already. You will have lots of fun together. As for me... Ricky, you know my numbers if anything happens just call okay and little Ian knows my number too right buddy?" Christian was in a hurry as he needed to know that everything would be fine yet he needed to leave quickly to resume his mission. "I will call to check on you when I have the time too... Now I gotta go" It was the last thing Christian said before he gave Ricky's shoulder a gentle squeeze and turned around leaving the two standing together.

It took little Ian a moment to realise that he was now left alone with Ricky and he wasn't sure of how to call the other to get his attention so he gently held Ricky's hand with his tiny fingers and looked up at him. "Let's go to park... I will show you something big there"
Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 1 month ago
@Christian Yuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Ricky could see the alpha, head and shoulders over most of the moms that filled the crowd. It was easy enough to find him, but he tried not to look too interested... Or let his eyes plead for mercy among the throng of people that was nothing like the clubs he frequented, or concerts he went to. These were tiny people, much more delicate. He couldn't kick one, or break an arm if they did something wrong. How inconvenient.

Still, the teenager put on a smile when the other wolf made it close enough that he could scent him over the many other scents in the crowd, often cheap perfume and knockoff designer scents that hurt his nose. At this point, fresh air would be a blessing. "Hello, Christian. This must be little Ian?" He asked softly, sharp eyes curling slightly up with his practiced smile. It was as close to genuine as could be believed, and Ricky made it habit to use this small smile so that it wouldn't fade or lose what little authenticity he'd been able to imbue in it. As he crouched down to get at the child's eye level, he held out a hand, long fingers splayed wide as he waited for a high-five from the boy. "I'm Ricky. I'm a friend of your father's." He said the words slowly and clearly to ensure that there were no later misunderstandings, nor questions of why he was here and Christian was gone. "Your baba has something to do today and asked me to take care of watching you for a bit. Will that be okay? I can buy you a snack from one of the vendors at the park, and we can play with some of the other kids that are headed over there now."

The offers were easy; Ricky was used to negotiating information out of much tougher targets. A toddler shouldn't be able to beat him, but just in case, he had brought enough money to buy one of the little stalls that operated in the park, much less purchase out whatever snacks little Ian might want for his after-school treat. Kids liked treats, he'd read. They were a lot like dogs that way: Food-motivated. He could work with that.
Christian Yuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 2 months ago
@Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Morning routine to send little Ian to day care was not that difficult eveb though he got some questions to answer about why he wasn't there all the time the previous night. "Appa had work to do little one, today you will behave okay. We are meeting new friend remember?" the little boy nodded in agreement and forgot about all the questions which made Christian's heart a little lighter.

The couple hours from eight am until twelve in the noon, Christian focused on one single task. Getting the information his most demanding client wanted. It wasn't easy to find a way to get any close to the head CEO of one of the biggest businesses around. Luckily, Christian was able to make a spot in the driving staff members which would be full of good gossip if he needed to collect enough details without being noticed. Time was running too fast once it started and he only have like ten minutes before he needed to drive the man himself somewhere but he needed to let Ricky meet with Ian first.

He showed up at the daycare early enough to meet Ian's teacher and make sure that Ian looked all nice and behaved well. "Are you ready to meet our new friend?" Christian asked curiously but Ian looked at him with a judging look. "Do I have to? I'm big boy if papa is busily I can stay at home" Ian's words shocked Christian but he smiled softly "Well, appa is busy for long hours today and Ricky is going to take you to the park, it will be fun to play outside instead of staying inside alone, right?" Christian tried to get Ian to smile and feel easy about meeting Ricky. It was never easy for both of them to let other people spend long te with them and Christian knew how it would make little Ian anxious. "let's have fun okay, you will tell me about all the adventures to make today" Christian said as he held Ian's hand and started walking outside the building seeing the wave of parents coming in to take their kids. Among the crowd a particular red haired friend could be seen and Christian approached with Ian smiling widely to see Ricky already there on time. "You really came, I was worried you might forget"
Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 2 months ago
@Christian Yuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Ricky had dressed so far down, he wasn't even sure these were really his clothes. The tall male sported jeans and a cardigan over one of his more plain, 'casual' polo shirts, and he had to ask himself if it was even acceptable to be around a pup. At least he could throw them away after this little playdate if he had to? He still wasn't sure what it would entail, or what sort of criminal acts he'd have to deal with - like snotty noses and accidents in pants he didn't want to change.

Kids were never a part of the plan, and he couldn't believe they'd somehow become involved in one of his father's larger ones.

Before he flushed the napkin away, he'd memorized the daycare's location and the park's layout nearby. The omega made the walk from where he'd asked to be dropped off with time to spare, he was almost certain of it. Ricky checked the Rolex around his wrist. 12:58. He was early, but not too early that it would show him as standing out or eager. Everything had a certain timing, and he was sure to fit into those sorts of confinements, no matter what it was about - dates, parties, appointments - the etiquette had been burned into him as a youngster. Ricky squared his shoulders when he joined the crowd of parents seemingly waiting to pick up little people, offering smiles when needed but otherwise just scanning the space for Christian and his pup.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Yuri hid his smile with a shake of his head listening to the two babble. “Mmm..” Subins cheeks puffed out as he thinks tapping at Junho’s own cheeks turning his face as if checking his features. Little legs dangling on either side of the man. “Appa who more handsum?” Subin asks roping Yuri in who laughs head tossing back. “Oh no no you’re not roping me into this one binnie~ appas lips are sealed cutie. Don’t be dragging me in. Come on you two were here”

//I’ll post the rest in his apartment room :3
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri “I just like to keep it as a secret, hoping you won’t know and here I am, spilling the tea myself.” Junho chuckled, feeling a bit relax after exchanging some friendly conversation with Yuri and their son. They waited until the lights turned green and crossed the street while Subin spilled the tea about Yuri who admired iron man just because he’s handsome. “Oh? Than uncle is much more handsome than iron man!” Well, he got Yuri in the first place so Junho basically won the fight right? “Do you think uncle or iron man that is more handsome?”
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Yuri stops while waiting for the cross walk to signal they could go. Subins busy wiping away the tears his uncle was shedding. “No cry” he mumbles tongue sticking out the side in concentration.

Yuri looks back smiling at his son gently rubbing his back. “Yeah..? I didn’t know that. You never told me.” He whispered too wondering what else he didn’t know about the man he once loved dearly.

When the light changes he starts walking motioning for the man to follow him more. “Appa he he like ion man! Say he handtum” Subin giggles covering his face hiding it in the uncles shoulder when Yuri gasps as if spilling a secret
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri With Subin in his arms, Junho followed Yuri from behind as he led the way to their apartment. Looking upclose, their son got all Yuri’s good features. His foxy kind of eyes, lips and even the way he looked at him looks the same as how Yuri used to look at him with. The alpha smile as he listened to his little man question, glanced to his ex lover before caressing on Subin’s head. “Eung. Uncle love thor, he’s the best superhero!” He chuckled before looking at Yuri with an ashmed smile. “I had the same issue when I was a little. That’s what my late mom told me.” Even now, he only inherited a flaw to his precious son. It shattered his heart. Maybe he shouldn’t come to this pack, maybe they shouldn’t meet again. Alpha should a strong, dominant wolf but in front of Yuri, he’s nothing but a lone wolf with shame.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Watching the interaction. Yuri should feel l happy but he felt worried. Not for himself but for Subin. And worried as to what the man who left them years ago wanted from him from them. “Yes, it’s a quick walk from here.” Try led the way continuously glancing back to make sure his son was okay. Subin was his number one priority and always was. Always will be. “Uncle, you like tor too? Appa appa say he big ‘ero! Save worwrd” Yuri’s smile came out as his son was always able to do that to him. Bring him back to earth with his cute ways. “He has a small speech issue. We’re not sure if it’s from just learning to talk or if it’ll stay with him.”
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ //oooo yes that perfectly fine love my bad!!
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri (I know.. but Junho sense it.. is that okay? I think I write it as he sensed it?)
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ //buns he was thinking it he didn’t say it aloud ;; want to roll with it or redo the reply?
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri Being a wolf, Junho could sense the anger within Yuri the moment he slipped on ‘dad’, which he directly changed to uncle within a second. Yuri’s body language has become protective to his son, even spitted out the fact that Junho never provided and contributed to anything for Subin’s growth. His words pierced him hard and couldn’t help but sigh in defeat. The alpha’s face lit up the moment Yuri asked Subin, wished the little man will have no problem with him. Junho stepped closer to Yuri second after Subin held out his arms, allowing the alpha to hold on to his blood and flesh. His arms shook a little, afraid his precious son will fall the moment he held onto him. Once Subin is in his arms, Junho held on him protectively and caressing his head, unaware of his tears on his cheek as he smile and looked at his son’s face from upclose. “Shall… shall we go? It’s kind pf cloudy now.”
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ ‘Dad’ he knew what Junho was going to say- his head quickly glanced at the man eyes narrowing. Anger flared in him. He wanted to shout at the alpha. How dare he even suggest being called such a thing. Junho wasn’t a father, a daddy or appa. He wasn’t anything to them. He left them high and dry when Yuri needed him most. But he kept all that in. He didn’t say anything. Not in front of his son. Yuri held Subin tighter nuzzling his sons cheek. He wished many times before this too that he could scent his son leave his presence on the boy to protect him. But he was a mere human. He had no way to. “I..we don’t need you buy him clothes. He has plenty. I’ve taken great care of my son, he’s had everything he could want and more since before he was born.” Yuri reminded the man. Looking back at Subin Yuri leaned his head back, “Binnie, do you want uncle to hold you?” He asked since his son could speak for himself.. sometimes. “Appa arm tired?” Subin asks back laying his head on his fathers shoulder staring at the man in front of him whom he never met before silently nodding and holding his arms out towards Junho. “Okay.. uncle hold”
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri The guilt trapped him once again. Is Junho searching for Yuri is the right thing? He has left Yuri when he’s pregnant with their baby whom he name as Subin and now, the human even invited him to their place to talk things out. If he doesn’t make it right this time, the alpha better out of the human’s sight for good. A soft smile creeped on his face upon seeing the interaction between father-son, wonder will Subin accepted him? Or hate him after he knew what he has done to his beloved father. “You- You like thor… Subin?” Clenching his teeth, Junho asked the little boy. “Dad- I mean uncle will buy you some thor clothes.” He looked at Subin with loving gaze before noded and accepted his offer. “Yuri, it might sounds rude but… can I hold him until we get to your apartment?” If today will be their last day seeing each other, at least Junho knew how it feels to hold his son he has never seen and taken care of.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Yuri glanced back to the daycare and nibbles on his lower lip. He didn’t want to send Subin back in because he already doesn’t want to get up in the mornings to go to daycare as is, “Why don’t you um.. join us? I was going to take him out to lunch but if you want to talk..” Yuri looks to Subin playfully nibbling on his sons cheek. “Baby, change of plans. We’re going to go home first okay? Hm? Get out of these stinky clothes we’re in so we’re nice and fresh for our date. Doesn’t that sound better?” He hiked his son up higher on his hip since the backpack was pulling down his shoulder making him slip but he was used to the slight struggle. Subin nods and wiggles in his fathers arms. “I can wear tor?” He asks eyes big and brown looking oh so hopeful. Yuri doesn’t have the heart to say no. “Sure baby you can wear your Thor outfit, just this once okay?” Although that was a lie he’s let the boy wear it out magnitudes of times. Looking back at Junho Yuri gives a soft smile. “We can talk while he’s distracted with his toys at the apartment. Sound good?”
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri It was a brief glance but Junho knew it’s their baby and he looked exactly like Yuri. ‘At least I have seen them’ he has no regrets now.


The alpha stopped on his track and eventually he raised his head and made eye contact with his ex lover. Junho is ready if he hit him, throw something or even kill him. Lee Junho deserved everything he has thought of. Instead of doing what he was thinking, Yuri took a deep breath and questioned his presence : why he is here and how did he finds out about them. Knowing it’s not the right place to talk about it since some eyes were on them already, Junho braved himself to held onto his hand. “Let’s talk about it somewhere else.” Looked around, he found a playground next to the daycare where some kids were playing along. “Let him play with them and we’ll talk about this.”
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Yuri stares at the man he once loved with every bone in his body. The way he whispered his name so faint but the man still heard it sent goosebumps through his body. Subin glances at Junho and gives a small wave always so friendly to everyone he sees. “Wait-“ Yuri called out and stopped the man before he even realized it. Why? He didn’t know. He had so many questions, yet the emotions were taking over. He wanted to yell and scream at Junho for showing his face. Hit him and cry. He wanted to know why. But those were things of the past. Yuri’s changed. Having a son, being a single parent does that to you. Yuri closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “What are you doing here Junho? How.. how did you find me- us..?” Surly none of his friends or family would have said anything. Yuri made sure when he left to ask them to stay silent and keep a promise to him. But how? Why? What was Jinho doing here?
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri Once the song stop, they clapped with a smile before saying goodbye to the teacher, take their backpack and go in one line to the front, ready to be picked up by their parents. The alpha moved aside but his eyes fixed on the situation inside, unaware of what’s around him. ‘If only I didn’t left Yuri, I might be one of those parents.’ He thought with a force smile. Junho was going out from the daycare when he felt this sudden pain in his chest, made him groan in pain as it intensify. With the remaining power left inside him, he turned around but caught a sight he wished to see every single day. A human who used to bid him good morning and good night, the man a share bed with him every single day and the man who he let go due to his ego and definition of happiness in his own perspective. “Yu-ri?” It was like a whisper rather than a greeting. His dark brown orbs moved to a small little boy in his arms as the pain subdue. How he wanted to run and hug them, beg for his forgiveness but he knew better than anyone he shouldn’t do that. ‘Stupid Junho, he won’t forgive you. You better go.’ Biting on his lower lip, Junho glanced on them with longing before he walked passed them with head down in shame.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Having the day to himself Yuri was able to finish moving all of his and subins things into the room, had the nanny cams installed and make a few play dates with some of the memebers of the new pack he joined. He was happy to have started finding friends and his son to be welcomed by the pack with open arms. It meant the world to Yuri. Today was like any other day, Yuri was picking up Subin to take him out for dinner and a walk to the playground like he promised the boy this morning since he had eaten all his breakfast like the good boy he was. “Ready binnie? You hungry?” He asked picking up his sun hiking him on his shoulder nuzzling the boys cheek showering kisses on it. He waved to the daycare worker and opened the front door “Thanks again, see you guys tomorrow! Bye~” he waved turning to walk out focused on his son. “Did you have a good day today?” he asked not noticing the man next to the glass till he passes and catches a lingering scent. Yuri’s body tenses and his hold on his son tightens as he stands there Subin chatting away on his hip, when he notices his father not looking at him the tiny toddler gently holds his fathers cheeks to turn and face him where he smiles at the man. “Appa okay?” He asked squishing Yuri’s cheeks who smiles kissing his son nodding petting his sons hair he slowly turns around to face the scent he once loved and craved everyday before it turned to hatred. He takes a step back locking eyes on the male. It couldn’t be. He must’ve been seeing things from lack of sleep.
Lee Junhoᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Park Yuri “Where is it?” Junho muttered himself as his eyes were looking at signs of every building, trying to find a building he has been looking for. Midway, a small yet colourful building caught his attention. Not because of the size nor the colour, but simply due to the sign on the door : Daycare. The alpha was hestitant at first but braced himself to stepped closer and peeked through a small transparent window, watching little kids sing along with their teacher. His lips tugged into a soft smile, wonder how much his baby has grown up. The baby should be around their age, maybe he’s one of them. Forgetting everything else, he hummed along while peeking inside.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 10 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghanᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Subin looks at Jeonghan leaning over to whisper to the worker. “You know how make yellow cake?” He asked puckering his lips as if showing a sour look. This makes Yuri chuckle under his breath. “He means lemon when he says yellow.” Yuri crouched back down opening his arms for Subin. “Come give appa a hug, looks like your new friend is waiting baby.”

Yuri gives his son the biggest hug kissing his cheek. “Your snacks are in your backpack. When I pick you back up we’ll go out to dinner okay? Somewhere special for your first day. I love you buddy.”

Subin tells his father he loved him too and the two parted. Subin was still obviously unsure as he went to Jeonghan to take his hand. Sad eyes pointed at his father.
Yoon Jeonghanᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 10 months ago
@Park Yuri "Okay, since Subinnie has a liking for cakes, I'll definitely treat him to some! We can even learn how to bake them together and show our creations to Dad. How does that sound?" Jeonghan asked, aiming to uplift the little kid's spirits and reassure Yuri that he's capable of handling this situation. With a nod to Yuri, Jeonghan signaled that everything would be fine and that he knows how to handle such matters.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 10 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghanᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ With his fathers hand in his

Seeing the worker easily talk to his son Yuri felt at ease with leaving his son here even for a few hours. “I like tea- cakes” Subins jaw sacked before he eaned in to try and whisper-it wasnt. “I love cakes”

Yuri chuckle crouching down behidnhis son getnlly rubbing the toddlers back, “Binnie why dont you show you skills to Mr.Park here, maybe he can show you how to make tea hm? And when appa comes back to get you you can show him everything youve learned. Doesnt that sound fun?” Yuri asked softly silently thanking Jeonghan for being a help.

Subin looked at his father pusing his lips in thought. He was obviously still unsure
Yoon Jeonghanᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 10 months ago
@Park Yuri Jeonghan observed two incredibly endearing interactions, and his heart felt a flutter of joy upon witnessing them. When the child approached him with a waddling gait, Jeonghan instinctively crouched down to meet the child's eye level, as he had learned that it was important when interacting with kids. "Certainly! I have plenty of experience in making them," Jeonghan assured, his smile unwavering. "And not only that, I'm also quite skilled at brewing tea. By the way, Subinnie, do you happen to enjoy cakes as well?"
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 10 months ago
@Yoon Jeonghanᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Sbin hugged Yuris leg hiding his face sniffling, Yuri’s hand stroking his sons hair. “He’s being shy. Doent want appa to go to work and instead insists we stay home and play chef.” Yuri smiled warmly. Subins brows frowned as he looked at his father as if he was just insulted. “Not chef! Cafe appa cafe” His lower lip pushed out in a pout making the man crouch poke his sons lip. “Cafe, im sorry binnie, maybe you and Mr. Yoon can play cafe instead? You can show him the ropes? Hm?” Subin looks over at the wolf and then back to his father before waddling over to the omega. “You..you know how to make copy?” he asked head tilting to the side. Yuri tries to hide his smile, mouthing coffee at Jeonghan.
Yoon Jeonghanᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 10 months ago
@Park Yuri Jeonghan had been helping other children when he suddenly heard someone calling for him. He immediately rushed towards the person and greeted the father with a polite bow and a friendly smile. "Oh, it's our little Subinnie... What's the matter? Why are you feeling sad today?" he asked in a gentle and caring voice, turning his attention towards Yuri with a look of genuine concern.
Monster Wooᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 10 months ago
yuri enters the daycare, son subin in his arms who was already getting upset about having to leave his fathers care. "Um.. Hello is anyone here?" he called out crouching down to set his son down and give him some words of encouragement


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niente 1 week ago
thinking.. debating.
direraven 2 weeks ago
is this place active?
steadymylove 2 months ago
Hi, could I have NCT's Jaehyun as an alpha
Pretty sure he wasn't there in the ml, but if he is, then Svt's Mingyu, also as an alpha.
sugaisbias 2 months ago
Can I reserve Jeong Yunho please?
3a94be82ad0ef90e5141 3 months ago
Do you need more alpha?!
PurpleAnon 3 months ago
Looks tempting ; u ;
broski 3 months ago
ouo how active is this?
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an omega, please!
Kaworu 3 months ago
i'm greedy and i'm here to ask for both baekho and akito miyoshi, please
unevenstars 4 months ago
got7s bambam as an alpha please ^^
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