Founded in 2008, Beta Delta Epsilon (BΔE) is an all-gender fraternity formed under the motto "Be the change," an abbreviated form of the phrase "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

It is a clever title, as explained by one student:

"Beta stands for 'B', as in 'Be.' Delta is the symbol for change, so it stands for 'Change'. Epsilon stands for 'E' so it could be 'Everywhere,' for our intents and purposes. Therefore, Be the Change!"

faye chantharat. 3 months ago
@sage jung. faye was very well aware that attention was on her. she wasnt really put off by it, even if she was new to all of this, a new face, a new body. she didnt even care who was looking at her, but rather that her words were sticking to the idiot that decided to cause a fuss. men. disgusting. as much as she put herself out there, she was beginning to wonder more and more if any of it was worth it. dating, relationships-- eh, whatever. she was just here to have fun. so much for that, at least.

hearing another voice pipe up, faye hesitated as her cup hovered in front of her lips. did someone really think it was alright to jump in? she stayed quiet, glancing over to where the voice came from, a small scoff on her lips when she caught sight of the boy who spoke. he had a girl on his arm, tucked up against his side, whatever, and it made her roll her eyes. "oh, i dont need help from the peanut gallery. you can keep sitting this one out." there was another round of oohs as she snapped at him now too. leaning back, she chugged the rest of her drink, dropping the cup to the side, rolling her gaze between the two men she was dealing with. "if you two are done now, i'd really like to go back to enjoying my night." because lord knows she'd walk out that door if she couldnt.
sage jung. 4 months ago
@faye chantharat. sage usually blocked out whatever banter he heard at parties. it was crowded, mostly everybody was ing drunk, there was bound to at least be one disagreement or something where somebody else said something that another person didn't like. unless somebody's wellbeing were in danger, he couldn't find it in himself to care what got other people upset. and anyways sage /usually/ preferred to put most if not all of the attention he had on whoever would be occupying his time (and bed) after the party. usually. the sound of a unfamiliar voice caught his attention— no, no, more like what the voice SAID had caught his attention and he whipped his head from the woman at his side and in the direction of another.

had she been here this entire time? perhaps his "friend" had brought her with him to the party, because otherwise sage knew he would've seen her sooner. maybe it was good that he didn't, knowing once he caught a glance he'd dump this chick on his right and try his hand at getting her there instead. yeah, no chance she came to this party by herself. she was far too beautiful to be alone and now this idiot of a sophomore was about to blow it with her. "yeah, seojun, got something to say? by the looks of it she already called you out," he couldn't help but chide in, still unable to remove his eyes from her even as he took another sip from his solo cup. seojun never seemed to be too well-versed with women, or even men when it mattered, but it was hard to make him uncomfortable in situations like this; the boy usually had no shame. yet, now, everybody had a front row seat to his embarrassment and it was nobody's fault but his own. "i'd sit this one out if i were you, man."
faye chantharat. 4 months ago
@sage jung. faye knew she wasn't really a part of a "good" crowd, but that really was the whole point, wasnt it? she didnt want to just blend in, she wanted to stand out, catch attention, be loud and proud. if that meant showing up to a party that she had only been invited to because she knew the guy who asked her definitely wanted to get her drunk and alone... well, she was there, wasnt she? he seemed oh so happy to have her on his arm, slipping a drink into her hands, dropping a pick-up line or two. but faye... faye was far from interested. the sighs, the toss of her hair over her shoulder, it all was very evident how she felt about it all.

"c'mon... you wont even give me a shot?" that was his response when faye very politely (which is new to her) declined his offer to go home with him. with a sneer of disgust, the girl plucked his arm off of her shoulders, ducking under it to avoid his hold on her. she didnt even bother responding then, intent on finding someone else to talk to for the night, even if it seemed like every guy there had a dainty little blonde (literally) tucked up against him. he said something, bragging about how he didnt even need her anyways, typical behavior from an insecure man. "you dont even know what you're missing out on, honey. you'll never find as good as mine."

that had faye spinning around, hair almost quite literally snapping as she whipped her head, frowning at the guy. she stalked over to him, one hand holding her drink, the other lifting to jab two of her fingers against his chest. "if you're 's so big, why don't you just go yourself off, 'cause i have better things to use my mouth on," faye nearly spat the words at him, even his buddies around him erupted in a chorus of oohs and laughter, teasing him for the clapback from faye. but he was so embarrassed, trying to find something else to say, making fumbling noises as he just seemed to grow angrier. "hm? go on, got something to say?"
sage jung. 4 months ago
@faye chantharat. it wasn't out of the normal for sage to be at a frat party. hell, he was apart of this fraternity in particular. it'd be alarming if nobody caught a glance of him at least once the entire night. volleyball season had been off to a great start, the team having won their first game of the season early last week and just now found the time for everybody to celebrate together. sage had begun his celebration early, having attended another fraternity party off campus on friday, but who would he be to turn down free booze and an almost guaranteed lay?

"dude, i'm so ing psyched for our next game. they're already saying it looks like we'll make it to nationals with our current lineup!" a chorus of cheers could be heard from the friend group standing near sage, who was almost too busy pouring more vodka in his inadequate mix of cranberry juice and lime to hear what was said. "woah, slowdown there. our season just started and we don't need you jinxing us after a lucky game, one /you/ almost cost us with that lousy serve of yours," sage commented, grin spread wide across his face even as he lifted the red solo cup to his lips, team beginning to laugh and cause his victim to feign hurt.

"what type of leader are you?" he accused sage teasingly, gently nudging his shoulder against the elder. "a good one. now you owe me 30 bucks for saving your from 50 dives and rolls immediately after the game." the feeling of warmth cuddling into his right arm reminded him that his company had returned, immediately turning his attention back to the shorter blonde that he initially entered the party with. "you're warm. it's too cold in here," she pouted, smushing her barely concealed tighter into him. he couldn't even remember where he knew her from. was it from programming class? maybe it was from a elective he needed, either way, he could care less. sage shamelessly allowed himself to stare, brown eyes only pulling themselves back up to look at her when she giggled. "you're staring." sage hummed, acknowledging that he was. "and you're half before i even got you back to my place." he was so immersed in his conversation that he hadn't even paid attention to the new people that approached his group in the kitchen of the frat party.
victor park. 9 months ago
@bae geonhee. Victor felt... old. Like, old old. Perhaps it was because he was nearly ten years older than some of the freshest faces in this place, or maybe it was because, well... He was old.

He didn't really know why he bothered coming here; the few friends he had on his team weren't coming since they had an upcoming game (and by upcoming, they meant, like, 2 weeks from now) and were getting their well-deserved 8-hours of beauty sleep instead of intermingling with this year's biggest party. In hindsight, Victor should've listened to them and spent this energetic night running on the treadmill or, god forbid, doing the homework he was already assigned, but this was his once chance at getting in with the school's social pool. And as someone who came here to IOU so late in life, he needed that extra... *push*, so to speak.

Maybe it was due to his mother's strict skincare routine she placed on him at a young age, but he didn't *look* much older than the other people here. He blended in with the seniors at this school, and while this school did have a varying population, nearly 30 years old was definitely reaching the precipice of what could be considered... friend material. At least to these teenagers and 20-year-olds who probably had no idea what a Discman was, not that Jongin was one of those older people who cared about things like that... He was just... out of his element.

What would he even talk about with these people? As the minutes passed, Victor felt more like a creep and less like a fellow like-minded peer, and he just wanted to hop into his car and leave.

And he was seriously considering this before he felt the tap on his shoulder and nearly jumped out of his skin at the fright. He wasn't sure if the other person noticed this, so he tried to play it off with a nervous chuckle, which probably made the situation more awkward. "Oh, uh... Hi, Cyrus." Great, really smooth. "I mean, it's always good to have the bathroom location on hand, right? Haha..." Victor did his best not to cringe at himself and smiled at this new person. "I'm Victor. Just trying to, uh... Blend in, I guess. You think I have the stealth skills of a chameleon? Or do you think elephant is more my category." He hoped Cyrus didn't mind a rambler because Victor was rambling himself into his grave.

[] IDK if you wanna respond to this (or want vic to respond) but i thought it would've made the most sense and i couldn't think of my own starter for him ghfdsj
jeon yoojung. 9 months ago
"who has aux? this song is kinda ." yoojung grumbles at the same song, zedd's clarity, playing for the nth time. someone needed to change BΔE frat's spotify playlist, but she couldn't be bothered to—most of the music she listened to was soft and certainly not fitting for a party. she was too sober for this. sipping on her drink, she knitted her brows at the taste. yoojung didn't help make the jungle juice this time, and it was far too weak for her taste. sauntering over to the spread of liquor on the kitchen island, she pours a cheeky shot or two of vodka into her red solo cup. taking a sip, the slightly traumatizing taste of alcohol graces her tongue. that's better.
bae geonhee. [A] 9 months ago
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ • • • ㅤㅤ homecoming hangout ㅤㅤ ╱ ㅤㅤ open starter + event ig!

Every year, the two fraternities would compete over who got to host IOU's famous kickoff event—the Homecoming Hangout. This year, it just so happened to be the BΔE frat's win and Geonhee was a little miffed, admittedly. The campus was known to be full of "competitive spirits who were all about sportsmanship," but this year felt like the ΡΣT frat was robbed in his not-so-objective opinion. He and some of his friends fully went into this with the mindset of recruiting fresh new faces on the low and trying to "sabotage" the BΔE's whole ordeal as payback for rigging the comp. Despite this, however, he was more excited to stop by the BΔE frat's house and almost immediately forgot about that as he and some of his friends pulled up. He'd been away from campus for the latter half of last semester because of work (touring, planning new releases, etc.) so he missed out on plenty of party plans that took place and COULD NOT WAIT to scope out this year's new friends as well as new competition. And as he got himself a drink, he spotted his first target across the way.

Casually and carefully does he meander through people to get over to this person. Just as he opened his mouth and was about to introduce himself, though, they were pulled away by someone else who wanted to go watch some idiots yell about a drinking competition. Wonderful timing. He closes his eyes with a timid smile at the slight embarrassment but exhales that feeling out as he pivots and scans the area for another friendly face to chat with. And much to his delight, someone actually taps on his shoulder so he didn't have to. It's someone unfamiliar, and someone who looked a little awkward and out of place... Perfect!

"Looking for the bathroom?" he jokes, fully turning his body in their direction and taking a swig of his drink as he gives them his full attention. "I'm Cyrus! What's your name and what's up?"

[ ! ] This is a random open starter for a casual party hangout that i'm trying to leave kind of open in case people have their own ideas they want to add. Reply to this if you want (will accept multiple responses), but also consider openly posting for this impromptu party scene event thing too! Will be posting with multiple muses for this, so let's just have fun and take it easy together!


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captaintycoon 3 months ago
— kim jungeun
— artms
— february 10, 1999
— lee shinyoung
collision 4 months ago
— natty suputhipong
— kiss of life
— may 30, 2002
— faye chantharat
babyqueen 4 months ago
— Alexaundra Schneiderman
— Soloist
— December 9, 1996
— Tatiana Byrne
lilybun 9 months ago
- choi yewon
- actress / oh my girl
- June 18 1999
- jin yeoreum
emptyhead 9 months ago
— cheng xiao
— ex-wjsn/soloist
— july 15, 1998
— xu shiyin
TheEmeraldPrince 9 months ago
This wasnt in the syllabus

-Bible Wichapas Sumettikul
-BOD: Dec 25 1997
-Vincent Pachara
This wasnt in the syllabus?
calhoun 9 months ago
— kim taehyung
— bts
— december 30, 1995
— rowan kang

— huh yunjin
— le sserafim
— october 8, 2001
— sophie hwang
wonholic 9 months ago
— tontawan tantivejakul
— thai actress
— november 7, 2000
— elyse tu
shinyechan 9 months ago
— choi yeonjun
— txt
— september 13, 1999
— luciel cha
[comment deleted by owner]
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