private beach.

alina yu. 9 months ago
@bae geonhee. The gentle chords of the ukelele, the splash of the waves, and even the faint noises the seagulls made were almost enough to pull Alina into a peaceful sleep. She had been able to pick on a few tunes from the ukelele, familiar songs she had heard somewhere, either on the radio or in a distant dream, sang her a lullaby that had Alina closing her eyes and basking in the moment. It wasn’t just the warmth of the setting sun or the cool breeze that started to settle in and create goosebumps on her skin, but it was just the presence of the man who sat a foot or two away from her that made her comfortable, even if the feeling was a little unsettling.

But why? She knew why, but there were only so many words in two languages Alina was fluent in that could explain why she felt this way… A feeling that her brain knew well since it sent currents through her body, made her chest tighten a little when the music stopped when she felt Geonhee’s body next to hers.

Alina hummed, ignoring the tingles that shot through her nervous system from the little bit of touch he gave her. “These kinds of moments are starting to feel rare these days,” She murmured, turning her head to catch his gaze. A small smile appeared on her face as she took in his features. He looked good, especially dressed like that. Alina didn’t expect this “outing” of theirs to be well… It was more akin to an actual date than what they had been doing. She was dressed in ripped jeans, rips she had no idea where they came from and a white tube top hidden underneath an oversized, black zip-up hoodie. She didn’t know where this hoodie came from, if she picked it up from a thrift store if it belonged to her brother or her father, or some fling she didn’t remember. Maybe it was even Geonhee’s, though the thought made her feel guilty,

She raised one of her hands to cup his cheek, her hoodie pooling at her wrists, leaving her shoulders bare. “You’re so cute for setting all of this up.”
bae geonhee. [A] 9 months ago
@alina yu. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ • • • ㅤㅤ waves ㅤㅤ ╱ ㅤㅤ ft. geonhee & alina

Sunset. He sits outside on a blanket at the campus' private restaurant beach with Alina—sunglasses and a cream-colored basket of leftovers beside two empty flutes of champagne, ukulele in his hands. His fingers delicately pluck at the strings, playing any old tune that came to mind, just fiddling with it while a smile as warm as the sun's heat spreads across his face. They had just finished their date in time to watch the sun fall below the horizon and it was nice. It felt nice to be out and carefree again, enjoying the solace of privacy in what would otherwise be a public place. It felt nice to see the sun touch the horizon and blend the blue of the sky with this pretty apricot color while beautiful shades of vermillion and soft purple hues embellish the clouds. It felt nice to have the subtle breeze graze his hair and tickle his skin. But what felt the best about today was the fact that he was with someone he hadn't had the pleasure of spending quality time with in a while. Someone he'd be scared to admit he felt this way about, but someone he regarded as the potential love of his life—Alina.

It probably wasn’t so ideal for her, coming to the school's private beach of all places. It probably wasn’t ideal for him, wearing the black, satin button-up and jeans he donned, but he wanted to look nice… feel nice and make sure that they were both comfortable somewhere private. Away from all the noise and his fans. And as the nearby street lights start to come on, as he sets down the ukulele in favor of scooting closer to her and pulling her flush against his body, he plants a soft kiss against the skin of her shoulder and whispers one thing besides her ear. "I'm happy we get moments like these... Just to ourselves."

[ ! ] I know I didn't add a lot of detail in my PM about the random starter I'd send, but I didn't know where I was gonna send it at the time and what I was gonna write dsnajnfj. This takes place after a date and while they watch the sunset at the uni's private beach, though. We can have them go on a walk or maybe go to the pier, visit some country club or hotel on the other side of the beach or something, idk, but yeah. Hope this is something we can work with!


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captaintycoon 3 months ago
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lilybun 9 months ago
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emptyhead 9 months ago
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TheEmeraldPrince 9 months ago
This wasnt in the syllabus

-Bible Wichapas Sumettikul
-BOD: Dec 25 1997
-Vincent Pachara
This wasnt in the syllabus?
calhoun 9 months ago
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wonholic 9 months ago
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shinyechan 9 months ago
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[comment deleted by owner]
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