✮⋆ long tags chat.

long tags chat
lim dayoung. 9 months ago
@nagumo shoma. hope you have a good day, shobear!!
oh? i’ve heard before that my words are kinda poetic, but it’s because i take time to think about what i’m gonna say when it’s really important. sometimes i just ramble on and on and on though.
that’s adorable wtf you’re gonna make my heart thump out of my chest !!!!!!! the cheesy is something i like btw
the rank is:
receiving gifts
physical touch
words of affirmation
quality time
acts of service
just know i’m very happy to be able to give someone i love the type of love they want and ask for.

okay maybe my crying isn’t ugly, but if i cry hard enough i’m sure it will be haha we can cry together and hold each other c: (i’m sure you cry very pretty)

woah there- you’re trying to come for my heart for sure, aren’t you? i love heartwarming stories
nagumo shoma. 9 months ago
@lim dayoung. good morning dayomi!
…you’re very poetic with your words. it makes me shy and kind of embarrassed the best i can come up with is: “with you, i prolong our conversations just so i can spend more time basking in your presence.” (cheesy i know)
i think the love languages all exist to some degree in everyone. how would you rank them for you?

i don’t think it’s possible for someone so sweet, with such a lovely soul, to do anything ugly.
but if you ugly cried, i’d have to do the same (but uglier), in solidarity.
(kidding, i’d offer tissues and my chest to cry into if you want to save face as an idol). (only if that’s what you want).

snack run to go home and watch howl’s moving castle? that’s one of my favorites. love studio ghibli and movies centered around the concept of family/identity
lim dayoung. 9 months ago
@nagumo shoma. endearing is a better way to describe it, but you're a lot more than a single word could describe.
that's very valid and i agree with it too. maybe i can be a little clingy sometimes though generally my energy stays the same. it can be more chill and express differently once i'm more comfy with someone.
there's a hint of each love language in me. they all have their ranks if you'd like to know those to understand more? oooo acts of service is a way i like to show love so noting that down!!!!! also words of affirmation is so great! you're gonna get so many affirmations :D
please- what if my crying was actually so ugly?? hm? it's okayyyy, i'm okayyy, i promise!
hmmm it sounds like there's a snack date brewing if you ask me. because this is so soft.
nagumo shoma. 9 months ago
@lim dayoung. [ ] np! thanks for taking the initiative to do so bc i wouldn’t have even realized…

(mom, she thinks i’m so cute. i won) honestly, i find you cute too. but cute can be overused, so i like to say endearing. you’re extremely endearing, dayomi.
same. my energy remains the same—unless i haven’t seen them in a while, so the energy is more. because i am genuinely excited to see them!
really? that’s interesting…for me it depends on the person. i believe my love languages can vary to a certain degree, but it falls under words of affirmation to begin with, followed by gift giving and then acts of service/quality time. i think it takes me a while to initiate physical touch. but once i am comfortable, i can be affectionate.
tears of joy ;; you’re so pretty, even when you cry :< do you need some tissues?
…don’t put ideas into my head. i will start envisioning and i won’t be able to stop.
i would hold the shopping basket in one hand and nuzzle your head with mine when you lean on my shoulder. maybe steal a mumu or two from the top of your head. scanning the shelves of the local conbini for your favorites!!!
lim dayoung. 9 months ago
@nagumo shoma. [i tag you here because it's getting long haha]

uh yeah i think you're cute! you're so cute it's kinda crazy!!
my energy for someone stays the same once i've formed a connection. if i am really really into them in the beginning it'll stay that way from then on. even if it's in bursts of more sometimes.
perhaps i'm very european hah.
physical touch is high up, but only when i am initiating it usually. my main one is receiving gifts (they don't always have to be big things of course it's the thought.) how about yours? hm?
i always get excited when i see you!! glad it's mutual c:
only tears of joy!!!!!!!
writing all of this down rn then we will get all of the snacks and try them!
that's sooo cute yes. gonna hold onto your arm to go get snacks with my head on your shoulder, looking up at you because i adore you.
reneé rapp. [pickles] 9 months ago
@kang seulgi. And I didn't want to poke you about it because I know you're a busy bee. I guess it's a sign from the universe to get back on that obsessive train okno
I'm free this weekend so hell yeah. I also would still very much like to do that so don't worry.
Damn- I don't do math but I just had to whip out a calculator for this one. So.... You owe me 9600 smooches. You better start paying up, girl
kang seulgi. 9 months ago
@reneé rapp. i swear i replied to you.. i’m so so so sorry i thought i was waiting for your response but didn’t check because i didn’t want to obsess over it. of course the one time i’m not being obsessive and playing it cool i miss this-
can we have our date sometime this week or this weekend??
it’s still very much something i’d love to do with you if you’ll have me!
will give you 100 smooches for every hour you waited for me to respond
✧˖° kim dahyun. [A] 9 months ago
@hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ () is okay, I figured :>

injailsirwhatjustwhatkindofcrimeareyougonnacommitinmyname aslknf
u//u I'm just the quirky girl next doooor. I guess church boys in every universe do be into that? :] sldkgd
wiggles in your arms, attempting to snuggle even closer.
and so are youuuu ;; or maybe rather smooth and swoonworthy ;;; but yes, yours. all yours. <3
hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ 9 months ago
@kim dahyun. () lmaooo also i meant want not one lmao

are you not? cause i feel like in every universe, everyone wants you to look at them, everyone = me
chuckles softly before wrapping my arms around you in a tight hug.
you're so cute gahhhhh mineminemine
✧˖° kim dahyun. [A] 9 months ago
@hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ () yep lol it seems you're 7 hours ahead

oh, nothing weird-- laknsf justsomethingtomakemeaddictedtoyouspecifically. u//u
alklsfkl you say that I'm some kind of celebrity? wait I mean laksnf we both are but like-- as if I'm the universal dream girl??? which, highly doubt, ahah. our own Nayeon is more popular to begin with--
flutters my lashes as I lean into your hand, sighing happily at the peck.
a a all mine ;;;; my heart ;; hugs you tightly once more, snuggling into your chest, nuzzling my cheek to yours.
hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ 9 months ago
@kim dahyun. () did you stalk then lmao

is it
gives you a dramatic look as i cover my mouth.
lets out a dramatic gasp only to laugh once again, shaking my head in amusement.
of course, who wouldn't one /the/ Kim Dahyun to simp for lil ol' me
a smile makes its way to my lips as i reach up to caress your cheek, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose.
you can have all of them, they're all yours
✧˖° kim dahyun. [A] 9 months ago
@hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ () tyyy ;;; it's near 3pm. yeah I noticed you wake early... but am not sure of our exact time diff either, something like 6 hours or more?. planned to stalk your app tho lol

I don't know? laughs too. something that's... not like anything else...
bites my lips, gaze shifting around as I feel shy under your gaze, but resist the urge to hide away.
I-- you want me to simp out loud, don't you ;n;
I just-- mumbles. always crave your company-- your touches-- now your kisses too--
hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ 9 months ago
@kim dahyun. () i wish you luck with your sleep sched bby :c wait what time is it for you, also i might sleep soon but i'll be up at dawn my time vhdbufdvijfh

a hint of me? what does that even mean?
lets out a soft laugh, shaking my head in amusement, still caressing your hip as i pull back, taking in all of your features, smiling to myself.
addicting how though?
✧˖° kim dahyun. [A] 9 months ago
@hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ () alskfjlk so it's exam period which means no classes and I messed up my sleep schedule rping late with minuses and these days I just find myself procastinating sleep even when I don't want to... just not having the executive function to lift my and get ready for bed x.x but now rp'ing with you too, I have motivation in the other direction too, to sleep early and wake early. alsfkn so hoping I can fix my sleep schedule again ahah.

I slowly grow more confident, gently molding our lips together, breath hitching at your teasing but I'm quick to recover and return the nibbles. eagerly give in to your pull, arms sliding around your neck and leaning into your chest.
I inhale shakily, taking a moment to clink my eyes open and look at you, giggling softly.
so do you-- with a hint of-- I don't know... you? laughs. but gosh, you're addictive.
hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ 9 months ago
@kim dahyun. () lmao go to sleep, you can reply later sweetie uwu
I was wondering why you were still up tbh cause isn’t it dawn your time???

my lips moves against yours, trying to be as gentle as i possibly could, adding in a bit of light teasing by nibbling your bottom lip and pressing my tongue against it. my arm around your waist tug you closer to me as my thumb caress your hip slightly before i pull back, pressing my forehead against yours.
You taste sweet
[post deleted by owner]
✧˖° kim dahyun. [A] 9 months ago
@hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ () sure, I don't mind!!

feeling shy under your gaze, I squirm on your lap, fingers playing with your shirt and unconsciously tugging on it.
o okay~
whispers with a small smile, instinctively leaning into your hand and closing my eyes as our lips meet, gingerly kissing back as my heart races and body trembles.

() and grrr cuz I hate to go to sleep just when you woke up ono but brain be struggling to write.
hong jisoo. ʲᵒˢʰᵘᵃ 9 months ago
@kim dahyun. () let me move us here lol

My arms are lazily wrapped around your waist as i hum softly, unable to stop the grin on my face as i continue to watch your reaction.
Try it again? Of course, but let’s try something a bit different
uses my hand to cup your cheek, leaning in close to press my lips to yours as i close my eyes.
reneé rapp. [pickles] 9 months ago
@kang seulgi. Well it felt very grand to me regardless. Got a cute poem from a cutie. But I guess now I have even more things to look forward to. Have to step up my game as well. You're so sweet and thoughtful. That was definitely a great idea to incorporate some mean girls references in there.
Maybe later today or on Friday? I'll be free then. Booked and busy but I'll always find time for you.
The playlist is short but very impactful and yes, you can always add more things to it if you feel like it. I'm playing it on repeat dhdhd
kang seulgi. 9 months ago
@reneé rapp. i had to do something special for you even if it wasn’t as grand as i’d hoped it could’ve been. hoping to have more chances to do things for you in the future though and make them better and better every time!!!
the poem wasn’t really coming to me but then i had the idea to add in some mean girls references to also celebrate your debut as the hottest girl on the big screen
i’m dead serious about the date! we can go right now or whenever you want i want you to be happy with the timing of course because you’re such a busy sought after woman lately
glad you like the playlist! sorry it’s short, but the 10s felt right to line up. i’ll add to it as i hear things that make me think of you
so happy you’re happy
reneé rapp. [pickles] 9 months ago
@kang seulgi. I'm not even surprised that these songs are 10/10
And I'm only on the first one
I do know a few of them already hehehe
This is seriously such a thoughtful and perfect gift
I'm gonna be gushing for days
reneé rapp. [pickles] 9 months ago
@kang seulgi. I am at a loss for words. You weren't lying when you said it was a surprise. This is beyond what I could have imagined and it's the sweetest thing ever
I don't remember the last time someone has written a poem for me. And it's so sweet, charming and funny. You did an amazing job
I'm gonna cherish this forever. Your brain truly worked hard and it shows
And all this bonus content as well?? Damn you're spoiling me so much. You look so good in that pic
And if you're serious about that date.... Let's go
I'll give you my reaction to the playlist when I've heard it
Hand in marriage pls?? okno
But for real, I am floored
Thank you so much for this, bbg
Made my day
kang seulgi. 9 months ago

@reneé rapp. Even though we’re both not very bright,
You're the star that steals the light.
Like Regina George’s fame,
Your allure sets my heart aflame.

Your eyes, like Gretchen Wieners' loyalty,
Sparkle with an enchanting royalty.
A smile that rivals Karen's sweet charm,
In your presence, my heart feels an alarm.

Let's escape this everyday play,
Like Cady finding her way.
Fetch your dreams and join me, please,
On a date, where my fondness is bigger than deez (nuts)

Can I have the honor of romancing you over drinks? i even got party hats to celebrate your special day!! i also gift you 10 songs for a 10 born on 01/10


[post deleted by owner]
song jia. 9 months ago
@kim yugyeom. You are naturally adorable without trying. Someone like me have to said that.
/Jia continue to rub a small circle on your back before giving it a light pat and retreat it.
Yes we are. But I'm not sure if you are older by month or so.
/she stare at your phone for a brief moment before letting out a small chuckles, taking your phone and dial in her number. She put her name as "Chia Jia ಇ." and call her phone number before giving back to you back with a sweet smiles.
How about a coffee date before library date hm? And please nap well when you do, yugy.
kim yugyeom. 9 months ago
@song jia. Oh.
Then I’ll look forward to our little date then.
And pfft…Nice to know you find me as a cutie despite me not trying at all-
//he jokes, his brown eyes glancing to you as you rub his back before he offers a smile//
Thanks…for the rubs. We are the same age? Interesting-
But yes, I’m going to leave you be and go find the motivation for a nap. Shoot me a text when you are free for our library adventure-
//he nodded whilst pulling out his phone to hold it out to you with an eye smile//
song jia. 9 months ago
@kim yugyeom. Yes a date. You and me hang around and chill around.
/She grinned while gesturing her hand by pointing at both of them to indicate only them that going out for a date. Just the thought make her a bit giddy but of course she didn't want to freak the man out since she just genuinely want to talk to you more.
Hmmm I don't see you intimidate at all~ you are a cutie average raccoon guy to me if anything

/She beamed at you, finding you rather adorable and walk to sit beside you, humming at the mention of snuggle which she try to picture how a giant guy like you to snuggle with her.
Mmm snuggles? Is that a sign you need them? I'm pretty sure I'm good at snuggling hehe
/She tease with her brows wiggle teasingly and poke your side.

Damn don't talk about being old when I'm literally the same age as you, Yugy.
/Playfully rolls her eyes as her hand reach to rub your back s if to soother whatever existing pain you are having.
Alrighty maybe you do need a good nap then. I'm sure you feel much better once you hit the hay hm?
kim yugyeom. 9 months ago
@song jia. A date?
/he repeats the words as he finds the mentioning of the word interesting, his lips parting as he emits a small laugh before catching sight of the obvious blush upon Jia’s face. His eyes showing a sense of softness at the sight before he hums to himself.
Well..I’m glad I make you comfortable enough to express yourself~ Definitely don’t want you to hold back or feel intimidated by me.
I’m an average guy, after all.

If you keep being so adorable, I may have to come out of hibernation. I’m lacking snuggles these days…
/he admits with an awkward laugh, bringing a hand to gesture over to a sofa in suggestion. Making his way over so he could sit down first and pats the spot next to him//

I too, enjoy chatting with you cutie.
But I might need to nap soon…starting to feel like an old man with back problems and always tired.
song jia. 9 months ago
@kim yugyeom. /her lower lip slightly jutted out, finger tapping in thought as she nods at the sudden hangout idea.
Book shop or maybe a library date then. I'm sure we can try to look for new genre together as well and share whatever insight we are having.

/Her pale cheek turn tinge red at the compliment, realize that she probably got absolutely excited from talking about the book she love so much, smiling up at Yugyeom shyly as she tuck her hair behind her ear.
Thank you, Yugy. Its just a basic insight of mine. I just adore that book so much that I basically can't stop reading it.

Ouh? I don't actually expect you to be, Yugy. I'm just teasing.
I- Why is that sound intriguing to me... Sound like you are dropping me hard labour to earn myself the princess treatment.
/Jia stifle a laughter loving your playful side, head shake at the offer and rub her arm as she stare into your dark orbs.

Don't worry I'm good enough. I will sit down if you do sit down too so i don't have to crane my neck more talking to a person who is above my height.
/Her nose scrunch up and exaggeratedly tilt her head up as a joke and laugh lightly.
Mmm why? I actually like talking to you though. It so nice to chat with you, Yugy.
kim yugyeom. 9 months ago
@song jia. /he can’t help but find your reaction amusing as he laughs softly with a small nod

President of our book club ? That sounds like a fair choice.
I can agree with that and can’t wait for our future book club meetings. Next time, we will need to find a new book to read during the same time.

I do have that book, its a true inspiration and gave a whole other outlook on life…
/Yugyeom notices the gleam in your eyes as you speak about the book, finding it rather beautiful to see you speak so highly about it and how it affect your outlook/
Thats really …lovely to hear Jia. Your perspective is beyond amazing. I’m sure we will encounter many heart warming moments.

Hate to break it to you, sweetheart. I’m not a gentleman.
I tend to treat everyone the same, of course unless they hold a special place in my heart….
But for the most part. If you wish for princess treatment…I’m going to make you work for it, chia jia~
//Yugyeom states in a playful manner, glancing down at the small jab to his arm as he emits a hearty laugh. Leaning down slightly to meet Jia’s gaze as he is taller//
Would you like to sit down? You seem a little…exhausted? I can give you silence, if you’d like. You let me know when I need to stop talking and I’ll oblige.


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jjw0nn 4 months ago
hey hun, can you add and reserve Yang Jungwon (enhypen)? ty!
unrevealed 9 months ago
heyo loves, can you add and reserve manoban lalisa? also the layout looks so pretty tf *^*
tyunning 9 months ago
↳ checked.
Unholy 9 months ago
Dacre Montgomery please.
[comment deleted by owner]
tender 9 months ago
wait i lied my boolies want me to be yoon hyunsuk too > < add boff
tender 9 months ago
i'm being bullied into joining >:( this rp is full of boolies !!!! >:( anyways, could i order a venti song eunseok with oatmilk please thank you
zabimaru 9 months ago
could i have lee youngji back please!
parsley 9 months ago
May I have park serim of cravity
chikookiehope 9 months ago
May I return?
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