✮⋆ winter puff.

winter puff
a cozy, fluffy escape for kai.
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ anything on me can turn you on though. remember the pink ruffled dress i showed you? or the imagery of like the pink floofy robe on me that i want you to unwrap like a present? yuh uwu hehe i know sebby did that first but only you kept calling me that. i love you calling me abby and baby peach it makes me go soft ;; perhaps it was. i guess ive attracted you long before you realised your feelings for me. yeah i barely existed coz i was busy but you still remember icb im still in shock how early on you were actually interested in me and took you so long to take ur chance with me my love >:c i want to watch lalaland with you soon. can we watch it tomorrow babe? it would but i really want yo slow dance with you again hmm my favourite bodyguard with such muscular toned body i would love to see you being so angry and protective over me :) baby i have never thought of what youve said is trashy at least to me ;;;; if it was most likely it went over my head rip i dont hold grudges much tbvh no you are the greenest flag i have ever laid my eyes on. so attentive and caring, you are my ideal type now.

you love that i just crumble beneath you not that i mind i love being pampered and spoiled hhhh i know i am your baby and honestly being a dom with you i dont really mind for it. i prefer you taking care of me instead u3u you did especially now you are sick but now that you are recovering better i dont seen you being the babies boy anymore like yesterday hahaha
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ naur i dont want to be associated with sasaengs unu
you took what i said seriously and i love that you sent the results privately. makes me know you a lil deeper personally :> please baby you write good as well like so so so good ;;; /holds your head against my chest, gently caresses the back of your neck, grazes the tips of my nails against your skin as i look down on you with a soft smile on my face/ hmm im only shameless coz you make me so loved and needy for you baby i can't just lie to myself and say i don't want you :c

hahaha same with me i eat late lunch so often but sometimes i eat a lil for late lunch coz i wanna eat dinner so im hungry by the time dinner comes. yes in private. do u want in public coz i can- okno
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ We can go broke together jk ah- c dresses show by minnie gonna so bad :woozy: i can imagine.sebs pointing that out first so I was like o thats you @ everyone everytime abby appears. might be one of my unconscious attempts to catch your attention. i think our first watch is xg stream but you barely exist there bdbd oof dw baby, I could never get these hands off of you. we can watch lalaland somedayy, tho the jazzy vibes might get us into the mood again HAHA. you're my girl boss, I'll always got ur back like a lowkey bodyguard. Baby, anyone would. I just got lucky TT idek why would you be into me after all the trashy things I said LMAO am I still a red flag?

I'll always be proud of how much I affected you, babe. Tbh I couldn't see you as dom cause you're my baby, but I can pretend to be babiest boy for once -u- uwus at the mumus
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ cues obsession by exo but then thats for saesangs lmao
I did the longer one cause i thought everyone go for that dbdbd Imma take my time, baby. Just know that I enjoy every of your writings ugh you wrote so good I can't even compare. /kisses your s again cause I mith.
I love that you're shy in public but so shameless with me :3

Me too, I often skip the dinner cause I don't feel like eating more after having late lunch. In priV-
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ /plays obsessed by mariah carey okno
i live that you are coz i am with you :3 idk why the test is so long though. there used to be a short and longer version hahaa i dont remember which one i did probs the shorter one. i know you do :3 i cant wait for your reply coz well yknow why but take your time baby okay?
hmm they are yours so you can just kiss whatever or wherever you want baby ♡
icb im so shameless from the beginning but in a way i knew i was comfortable enough with you to ask you to do so :>

i do baby thats why when i get them ill tell you okay? the word is try hahahahah its hard ;; coz i dont like eating 3 times i feel like its too much :^) i- tru in private ill call u my hoe uwu
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ Yuh Im everywhere I won't leave you alone (obsessed)
dhdjd the test was so long and for what. you did well replying, babe. i love it ugh you and your c bren, i could never.
I'm kissing what's mine :/ iwouldstripyouandsucktbhbutthatwasforprivate
righT. I remember. How did I get so lucky ;/
mmm I will. in private ofc cause I wanna hear how you would sound :)
coos. my shameless baby

Oh right. That too- u need a nap in between so you can rest your eyes, ma'am ;/ you did? I'm proud of you for that :3 i love it when you try to stay healthy these days :3 LOL I mean Im a hoe for u anw :lipbite:
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ you are all over everywhere i just sIGhs im consumed by you baby ;; to be fair i kinda knew maybe u were doing the test because u havent replied to the wall or replies so i just went to write the respond ; u ; hhh ok it'd be a good surprise for you i hope :D who allowed you to kiss my s like this im going to die from affection aAa hmm i know my hits different i even ask you grab it like a man before we even kissed for he first tme ; u ; i just love your hands on my hint:slapitifyouwant-
hhh yes i do like a lot ; u ;

oKAY that is true but its not from lack of food or low blood sugar usually ill get migraines from my eyes strained or streas hahaha issok im eating more properly noways arent you proud of me uwu do u want me to call u my hoe instead-
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ i figured when you appeared out of nowhere in group dms lmao but ain't you sweet? I'm going to be awake in 3 hrs anw TT plants kisses all over your s. oh shush i love em both equally, but yeah your hits different u///u I'm not even person lmao
i figured. you love being manhandled after all :]

now the migraines make senses baby LMAO i would say eat properly but also me: skips dinner
O I'm ur lover now? u////u
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ baby im not quiet coz i fell asleep;; i was replying to our thread i wanted you to get the reply before you sleep ;u ; i got distracted- wraps my arms around your neck, letting you snuggle against my chest yeah you just love mine baby? if you were to pick, you said my so u3u ihopeyoulllovemynewreplyidkyetimstillwriting mm yes i love it so much ;;

not really i eat quite a lot also me: eats not according to proper time hehe that is a true lover right there
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ Baby I'M BACK. i saw you fell asleep just now, so Imma assume u fell asleep if you're quiet TT smooches your pretty forehead before snuggling your s, giving em kithes. my s pillow <3 they r the only one that matter, baby. Idc about other s TT oh i love your , but i also love your s. i love both u can't make me pick ;/ u wrote so good tho baby I enjoy reading em u////u wdym insecure. mmm when I grab your jaw?

Coos. My baby issa small eater. rubs your tumtum again. me too, I mean it's embarrassing to be invested alone TT but I won't let you die anw
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ naur before 12 i have less than two hours to reply to you ;;; ok if im quiet im replying the dm rip ssok baby just sleep when you re tired okay? Ill sleep earlier so that i could wake up early to see you :3 idontreallyhavebigboobstho but im glad you love them regardless ;; i thought you love my more baby? Issok i love them tbh i feel like mine is trashy as well rip im getting insecure with my writing hhh hmm yes during another music session woukd be great ;) though earlier was... kinda hot despite can really focusing on the show-

b but fOod ;;; ok fine ill do that but i prefer not to add more after eating once ugh im glad we both are high invested in one another coz if i was just the only one eager i think i'd die ;;;
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ Ok, ma'am :] tho Imma try to sleep before 12 cause these eyebags rip TT i been staying up since I talk to you lmao cause what's sleep if you still awake. nuzzle your s mmm can't wait. i love your s. baby you're too kind to me dbdndn my writings r trashy but just know that I did my best :" but i felt that. talking on real time is so much better -u- i can reply to u everywhere. oh i'd let you tho. it's just us two afterall :lipbite: maybe maybe during another music session?

HAHA mood. then just stick to two scoops, baby. and then you can add more if you're still hungry. frfr I think it's bcs we r both invested heh and that's gud, I can't having fun alone ;;
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ ok fine if you want to stay up to stay with me i dont mind but if you speepy baby you need to speep unu ill let you speep and nuzzle my s if you want- no you are a good writer baby its just third takes time and ive been talking to you all day so i couldnt sit down and write hahahah i rather spend time with you in real time uwu true i was about to do it in hb sIghs doubt that you'd let me ; u ;

true but i get hungy so when im hungy i take a lot and regret tafter taking three bites ; u ; ikr im surprised we still have so much to talk about to each other dhskxhdn im not bored with you at all i enjoy our time together so much ;;
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ ok I won't then :(
that's true tho Im a trashy writer fhfhf we can always make new threads if we r impatient u///u

Aw good girl, you finished your food :3 it's better to take a small amount and get more if you're still hungry. coos at your giggols. you're so adorable, I can't get enough of u too, like dang I told u that many times but I meant it fr
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ but dont spoil me too much i feel bad if you do ;; you dont need to baby im scared you'd go broke spoiling me so much. ofc with all of those y dresses ill give you a show. you soent so much at lsast i should give you that :^) so abby coded hhh you are the only one that still calls me abby or maybe the only one. was turning red the first movie we watched together evern with everyone else? hmm i wanted to have your hands all over me i actually couldnt focus on the show baby ;; shouldve just watch lalaland instead coz i want to slow dance with you once more ;^; they but thank you for saying i have boss girl behaviour uwu aww as long as you genuinely love me talking i dont care about others. i love that you do i feel loved coz you care and want to talk to me so much ;; itwasnglonpurpose i thought you liked jia ;;;;;; so i pushed you away but still wanting to flirt hhh aww baby im sorry but i guess you just started to care thats why you care about what my opinion is :^
i- yes you did LOL WHY ARE YOU SO PROUD GDJSSHSJ ok not as much whips but you see how dommy mommy she is? eue thats me okno mumus your head many times heh
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ aaa naur dont stay up you need to wake up early my love ;; true we do take our time despite being rip it takes time to perfect it ok hhh

i did baby i didnt take much but i did heh im glad i finished my food uwu /giggols when u rub my tumtum cant get enough of u fr ;;;
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ ok Imma stay up until you reply jk but fr baby, take ur time. Im taking my time too fr despite the TT lmao. rubs my chin against your hand. your only best boy uwu

Aw I'm the same. Did you finish your food during lunch? taps your tumtum. Always hungry for you :lipbite:
ofc I know my baby TT
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ i cri i keep forgetting to reply ill reply later and make sure you'll get it before you sleep :p coos while scratches your chin a lil the best boi i know uwu

i ate late lunch so probably i skip dinner but if i get hungry later ill eat something theres food for me in the fridge :> oh hungry for me are you eue dhsgskdg yeah you know me so well ugh its a turn on c:
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ Aw I'm gonna spoil you more tho. I love spoiling my baby :3 and aH- those y dresses fr. mmmm you gonna look soo good in every of them, might as well gib me a free show. My baby is so protective, so abby coded ;; you can melt in my arms, Imma hold you tight. ngl i'd want to slow dance again with you, last night was so purrfect I almost carried away with kissing you u///u
Idk people think it's funneh to joke like that :/ I'm glad you got over it, baby. sucha boss girl behaviour. I'm sorry that they make you feel that you're annoying for talking too much but I genuinely adore it. If you talk less, I'd be worried i think TT i do care and I love talking to you, that's why I wanted to reply to everything;; babe, yknow i do u/////u LMAO not jio calling you out. I think I flort with you sometimes for fun but you always be like I ain't into red flag i was like dang <\3 ngl that actually hurts a wittlo I actually think your opinion matters lmao
i make u wanted to seduce me??? well, thank you @me Im blessed everyday :D
THE AMOUNT OF WHIPS. hello Im scared?!?! but if it's you, i might think it hot
okok kith my head then uwu
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ wdym you're purrfect, baby. and take ur time -u- (waits with hardt pp) lurkers go awaY- but dw baby I was just teasing TT
you served tons Im a well fed dog

did u get ur dindin yet? hungry always fr but then same rip how could I not when you look so foine.
yuh but knowing you, u probably wouldn't sleep early ;/
brb getting em rq
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ heh we will be better together uwu i- damn i should really reply to the thread rip ;u; i dont wanna be eaten hERE ; u ; what if theres lurkers unu
ok imma make you wait

i'LL EATTT im hungry always :p but fr i am hungry hahahha ill eat dont worry pff then do you you want me to sleep and wake up the same time as you? hdskjhdas yup where my ring then unu
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ PLS. but then you right cause you deserve better ;/ Imma try being better for you anw. oof good gorl, now open up :D
ok imma wait like a puppy in heat BORK

BABY GO EAT. unless you ain't hungry. I eat cause I skipped dindin yesterday. u gonna do that? I'm gonna cri if I end up had to send u to sleep tho :" ugh so wifeu materials
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ i- :0 true rip im still surprised i got you hhh /holds the wall/ maybe im the one that doesnt deserve you okno i- okay /bends down to sit on the floor on my knees/ :D you literally went nyooms to my room shsjddkj ill send some baby u3u ive saved some for you okno

okay baby eat wellll i havent eaten mine rip i should eat tbh pffthAHAHA you know me i dont sleep early ;u; but i could just to wake up early to see you u3u ofc i have to look out for my man uvu
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ What makes u think I'm gonna get another girl when I keep everyone off TT you're the only want who actually wants me dbdbbd ok get on ur knees then jk Yuh I come as soon you ask me to come over ;) it could be your walls who knows jk my minnie mine mine

we can but let me finish my breakfast first :3 and aw r u gonna sleep early with me too? you're so cute for being thoughtful ;/
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ i better be your only girl coz i'm going to get jealous okno i mean- i wont complain aight time to reenact our secretary au plot okno I JUST NOTICED YOU ARE THERE I- 30 mins ago smh why are you rubbing walls when you can rub me okno my minnie cOOs

ooo can we watch it now baby? so that we can have more time together rip ; u ; i dont want you to sleep late in case we ended up spending time longer today
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ anw baby yuh Im up to watch. let me know whenever you wanna startt :3
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ my only girl :3 "im not used to this" !!!! me fr. duh what else? you sound like you're going to complain about it when I know you gonna love it anyway pfft. your hair and plants a smooch onto your forehead. HAHA I'm faster ;) oh if that ain't me this morning. i was like gotta speedrun to see my minnie /nyooms/
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago
@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ ofc i am, im your best gorl :3 i do think you are adorable clingy but ngl i feel the same rip im not used to tHis ;;;; take a bite of what? my ? #rippussy2024 u are going to be sore and eaten often okno /hugs your torso tightly and nuzzles my cheek against your chest, cooing as i sway our bodies playfully/ oh i havent posted anything rip ; u ; i'll post somethings later baby. dont know but i remember seeing your handsome face and woke up wanting more-
nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ 9 months ago

@kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ god i feel so spoiled and pampered like a proper baby girl i ing love it so much ;;; you will get me dresses like those pretty onces they are currently talking about in spicy? aww but i do prefer my dresses to be more ier than that especially those for your eyes and your eyes only ;) mm gonna knife em if they hurt my precious baby yes baby, only my thoughts matter they dont matter at all uwu god i love the slow dance so much and if we dance to city of stars i think i would melt ;; we should have another session soon but for singles inferno babe. jia already watch the latest episodes yesterday so only the two of us left. do you want to watch it later if you are free baby? aww thank you baby and to think the reason behind my smiles nowadays is because of you :3 idk maybe they think its a right thing to say or its a joke i guess but i got over it quick dw i love when you try to reply to everything i say ;;; i dont mind waiting but that gesture alone makes me swoon that means you care and im thankful for that . o//w//o so you love me? OFC I DID i at flirting with guys rip i could only flirt with girls dgkshskdhd even jia was calling me out baby ;; she was like "wdym you flirt i see u only flirt with girls wtf" ; u ; thats coz u make me- should i admit it or nah dgskhsjsbs this is me to you okno https://youtu.be/cjyqWsrpQAA?si=aWtdq4DebrzRsMbd
dont smack your head pls i do feel the same cOos
kim jongin. ᵏᵃᶦ 9 months ago
@nicha yontararak. ᵐᶦⁿⁿᶦᵉ ugh always so good to me. Imma wait with hard pp then. exactlY- don't you think I'm adorable clingy? ;/ but I felt somehow. I found myself disgusting when I cling. I haven't simp in so long so TT mmm idk maybe kissing your thighs or sumn and taking a bite if I'm hungry enuff. hehe that's me >:) /hums at the kisses before hugging your head and suffocates yourself with his chest, dun wanna let u go/ oh. Imma speedrun to your room rn >:/ o u did? :3 what did i do


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jjw0nn 4 months ago
hey hun, can you add and reserve Yang Jungwon (enhypen)? ty!
unrevealed 9 months ago
heyo loves, can you add and reserve manoban lalisa? also the layout looks so pretty tf *^*
tyunning 9 months ago
↳ checked.
Unholy 9 months ago
Dacre Montgomery please.
[comment deleted by owner]
tender 9 months ago
wait i lied my boolies want me to be yoon hyunsuk too > < add boff
tender 9 months ago
i'm being bullied into joining >:( this rp is full of boolies !!!! >:( anyways, could i order a venti song eunseok with oatmilk please thank you
zabimaru 9 months ago
could i have lee youngji back please!
parsley 9 months ago
May I have park serim of cravity
chikookiehope 9 months ago
May I return?
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