↳ soobin c.

Soobin's apartment!
welcome to Soobin's apartment. please knock before entering.
reference photo: n/a.

safeword "moodpaws"
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kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ () okay no problem sjsgsj don’t work too hard or else unu
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ // suddenly busy at work dfkh I will reply to this later, for now I will be limited to short messages in the chats kdfsh
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ /it was strange to think that i could feel any deeper than i already have but the moment we connected felt different than when we had simply expressed our mutual feelings in the past, to think that you could feel the same intensity in the same moment sent a new wave of emotions through me, my own tears never ceasing as i take in just what you were implying.
you can feel that too?
/it was a foolish question but i was in disbelief, in awe that this was all happening, my head nodding frantically as i lean in to rest it against yours, my lids fluttering shut as i squeeze our interlaced fingers together.
i’ve never felt anything like this.. it’s- amazing..
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ /the tears have yet to stop their descent from my eyes and I was unbothered by them, instead choosing to focus on both the emotions and newfound power thrumming through my core, recognizing that I felt closer to you in this moment than the minutes before while confessing my love to you; perhaps it was the mating, but it seemed as though a part of you settled down within myself the moment the necklace was left to rest against your skin.
Sunoo.. I can.. I can feel you, right here.
/my hand drops to yours, intertwining our fingers and lifting them to rest just above where my heart slowly beats, closing my eyes to bathe in the sensation a bit further.
Do you feel that?
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ /it was almost comical how the two of us always ended up like this, bawling our eyes out in the safety and warmth of each other's arms, but i wouldn’t wish for any different as we braved the unknown together, a union between our kind unprecedented as far as my knowledge went but even despite that, you had easily won over my family and gained their support with them having seen just how happy you make me; it was an easy decision for me to give my entire self to you.
i.. i can’t believe we’re mated- it feels like a dream..
/muttering more so to myself as i pull back just enough to give you room to bestow the jewelry, holding my hair out of the way as you fasten the piece around my neck, my eyes glowing as they search yours, little sniffled breaths pushing past my plump, roseate brims and i free one of my hands to gently brush my digits over the bright gem, in a shuddered breath.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ /even though in reality it only took around twenty seconds to get a response from you (somewhere in the back of my mind, I kept track), it felt as though an eternity passed between us the moment I finished speaking; the gorgeous eyes I have come to adore so much were shining with liquid, radiant amber buried behind shimmering clear droplets that slowly spill over your pretty lash line and onto your breathtaking skin, the very same skin that was kissed with warmth due to the blood beneath it's surface. you were so alive.. in this moment, a literal angel that was so indescribably perfect-- a breath I was unaware of holding escapes my lips as you accept my proposal, the stinging of my eyes the only warning I get before my own tears flood my face, your cherubic fingers sliding over them without a care in the world, and your lips kissing away any and every worry I may have still held behind my fearful heart as I kiss back in kind.
I.. I can do that.
/my lips tremble as I remove the pendant from the black velvet, unclasping the hooks and reaching around your shoulders to fasten the jewelry around your neck, watching as the necklace settles into place with the ruby sparkling just at the base of your throat-- at the same moment, a wave of literal magic rushes my senses and knocks whatever breath remained in my lungs, free, causing my eyes to widen as the mating connection between us is formed.
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ () help sksgsj it’s so prettyyyyy *^*

/despite my every attempt at holding myself together, every word you speak chips away at my resolve, my eyes watering so much it blurs my vision; but as you explain not only the origin of the piece but also each piece that makes it up, i could no longer keep myself together, little sobs wreck from my throat as tears stain my plush cheeks, a single hand over my mouth serving as the sole means in attempt to quiet myself as my eyes fall to the breathtaking piece, even more than it’s beauty the careful consideration and history of each part tugs at my heart, feeling overwhelmed by the immense elation i take a moment to try and calm down enough to give my response though even that proves difficult as i can’t seem to control my tears, nevertheless i nod all too eagerly, my tear filled orbs meeting your gorgeous crimson pair as i finally speak.
y-yes of course i will! yes a million times- it’s.. it’s always been you, i love you so much soobin.. i can’t imagine doing any of this with anyone other than you.. i- i would be honored to be your mate..
/finally giving in to the burning urge i felt from the moment you started, my shaky hands find your face, regarding the one face engraved in my heart before leaning in to kiss your lips, it’s a chaste, gentle kiss instilled with everything my muddled mind fails to translate into coherent words, after what feels like forever i mumble my request softly against the pair.
i want you to put it on for me..
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago

@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ // I got too excited and forgot the link to the actual ing necklace dkfsh
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ So for those who are not our kind, when we find that we do wish to mate with them.. we imbue some of our blood and powers into an object, usually a piece of jewelry. Then, as long as said object is owned by the person it stands as a link between the vampire and them. They would be telepathically connected, and officially seen as mates by the coven and other vampires alike... in the event of death, they would become a vampire as well and then the mated couple can officially mate per vampire kind tradition.
/hums, my fingertips moving to graze over your skin to help self-soothe my nervousness, preparing to officially ask you what I have been lamenting over for weeks now.
I have.. spoken to my parents, my grandparents, and even those before them.. I love you so much Sunoo- I didn't think it would be possible to love someone like I do you and yet here I sit. I cannot imagine a life without you, nor do I wish to-- so I would like to ask you this..
/blinking quickly to hide the watering of my eyes, I smoothly open the box to reveal a beautiful heirloom ruby pendant, teardrop shaped and accompanied by a single diamond, the actual chain made of 18k yellow gold; it glimmers in the light from the window.
With the same diamond my father initially gave to my mother on their mating day, the chain my grandfather gifted my grandmother on theirs, and a ruby hand chosen by my own hand and imbued with my lifeblood and power, will you do me the honor of becoming my mate?
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ /long lashes fluttering as you speak, giving little nods of my head while my lips twitch upwards into a growing smile that soon reaches my eyes as well, suddenly recalling everything i felt when i first learned about your covens way of doing all of this, and the way i never expected things to end up the way they are now, it takes everything to not lean in and connect our lips but i want to allow you to say everything you need to, not to interrupt you and ruin such a precious moment for the both of us, so i press my balled fist to my thighs, amber orbs filled with adoration and devotion to you.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ /adjusting your position in my lap with my free hand, I in a deep breath to soothe my sudden nerves, ruby irises dropping to the box as I try to remember what it was I had practiced for this moment; realizing everything I had rehearsed was nowhere to be found, I scrap it and instead meet your gaze once more.
So. We, as a coven have a tradition when choosing our mate. Despite the whole 'non-monogamous' style of loving, we do mate for life, and as such it is a very careful decision, meaning we truly intend to love the person for the rest of our eternity. Obviously there are differences in the mating when it comes to a vampire and other races, especially humankind...
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ /settling comfortably in your lap, my eyes close briefly as your fingers brush gently against my hair, rearranging the strands to fix them, fluttering my orbs open yet again they immediately fall to the object in your hand before doubling up to own ever mesmerizing eyes then back down to the box before nodding slightly, my heart beating faster in anticipation.
of course i remember but i really love hearing about it.. tell me again please?
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ /you seemed to have handled the jump better this time, not sensing any sour notes of discomfort or a change in your heart rate like beforehand. my eyes roam the room before I decide to turn and sit on the edge of the bed, supporting your figure in my lap and brushing some of your bangs free from your eyes before seeming to produce a velvet jewelry box from thin air, holding it out before you within the small space between our chests.
do you remember.. what I mentioned about the mating customs in my coven?
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ /the feeling of teleporting is still as strange as the first time but your suggestion lessened the sensation considerably, peeking my eyes open when i hear you announce our arrival, my bright orbs widen a bit at the mention of a potential surprise, the spike in my scent giving away my excitement.
mmh home~ of course it’s alright baby, but now i’m really curious what it is
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ /smiling at your playful words, I make sure your eyes are closed before making the teleportation to my penthouse, this time moving inside of the bedroom, feet landing onto the floor with a slow settling motion as I am quick to turn and flick open the blinds mentally, no longer feeling as if I need to put a damper on my powers when around you.
We are home, my love. I have something I was hoping to give you as well, if that is alright?
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 5 months ago
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 6 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ () you don’t owe me any explanations bub, but hopefully things are better now ;;

Sunoo had lost track of how long he was waiting, but he didn’t mind he was fully intent on seeing the look on the vampire’s face when he saw his little gift, and what he was met with when the other finally arrived definitely didn’t disappoint. From where he stood, he could easily see the caution melt to realization as Soobin read the note, his resulting smile seemingly contagious as his eyes squinted from the extent of his own.

Now that he had seen what he wanted, he debated simply leaving, but a part of him argued that he should stay, even make his presence known but alas he hadn’t thought that far ahead when he initially planned his surprise. Sunoo knew he had a brief moment to choose before he would miss his chance, but he couldn’t put himself to move from his hidden spot, he didn’t even know what he expected to hear or even say if they did acknowledge one another, finally deciding against it he moved carefully his steps lighter than a feather as he made his way to the elevator.

He would simply text him once he got back to his dorm, that was the safest option, that way he wouldn’t ruin such a memorable moment with his own foolishness, instead he would remember this moment with a certain fondness. He was halfway to the elevator when he finally released his invisibility spell, tying the sweater that he discarded around his shoulders instead, deciding to take a little walk before hailing a ride, just to give himself a little longer to think, the smile from before never once ceasing as his mind filled with images of the vampire, the way he looked, the way he smiled, it all swirled in his head replaying as if he hadn’t literally just witnessed it moments prior.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 6 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ [sorry for the late reply! i was on a brief break on an emergency road trip hhh]

To say he was excited to be going home was an understatement. Today started off nice, he had given a little gift to one of his recent favorite people in the spirit of the holiday- it had cheered up his less eager mood as of late to see the bright smile the flowers had brought. Unfortunately work called, throwing the leader into a day packed to the brim with schedules. He barely had time to eat between one and the next, the morning blurring into the evening- before he knew it, he was seated in the back of their company van, a few minutes away from home.

It was heat week in the TXT dorm and so Soobin would be staying in his apartment alone, all the better to unwind to if he were honest. He heaves a gentle sigh while scrolling through social media, halfheartedly liking posts before his finger lingers over a smiling image of the very boy that has been dancing over his thoughts more often than usual. His eyes soften, and he swipes smoothly to his messages before pausing and shaking his head. Sunoo definitely had plans tonight. The cutie had so many people who chased after him, it would be selfish of Soobin to seek any more attention from him today.

He jolts from his track of thoughts as his manager announces their arrival, thanking him and sliding from the car in a single smooth movement. The travel from the van to the elevator was autonomous, the beeping of the machine as it rises fading into his stream of consciousness as he thinks back on his day. The doors open and he slides a hand in his pocket, striding down the hall only to slowly come to a halt a few feet away from his door. His eyebrows knit together as he spots the basket. Concern was the first thought he experienced, sniffing gently to see if he could catch the scent of an intruder in case the gift was sent by a sasaeng. Once picking up nothing, he crosses to squat before the basket, his eyes scanning over everything before landing on the note neatly nestled on top.

Slender fingers pick up the card, his eyes scanning over the words there once.. twice, and then a third time before he finally realizes that he is smiling widely. It has been quite some time since someone has done anything even remotely as thoughtful as this for him. It wasn’t as if the members didn’t care or anything- he just was always the one giving and never the one wanting things? He suddenly felt extremely seen. Holding the card to his chest, he picks up the basket and sniffs the contents with a hopeful expression. There was no scent of the kitsune, but a delightful aroma of flowers and pastries tickle his nose instead. Biting into his bottom lip, Soobin looks around the hall before starting to punch in his door code.
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago

@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ Time was on his side or rather schedules were at least, he of course had access to his label mate’s as well, with his advantage of being friendly with the staff came quite in handy for what he had planned. He had precisely 20 minutes before the vampire would be heading back home, it was enough time for Sunoo to set up his little surprise. Even though the place was vacant, he tiptoed to the front door, setting down the little basket he had decorated for the occasion, the contents being: his homemade peach pastries, some peach hearts and a bouquet nestled nicely in the back. That was the easy part, the harder task lied with him remaining undiscovered long enough to watch the taller’s reaction without his prying eyes.

It wasn’t often that Sunoo needed to use his invisibility power but if there ever was a perfect time, that time was now. shedding off his extra layers as it took more effort to make those invisible as well, his eyes glowed blindingly bright as his power activated, his body fading into nothingness. he even took the extra steps to conceal his scent knowing even when he left to his picked hiding spot his scent would remain. Moving to settle behind a nearby corner, he kept his eyes on the door as he awaited his hyung’s arrival.

The note he left with the basket read as such: ‘I maybe lied when i said didn’t prepare anything for you, i was too shy to admit it but here’s a little something i did, i hope it at least makes you smile. and you think of me whenever you’re snacking on these hehe

Happy Valentine’s day Binom ♡
ps. sorry if it tastes weird.. jay hyung wouldn’t help-
pss. totally gonna steal some hearts whenever i’m over’

kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ He had long since lost his cognizance of time, even if hours had passed he couldn't tell, he felt a strange plethora of things all at once; some of which he expected, others not to much. It was strangely similar to when he would over exert himself testing the extent of his abilities, yet lighter as if he was relieved of his energy instead of expelling it himself. Fatigue was quick to set in, but it was only once the vampire had pulled away did he notice just how heavy his body felt, his lids barely lifting to peer up at the now glowing male before him. He hadn't noticed it before but the visual difference was apparent. His slanted orbs drifted to stare at the rouge stain on Soobin's lips, if it weren't for the fact that he already knew the reason behind those strained brims, he would easily believe it to be a stylized look, one that honestly suited Soobin almost too well. He knew it was foolish to try and move but he couldn't help himself, reaching out to firstly wipe away the dribbled of his own blood from the taller's mouth with his thumb, only to poke at the briefly flashed dimple in his cheek just moments later, losing his balance from the motion, he clutched onto Soobin's shoulders to keep from fully collapsing forward his face burying in the vampire's neck as he attempted to stabilize himself.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ Nothing else mattered to him at this current time. He could drink for hours if it wouldn't end up in the other's death. It has been a while since he tasted such a complex blood type, no doubt the sole explanation lying behind the fact that Sunoo was not human, like those he normally fed from. This though... this was divine. His tongue presses into the fresh wounds again as the flow of blood dampens, eyebrows furrowing slightly. He would have to adjust to someone who happens to heal a lot faster; a soft sigh puffs out against Sunoo's skin as Soobin nears closer, his head light an airy, that burn that had started to torture him a week prior finally soothed. He draws another few long pulls of blood before forcing himself to stop. Any more and the younger would definitely be out for a while, he had taken more than he would have dared in most usual feedings- honestly the time had flown by for the vampire. Another noise escapes his red-tinged lips; yet another thing the movies sometimes overlooked. Blood, when directly from the source, did not ooze out all neatly. It spurted and pulsated, and oftentimes was impossible to not make a mess of. Soobin was rather neat for an active feeder, and so the slight droplet that trails down his chin is the least of his concern as he pulls away and stands up straight once again, a hand pressed to his head. He felt weirdly high, euphoric almost- a soft giggle slips past the alpha's lips.
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ Sunoo knew he shouldn't focus on the wet, cool slave of tongue that slid over his skin stealing the breath from his lungs in the form of a hushed gasp. He was no stranger to pain, instincts taking over as he braced for the initial puncture, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he anticipated, the pain eased by the immediately replacement of fangs for the moist press of tongue and the pressure of Soobin's lips securing the wound. His hand found the vampire's side, clutching onto the fabric of his shirt as he relaxed into the foreign sensation, his mind had conjured various versions of this very moment, none of which even came close to the actual thing. Soobin's words ringing in his mind, reminding him of the fact it wouldn't be anything like the movies had portrayed. It was something indescribable, almost sensual and the way the taller held him tight within his grasp only urged his wavering mind to mull over just how he would feel by the end of the feeding.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ He hesitated only a moment to bite down, lips parting to a strip of saliva over the vein he would be biting from. If he were aiming to kill, he would go for the carotid artery just beneath the fox’s jaw… but death was not the goal here, feeding was, and so he a semi-decently sized stripe over one of the other’s jugular veins to the side of his throat. Biting down was the easiest part, his sharp incisors flashing in the dim kitchen lighting before slicing so easily through skin, flesh and severing the vein within a single motion. He retracted his fangs moments later and suctioned his mouth onto the marks, pressing his tongue against them briefly to open the wounds further. A deep groan slides out from him as that first bit of sustenance hits his senses, bursting stars behind his closed eyes and bringing him to literally shake from the flavor. It was spicy, sweet.. like tasting cloves, cinnamon, or vanilla- his grip on Sunoo’s hair tightens, his free arm wrapping around the smaller males waist to lock him in place as he starts to draw blood.
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ As soon as the word reached his ears, Sunoo didn't bother concealing the mirth that washed over his visage. It was however, short lived as the tables turned in a blink of an eye, a sound crawled from the depths of his chest as Soobin's long fingers tugged his hair, his head falling back so easily he instantly knew the taller wouldn't need even a bit of effort if he truly desired to hurt him. Finally panic set in place of his former unyielding excitement, the warmth of the vampire's breath against his neck sending chills down his spine. Swallowing thickly, he braced his palms against the counter beside him as he spoke just loud enough to be audible. "Bite me." The vampire disappeared from his sight as he allowed his eyes to fall shut, focusing on keeping still as he didn't know what to expect after all of his teasing.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ All it would take is one simple movement, one second and he would be unable to fight back, one tiny inch and Soobin’s thirst would be gone. The closing in proximity has his eyes locking back in on the fox’s, confusion flickering behind his gaze. This kitsune had a death wish. Unlocking his aching jaw, he finally speaks the words the other wanted to hear badly enough to break him. “Please.” It was dry, but not in the way a voice turns when it’s at its last whim, physically dry- as though he hadn’t had water in weeks. The muscles under his skin shift as he latches his hand in the other’s hair from behind, guiding his head back with a firm pull and slipping his face free in the same movement. He leans in and takes in an ungodly breath, practically shivering in delight as he awaits permission with every fiber of his being.
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ The tone of Soobin's voice seeped right through his skin, burning right to his core. If asked, he couldn't even word what was so enchanting about the vampire in this very moment, perhaps it was the mere fact the vampire had such unprecedented restraint that left him in such a constant state of awe, or the fact that he was literally staring at his 'prey' with such a murderous intent in his crimson gaze that had the fox frozen in his spot. Despite the warning, Sunoo leaned in slowly narrowing the space between their faces before nudging the tip of his nose against the taller's, if this was how was going to find out what not to do with vampires, he might as well see it through. "Hurt me then." The words left his lips before his mind could catch them. "So am I, hyung. I just want to hear you say please~"
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ It would be so easy, so simple to bite down- his skin would part away like velvet, like a knife into butter, and that hot, hot blood. Another noise of pain thrums its way from his throat and he shook his head naturally to escape the burn. Soft hands land on either side of his face, pulling him from the thirst momentarily to instead stare at Sunoo’s face. As long as he could remember that this was not a meal, but a person he did not want to hurt… he had better chances of withholding his control. It was clear that Sunoo had other plans. “… Sunoo.” He sounded exasperated, his cold skin paler than a normal person should be, and that haunting red of his eyes lingering back down to find the vein he had seen before. “You’re going to get hurt.” Soobin had stopped breathing a few minutes ago in the interest of his own sanity. He tried his best to read if the other was being disingenuous or not and got nothing- leaving him to try and battle himself once more. “I’m serious..”
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ There it was yet again; the surge of fear heavily diluted by his wayward excitement, he was sure Soobin could hear it the very moment his eyes flashed the blinding shade, Sunoo’s heart rate doubled. A yelp of surprise spilled from his brims, instinctively clinging to the taller’s waist for the duration of the short trip. Even with him propped up on the higher surface of the countertop, Soobin still towered over him, it was only now within their close proximity that Sunoo allowed himself to truly study the vampire’s features; the mesmerizing color of his orbs drawing him in all too easily, their beauty contrasting the fear inducing sharpness of his fangs. “Oh but it’s so fun.. mmmfine. if you ask me nicely i’ll stop~” He practically purred, keeping his voice low as if that would somehow negate the vampire’s impatience meanwhile he dared to touch the taller again, his palms enveloped Soobin’s face as he smiled feigning innocence.
choi soobin ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴋɪᴍ ꜱᴜɴᴏᴏ ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ He didn’t know exactly when it happened, but he felt his patience snap and then everything afterwards came quite easily to him. The vampire’s eyes flash bright red as he leans down and wraps one of his arms around the smaller male’s waist, hoisting him over his shoulder and bringing him over to the kitchen, setting him down on the counter. He crowds him in once there, standing between his legs and slowly taking away the juice box. His fangs were very present now, sharp and white in his mouth and aching to bury themselves right into the fox’s jugular. He needed to feed, now. He needed to taste him, now. He groans lowly to himself, the hands on the counter at Sunoo’s sides flexing into fists as he bows his head with a soft tremble. “… Don’t play this game, Sunoo.”
kim sunoo ᵏᶦᵗˢᵘⁿᵉ 7 months ago
@ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ᵛᵃᵐᵖᶦʳᵉ Warnings blared in the back of his mind, but he was too engrossed, his little game had turned garnered a result far more interesting than he had anticipated, there was no way he could stop now not when the result of his attempts seemed to be unfolding right before his eager eyes. It was a simple utter of his name, but the tone Soobin used was enough to freeze him in his tracks, slowly retracting his hand to join his other currently clutching the little box still filled with half its contents, his voice lost its playful edge as he pressed on. “hyunggg why are you so silent? You didn’t answer any of my questions..” His voice reduced to more of a mumble, amber orbs blown wide and expectant as he began toying with the frayed straw with his tongue.


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-diluc 5 days ago
i've left junji and wooyoung, thank you so much for having me!
bvbbles 1 week ago
Thank you for everything.
gemini_dotcom 1 week ago
thank you for everything! I still have jinyoung but I have left weesa and aaronn <3
gusgus [A] 1 week ago
✨ — not accepting any more applications.
[comment deleted by owner]
bvbbles 1 week ago
Can I please have Ahn Bo Hyun added and reserved as a human?
Myfanwy 1 week ago
Can I request Wang Yunkai as a human please?
playlist 1 week ago
Song eunseok from riize as a human please
shaboom 3 weeks ago
i want to join, but i genuinely don't know who as
cappuccino 3 weeks ago
can I have Choi Taeyang (theo) of p1harmony as a human?
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