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mingle with everyone.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 7 hours ago
/flips through the pages of a scrapbook/
✦ jung haein [A] 9 hours ago
/listens to the boss’ words before nodding in acknowledgment.
You’ve work hard, boss. Please have a good rest.
✦ kim bobae [A] 10 hours ago
Hey haein... *sits up properly with a sigh, i brush my dishevelled hair away from my face and wipe my mouth just in case I was drooling*
I brought in some workers. They changed the lamps and relocated some old urns to the far back to have vacancies in the front. So uh yeah that's it. I gotta go have actual sleep
✦ jung haein [A] 10 hours ago
/surprised at the boss’ sudden appearance.
Oh- hello, sir
✦ kim bobae [A] 10 hours ago
*pops out from behind the counter, accidentally fallen asleep*
Oh..? Ugh *rubs my face and focus the pressure on my temples*
✦ jung haein [A] 10 hours ago
/enters the room, sad because it’s not mango season
✦ kim bobae [A] 17 hours ago
*comes in early with couple of workers, I point out the areas they start with. Relocating some urns and changing lamps*
Careful with that.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 1 day ago
/wanders back in and sits by the window/
✦ kim bobae [A] 1 day ago
(Part 2)

*walks in with bottle of water and takes a seat to rub my temples, not yet checking anything*
✦ jung haein [A] 1 day ago
A few years- I'll be way older by the time you got out.
/pouts after you made the declaration.
I guess I'll let you know again if I saw any red and gold book around.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 1 day ago
Oh that's good. If you had said yes, I was going to have to sulk in my room for a few years.
/hums softly as I look around a bit more before shaking my head/
I don't think the book is here.
✦ jung haein [A] 1 day ago
/looks back at the other and chuckles at your words, shaking my head as a response before returning to the search.
No, you got my surname right.
/nods along.
I supposed, that is probably why we don't see much of them around here, maybe too eager to leave that life and moved on.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 1 day ago
Memorizing faces is a good idea, names are difficult. Speaking of, I haven't been calling you the wrong name, have I? I did that to one staff for about a week back in the 70s and it was very embarrassing.
/nods slightly, scanning the room to look for the book anyways/
I imagine actors and singers would have a lot of visitors, sounds like a very busy afterlife though, not a lot of time to relax.
✦ jung haein [A] 1 day ago
/smiles as I look through the shelves.
It's okay, maybe just know the faces of the staff you interact with on a daily basis, that should be good for a start.
/pauses to think about your question before responding.
Well, depends. If it's from the world of the living, I suppose these residents are once someone popular, rich or fertile. Basing on the people who visit them and the gifts they received. But if it's the world of the dead, well, I don't know how to gauge that.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 1 day ago
That makes sense. I guess I don't really know what most of the staff actually does, I try to keep to myself most days.
/goes to sit by the window but continues to watch you search/
So...is it inappropriate to ask if there are more "popular" ghosts?
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
/nods again as I continue searching
As the groundskeeper, it's my job to take care of the residents. Of course, it's not limited to just taking care of your urns or changing the flowers your families offered. See it as a holistic service.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 2 days ago
Part of your job?
I thought you were the groundskeeper though.
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
/beams and nods before getting to the searching right away, turning over the cushions again.
It's part of my job, just relax and rest while I try finding your book!
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 2 days ago
Okay, if you want to.
I can help, I'd feel bad having you look alone.
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
/nods at the other's words.
still, I'd like to try finding it
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 2 days ago
Well don't look so down about it.
Did you want to search? I won't stop you, I was just trying to say that it wasn't really important.
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
/is stubborn but stops at the request, holds onto a cushion, looking dejected.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 2 days ago
You don't have to help look for it, I have plenty of time to find it again. It's not the first time it's been lost.
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
red and gold... fox bookmark.
/nods as I start to turn over things to look for the lost item
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 2 days ago
Well, it's red and gold and has a little fox bookmark
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
/goes to the couch and lifts a couple of cushions to see if there are any book like object around.
How does it look like?
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
/nods, seemingly understanding the uniformed staff.
take your time. you might be the one who knows the inside out of the place in due time.
✧ hwang minhyun¹⁹⁵⁸ 2 days ago
Yes, again.
If I could remember that, I'd probably find it.
✦ kim taehyung 2 days ago
-his stoic face softened with the faintest shadow of a smile at the acknowledgement, his obsidian like orbs bouncing from one unfamiliar face to another and then back again.
ah, hey there.
-his calm baritone replied, in an unhurried manner. once again, his eyes cruise around.
don't mind me. I am just trying to familiarize myself with the place.
-he assured, greeting other occupants of the room with a small bow, rather belatedly.
✦ jung haein [A] 2 days ago
Again? Do you remember where did you last left it?


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Keepyouwarm 3 days ago
Kim Jongin please
cer_berus 3 days ago
apologies, I took too long to apply.

can I have kim taehyung back as a human, please?
DNABleached 1 week ago
the way i nearly applied for taehyung out of habit. applied for yoongi though lol!
creamsoda 1 week ago
the time for angst is now
hyperstellar 1 week ago
agh… could i have park seonghwa reserved as a ghost please?
chungmyung 1 week ago
i shouldn’t bUT could i get kim doyoung (ghost) and honda kyoya (human) pls?
KouYaten 1 week ago
I haveth a dumb question
crybebi 1 week ago
applied for wonbin
direraven 1 week ago
applying soon!
yellowmoonz 1 week ago
hii! are you open for reservation?? ouo
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