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1-on-1, around others
✦ park sunghoon 18 hours ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /sensing you disassociating, I smile a little to myself and let you take as much time as you need on my shoulder, merely listening to the steady pace of your breathing/ sour gummy worms, it is. /blinks when you abruptly turn around and face away from me, my arms loosely falling to rest on your hips while you rummage for my bag, handing it over to you with ease. I carefully peek over your shoulders to get a look at what you're doing, curious/ I have new memory cards, too.
✦ choi yeonjun 4 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon *sharply in a breath through a tiny tense smile voice shrinking up a pitch, the touch was gentle, repetitive and not forceful... so gradually it calmed the tightness of my shoulders. I was thinking I should probably move away but.. ig it was just a thought because I didn't, I just laid on your shoulder, blindly following along, the words delayed my eyes rested on your chin. Without realizing you were done speaking I realized, it was time for me to talk again* Sunghoon although being sick together sounds more fun than being sick alone *lets go of you and turns in your arms keeping them around my but putting my back to you and folding my arms* I don't want you to be sick.... but hypothetically speaking iwouldalsolikesomesourgummyworms *looks around for your bag*
✦ park sunghoon 4 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /avidly watches the way your eyes light up with every word, the corner of my lips lifting with a smile at how expressive you can be; a contrast to me that I find endearing. I let you ramble, but listen keenly, wanting to be able to fully address each and every one of your concerns/ We can get sick, yes. So, /my hands sink under your hoodie to rub along your sides reassuringly, squeezing briefly to remind you to take a breath/ I’ll stock up on your favorites in case. How’s that sound, hm?
✦ choi yeonjun 4 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon Good because we have some filming to do. *shivers, feeling the temperature raising through my ears* I can't get sick. I rebuke it. *gesturing in his usual way, talking also with his eyes* And if I get sick, then YOU'RE probably gonna get sick too. *fidgets in your arms trying not to focus too much on every ridge of your fingerprint, losing my train of thought mid sentence conscious that I was yapping but ... about what* If you get sick too then who gonna bring me those little sandwiched cheese crackers ?
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /my grip tightens on your neck when your body weighs close, free arm reflexively curling around your slim waist to hold you up against me. It was as if you’d crumbled under the clutter of thoughts/ or sick. You could be sick. /mumbles matter of factly and my teeth in disapproval, hands falling to rest on your hips, thumbs naturally hooking into the hem of your jeans/ it’s in my bag. Charged it for you.
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon Am I really? *my mind was moving too quickly in defensive mode and just as quickly into panic. if I wasn't warm before I definitely for-ing-sure was now. What was he gonna kiss me? should I go in-- WHAT IF HE NOT?! Eternal embarrassment. -3000 aura points lost. I couldn't be thinking like this. Nonono not the time. I should know if its time right... right? Leaning in I collapsed into you and hooked my arms around you in a hug, nodding and flicking my nose with yours* You know they say 'warm body, warm mind, warm heart. So it must be a good thing. Anyway do you still have my camera?
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /tilts my head when you stumble over your words, both amused and concerned by how nervous you are around this topic. It’s cute, really. But I’d keep that part to myself/ type of guy? /wonders if you’re feeling warm and decides to find out by nonchalantly pressing my temple to yours, hand cupping the back of your neck to keep you close/ you’re kinda warm, yeon.
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon Sheesh *eyes widening quickly with a tight smile, as I scratch the back of my head. It was true Sunghoon never got the tone right but I was always missing cues anyway til the last seconds, he didn’t have to read my mind tho*. Um I really don’t— it’s not like— *what am I having a ing !? Pinching my lips together, trying to avoid you gaze by wiping my forehead aggressively with my sleeve* it’s really my mom sung I’m not that type guy. Don’t be thinking things… you got a mom don’t you? They do these things
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /visibly relaxes when your voice softens and exhales the breath id been holding, meeting your gaze when i see you rocking on your heels; a habit you had when you felt bad about something/ I’m sorry for teasing you, too. I never get the tone right. /gives you an apologetic look and holds onto your arm to steady you, raising a brow/ weird things? Like… you having someone?
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon *lowers my brows ruffling my hair to ease the frustration and recenter myself; seeing you stiffen up and shrink into a sad pup softening my voice as I turned back to you* Look I’m sorry okay? I was just being um… defensive *rocks back and forth on my heels with my hands in my pockets sighing* it’s no big deal. I just wanna look more camera ready around you. I don’t you thinking… weird things… About Me pfft
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /watches your expression change, unsure of how to react/ You’ve never lied to me… I think. /murmurs softly and stares down, confused because the exchange no longer feels playful.
✦ jung haein [A] 5 days ago
@✦ kim bobae Test
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ kim bobae Received
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ kim bobae Received
✦ kim bobae [A] 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon @✦ choi yeonjun Test 2
✦ jung haein [A] 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon Test
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon *eyes widen, exasperated, my teeth with a scoff* Sung when have I ever lied to before ?!
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun Should I believe you?
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon What you don't believe me ?
✦ park sunghoon 5 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun Mhm. Sure. Mum. /teases albeit it coming out as if I’m serious, arms crossed while you check
✦ choi yeonjun 5 days ago
@✦ park sunghoon Is there really lipstick there? *pulls out my phone quickly to check my reflection* ...my mom is in town.
✦ park sunghoon 6 days ago
@✦ choi yeonjun /presses my thumb to your forehead, wiping away what looks like a stain.


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Keepyouwarm 1 day ago
Kim Jongin please
cer_berus 1 day ago
apologies, I took too long to apply.

can I have kim taehyung back as a human, please?
DNABleached 5 days ago
the way i nearly applied for taehyung out of habit. applied for yoongi though lol!
creamsoda 5 days ago
the time for angst is now
hyperstellar 5 days ago
agh… could i have park seonghwa reserved as a ghost please?
chungmyung 5 days ago
i shouldn’t bUT could i get kim doyoung (ghost) and honda kyoya (human) pls?
KouYaten 5 days ago
I haveth a dumb question
crybebi 6 days ago
applied for wonbin
direraven 6 days ago
applying soon!
yellowmoonz 6 days ago
hii! are you open for reservation?? ouo
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