Plot Ideas

✡︎ Seo Joohyun [A] 1 day ago
0/1 Wrong Sent -anyone [Theme: Comedy. may/may not lead to or friendship]

Seohyun in many ways is reserved when it comes to her personal life. But one thing no one knows is her life behind doors. Unfortunately, a parcel was delivered to your door. A naughty student made a switch yours and hers. You opened the parcel and inside is a black silk blindfold, a cuff, leather whip and a riding crop. A note addressed to Seo Joohyun left inside the box.
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mahogany 2 days ago
applying soon!
morsmordre 2 days ago
hi i'll apply later tonight
Yootony 3 days ago
May I reserve An Yujin please?
proudshikshin1 3 days ago
Hey hey may i get engfa waraha please?
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