The Noxyn Order, also known as The Obscura, is an order of Anarkians that have devoted themselves to the dark side of Kavana, also known as Bogan or The Shadow. They are driven by their emotions, feeding mostly into their anger, hate, need for revenge or power, and greed. Many were once a part of the Luxn Order, but were unable to resist the seduction of the dark side. All members of The Obscura where clothing that somehow either hides or otherwise obstructs their identity.
The Code
Expressing the core beliefs of The Obscura, this mantra is essentially an inversion of the Luxn Code. They do not follow a specific set of rules, often even mocking the Luxn Order for theirs.
Peace is a lie. The is only Passion.
Through Passion, I gain Srength.
Through Strength, I gain Power.
Through power, I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
Kavana shall free me.
There are only two ranks within the Noxyn Order. Master and Acolyte. Masters typically shed their old name, gaining a new one with the title Darth. A master may take on up to two Acolytes at a time, though they usually kept to one. Both sides constantly searched for any sign of weakness to exploit. They believed a weak master deserved to be overthrown by their pupil, and a weak pupil deserved to be replaced by a stronger and more worthy one.
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