@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang Five years...that's impressive. I'll look forward to that. /smiles, patting your cheek. Sits back on ur lap, humming in thought./ alright well- should we go watch that movie then? Or wanna cuddle and leave the movie for another time if you dont feel well?
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix I promise, I won’t traumatize you with my art /I laugh softly, caressing your hips softly/ as long as you give me enough time, it’ll be to your liking. I’ve been practicing painting for 5 years just for this moment /I half joked. The 5 years was a fact./ you’re not a heavy one at all. I can barely feel you. /I nod with confidence/
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang Maybeee for a second or third date if we get there. But are you a good painter? Or will you create something Picasso abstract style inspired that will traumatize me? /laughs at the idea of that happening after laying still and bare for long.
/nods along with ur words, relating to the feeling and agreeing completely with you./ i feel the same way towards jealousy, possessiveness and other similar emotions in a relationship. Red flags for me. /happily climbs on your lap as soon as u give ur permission, tiny hands sliding up your chest to rest on ur shoulders./ mm very comfy. 10/10 lap. Let me know when your legs start getting numb and I'll get off.
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix /chuckles softly at your words and nudges/ are you saying you would lay for me to paint you? Taking you in will all your glory? /I say as my eyes trailed all around you, making sure I didn’t miss one bit of what I could see/
I’m not one to get jealous. It’s hard to get me jealous unless it’s blatant. Either that or I just straight up get irritated because… why want to make me jealous? /I then hum, sitting back in the couch before I patted my lap. All empty for you/
Go ahead. Sit how youd like…
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang I think he fell after he had Rose , painting her like one of his french girls ~ /teases, nudging your side with my elbow./ oh man, i am yet to see that movie. But good to know.
Something with easy access hmm, will try. Girls have it easy with skirts. / whistles, impressed by your response. / oh my, such a good answer, Jackie. Jealousy isnt pretty most of the times. You still couldn't help not inviting me to ur lap. May I sit again on you? I didnt get to enjoy it fully.
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix Maybe I am. Didn’t Jack fall for someone at first sight? /I chuckle, tucking some hair behind your ears./ I’m a er for rom coms. About Time? Man, had me in tears *literally*. /nods/ no tight pants? I can do that. And you? Wear something easy I can get into /winks. I raised an eyebrow at the closeness, now just staring at your lips at you spoke/ well… /I started/ I didn’t feel any type of way. Why? Because you’re here right now and I have no reason to hold a grudge when I’m the one this close to you… and not San. /chuckles/
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang It was but definitely not something i want to ever think about. I'll stick to my monster movies hh. How about romcoms? Would u say u want a love like in movies, Jack? Looking for ur Rose? /chuckles.
/cheekily sticks out my tongue at u./ no more ego boosting ~ /kicks my feet a lil/ I'm now really excited about the date. Do me a favor and dont wear tight pants, dont ask why. /turns my head, booping ur nose with mine./ were u disappointed earlier today that i didnt pick u to kiss and sit on for my dare?
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix wasn't it good? it definitely let me have a hard time sleeping that night /i shook my head/
ohhh don't swell my ego... /i warned playfully/ keep going. /i chuckled, bringing you a little closer with our hands/ i promise, i'll do *just* enough, so we won't get kicked out /i smiled, kissing at your hand a little bit before i moved to your cheek to gently kiss/
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang cinematography was top, loved how it was filmed and all that. but besides that...yeah, not impressive. ugly count dracula too unu /perks up at the mention of Incantation./ oh, i saw that one! was really disturbing, i kept closing my eyes hh. i have such a weak heart fr fr.
/bites down on my lip, attempting to hold back another smile at your sweet words but fails miserably./ oh shush, you- i will melt. you're good with ur words, i give you that. /guides our joined hands between our bodies, not planning yet to let go tho i can feel my palm getting bit sweaty./
well, i do enjoy skinship, i am a handsy guy too. especially when i like what i'm seeing and...i do. /admits as i shamelessly eye you up and down./ as long as it doesnt get us kicked out of the cinema- /chuckles.
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix I heard nosferatu was mid. Pretty disappointing. Hmm… the movie I really recommend is Incantation. It’s a Chinese horror movie and scared me pretty good. Not jumpscare wise but with just everything going on, it’s pretty solid. /nods. I then smile/
I enjoy being cheesy. It makes people smile and I love seeing your smile so far. /the kiss to my cheek was a bit of a shock, but I welcomed it, blushing lightly/
Oh? /i snicker/ of course I am. But I’ll be a gentleman if it calls for it. Unless you like me being handsy.. then I’ll be all yours~
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang so you like horrors hm? recommend me some movies. i recently went to the cinema to watch the nosferatu movie, was kinda mid. you like vampire stuff? /watches you with curiosity when you bring my hand to your face's level, cheeks warming up more with every lil kiss./ woah. you're being so cheesy, hyung. i like that, i am quite the cheesy cringy type too. /chuckles, leaning over to return your affection with a smooch to your cheek./ wont you feel handsy in the dark, with me next to you, at the cinema? /playfully wiggles my eyebrows./
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix /i couldn’t help but to smile at the cute gesture./
Well then I think I did the right choice. But I’m sure this movie won’t have you sleepless. /chuckles/ if that’s the case, then I’ll hold your hand and kiss it all over like this /brings your hand up to my lips to kiss your digits with a smile/
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang It feels rewarding enough to give. After all, it's all about selflessly giving and not expecting anything back.
/peeks at our hands, smiling at the gesture before my own smaller one turns to intertwine our fingers and add to the cuteness of the moment./
taking me to a horror movie for valentine's- /snorts in amusement./ i do like horror, though i usually enjoy the crime, zombie, monster stuff and stay away from the ghost movies. i couldnt sleep for two nights after watching evil dead rise. but sure, bring it on :> you'll probably need to hold my hand during the whole movie.
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix I would say I’m a pretty decent person, or well I try to be. I give back more than I take, and I think I feel pretty good about that more than anything. /smiles and nods, putting a gentle hand over yours to give it a small squeeze/
Oh? Really? Then let it be a perfect date /chuckles/ and everything is on me, so please don’t feel shy to order what you want. /nods/ and we’re going to go see Presence. If you like horror/thriller and the like.
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang I try to be a good person, I do want to be good and help out as much as i can, do some good in the world before i perish so i wont have any regrets. Would you say youre a good person?
/raises my brows in surprise at your suggestion./ ooh! that actually sounds so nice, i've never been to one of those fancy cinemas, sound very comfy. Good food and good company, it's impossible to refuse. What movie are we watching?
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix As long as you’re a good person, I could care less about your image /I chuckle, looking down at your hand before right back up at you/
And I did. I meant that. Sadly, my initial idea is out the question since the weather isn’t that great. But how about a movie date? And not a normal ole theater. There’s a perfect one that sells actual food and drinks. And the seats are like couple beds. What do you think?
@➳♡ ᵇ jackson wang i'm pretty sure my cuteness is not the only reason you swiped on me, hyung. because if it is, you're going to be disappointed when i won't live up to the cute boy image. /scoots closer, placing my hand on your knee, giving it a squeeze.
well, you did say you'll take me out on a date and valentine's tomorrow so- shall we?
@➳♡ ᵇ lee felix Well of course I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to swipe on a cutie like you /chuckles and sits next to you/
Didn’t think you’d swipe on me, either